26 research outputs found

    A numerical approach to investigating the mechanisms behind tonotopy in the bush-cricket inner-ear

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    Bush-crickets (or katydids) have sophisticated and ultrasonic ears located in the tibia of their forelegs, with a working mechanism analogous to the mammalian auditory system. Their inner-ears are endowed with an easily accessible hearing organ, the crista acustica (CA), possessing a spatial organisation that allows for different frequencies to be processed at specific graded locations within the structure. Similar to the basilar membrane in the mammalian ear, the CA contains mechanosensory receptors which are activated through the frequency dependent displacement of the CA. While this tonotopical arrangement is generally attributed to the gradual stiffness and mass changes along the hearing organ, the mechanisms behind it have not been analysed in detail. In this study, we take a numerical approach to investigate this mechanism in the Copiphora gorgonensis ear. In addition, we propose and test the effect of the different vibration transmission mechanisms on the displacement of the CA. The investigation was carried out by conducting finite-element analysis on a three-dimensional, idealised geometry of the C. gorgonensis inner-ear, which was based on precise measurements. The numerical results suggested that (i) even the mildest assumptions about stiffness and mass gradients allow for tonotopy to emerge, and (ii) the loading area and location for the transmission of the acoustic vibrations play a major role in the formation of tonotopy

    Beyond the exponential horn:a bush-cricket with ear canals which function as coupled resonators

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    Bush-crickets have dual-input, tympanal ears located in the tibia of their forelegs. The sound will first of all reach the external sides of the tympana, before arriving at the internal sides through the bush-cricket’s ear canal, the acoustic trachea (AT), with a phase lapse and pressure gain. It has been shown that for many bush-crickets, the AT has an exponential horn-shaped morphology and function, producing a significant pressure gain above a certain cut-off frequency. However, the underlying mechanism of different AT designs remains elusive. In this study, we demonstrate that the AT of the duetting Phaneropterinae bush-cricket Pterodichopetala cieloi function as coupled resonators, producing sound pressure gains at the sex-specific conspecific calling song frequency, and attenuating the remainder—a functioning mechanism significantly different from an exponential horn. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that despite the sexual dimorphism between the P. cieloi AT, both male and female AT have a similar biophysical mechanism. The analysis was carried out using an interdisciplinary approach, where micro-computed tomography was used for the morphological properties of the P. cieloi AT, and a finite-element analysis was applied on the precise tracheal geometry to further justify the experimental results and to go beyond experimental limitations

    Bush-crickets with very special ears and songs - review of the East African Phaneropterinae genus Dioncomena Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878, with notes on its biogeography and the description of new species

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    This study focuses on the genus Dioncomena and its acoustics, particularly the unique songs produced by male Dioncomena that consist of several distinct elements in a fixed sequence, culminating in a coda that typically elicits a response from a receptive female. We also examine the inflated pronotal lobes, which we term prebullae, that are prominently developed in some Dioncomena species but not in others. We discuss the role of prebullae in the context of acoustic communication in Dioncomena and other related Phaneropterini genera that have similar lateral pronotal lobes. We found that prebullae size is correlated with habitat distribution, with larger prebullae occurring in isolated species while aggregation-prone species have smaller or less pronounced prebullae. We define three groups of Dioncomena based on altitude preferences, ecology, color patterns, and songs: the jagoi-, tanneri-, and ornata-groups. We describe the songs of several species, including newly identified species such as D. flavoviridis n. sp., D. magombera n. sp., D. ngurumontana n. sp., D. sanje n. sp., D. tanneri, D. versicolor n. sp., and D. zernyi. We also provide information on the nymphs, development time, and mating behavior of various species reared in the laboratory, shedding light on their phenology and adaptations to their habitats. Finally, we describe six new species and provide the first description of the female D. zernyi

    Bush-crickets with very special ears and songs – review of the East African Phaneropterinae genus Dioncomena Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878, with notes on its biogeography and the description of new species

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    This study focuses on the genus Dioncomena and its acoustics, particularly the unique songs produced by male Dioncomena that consist of several distinct elements in a fixed sequence, culminating in a coda that typically elicits a response from a receptive female. We also examine the inflated pronotal lobes, which we term prebullae, that are prominently developed in some Dioncomena species but not in others. We discuss the role of prebullae in the context of acoustic communication in Dioncomena and other related Phaneropterini genera that have similar lateral pronotal lobes. We found that prebullae size is correlated with habitat distribution, with larger prebullae occurring in isolated species while aggregation-prone species have smaller or less pronounced prebullae. Using micro-computer tomography we show sexual dimorphism in the 3D geometry of the acoustic tracheae, being larger in the male. Interestingly, the tracheae are coupled by a septum, like in field crickets, which suggests potential cross talk. We define three groups of Dioncomena based on altitude preferences, ecology, color patterns, and songs: the jagoi-, tanneri-, and ornata-groups. We describe the songs of several species, including newly identified species such as D. flavoviridis sp. nov., D. magombera sp. nov., D. ngurumontana sp. nov., D. sanje sp. nov., D. tanneri, D. versicolor sp. nov., and D. zernyi. We also provide information on the nymphs, development time, and mating behavior of various species reared in the laboratory, shedding light on their phenology and adaptations to their habitats

    Control of high‑speed jumps in muscle and spring actuated systems: a comparative study of take‑off energetics in bush‑crickets (Mecopoda elongata) and locusts (Schistocerca gregaria)

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    The Orthoptera are a diverse insect order well known for their locomotive capabilities. To jump, the bush-cricket uses a muscle actuated (MA) system in which leg extension is actuated by contraction of the femoral muscles of the hind legs. In comparison, the locust uses a latch mediated spring actuated (LaMSA) system, in which leg extension is actuated by the recoil of spring-like structure in the femur. The aim of this study was to describe the jumping kinematics of Mecopoda elongata (Tettigoniidae) and compare this to existing data in Schistocerca gregaria (Acrididae), to determine differences in control of rotation during take-off between similarly sized MA and LaMSA jumpers. 269 jumps from 67 individuals of M. elongata with masses from 0.014 g to 3.01 g were recorded with a high-speed camera setup. In M. elongata, linear velocity increased with mass^0.18 and the angular velocity (pitch) decreased with mass^− 0.13. In S. gregaria, linear velocity is constant and angular velocity decreases with mass^−0.24. Despite these differences in velocity scaling, the ratio of translational kinetic energy to rotational kinetic energy was similar for both species. On average, the energy distribution of M. elongata was distributed 98.8% to translational kinetic energy and 1.2% to rotational kinetic energy, whilst in S. gregaria it is 98.7% and 1.3%, respectively. This energy distribution was independent of size for both species. Despite having two different jump actuation mechanisms, the ratio of translational and rotational kinetic energy formed during take-off is fixed across these distantly related orthopterans

    Physiological changes throughout an insect ear due to age and noise - a longitudinal study

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    Hearing loss is not unique to humans and is experienced by all animals in the face of wild and eclectic differences in ear morphology. Here we exploited the high throughput and accessible tympanal ear of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria to rigorously quantify changes in the auditory system due to noise exposure and age. In this exploratory study we analysed tympanal displacements, morphology of the auditory MĂŒller’s organ and measured activity of the auditory nerve, the transduction current and electrophysiological properties of individual auditory receptors. This work shows that hearing loss manifests as a complex disorder due to differential effects of age and noise of several processes and cell types within the ear. The ‘middle-aged deafness’ pattern of hearing loss found in locusts mirrors that found for humans exposed to noise early in their life suggesting a fundamental interaction of the use of an auditory system (noise) and its aging

    The Ander’s organ: A mechanism for Anti-predator Ultrasound in a Relict Orthopteran

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    The use of acoustics in predator evasion is a widely reported phenomenon amongst invertebrate taxa, but the study of ultrasonic anti-predator acoustics is often limited to the prey of bats. Here, we describe the acoustic function and morphology of a unique stridulatory structure in the relict orthopteran Cyphoderris monstrosa (Ensifera, Hagloidea): the Ander’s organ. This species is one of just eight remaining members of the family Prophalangopsidae, a group with a fossil record of over 90 extinct species widespread during the Jurassic. We reveal that the sound produced by this organ has the characteristics of a broadband ultrasonic anti-predator defence, with a peak frequency of 58 ± 15.5 kHz and a bandwidth of 50 kHz (at 10 dB below peak). Evidence from sexual dimorphism, knowledge on hearing capabilities and assessment of local predators, suggest the signal likely targets ground-dwelling predators. Additionally, we reveal a previously undescribed series of cavities underneath the organ that likely function as a mechanism for ultrasound amplification. Morphological structures homologous in both appearance and anatomical location to the Ander’s organ are observed to varying degrees in 4 of the 7 other extant members of this family, with the remaining 3 yet to be assessed. Therefore, we suggest that such structures may either be more widely present in this ancient family than previously assumed, or have evolved to serve a key function in the long-term survival of these few species, allowing them to outlive their extinct counterparts

    A narrow ear canal reduces sound velocity to create additional acoustic inputs in a micro-scale insect ear

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    Located in the forelegs, katydid ears are unique among arthropods in having outer, middle and inner components, analogous to the mammalian ear. Unlike mammals, sound is received externally via two tympanic membranes in each ear, and internally via a narrow ear canal (EC) derived from the respiratory tracheal system. Inside the EC sound travels slower than in free air, causing temporal and pressure differences between external and internal inputs. The delay was suspected to arise as a consequence of the narrowing EC geometry. If true, a reduction in sound velocity should persist independently of the gas composition in the EC (e.g. air, CO2). Integrating laser Doppler vibrometry, micro-CT scanning, and numerical analysis on precise 3D geometries of each experimental animal EC, we demonstrate that the narrowing radius of the EC is the main factor reducing sound velocity. Both experimental and numerical data also show that sound velocity is reduced further when excess CO2 fills the EC. Likewise, the EC bifurcates at the tympanal level (one branch for each tympanic membrane) creating two additional narrow internal sound paths and imposing different sound velocities for each tympanic membrane. Therefore, external and internal inputs total to four sound paths for each ear (only one for the human ear). New research paths, and implication of findings in avian directional hearing are discussed

    Ear pinnae in a neotropical katydid (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) function as ultrasound guides for bat detection

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    Early predator detection is a key component of the predator-prey arms race, and has driven the evolution of multiple animal hearing systems. Katydids (Insecta) have sophisticated ears, each consisting of paired tympana on each foreleg that receive sound both externally, through the air, and internally via a narrowing ear canal running through the leg from an acoustic spiracle on the thorax. These ears are pressure-time difference receivers capable of sensitive and accurate directional hearing across a wide frequency range. Many katydid species have cuticular pinnae which form cavities around the outer tympanal surfaces, but their function is unknown. We investigated pinnal function in the katydid Copiphora gorgonensis by combining experimental biophysics and numerical modelling using 3D ear geometries. We found that the pinnae in C. gorgonensis do not assist in directional hearing for specific call frequencies, but instead act as ultrasound detectors. Pinnae induced large sound pressure gains (20–30 dB) that enhanced sound detection at high ultrasonic frequencies (> 60 kHz), matching the echolocation range of co-occurring insectivorous bats. These findings were supported by behavioural and neural audiograms and tympanal cavity resonances from live specimens, and comparisons with the pinnal mechanics of sympatric katydid species, which together suggest that katydid pinnae primarily evolved for the enhanced detection of predatory bats

    Grand challenges in entomology: Priorities for action in the coming decades

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    Entomology is key to understanding terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems at a time of unprecedented anthropogenic environmental change and offers substantial untapped potential to benefit humanity in a variety of ways, from improving agricultural practices to managing vector-borne diseases and inspiring technological advances. We identified high priority challenges for entomology using an inclusive, open, and democratic four-stage prioritisation approach, conducted among the membership and affiliates (hereafter ‘members’) of the UK-based Royal Entomological Society (RES). A list of 710 challenges was gathered from 189 RES members. Thematic analysis was used to group suggestions, followed by an online vote to determine initial priorities, which were subsequently ranked during an online workshop involving 37 participants. The outcome was a set of 61 priority challenges within four groupings of related themes: (i) ‘Fundamental Research’ (themes: Taxonomy, ‘Blue Skies’ [defined as research ideas without immediate practical application], Methods and Techniques); (ii) ‘Anthropogenic Impacts and Conservation’ (themes: Anthropogenic Impacts, Conservation Options); (iii) ‘Uses, Ecosystem Services and Disservices’ (themes: Ecosystem Benefits, Technology and Resources [use of insects as a resource, or as inspiration], Pests); (iv) ‘Collaboration, Engagement and Training’ (themes: Knowledge Access, Training and Collaboration, Societal Engagement). Priority challenges encompass research questions, funding objectives, new technologies, and priorities for outreach and engagement. Examples include training taxonomists, establishing a global network of insect monitoring sites, understanding the extent of insect declines, exploring roles of cultivated insects in food supply chains, and connecting professional with amateur entomologists. Responses to different challenges could be led by amateur and professional entomologists, at all career stages. Overall, the challenges provide a diverse array of options to inspire and initiate entomological activities and reveal the potential of entomology to contribute to addressing global challenges related to human health and well-being, and environmental change