1,364 research outputs found

    A study in the development of Tertullian's use and interpretation of Scripture, with special reference to his involvement in the New Prophecy

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    The original aim of this thesis was to be a consideration of the North African writer's use and interpretation of Scriptural texts in which a change in exegesis could be detected after he became involved in the New Prophecy. From this analysis, I hoped to draw some useful conclusions. However, I soon realised that the task in hand was not such a simple one as at first appeared, for a number of reasons.First of all, investigation into the origins and nature of the movement led me to realise that adherence to any movement which is centred on the activity of the Spirit cannot be easily rationalised and compartmentalised. It must often be preceded by a period of questioning in which old values and beliefs are re-assessed. Tertullian's adherence to the movement must be seen, not as a specific event, but as a gradual progression. No clear-cut division can be drawn at which a definite change in his use and interpretation of Scripture can be detected. His ideas were constantly being formed, modified, and even reversed, as his sympathies towards the next movement grew.Secondly, a separation of key texts in order to note a change in their usage is no, in itself, a valid approach. Only by a consideration of such texts in relation to specific theological and practical issues can a development in Tertullian's thought be legitimately and convincingly traced. Allowance must be made also for the fact that the New Prophecy which Tertullian made his own may have differed in both form and content from that which had existed originally in the East, several decades earlier. A third point to be noticed is that Tertullian's use of Scripture is governed by a variety of exegetical principles and influences. These must be considered also. In this connection, it must be emphasised that Tertullian was a man of his own age and place. His education in rhetoric, law, and philosophy cannot fail to have influenced his outlook.Fourthly, Tertullian's dependence on Scripture must be weighed against the other supports which he uses to confirm his argumentation. His sympathy towards the New Prophecy would certainly offer help, and possibly hindrance, to this task.Finally, in order to make a valid assessment of the development in his thought in relation to Scripture, it is impossible to study his writing in isolation. Only a careful comparison with the writings of his predecessors and contemporaries will provide an assessment of his originality.It is therefore the revised aim of this thesis to take into consideration the above points, and to draw up a detailed analysis of the resulting information. The thesis takes the form of a close examination of Tertullian's use of Scripture in the context of various dogmatic and practical issues, which were to become of increasing importance in his later life. A comparison of these texts will reveal some interesting developments, and will allow an assessment of his originality to be made.The literature on Tertullian's interpretation of Scripture is limited to several works, which, in the main do not pay great attention to the development of his thought in this matter. Where the development is considered, it is frequently fragmentary. I hope that this thesis will go beyond any work hitherto produced

    An investigation of the chemistry of cinnolines

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    Earlier work which has resulted in the synthesis of cinnolines is reviewed. The strictly historical approach has been modified to accommodate a classification based upon the type of cinnoline involved. Preparative routes to 4-chloro-2-amlnoacetophenone are described. Reaction between the acid chloride of 4-chloro-2- phthallmldobenzoic acid and diethyl sodiomalonate followed by hydrolysis gives the pure amine via the acetamido-compound. A second route which utilises 4-chloro-2-nitrobenzovl chloride and ethyl sodioacetoacetate leads to 4-chloro-2-nitroaceto-phenone and thence to the amine, Diazotisation of 4rohloro-2-aminoacetophenone and subsequent ring closure produces 7-chloro-U-hydroxycinnoline.Nitration of 4-Ghloro-2-acetamidoacetophenone has given the 5-nitro-derivatlve with some of the 3-nitro-isomer. Hydrolysis to the corresponding nitro-amines and diazotisation of these in sulphuric acid yields 6-nitro-7-chloro- and 8-nitro-7-chloro-U-hydroxycinnoline. In hydrochloric acid, however, the corresponding dichloro-4-hydroxycinnolines are formed, the replacement (nitro →chloro) taking place before cyclisation to the cinnoline. Attempts to prepare 4-chloro-2-aminopropiophenone are described, and work on the projected synthesis of 7-methoxy-4-hydroxyclnnoline is reported. Widman's synthesis of 7-methylcinnoline-7-carboxylic acid has been repeated; in general, the original results are confirmed but the acid is best purified via the ethyl ester. 4-Methylcinnoline and the 6- and 7-chloro-compounds have been prepared by ring closure of the diazotised o-isopropenylanilines; these are formed by dehydration of the corresponding carbinols which arise from the o-amino-acetophenones or methyl anthranilates by a Grignard reaction. The 4-methylcinnolines are characterised by their green picrates and red ethiodldes. The application of a wide variety of reactions to estimate the reactivity of the methyl group in 4-methyl-cinnoline has had little success. Confirmation of enhanced reactivity and hence of the postulate that is N(_1) the basic centre of the molecule is provided by the formation of 4-p-dimethylaminostyryl-l-ethylcinnollnlum iodides. Reduction of a number of cinnolines with sodium and alcohol has been carried out. Qualitative examination has shown partial conversion to the corresponding indoles of 4-(4'-hydroxyphenyl)oinnoline, the 3-methyl compound and of 3-methyl-4-P-anisylclnnollne; 3-phenyl-4-p-anisylcinnoline and the deraethylated compound are virtually unchanged. 4-Methylclnnoline and its 6- and 7-chloro-derivatives all give 3-niethylindole as the final-product but data on the intermediate stages is incomplete. Estimation of the ammonia liberated in each case confirms the above findings. Attempts to repeat Stolle and Becker's synthesis of 3-phenylcinnoline-4-carboxylio acid are reported

    Developing nucleon self-energies to generate the ingredients for the description of nuclear reactions

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    The nucleon self-energies of 40Ca, 48Ca, and 208Pb are determined using a nonlocal dispersive optical model (DOM). By enforcing the dispersion relation connecting the real and imaginary part of the self-energy, both experimental scattering data and nuclear structure data are used to constrain these self-energies. The ability to calculate both bound and scattering states simultaneously puts these self-energies in a unique position to consistently describe exclusive knockout reactions such as (e,e\u27p). Using the well-constrained self-energy describing 40Ca, the distorted-wave impulse approximation (DWIA) description of the (e,e\u27p) reaction is shown to be valid for outgoing proton kinetic energies around 100 MeV. This analysis also reveals the importance of high-energy proton reaction cross section data in constraining spectroscopic factors of the (e,e\u27p) reactions. In particular, it is imperative that high-energy proton reaction cross section data are measured for 48Ca in the near future so that the quenching of the spectroscopic factor in the 48Ca(e,e\u27p)47K reaction can be properly constrained using the DOM. Moreover, DOM generated spectral functions indicate that the quenching of spectroscopic factors is due not only to long-range correlations, but also partly due to the increase in the proton high-momentum content in 48Ca on account of the strong neutron-proton interaction. Single-particle momentum distributions of protons and neutrons in 48Ca and 208Pb calculated from these spectral functions confirm this by clearly showing that neutron excess causes a higher fraction of high-momentum protons than neutrons. In addition to proton reaction cross section data, high-energy neutron total cross section data are also shown to constrain the distribution of neutrons in these nuclei, leading to the prediction of thick neutron skins in both 48Ca and 208Pb. Using the DOM spectral functions, the binding energy density of each nucleus is calculated. These energy densities call into question the degree to which the equation of state for nuclear matter is constrained by the well-known empirical mass formula

    The Use of Crystal Ball within a Spreadsheet to Analyze Capital-Budgeting Decisions in the Hospitality Industry

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    The object of the paper is to show how Crystal Ball, an add-inn to a spreadsheet, can be used to provide better answers to capital-budgeting questions. While capital budgeting is not a new tool to analyze the uncertainty inherent in long-range investment decisions, recent technological developments now allow complex Monte Carlo simulations to be run on a personal computer within a familiar spreadsheet in a fraction of the time that was required just a few years ago. This paper shows how it is now possible to explicitly model uncertainty within the point-and-click environment that is within the grasp of most of today\u27s spreadsheet users. The difficulty in the capital-budgeting process stems from the uncertainties surrounding the estimation of the amount and timing of future cash flows. Unlike most traditional approaches that ignore uncertainty and rely instead on single, best-guess point estimates, we suggest that we need to explore ways to grapple with the probabilistic nature of capital-budgeting calculations. The paper first presents a deterministic model using single point estimates to analyze a typical capital-budgeting problem - which machine should the company buy? The deterministic model assumes that all of the inputs are known with certainty and each input is represented by a single point estimate. Next, simulation software is used to replace the single point estimate in each cell of the model with the appropriate probability density function, or a distribution of most likely values. The probability density function defined the range of values that the cell may take on during the simulation. The results of the simulation provide much more robust information than would a single most likely outcome showing the range of possible answers and the probability of their occurrence. Hopefully this paper demonstrates how we can provide our students with another tool before they enter the work force so they can better serve their companies as they look into the future

    MISSION: Mission and Safety Critical Support Environment. Executive overview

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    For mission and safety critical systems it is necessary to: improve definition, evolution and sustenance techniques; lower development and maintenance costs; support safe, timely and affordable system modifications; and support fault tolerance and survivability. The goal of the MISSION project is to lay the foundation for a new generation of integrated systems software providing a unified infrastructure for mission and safety critical applications and systems. This will involve the definition of a common, modular target architecture and a supporting infrastructure

    Academic Success in the Basic Course: The Influence of Apprehension and Demographics

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    This investigation sought to empirically test the existence of a causal relationship between communication apprehension and academic success in the basic communication course. Will prior experience in communication courses and prior experience in extracurricular communication activities such as debate, forensics and theater, affect the level of communication apprehension as reported by students enrolled in a basic communication course? Additionally, this research sought to determine the impact of several demographic variables on both communication apprehension and final grade in the basic communication course

    Derwentwater. Vol. 2

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    Dialecto literario inglés. -- Pertenece a la colección 1800-1950 del Salamanca Corpus. -- Dialecto de Northumberland. -- Charles L. Atkinson, ?-?. -- A veces atribuido a Edward Duros, ?-?. -- Derwentwater, A tale of 1715, Vol. 2. -- 1830.[ES] Novela que se desarrolla en Northumberland y que contiene dialecto de Northumberland. [EN] Novel that takes place in Northumberland and which contains Northumberland dialect

    Derwentwater. Vol. I

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    Dialecto literario inglés. -- Pertenece a la colección 1800-1950 del Salamanca Corpus. -- Dialecto de Northumberland. -- Charles L. Atkinson, ?-?. -- A veces atribuido a Edward Duros, ?-?. -- Derwentwater, A tale of 1715, Vol. 1. -- 1830.[ES]Novela que se desarrolla en Northumberland y que contiene dialecto de Northumberland. [EN]Novel that takes place in Northumberland and which contains Northumberland dialect

    Meteoroid and debris special investigation group data acquisition procedures

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    The entire LDEF spacecraft was examined by M&D SIG for impact (i.e., craters greater than or = 0.5 mm and penetrations greater than or = 0.3 mm in diameter) and related features (e.g., debris, secondaries). During the various detailed surveys conducted at NASA Kennedy, approx. 5,000 impact related features were photodocumented, and their locations measured and recorded; an additional approx. 30,000 smaller features were counted. The equipment and techniques used by the M&D SIG permitted the determination and recording of the locations and diameters of the 5,000 imaged features. A variety of experimental and LDEF structural hardware was acquired by the M&D SIG and is presently being examined and curated at NASA Johnson
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