2,350 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Charpentier, Pierre (Lewiston, Androscoggin County)

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    Comment analyser les besoins de protection contre les effets indirects de la foudre

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    Nous présentons deux méthodes d'aide à la décision pour déterminer les besoins de protection contre les effets indirects de la foudre. La première s'appuie sur une approche déterministe du type "Analyse des Modes de Défaillances et de leurs Effets", la seconde s'appuie sur le guide UTE C 15-443 ayant une approche probabiliste

    Quels essais CEM pour les équipements dédiés à des fonctions de sécurité ?

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    National audienceLa Directive CEM 89/336 CEE impose une evaluation systematique des materiels electriques et electroniques, pour verifier qu'ils ne sont pas susceptibles de perturber d'autres equipements et qu'ils peuvent eux-memes fonctionner en presence de parasites electriques (voir tableau Directives ä considerer pour les produits soumis a la directive CEM). Les exigences liees aux fonctions de securite d'un materiel peuvent etre differentes selon sa fonction mais il doit dans tous les cas se mettre dans un etat sur en presence d'un defaut ou d'une perturbation dus a l'environnement. Nous donnons ci-apres deux exemples d'application oü sont mises en evidence les methodes d'evaluation que nous avons retenues. Le premier concerne les detecteurs de gaz inflammables et les difficultes resultant de l'application simultanee des normes "produits" et des normes CEM. Le second decrit la methodologie elaboree pour les tests CEM des composants de securite en relation avec les normes en vigueu

    Un système de transmission hyperfréquence d'images et de données numériques pour le télécontrôle d'engins mobiles en milieux confinés

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    National audienceLe telecontrĂ´Ie d'engins mobiles en milieux encombres ou confines comme les chantiers miniers ou de genie civile pose le difficile probleme de la transmission hertzienne a haut debit, alors que l'usage de cables specialises s'avere hasardeux en raison des risques de rupture ou d'arrachement

    Quantification of mass transfers and mineralogical transformations in a thrust fault (Monte Perdido thrust unit, southern Pyrenees, Spain)

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    In fold-and-thrust belts, shortening is mainly accommodated by thrust faults which are preferential zones for recrystallisation and mass transfer. This study focuses on a detachment fault related to the emplacement of the Monte Perdido thrust unit in the southern Pyrenees. The studied fault zone consists of a 10 m thick intensively foliated phyllonite developed within the Millaris marls, of Eocene age. The lithological homogeneity of the hanging wall and footwall allows us to compare the Millaris marls outside the fault zone with the highly deformed marls located in the fault zone and to quantify the chemical, mineralogical and volumetric changes related to deformation processes along the fault. The Millaris marls are composed of detrital quartz, illite, chlorite, minor albite and pyrite, in a micritic calcite matrix. In the fault zone, the cleavage planes are marked by clay minerals and calcite ± chlorite veins attest to fluid–mineral interactions during deformation. The mineral proportions in all samples from both the fault zone and Millaris marls have been quantified by two methods: (1) X-ray diffraction and Rietveld refinement, and (2) bulk chemical analyses as well as microprobe analyses to calculate modal composition. The excellent agreement between the results of these two methods allows us to estimate mineralogical variations using a modification of the Gresens' equation. During fault activation, up to 45 wt% of calcite was lost while the amounts of quartz and chlorite remained unchanged. Illite content remained constant to slightly enriched. The mineralogical variations were coupled with a significant volume loss (up to 45%) mostly due to the dissolution of micritic calcite grains. Deformation was accompanied by pressure solution and phyllosilicates recrystallisation. These processes accommodated slip along the fault. They required fluids as catalyst, but they did not necessitate major chemical transfers

    Crise de l'Europe, crise de l'Etat ?

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    Regulation by protein kinase-C of putative P-type Ca channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes from cerebellar mRNA

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    AbstractXenopus oocytes injected with rat cerebellar mRNA expressed functional voltage-dependent Ca channels detected as an inward Ba current (IBa). The pharmacological resistance to dihydropyridines and ω-conotoxin together with the blockade obtained with Agelenopsis aperta venom suggest that these channels could be somehow assimilated to P-type Ca channels. The precise nature of the transplanted Ca channels was assessed by hybrid-arrest experiments using a specific oligonucleotide antisense-derivated from the recently cloned α1-subunit of P channels (BI-1 clone). In addition, we demonstrate that exogenous Ca channel activity was enhanced by two different PKC activators (a phorbol ester and a structural analog to diacylglycerol). The general electrophysiological and pharmacological properties of the stimulated Ca channels remain unchanged. This potentiation induced by PKC activators is antagonized by a PKC inhibitor (staurosporine) and by a monoclonal antibody directed against PKC. It is concluded that P-type Ca channels are potentially regulated by PKC phosphorylation and the functional relevance of this intracellular pathway is discussed
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