299 research outputs found

    B2B Online Reverse Auctions and the Future of Information Systems as the Discipline of Reference

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    Studies of information systems1 have largely neglected, despite their great importance, such relevant information technologies as B2B online reverse auctions (ORAs).2 In an attempt to make up for this neglect, we provide an empirical application of the extent to which the IS discipline has the potential to become the reference discipline. Drawing from the IT artifact concept and the emergent perspective, we provide new lenses to investigate ORAs outcomes in a novel manner to the existing non-IS literature. We believe that systematic learning from the past accomplishments of the IS discipline, coupled with a dynamic multidisciplinary perspective, is the ideal means of charting a promising future for the discipline

    Directions De Majoration D'une Fonction Quasiconvexe Et Applications

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    We introduce the convex cone constituted by the directions of majoration of a quasiconvex function. This cone is used to formulate a qualification condition ensuring the epiconvergence of a sequence of general quasiconvex marginal functions in finite dimensional spaces


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    Despite the widespread diffusion of interorganizational systems (IOS), both retailers and manufacturers suffer significant inaccuracies, flaws, and discrepancies in product information, which undermines the quality of the data they exchange. To remedy this situation, an interorganizational Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN) standard has emerged since the beginning the last decade. Initial enthusiasm about this cutting-edge standard notwithstanding, the technology has not reached the adoption breadth predicted by business consulting firms and technology initiators. This research uses sensemaking/sensegiving theoretical lenses to conduct an in-depth, qualitative case study of five groups of stakeholders (retailers, manufacturers, standards setters, data pools, and certified GDSN providers) in an attempt to unravel the barriers to GDSN standard adoption

    Analyse des interprétations d’un SIIO en post-adoption et effets sur l’usage: jeux de discours et stratégies de contournement.

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    La phase de post-adoption est critique pour comprendre la réalisation des objectifs escomptés de l’adoption et l’usage des systèmes d’information. Toutefois, la majorité des recherches qui analysent la phase de post-adoption des systèmes d’information se sont concentrées sur les technologies intra-organisationnelles. Cet article se propose de comprendre l’évolution des interprétations d’un Système d’Information Inter-Organisationnel (SIIO) en phase de post-adoption ainsi que leurs effets sur l’usage du système et la négociation du pouvoir entre les différents acteurs impliqués. Pour ce faire, nous avons adopté une approche qualitative basée sur une étude de cas contrastant les représentations de trois groupes de parties prenantes (initiateurs de la technologie, acheteurs et fournisseurs) constituant la communauté inter-organisationnelle dans le cadre des Enchères Electroniques Inversées (EEI). L’analyse de nos résultats met en évidence le rôle des jeux de pouvoir et de contournement (opportunisme boomerang, boycott et lobbying) liés aux enjeux économiques des acteurs. Les stratégies de contournement collectives ont permis de remettre en cause l’usage du SIIO et sont à l’origine d’un changement des rapports de force. La mise en évidence de l’efficacité de ces stratégies montre comment des acteurs en situation de faiblesse peuvent construire des stratégies collectives de résistance. Nous montrons également les limites de l’intervention en post-adoption et l’influence de la rumeur et de la presse qui ont permis de légitimer la contestation des fournisseurs.stratégies de contournement; rumeur; interventions; pouvoir; Post-adoption;

    Dispositif De Formation Et D’évaluation Du Stage De Fin De Cycle : Premiers Constats

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    The evolution of society brings new requirements for the citizen of tomorrow and consequently to the future's school. It is the duty of every society to worry about the support provided for the citizen's construction. The school being a key in the development of the individual, the main actors of this system must be properly supported in their training. The reform concerning training of teachers in Morocco is a part of the professionalization process through the creation of Regional Centers of Educational Professions and Training (CRMEF) who have a qualifying mission. These centers complement the training begun in the university education tracks (FUE). Previous training of Moroccan teacher who was held in the teacher training schools (ENS) included a significant practical training. However, capitalization of experiences from one year to another was insufficient. Leaving few traces the efforts made were not shown at fair value. In this work, we stopped on training, coaching and evaluation methods used on the Master specialized on educational professions provided in teacher training school (ENS) which is an institution in Cadi Ayyad University at Marrakesh. In this context, we propose a system which takes into account the different components of the activity of training. We assume that one of the advantages of this device is the reflexive dimension brought by the competence approach both for the teacher and the student. A second interest lies in the method adopted to evaluate the productions of trainees, like a competency referential to validate through a distance learning platform

    RFID-enabled process capabilities and its impacts on healthcare process performance: A multi-level analysis

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    Managers spend much of their time communicating and use an ever-larger range of communication tools for the purpose. Empirical studies have shown that while ICT tools extend communication opportunities, they do not replace other means of communication. Instead, managers use a set of communication tools in which traditional media coexist alongside ICT tools. In addition, studying the use of just one medium fails to give us a full picture of managerial communication. To gain a better understanding, we need to examine how a range of different means of communication are used. To this end, we conducted a case study in a car manufacturing company with data mainly collected through interviews with 36 managers. Our analysis of the data showed that managers use a set of communication tools that form superposed layers, each new ICT being layered over the existing media. Far from being the result of individual-level rational use, this layering process is socially constructed by the different users depending on their context. Our study identified three forms of layering, namely “subject to constraint”, “planned and emergent”, or “chosen”. We argue that these differences in the layering process can help explain disparities in the outcomes of ICT adoption between organisations

    The Millefeuille Theory Revisited. New Theoretical Lenses to Understand the Millefeuille Effect

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    Enterprise Social Media (ESM) has gained significant momentum in the workplace and has been presented by both practitioners and academics as the new alternative workplace communications technology to substitute email. However, our knowledge is limited when it comes to explaining how ESM integrates the media portfolio and the extent to which it can or cannot replace email use. Adopting a grounded methodology, we conducted a case study in a large multinational corporation specialized in the beauty and well-being sector, in which we found that ESM superimposes the existing media and thus creates a millefeuille effect. Grounded in our case study, we explain the millefeuille effect in the specific case of ESM over email and develop a revised version of the millefeuille theory. Our findings show that the millefeuille effect emerges from negotiation between the perceived affordances enabled by ESM and its imposed constraints, and from that of email with regard to communication norms and routines and the context of IT use. The results highlight the need for managerial engagement in ESM that goes beyond its sponsorship alone. Our study revisits the millefeuille theory by adopting three theoretical lenses to explain the millefeuille effect: a media portfolio features lens, a norm and communication routine lens, and a context-of-IT-use lens. We contribute to the IS literature by proposing a revised version of the millefeuille theory that integrates the affordance lens. By taking into account the features of the media portfolio and how they are appropriated by users, we gain a clearer understanding of the millefeuille effect. We also come up with some recommendations to help managers deal with media overload and cope with the associated risks related to the millefeuille effect


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    Las plataformas virtuales representan en la actualidad un complemento necesario en el ámbito de la didáctica del Español como Lengua Extranjera para llevar a cabo un aprendizaje significativo basado en la interacción, la construcción del conocimiento y el trabajo colaborativo. Su potencial didáctico conduce inevitablemente a la transformación de los procesos educativos y el rol de sus principales actores puesto que favorecen procedimientos centrados en la actividad del alumno orientados al desarrollo de habilidades y competencias. El propósito del siguiente artículo es explorar algunas de las múltiples posibilidades que ofrece el uso de la modalidad virtual para desarrollar las destrezas básicas del alumno de ELE, a saber: la comprensión oral, la comprensión lectora y la expresión oral y escrita

    Experimental Aspects of Highly Accelerated Life Tests

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    Experimental aspects of High Accelerated Life Tests (HALT) are presented. A statistical analysis of test results which allows to define the different characteristic areas of a product (operating and destruction limits) is given. In particular, some tests on electronic board using thermal and vibration stresses have been investigated
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