17 research outputs found

    Hydraulic interactions between fractures and bedding planes in a carbonate aquifer studied by means of experimentally induced water-table fluctuations (Coaraze experimental site, southeastern France)

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    International audienceIn aquifers with variable permeability, the water exchanges between high and low permeability regions are controlled by the hydraulic head gradient. Past studies have addressed this problem mainly considering steadystate hydraulic conditions. To study such exchanges during water-table fluctuations, a spring was equipped with a water-gate that creates 10-meter artificial fluctuations of the water table. The water exchanges are discussed with respect to hydrochemical and pressure measurements in the groundwater. With successive water-table fluctuations the mineralization and pH decrease, but the bicarbonate content increases in response to carbon dioxide dissolution . At this scale of single fractures and surroundings, the hydrochemistry allows water flows from low or high permeability discontinuities to be discriminated. During hydraulic head fluctuations, the waters from low and high permeability discontinuities become mixed. During water-table rise, the low-permeability matrix contributed to the refilling of the permeable faults and to the mixing of the waters. Dynamic flows in the opposite direction to the hydraulic gradient can expel mineralized water, pushing it towards permeable discontinuities. This mechanism could be the cause of the peak in the mineralisation recorded in some karst springs at the start of flood events

    Development of Methods for Gaseous Phase Geochemical Monitoring on the Surface and in the Intermediate Overburden Strata of Geological CO

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    The developments and results presented in this paper are taken from the work carried out as part of the GeoCarbon-Monitoring project, which was partly funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR). An important part of this project covers methods for gas monitoring on the surface as well as within the cap rock of geological CO2 storage sites. The work undertaken by INERIS was targeted at two specific approaches which are often recommended as essential for the monitoring of future storage sites: early detection (pre-alert), based on the sampling and analysis of gas at the bottom of the dedicated boreholes which are drilled from the surface into the intermediate cap rock strata

    Post-seismic permeability change in a shallow fractured aquifer following a M-L 5.1 earthquake (Fourbanne karst aquifer, Jura outermost thrust unit, eastern France)

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    Geophysical Research Letters, v. 32, p. L18406, 2005. http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2005GL023859International audienceFollowing a M L 5.1 earthquake in eastern France, a post-seismic 12-day long electrical conductivity increase was recorded in the water discharging from a karst aquifer located 3 km from the epicentre. We attribute this to a permeability enhancement which allowed long-residence time water from low-permeability fractures located in the saturated zone to be expelled. The permeability enhancement shows that shallow aquifers can be significantly deformed for several days by moderate magnitude earthquakes

    Contribution of time tracers (Mg 2+ , TOC, ή 13 C TDIC , NO 3 − ) to understand the role of the unsaturated zone: A case study-Karst aquifers in the Doubs valley, eastern France

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    International audience[1] Time tracers (NO 3 À , TOC, d 13 C TDIC , Mg 2+) have been used to define the hydrodynamic behavior of a karst system: high values in NO 3 À and TOC reflect rapid infiltration and consequently a short residence time within the aquifer, whereas enriched d 13 C TDIC and high Mg 2+ are expected for ''old water''. 9 Springs and 5 boreholes have been sampled during three field campaigns in the Doubs valley karst aquifer: low water, flood and recession periods. A clear differentiation can be highlighted between boreholes, characterized by a long residence time, and springs that show a rapid infiltration. Considering only the springs values, it appears that TOC and d 13 C TDIC contents can easily be correlated to the sampling period. We show then the contribution of the unsaturated zone to the discharge during the low-water period, and the existence of reserves that seem badly connected to the drainage network, and that contribute poorly to the minimal flow

    Hydromechanical modeling of a large moving rock slope inferred from slope levelling coupled to spring long-term hydrochemical monitoring : example of La ClapiĂšre landslide (Southern Alps, France)

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    Journal of Hydrology, v. 291, n. 1-2, p. 67-90, 2004. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2003.12.013International audienc

    Geochemical Study of Natural CO2 Emissions in the French Massif Central: How to Predict Origin, Processes and Evolution of CO2 Leakage Étude gĂ©ochimique des Ă©missions naturelles de CO2 du Massif Central : origine et processus de migration du gaz

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    This study presents an overview of some results obtained within the French ANR (National Agency of Research) supported GĂ©ocarbone-Monitoring research program. The measurements were performed in Sainte-Marguerite, located in the French Massif Central. This site represents a natural laboratory for CO2/fluid/rock interactions studies, as well as CO2 migration mechanisms towards the surface. The CO2 leaking character of the studied area also allows to test and validate measurements methods and verifications for the future CO2 geological storage sites. During these surveys, we analyzed soil CO2 fluxes and concentrations. We sampled and analyzed soil gases, and gas from carbo-gaseous bubbling springs. A one-month continuous monitoring was also tested, to record the concentration of CO2 both in atmosphere and in the soil at a single point. We also developed a new methodology to collect soil gas samples for noble gas abundances and isotopic analyses, as well as carbon isotopic ratios. Our geochemical results, combined with structural geology, show that the leaking CO2 has a very deep origin, partially mantle derived. The gas rises rapidly along normal and strike-slip active faults. CO2 soil concentrations (also showing a mantle derived component) and CO2 fluxes are spatially variable, and reach high values. The recorded atmospheric CO2 is not very high, despite the important CO2 degassing throughout the whole area. Cette Ă©tude prĂ©sente les principaux rĂ©sultats de campagnes de monitoring gĂ©ochimique menĂ©es en 2006 et 2007 dans le cadre du projet GĂ©ocarbone-Monitoring, sur le site de Sainte-Marguerite, situĂ© dans le Massif Central. Ce site constitue un « laboratoire naturel » pour l’étude des interactions CO2/fluides/roches et des mĂ©canismes de migration du CO2 vers la surface, Ă  l’échelle des temps gĂ©ologiques. Le caractĂšre particuliĂšrement Ă©missif de cet « analogue » permet Ă©galement de tester et valider des mĂ©thodes de mesure et de surveillance des futurs sites de stockage de CO2. Au cours des campagnes de terrain, nous avons analysĂ© des flux de CO2 entre le sol et l’atmosphĂšre, et nous avons prĂ©levĂ© et analysĂ© Ă  la fois des gaz des sols, et du gaz provenant de sources carbo-gazeuses, prĂ©sentes dans toute la rĂ©gion. Un dispositif de « monitoring continu » dans le temps a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© testĂ©, afin d’enregistrer conjointement les teneurs en CO2 de l’atmosphĂšre et dans le sol en un point prĂ©cis. Nous avons pu mettre au point un suivi gĂ©ochimique basĂ© sur la composition isotopique des gaz rares prĂ©levĂ©s dans les sols. L’ensemble de nos rĂ©sultats, confrontĂ© Ă  la gĂ©ologie de terrain, nous a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence l’origine mantellique du CO2. Ce CO2 remonte rapidement Ă  la surface Ă  l’état gazeux, le long de failles normales et/ou dĂ©crochantes, actives actuellement. Les teneurs et flux de CO2 dans le sol sont spatialement variables et Ă©levĂ©s, et montrent Ă©galement une origine mantellique. Les teneurs atmosphĂ©riques semblent faiblement augmenter par rapport Ă  l’important dĂ©gazage observĂ© dans la rĂ©gion