150 research outputs found

    Comparative quantitative trait loci analysis framework reveals relationships between salt stress responsive phenotypes and pathways

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    Soil salinity is a complex abiotic stress that involves several biological pathways. Hence, focusing on a specific or a few salt-tolerant phenotypes is unlikely to provide comprehensive insights into the intricate and interwinding mechanisms that regulate salt responsiveness. In this study, we develop a heuristic framework for systematically integrating and comprehensively evaluating quantitative trait loci (QTL) analyses from multiple stress-related traits obtained by different studies. Making use of a combined set of 46 salinity-related traits from three independent studies that were based on the same chromosome segment substitution line (CSSL) population of rice (Oryza sativa), we demonstrate how our approach can address technical biases and limitations from different QTL studies and calling methods. This allows us to compile a comprehensive list of trait-specific and multi-trait QTLs, as well as salinity-related candidate genes. In doing so, we discover several novel relationships between traits that demonstrate similar trends of phenotype scores across the CSSLs, as well as the similarities between genomic locations that the traits were mapped to. Finally, we experimentally validate our findings by expression analyses and functional validations of several selected candidate genes from multiple pathways in rice and Arabidopsis orthologous genes, including OsKS7 (ENT-KAURENE SYNTHASE 7), OsNUC1 (NUCLEOLIN 1) and OsFRO1 (FERRIC REDUCTASE OXIDASE 1) to name a few. This work not only introduces a novel approach for conducting comparative analyses of multiple QTLs, but also provides a list of candidate genes and testable hypotheses for salinity-related mechanisms across several biological pathways

    Computational workflow for investigating highly variable genes in single-cell RNA-seq across multiple time points and cell types.

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    Here, we present a computational approach for investigating highly variable genes (HVGs) associated with biological pathways of interest, across multiple time points and cell types in single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) data. Using public dengue virus and COVID-19 datasets, we describe steps for using the framework to characterize the dynamic expression levels of HVGs related to common and cell-type-specific biological pathways over multiple immune cell types. For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Arora et al.1

    Interfacing systems biology and synthetic biology

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    A report of BioSysBio 2009, the IET conference on Synthetic Biology, Systems Biology and Bioinformatics, Cambridge, UK, 23-25 March 2009

    RNA sequencing reveals two major classes of gene expression levels in metazoan cells

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    The expression level of a gene is often used as a proxy for determining whether the protein or RNA product is functional in a cell or tissue. Therefore, it is of fundamental importance to understand the global distribution of gene expression levels, and to be able to interpret it mechanistically and functionally. Here we use RNA sequencing of mouse Th2 cells, coupled with a range of other techniques, to show that all genes can be separated, based on their expression abundance, into two distinct groups: one group comprising of lowly expressed and putatively non-functional mRNAs, and the other of highly expressed mRNAs with active chromatin marks at their promoters

    Antisense oligonucleotide induction of the hnRNPA1b isoform affects pre-mRNA splicing of SMN2 in SMA type I fibroblasts

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    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a severe, debilitating neuromuscular condition characterised by loss of motor neurons and progressive muscle wasting. SMA is caused by a loss of expression of SMN1 that encodes the survival motor neuron (SMN) protein necessary for the survival of motor neurons. Restoration of SMN expression through increased inclusion of SMN2 exon 7 is known to ameliorate symptoms in SMA patients. As a consequence, regulation of pre-mRNA splicing of SMN2 could provide a potential molecular therapy for SMA. In this study, we explored if splice switching antisense oligonucleotides could redirect the splicing repressor hnRNPA1 to the hnRNPA1b isoform and restore SMN expression in fibroblasts from a type I SMA patient. Antisense oligonucleotides (AOs) were designed to promote exon 7b retention in the mature mRNA and induce the hnRNPA1b isoform. RT-PCR and western blot analysis were used to assess and monitor the efficiency of different AO combinations. A combination of AOs targeting multiple silencing motifs in hnRNPA1 pre-mRNA led to robust hnRNPA1b induction, which, in turn, significantly increased expression of full-length SMN (FL-SMN) protein. A combination of PMOs targeting the same motifs also strongly induced hnRNPA1b isoform, but surprisingly SMN2 exon 5 skipping was detected, and the PMO cocktail did not lead to a significant increase in expression of FL-SMN protein. We further performed RNA sequencing to assess the genome-wide effects of hnRNPA1b induction. Some 3244 genes were differentially expressed between the hnRNPA1b-induced and untreated SMA fibroblasts, which are functionally enriched in cell cycle and chromosome segregation processes. RT-PCR analysis demonstrated that expression of the master regulator of these enrichment pathways, MYBL2 and FOXM1B, were reduced in response to PMO treatment. These findings suggested that induction of hnRNPA1b can promote SMN protein expression, but not at sufficient levels to be clinically relevant

    Single-cell temporal analysis of natural dengue infection reveals skin-homing lymphocyte expansion one day before defervescence.

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    Effective clinical management of acute dengue virus (DENV) infection relies on the timing of suitable treatments during the disease progression. We analyzed single-cell transcriptomic profiles of the peripheral blood mononuclear cell samples from two DENV patients, collected daily during acute phase and also at convalescence. Key immune cell types demonstrated different dynamic responses over the course of the infection. On the day before defervescence (Day -1), we observed the peak expression of several prominent genes in the adaptive immunological pathways. We also characterized unique effector T cell clusters that expressed skin-homing signature genes at Day -1, whereas upregulation of skin and gut homing genes was also observed in plasma cells and plasmablasts during the febrile period. This work provides an overview of unique molecular dynamics that signify the entry of the critical phase, and the findings could improve the patient management of DENV infection

    MANORAA (Mapping Analogous Nuclei Onto Residue And Affinity) for identifying protein-ligand fragment interaction, pathways and SNPs.

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    Protein-ligand interaction analysis is an important step of drug design and protein engineering in order to predict the binding affinity and selectivity between ligands to the target proteins. To date, there are more than 100 000 structures available in the Protein Data Bank (PDB), of which ∼30% are protein-ligand (MW below 1000 Da) complexes. We have developed the integrative web server MANORAA (Mapping Analogous Nuclei Onto Residue And Affinity) with the aim of providing a user-friendly web interface to assist structural study and design of protein-ligand interactions. In brief, the server allows the users to input the chemical fragments and present all the unique molecular interactions to the target proteins with available three-dimensional structures in the PDB. The users can also link the ligands of interest to assess possible off-target proteins, human variants and pathway information using our all-in-one integrated tools. Taken together, we envisage that the server will facilitate and improve the study of protein-ligand interactions by allowing observation and comparison of ligand interactions with multiple proteins at the same time. (http://manoraa.org)

    Regulation of Meristem Morphogenesis by Cell Wall Synthases in Arabidopsis.

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    The cell walls of the shoot apical meristem (SAM), containing the stem cell niche that gives rise to the above-ground tissues, are crucially involved in regulating differentiation. It is currently unknown how these walls are built and refined or their role, if any, in influencing meristem developmental dynamics. We have combined polysaccharide linkage analysis, immuno-labeling, and transcriptome profiling of the SAM to provide a spatiotemporal plan of the walls of this dynamic structure. We find that meristematic cells express only a core subset of 152 genes encoding cell wall glycosyltransferases (GTs). Systemic localization of all these GT mRNAs by in situ hybridization reveals members with either enrichment in or specificity to apical subdomains such as emerging flower primordia, and a large class with high expression in dividing cells. The highly localized and coordinated expression of GTs in the SAM suggests distinct wall properties of meristematic cells and specific differences between newly forming walls and their mature descendants. Functional analysis demonstrates that a subset of CSLD genes is essential for proper meristem maintenance, confirming the key role of walls in developmental pathways.V.C. is in receipt of a Thailand Research Fund (TRF) grant for New Researcher (Grant Number TRG5880067), and a Research Supplement grant from Faculty of Science, Mahidol University. CB, MSD and AB acknowledge the support of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Cell Walls, Australia (Grant Number CE110001007). EMM acknowledges support from the Gatsby Charitable Trust through Fellowships GAT3272/C and GAT3273-PR1, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (through Grant GBMF3406) and the US Department of Energy (through award DE-FG02-99ER13873). AP acknowledges support of the EU Marie-Curie FP7 COFUND People Programme through the award of an AgreenSkills grant no. 267196. RW acknowledges support from the Leverhulme Trust (Grant RPG-2015-285).This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Cell Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2016.04.02
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