12 research outputs found

    Avaliação do estado nutricional e a função pulmonar de crianças asmáticas e não asmáticas a serem seguidas em um estudo de painel sobre os efeitos da poluição do ar na saúde respiratória/ Assessment of nutritional status and pulmonary function of asthmatic and non-asthmatic children to be followed in a panel study on effects of air pollution on respiratory health

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    Introdução: Asma e obesidade são doenças frequentes em crianças e adolescentes e a sua associação causa um impacto significativo em Saúde Pública. Objetivo: Avaliou o estado nutricional e a função pulmonar de crianças asmáticas e não asmáticas a serem seguidas em um estudo de painel sobre os efeitos da poluição na saúde respiratória. Método: Estudo transversal com a população formada por crianças asmáticas e não asmáticas com idade entre 6 a 12 anos de ambos os sexos, em fase escolar, de duas escolas municipais de Santos – SP. Foram realizadas espirometrias e medidas antropométricas de 80 escolares. Os pais ou responsáveis responderam também a questionários para avaliar presença de doença ou sintomas respiratórios (ISAAC) e, no caso dos asmáticos, o controle da doença. Resultados: Observou-se uma diferença entre os grupos de asmáticos e não asmáticos nos aspectos IMC/Idade Percentil (86,9 e 93,3, respectivamente – p = 0,01) e IMC/Idade Z – Escore (1,78 e 2,31, respectivamente – p = 0,02). Ambos os grupos se apresentam com valores indicativos de sobrepeso, entretanto o grupo não asmático apresentou um valor médio mais elevado, próximo do limite para obesidade.  Não foi observada diferença entre os valores médios do Índice de Tiffenau (%) entre asmáticos (98,2; dp = 19,2) e não asmáticos (99,3; dp = 16,9). A baixa frequência de sintomas entre os asmáticos mostra o bom controle da doença entre os participantes. Conclusão:  Foram formados dois grupos bem definidos no que se refere à presença ou não de asma e sintomas de doença respiratória, com características antropométricas especificas, sem diferenças nas provas de função pulmonar entre os dois grupos analisados no início do seguimento

    Le Canalicule Biliaire Revisité : Altérations Morphologiques et Fonctionnelles Induites par des Médicaments Cholestatiques Dans Les Cellules HepaRG

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    La cholestase est l'une des manifestations les plus courantes des lésions induitespar des médicaments. Dans 40% des cas elle n’est pas prévisible; une meilleure prédictibilité représente donc un défi majeur. Tout d'abord, nous avons démontré que les cellules hépatiques humaines HepaRG différenciées sont un modèle approprié pour étudier la cholestase induite par les médicaments en comparant la localisation et l’activité des transporteurs d'influx et d'efflux avec les hépatocytes humains primaires. Tous les transporteurs d'efflux et d’influx testés ont été correctement localisés au niveau des membranes canaliculaire (BSEP, MRP2, MDR1 et MDR3) et basolatéral (NTCP, MRP3) et sont fonctionnels. En outre, ces cellules expriment également les enzymes qui métabolisent les acides biliaires (ABs) et ont la capacité de les synthétiser et de les conjuguer avec la taurine, la glycine et le sulfate, à un taux similaire à celui des hépatocytes primaires. Des changements ont été observés sur la répartition des ABs totaux après traitements de cellules HepaRG par un médicament cholestatique, la cyclosporine A (CsA), de manière concentration- dépendante. L'inhibition de l'efflux et de l'influx de taurocholate a été observée après 15 min et 1 h respectivement. Ces premiers effets ont été associés à la dérégulation de la voie des cPKC et l'induction d’un stress du réticulum endoplasmique puis d’un stress oxydant. Nous avons également montré pour la première fois une accumulation intracellulaire d’ABs endogènes avec un médicament cholestatique in vitro. En outre, notre travail apporte des preuves que la motilité des canalicules biliaires (BC) est indispensable à la clairance des ABs. La voie ROCK et le complexe actomyosine sont fortement impliqués. Nous avons fourni la première démonstration que la voie ROCK et les dynamiques des BC sont des cibles majeures des composés cholestatiques. Nos données devraient contribuer à l'élaboration de méthodes de screening pour la prédiction précoce des effets secondaires induits par les médicaments cholestatiques.Cholestasis is one of the most common manifestations of drug-induced liver injury (DILI). Since up to now it is unpredictable in 40% of all cases its accurate prediction represents a major challenge. First, we validated that differentiated HepaRG human liver cells are a suitable in vitro model to study drug-induced cholestasis, by comparing localization of influx and efflux transporters and their functional activity in these cells and primary human hepatocytes. All tested influx and efflux transporters were correctly localized to canalicular (BSEP, MRP2, MDR1, and MDR3) or basolateral (NTCP, MRP3) membrane domains and were functional. In addition, the HepaRG cell line also exhibits bile acids (BAs) metabolizing enzymes and has the capacity to synthesize BAs and to further amidate these BAs with taurine and glycine as well as sulfate, at a rate similar to that of primary hepatocytes. Concentration- dependent changes were observed in total BAs disposition after treatment of HepaRG cells by the cholestatic drug cyclosporine A (CsA). Inhibition of efflux and uptake of taurocholate was evidenced as early as 15 min and 1 h respectively. These early effects were associated with deregulation of cPKC pathway and induction of endoplasmic reticulum stress that preceded generation of oxidative stress. We also showed for the first time intracellular accumulation of endogenous BAs by a cholestatic drug in vitro. In addition, our work brings evidences that motility of bile canaliculi (BC) is essential for BAs clearance where ROCK pathway and actomyosin complex are highly implicated. We provided the first demonstration that ROCK pathway and BC dynamics are major targets of cholestatic compounds. Our data should help in the development of screening methods for early prediction of drug-induced cholestatic side effects

    Determination of some nutrients and contaminants and evaluation of some elements distribution in transgenic and conventional soybean samples, by the HPLC - ICP OES coupling

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    O presente trabalho realizou uma investigação da composição total dos nutrientes e alguns contaminantes presentes em amostras de soja, transgênicas e convencionais, provenientes de diferentes regiões do Brasil. Observou-se com esse estudo que, levando em conta somente o teor total dos elementos, nada pode ser afirmado em relação à modificação genética. Porém, com estes resultados, pôde ser feita uma separação das amostras por região, indicando a utilidade do método no rastreamento e certificação de origem das amostras. Na segunda etapa, extrações da fase protéica foram realizadas, utilizando-se tampão TRIS-HNO3 (pH 7,5), para estabilização dos complexos organo-metálicos. As espécies presentes nos extratos foram separadas e seu conteúdo mineral analisado, utilizando um sistema de acoplamento HPLC - ICP OES, valendo-se de dois tipos de fase estacionária (Fractogel® EMD BioSEC, Merck, e Superdex 200, Amershan Bisosciences), a fim de se verificar como tais elementos e espécies se comportam nos dois tipos de coluna e nos dois tipos de soja, convencional e transgênica. Pode-se observar diferença na distribuição dos elementos em relação à faixa de tamanho das proteínas, permitindo um reconhecimento entre a soja convencional e a geneticamente modificada. Contudo, testes de biodisponibilidade realizados in vitro mostraram que a modificação não altera a disponibilidade dos elementos, e nem o teor de ácido fítico, que é um dos principais antinutrientes presentes na soja.The total composition of the nutrients and some contaminants present in transgenic and conventional soybean samples from different regions of Brazil was evaluated. Considering the total content of the elements, this study showed that nothing can be affirmed in relation to the genetic modification. However, these results indicate that the tracking and geographical origin of the samples can be verified. The extractions of the protein phase have been carried through, using TRIS-HNO3 buffer (pH 7,5), for stabilization of the organo-metallic complexes. The species present in extracts have been separated and its mineral content has been analyzed, using HPLC - ICP OES coupled system. Two kinds of stationary phases (Fractogel® EMD BioSEC, Merck, and Superdex 200, Amershan Biosciences) were used, in order to verify the elements and species behavior in the conventional and genetically modified soybean samples. Difference in the distribution of the elements in relation to the molecular size of proteins could be observed, allowing a recognition pattern between conventional and genetically modified soy. However, in vitro bioavailability experiments have shown that the modification does not affect the availability of the elements neither the phytic acid content, which is one of the main antinutrients presents in soybean

    A Bilobed Thoracoabdominal Myocutaneous Flap for Large Thoracic Defects

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    Assessment of the Impacts of Phyto-Remediation on Water Quality of the Litani River by Means of Two Wetland Plants (<i>Sparganium erectum</i> and <i>Phragmites australis</i>)

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    Water pollution from human activities is largely a result of the discharge of wastewater and industrial waste into rivers. Phytoremediation, the technique that uses plants to remove pollutants from the polluted waters, is a growing field of research because of its various environmental advantages. This study aims to evaluate the efficiency of a constructed wetland in removing pollutants and treating the polluted waters of the Litani River in Lebanon, by means of two aquatic plants, Phragmites australis and Sparganium erectum. Results showed that the levels of the physicochemical and biological parameters measured on water samples at downstream of the wetland were lower than those obtained at upstream. Results revealed that average removal efficiency was 41% for chemical oxygen demand (COD), 54% for biological oxygen demand (BOD5), 97% for nitrate (NO3−), 40% for nitrite (NO2−), 67% for phosphate (PO43−), while it was negative (−62%) for sulfate (SO42−), indicating an increase in sulfate content in the treated effluent returning to the river. On the other hand, most of the effluent chemical and biological characteristics were within the provisional discharge limits of effluent to water body set by the Ministry of Environment (MoE) and Lebanese Wastewater Reuse Guidelines of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Statistical analyses also showed significant variations (p < 0.5) among the two sampling sites along the wetland. Our findings clearly demonstrate that phytoremediation is a viable solution to remove pollutants in a competitive environment and improve the quality of contaminated waters by acting as a sink for various contaminants. The gained experience may be scalable to other sites and environments across the country

    Multifactorial model for the prediction of amniotic fluid index and its correlation with maternal and fetal complications in pregnant women in Colombia

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    Uno de los indicadores clave de la salud fetal es el Índice de Líquido Amniótico (ILA), el cual desempeña un papel vital en la protección y el desarrollo del feto, y su evaluación precisa es esencial para identificar posibles complicaciones durante el embarazo. Objetivo: Desarrollar un modelo de predicción multifactorial del ILA en gestantes colombianas. Metodología: Estudio observacional retrospectivo con un componente de modelado predictivo. Se analizaron 148 historias clínicas con datos del ILA en relación con el peso fetal, problemas maternos y fetales a lo largo del tiempo de gestación en semanas. Se aplicó un análisis de correlación de Pearson para evaluar las tendencias del ILA y un análisis de ANOVA para comparar las medias del ILA en función de la presencia de problemas maternos y fetales. Se llevó a cabo un análisis de efectos de interacción para evaluar la influencia conjunta de estos problemas en el ILA. Se generó un mapa de calor para visualizar el impacto de las variables predictoras para construir un modelo de clasificación CART®. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que el ILA alto, moderado y bajo se ve influido significativamente por las complicaciones maternas y fetales. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las medias, indicando una relación entre los problemas maternos y fetales con el ILA. Conclusión: El modelo predictivo multifactorial desarrollado en este estudio demostró una sólida capacidad para predecir el Índice de Líquido Amniótico (ILA) en gestantes colombianas como un estudio preliminar.One of the critical indicators of fetal health is the Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI), which plays a vital role in the protection and development of the fetus, and its accurate assessment is essential to identify possible complications during pregnancy. Aim: Develop a multifactorial prediction model of ALI in Colombian pregnant women. Methodology: Retrospective observational study with a predictive modeling component. One hundred fortyeight medical records were analyzed with ILA data in relation to fetal weight and maternal and fetal problems throughout the gestation period in weeks. A Pearson correlation analysis was applied to evaluate ILA trends, and an ANOVA analysis was used to compare ILA means based on maternal and fetal problems. An interaction effects analysis was conducted to assess the joint influence of these problems on ILA. A heat map was generated to visualize the impact of the predictor variables to build a CART® classification model. Results: The results showed that high, moderate, and low ILA are significantly influenced by maternal and fetal complications. Statistically significant differences were found in the means, indicating a relationship between maternal and fetal problems with ILA. Conclusion: The multifactorial predictive model developed in this study demonstrated a solid ability to predict the Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI) in Colombian pregnant women as a preliminary study

    Modelo multifactorial para la predicción del índice de líquido amniótico y su correlación con complicaciones maternas y fetales en mujeres embarazadas en Colombia

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    Uno de los indicadores clave de la salud fetal es el Índice de Líquido Amniótico (ILA), el cual desempeña un papel vital en la protección y el desarrollo del feto, y su evaluación precisa es esencial para identificar posibles complicaciones durante el embarazo. Objetivo: Desarrollar un modelo de predicción multifactorial del ILA en gestantes colombianas. Metodología:Estudio observacional retrospectivo con un componente de modelado predictivo. Se analizaron 148 historias clínicas con datos del ILA en relación con el peso fetal, problemas maternos y fetales a lo largo del tiempo de gestación en semanas

    Acute Corneal Hydrops Mimicking Infectious Keratitis as Initial Presentation of Keratoconus in a 10-Year-Old Child

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    Purpose. To report a case of acute hydrops in a 10-year-old child with advanced keratoconus. Case Presentation. A ten-year-old boy diagnosed as having right eye (RE) infectious keratitis, not responding to antimicrobial therapy, was referred to our hospital. The diagnosis of infectious keratitis was established one month prior to his presentation following an episode of acute corneal whitening, pain, and drop in visual acuity. Topical fortified antibiotics followed by topical antiviral therapy were used with no improvement. Slit lamp examination showed significant corneal protrusion with edema surrounding a rupture in Descemet’s membrane in the RE. The diagnosis of acute corneal hydrops from advanced keratoconus was highly suspected and confirmed with corneal topography. Conclusion. Although a relatively rare disease at the age of 10 years, keratoconus can be rapidly progressive in the pediatric group. Keratoconus should always be considered in the differential diagnosis of progressive vision loss in this age group