23 research outputs found

    Feasibility of an Intervention to Support Hearing and Vision in Dementia:The SENSE-Cog Field Trial

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    OBJECTIVES: People with dementia (PwD) frequently experience hearing and vision impairment that is underrecognized and undertreated, resulting in reduced quality of life. Managing these impairments may be an important strategy to improve outcomes in PwD. Our objective was to field-trial a multifaceted sensory intervention (SI) to enhance hearing and vision in PwD. DESIGN: An international single-arm open-label feasibility, acceptability, and tolerability study. SETTING: Home-based setting in the United Kingdom, France, and Cyprus. PARTICIPANTS: Adults aged 60 years and older with mild-to-moderate dementia and uncorrected or suboptimally corrected hearing and/or vision impairment, and their study partners (n = 19 dyads). INTERVENTION: A sensory intervention (SI), comprising assessment of hearing and vision, fitting of corrective devices (glasses, hearing aids), and home-based support from a sensory support therapist for device adherence and maintenance, communication training, referral to support services, environmental sensory modification, and optimization of social inclusion. MEASUREMENTS: Ratings of study procedure feasibility, and intervention acceptability/tolerability, ascertained through questionnaires, participant diaries, therapist logbooks, and semistructured interviews. RESULTS: We successfully delivered all intervention components, and these were received and enacted as intended in all those who completed the intervention. No serious adverse events were reported. Acceptability (ie, understanding, motivation, sense of achievement) and tolerability (ie, effort, fatigue) ratings of the intervention were within a priori target ranges. We met recruitment and retention (93.8%) targets in two of the three sites. Participants completed more than 95% of diary entries, representing minimal missing data. Delays in the logistics circuit for the assessment and delivery of hearing aids and glasses were identified, requiring modification. The need for minor modifications to some outcome measures and the inclusion criteria were identified. CONCLUSION: This is the first study combining home-based hearing and vision remediation in PwD. The positive feasibility, acceptability, and tolerability findings suggest that a full-scale efficacy trial, with certain modifications, is achievable

    J Am Geriatr Soc

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    BACKGROUND: Hearing impairment is common among older adults and affects cognitive assessments for identification of dementia which rely on good hearing function. We developed and validated a version of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) for people with hearing impairment. METHODS: We adapted existing MoCA 8.1 items for people with hearing impairment by presenting instructions and stimuli in written rather than spoken format. One Attention domain and two Language domain items required substitution by alternative items. Three and four candidate items respectively were constructed and field-tested along with the items adapted to written form. We used a combination of individual item analysis and item substitution to select the set of alternative items to be included in the final form of the MoCA-H in place of the excluded original items. We then evaluated the performance and reliability of the final tool, including making any required adjustments for demographic factors. RESULTS: One hundred and fifty-nine hearing-impaired participants, including 76 with normal cognition and 83 with dementia, completed the adapted version of the MoCA. A further 97 participants with normal hearing completed the standard MoCA as well as the novel items developed for the MoCA-H to assess score equivalence between the existing and alternative MoCA items and for independence from hearing impairment. Twenty-eight participants were retested between 2-4 weeks after initial testing. After the selection of optimal item set, the final MoCA-H had an area under the curve of 0.973 (95% CI 0.952-0.994). At a cut-point of 24 points or less sensitivity and specificity for dementia was 92.8% and 90.8%, respectively. The intraclass correlation for test-retest reliability was 0.92 (95%CI 0.78-0.97). CONCLUSION: The MoCA-H is a sensitive and reliable means of identifying dementia among adults with acquired hearing impairment.Ears, Eyes and Mind: The ‘SENSE-Cog Project’ to improve mental well-being for elderly Europeans with sensory impairmen

    Individualised sensory intervention to improve quality of life in people with dementia and their companions (SENSE-Cog trial): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Hearing and vision impairments are highly prevalent in people with dementia and may have a negative impact on quality of life and other dementia-related outcomes. Intervening to optimise sensory impairment and support sensory function may be a means of improving dementia-related outcomes. The SENSE-Cog trial will test whether a home-based multi-part sensory intervention is effective in improving quality of life and other key outcomes in people with dementia and hearing or vision problems (or both) and their companions. Methods: This is an European, multi-centre, observer-blind, pragmatic, randomised controlled trial. Three hundred fifty four people with dementia and hearing or vision impairment (or both) and their companions will be randomly assigned to receive either "care as usual" or a multi-component sensory intervention including assessment and correction of hearing or vision impairments (or both), home-based (maximum 10 visits over 18 weeks), therapist-delivered sensory support (that is, adherence to devices; improving the sensory environment (that is, lighting), communication training, and sign-posting to other support agencies). Change from baseline to intervention end (18 weeks) and post-intervention (36 weeks) will be compared between the two arms in the following outcomes: quality of life (primary endpoint), sensory and cognitive functional ability, relationships, mental well-being, health resource utilisation and cost-effectiveness. Discussion: This is one of two articles outlining the SENSE-Cog trial. Here, we describe the protocol for the effectiveness of the SENSE-Cog intervention. A parallel and complementary process evaluation will be described elsewhere. If the SENSE-Cog trial demonstrates that the sensory intervention improves outcomes in dementia, we will make a toolkit of training materials, resources and information available to health and social care providers to implement the intervention in routine practice. This will be a significant contribution to the therapeutic management of people with dementia and sensory impairment. Trial registration: ISRCTN (Trial ID: ISRCTN17056211) on 19 February 2018


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    Background Optimising hearing and vision function may be important in improving a range of outcomes for people living with dementia (PwD) and their companions. The SENSE-Cog cross-national randomised controlled trial (RCT) is evaluating the effectiveness of a sensory intervention (SI) to improve quality of life for PwD with concurrent hearing and/or vision impairment, in five European countries. To ascertain how or why the intervention will, or will not, achieve its outcomes, we have designed a process evaluation to explore potential discrepancies between expected and observed outcomes. This will also help us to understand how context may influence the outcomes. Here we describe the protocol for this process evaluation, which is embedded within the RCT. Methods/design We will use a mixed methods approach with a theoretical framework derived from the UK Medical Research Council’s’ guidance on process evaluations. It will include the following: (1) evaluating how key aspects of the intervention will be delivered, which will be important to scale the intervention in real world populations; (2) characterising the contextual issues, which may shape the delivery and the impact of the intervention in different countries; and (3) investigating possible causal mechanisms through analyses of potential moderators and mediators. To avoid bias, we will analyse the process data before the analysis of the main effectiveness outcomes. Discussion This evaluation will provide insight into how the complex SENSE-Cog SI will be tailored, enacted and received across the different European contexts, all of which have unique health and social care economies. The findings will provide insight into the causal mechanisms effecting change, and will determine whether we should implement the intervention, if effective, on a wider scale for PwD and concurrent sensory impairment

    Screening tools for the identification of dementia for adults with age-related acquired hearing or vision impairment:a scoping review

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    ABSTRACTBackground:Cognitive screening tests frequently rely on items being correctly heard or seen. We aimed to identify, describe, and evaluate the adaptation, validity, and availability of cognitive screening and assessment tools for dementia which have been developed or adapted for adults with acquired hearing and/or vision impairment.Method:Electronic databases were searched using subject terms “hearing disorders” OR “vision disorders” AND “cognitive assessment,” supplemented by exploring reference lists of included papers and via consultation with health professionals to identify additional literature.Results:1,551 papers were identified, of which 13 met inclusion criteria. Four papers related to tests adapted for hearing impairment; 11 papers related to tests adapted for vision impairment. Frequently adapted tests were the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA). Adaptations for hearing impairment involved deleting or creating written versions for hearing-dependent items. Adaptations for vision impairment involved deleting vision-dependent items or spoken/tactile versions of visual tasks. No study reported validity of the test in relation to detection of dementia in people with hearing/vision impairment. Item deletion had a negative impact on the psychometric properties of the test.Conclusions:While attempts have been made to adapt cognitive tests for people with acquired hearing and/or vision impairment, the primary limitation of these adaptations is that their validity in accurately detecting dementia among those with acquired hearing or vision impairment is yet to be established. It is likely that the sensitivity and specificity of the adapted versions are poorer than the original, especially if the adaptation involved item deletion. One solution would involve item substitution in an alternative sensory modality followed by re-validation of the adapted test.</jats:sec


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    OBJECTIVE: Remote hearing screening and assessment may improve access to, and uptake of, hearing care. This review, the most comprehensive to date, aimed to (i) identify and assess functionality of remote hearing assessment tools on smartphones and online platforms, (ii) determine if assessed tools were also evaluated in peer-reviewed publications and (iii) report accuracy of existing validation data.DESIGN: Protocol was registered in INPLASY and reported according to PRISMA-Extension for Scoping Reviews.STUDY SAMPLE: In total, 187 remote hearing assessment tools (using tones, speech, self-report or a combination) and 101 validation studies met the inclusion criteria. Quality, functionality, bias and applicability of each app were assessed by at least two authors.RESULTS: Assessed tools showed considerable variability in functionality. Twenty-two (12%) tools were peer-reviewed and 14 had acceptable functionality. The validation results and their quality varied greatly, largely depending on the category of the tool.CONCLUSION: The accuracy and reliability of most tools are unknown. Tone-producing tools provide approximate hearing thresholds but have calibration and background noise issues. Speech and self-report tools are less affected by these issues but mostly do not provide an estimated pure tone audiogram. Predicting audiograms using filtered language-independent materials could be a universal solution.</p