216 research outputs found

    Sensory dots, no-self, and stream-entry: The significance of buddhist contemplative development for transpersonal studies

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    Based on the author’s nearly 50 years of meditation, it is observed that as a given alternative state is accessed and used over the span of years, experiences and capacities within that state are not merely static but may themselves shift as a practitioner develops neuropsychologically. An ethnographer using a substance within the context of a cultural practice may gain helpful direct insights into that cultural practice, but the researcher may fail to realize that the state attained by a novice may be substantively different from that gained by an elder or shaman with years of experience in the practice. The author’s meditation led to insight that visual and other phenomenal experiences are constructed out of sensory particles, or sensory dots. This practice later led to a state in which pure awareness was aware only of itself, and to an experiential realization of the Buddhist teaching of no-self

    High-Energy Cosmology: gamma rays and neutrinos from beyond the galaxy

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    Our knowledge of the high-energy universe is undergoing a period of rapid change as new astronomical detectors of high-energy radiation start to operate at their design sensitivities. Now is a boomtime for high-energy astrophysics, with new discoveries from Swift and HESS, results from MAGIC and VERITAS starting to be reported, the upcoming launches of the gamma-ray space telescopes GLAST and AGILE, and anticipated data releases from IceCube and Auger. A formalism for calculating statistical properties of cosmological gamma-ray sources is presented. Application is made to model calculations of the statistical distributions of gamma-ray and neutrino emission from (i) beamed sources, specifically, long-duration GRBs, blazars, and extagalactic microquasars, and (ii) unbeamed sources, including normal galaxies, starburst galaxies and clusters. Expressions for the integrated intensities of faint beamed and unbeamed high-energy radiation sources are also derived. A toy model for the background intensity of radiation from dark-matter annihilation taking place in the early universe is constructed. Estimates for the gamma-ray fluxes of local group galaxies, starburst, and infrared luminous galaxies are briefly reviewed. Because the brightest extragalactic gamma-ray sources are flaring sources, and these are the best targets for sources of PeV -- EeV neutrinos and ultra-high energy cosmic rays, rapidly slewing all-sky telescopes like MAGIC and an all-sky gamma-ray observatory beyond Milagro will be crucial for optimal science return in the multi-messenger age.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figs, accepted for publication in the Barcelona Conference on Multimessenger Astronomy; corrected eq. 27, revised Fig. 3, added 2 ref

    Nonfactorizable contributions to BD()MB \to D^{(*)} M decays

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    While the factorization assumption works well for many two-body nonleptonic BB meson decay modes, the recent measurement of BˉD()0M0\bar B\to D^{(*)0}M^0 with M=πM=\pi, ρ\rho and ω\omega shows large deviation from this assumption. We analyze the BD()MB\to D^{(*)}M decays in the perturbative QCD approach based on kTk_T factorization theorem, in which both factorizable and nonfactorizable contributions can be calculated in the same framework. Our predictions for the Bauer-Stech-Wirbel parameters, a2/a1=0.43±0.04|a_2/a_1|= 0.43\pm 0.04 and Arg(a2/a1)42Arg(a_2/a_1)\sim -42^\circ and a2/a1=0.47±0.05|a_2/a_1|= 0.47\pm 0.05 and Arg(a2/a1)41Arg(a_2/a_1)\sim -41^\circ, are consistent with the observed BDπB\to D\pi and BDπB\to D^*\pi branching ratios, respectively. It is found that the large magnitude a2|a_2| and the large relative phase between a2a_2 and a1a_1 come from color-suppressed nonfactorizable amplitudes. Our predictions for the Bˉ0D()0ρ0{\bar B}^0\to D^{(*)0}\rho^0, D()0ωD^{(*)0}\omega branching ratios can be confronted with future experimental data.Comment: 25 pages with Latex, axodraw.sty, 6 figures and 5 tables, Version published in PRD, Added new section 5 and reference

    Overstory influences on light attenuation patterns and understory plant community diversity and composition in southern boreal forests of Quebec

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    We have characterized overstory light transmission, understory light levels, and plant communities in mixedwood boreal forests of northwestern Quebec with the objective of understanding how overstory light transmission interacts with composition and time since disturbance to influence the diversity and composition of understory vegetation, and, in turn, the further attenuation of light to the forest floor by the understory. Overstory light transmission differed among three forest types (aspen, mixed deciduous-conifer, and old cedar-dominated), with old forests having higher proportions of high light levels than aspen and mixed forests, which were characterized by intermediate light levels. The composition of the understory plant communities in old forests showed the weakest correlation to overstory light transmission, although those forests had the largest range of light transmission. The strongest correlation between characteristics of overstory light transmission and understory communities was found in aspen forests. Species diversity indices were consistently higher in aspen forests but showed weak relationships with overstory light transmission. Light attenuation by the understory vegetation and total height of the understory vegetation were strongly and positively related to overstory light transmission but not forest type. Therefore, light transmission through the overstory influenced the structure and function of understory plants more than their diversity and composition. This is likely due to the strong effect of the upper understory layers, which tend to homogenize light levels at the forest floor regardless of forest type. The understory plant community acts as a filter, thereby reducing light levels at the forest floor to uniformly low levels

    Elimination of onchocerciasis in Africa by 2025: an ambitious target requires ambitious interventions

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    To achieve the elimination of onchocerciasis transmission in all African countries will entail enormous challenges, as has been highlighted by the active discussion around onchocerciasis intervention strategies and evaluation procedures in this journal.Serological thresholds for onchocerciasis elimination, adapted for the African setting, need to be established. The Onchocerciasis Technical Advisory Subgroup of the World Health Organization is currently developing improved guidelines to allow country elimination commi

    Charm multiplicity and the branching ratios of inclusive charmless b quark decays in the general two-Higgs-doublet models

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    In the framework of general two-Higgs-doublet models, we calculate the branching ratios of various inclusive charmless b decays by using the low energy effective Hamiltonian including next-to-leading order QCD corrections, and examine the current status and the new physics effects on the determination of the charm multiplicity ncn_c and semileptonic branching ratio BSLB_{SL}. Within the considered parameter space, the enhancement to the ratio BR(bsg)BR(b \to s g) due to the charged-Higgs penguins can be as large as a factor of 8 (3) in the model III (II), while the ratio BR(bnocharm)BR(b \to no charm) can be increased from the standard model prediction of 2.49% to 4.91% (2.99%) in the model III (II). Consequently, the value of BSLB_{SL} and ncn_c can be decreased simultaneously in the model III. The central value of BSLB_{SL} will be lowered slightly by about 0.003, but the ratio ncn_c can be reduced significantly from the theoretical prediction of nc=1.28±0.05n_c= 1.28 \pm 0.05 in the SM to nc=1.23±0.05n_c= 1.23 \pm 0.05, 1.18±0.051.18 \pm 0.05 for mH+=200,100m_{H^+}=200, 100 GeV, respectively. We find that the predicted ncn_c and the measured ncn_c now agree within roughly one standard deviation after taking into account the effects of gluonic charged Higgs penguins in the model III with a relatively light charged Higgs boson.Comment: 25 pages, Latex file, axodraw.sty, 6 figures. Final version to be published in Phys.Rev.

    Charmless BsPP,PV,VVB_s\to PP, PV, VV Decays Based on the six-quark Effective Hamiltonian with Strong Phase Effects II

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    We provide a systematic study of charmless BsPP,PV,VVB_s \to PP, PV, VV decays (PP and VV denote pseudoscalar and vector mesons, respectively) based on an approximate six-quark operator effective Hamiltonian from QCD. The calculation of the relevant hard-scattering kernels is carried out, the resulting transition form factors are consistent with the results of QCD sum rule calculations. By taking into account important classes of power corrections involving "chirally-enhanced" terms and the vertex corrections as well as weak annihilation contributions with non-trivial strong phase, we present predictions for the branching ratios and CP asymmetries of BsB_s decays into PP, PV and VV final states, and also for the corresponding polarization observables in VV final states. It is found that the weak annihilation contributions with non-trivial strong phase have remarkable effects on the observables in the color-suppressed and penguin-dominated decay modes. In addition, we discuss the SU(3) flavor symmetry and show that the symmetry relations are generally respected

    Flavour and Collider Interplay for SUSY at LHC7

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    The current 7 TeV run of the LHC experiment shall be able to probe gluino and squark masses up to values larger than 1 TeV. Assuming that hints for SUSY are found in the jets plus missing energy channel by the end of a 5 fb1^{-1} run, we explore the flavour constraints on three models with a CMSSM-like spectrum: the CMSSM itself, a Seesaw extension of the CMSSM, and Flavoured CMSSM. In particular, we focus on decays that might have been measured by the time the run is concluded, such as BsμμB_s\to\mu\mu and μeγ\mu\to e\gamma. We also analyse constraints imposed by neutral meson bounds and electric dipole moments. The interplay between collider and flavour experiments is explored through the use of three benchmark scenarios, finding the flavour feedback useful in order to determine the model parameters and to test the consistency of the different models.Comment: 44 pages, 15 figures; v3: minor corrections, added references, updated figures. Version accepted for publicatio