394 research outputs found

    APC Communiqué

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    This is the archive of the summer 2012 APC Communiqué, a bi-annual newsletter, which features a special report entitled, "President Rupiah Banda defends democracy in Zambia and Africa". Banda was APC's eighth President-in-Residence

    Sorties de Cadre(s): Le licenciement pour motif personnel, instrument de gestion de la firme mondialisée

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    Tandis que les mĂ©dias se focalisent sur les licenciements Ă©conomiques et sur les plans sociaux devenus « plans de sauvegarde de l’emploi », les licenciements pour motif personnel (LMP) reprĂ©sentent dĂ©sormais 70 % des licenciements prononcĂ©s en France. Les cadres sont les premiers visĂ©s, le plus souvent dans les grandes entreprises et dans le secteur des nouvelles technologies. Les auteurs s’appuient sur soixante entretiens avec des DRH, des cadres touchĂ©s par le LMP, des reprĂ©sentants syndicaux et des experts – juristes, avocats, inspecteurs du travail, consultants –, pour montrer comment les puissantes logiques de globalisation et de financiarisation ont profondĂ©ment transformĂ© la relation d’emploi. L’adoption d’un management par le marchĂ©, d’origine anglo-saxonne, a donnĂ© au LMP une place de premier plan. Moins contraignant juridiquement pour l’entreprise, moins « dĂ©licat » en terme d’image, ce dernier se substitue alors Ă  d’autres modalitĂ©s de dĂ©part. En donnant la parole aux cadres, les auteurs mettent Ă  jour des situations trĂšs contrastĂ©es. Rupture identitaire et risque de prĂ©caritĂ© pour les uns, sĂ©paration nĂ©gociĂ©e et opportunitĂ© pour d’autres, les « sorties de cadres » ne se valent pas toutes. Selon qu’ils sont « juniors » ou « seniors », qu’ils appartiennent Ă  l’élite transnationale ou opĂšrent au niveau local, les cadres sont trĂšs inĂ©galement armĂ©s pour y faire face. Un livre Ă©difiant sur une pratique de gestion de plus en plus rĂ©pandue, qui s’inscrit, plus largement, dans les dĂ©bats contemporains sur les mutations du capitalisme français

    Jacquinot-Delaunay GeneviĂšve & Fichez Élisabeth (dir.). L’universitĂ© et les TIC. Chronique d’une innovation annoncĂ©e

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    PubliĂ© fin 2008, ce livre a de surcroĂźt connu une longue genĂšse puisqu’il est fondĂ© sur une recherche conduite entre 1999 et 2003 et portant sur un processus expĂ©rimental de grande ampleur en matiĂšre de ressources pour l’enseignement, une recherche menĂ©e par un groupe interuniversitaire et interdisciplinaire, associant des chercheurs en sciences dures et en sciences humaines rassemblĂ©s au sein du CODIF (ComitĂ© d’observation et d’orientation de dispositifs de formation). Il est donc lĂ©gitime d..

    Jacquinot-Delaunay GeneviĂšve & Fichez Élisabeth (dir.). L’universitĂ© et les TIC. Chronique d’une innovation annoncĂ©e

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    PubliĂ© fin 2008, ce livre a de surcroĂźt connu une longue genĂšse puisqu’il est fondĂ© sur une recherche conduite entre 1999 et 2003 et portant sur un processus expĂ©rimental de grande ampleur en matiĂšre de ressources pour l’enseignement, une recherche menĂ©e par un groupe interuniversitaire et interdisciplinaire, associant des chercheurs en sciences dures et en sciences humaines rassemblĂ©s au sein du CODIF (ComitĂ© d’observation et d’orientation de dispositifs de formation). Il est donc lĂ©gitime d..

    Inquiry into the interests of certain eighth-grade science pupils

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    Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston University, 1946. This item was digitized by the Internet Archive

    X-ray diffraction reveals the intrinsic difference in the physical properties of membrane and soluble proteins.

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    Membrane proteins are distinguished from soluble proteins by their insertion into biological membranes. This insertion is achieved via a noticeable arrangement of hydrophobic amino acids that are exposed at the surface of the protein, and renders the interaction with the aliphatic tails of lipids more energetically favorable. This important difference between these two categories of proteins is the source of the need for a specific handling of membrane proteins, which transpired in the creation of new tools for their recombinant expression, purification and even crystallization. Following this line, we show here that crystals of membrane proteins display systematically higher diffraction anisotropy than those of soluble proteins. This phenomenon dramatically hampers structure solution and refinement, and has a strong impact on the quality of electron-density maps. A farther search for origins of this phenomenon showed that the type of crystallization, and thus the crystal packing, has no impact on anisotropy, nor does the nature or function of the membrane protein. Membrane proteins fully embedded within the membrane display equal anisotropy compared to the ones with extra membranous domains or fusions with soluble proteins. Overall, these results overturn common beliefs and call for a specific handling of their diffraction data

    An Amphipathic α-Helix Directs Palmitoylation of the Large Intracellular Loop of the Sodium/Calcium Exchanger

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    The electrogenic sodium/calcium exchanger (NCX) mediates bidirectional calcium transport controlled by the transmembrane sodium gradient. NCX inactivation occurs in the absence of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate and is facilitated by palmitoylation of a single cysteine at position 739 within the large intracellular loop of NCX. The aim of this investigation was to identify the structural determinants of NCX1 palmitoylation. Full-length NCX1 (FL-NCX1) and a YFP fusion protein of the NCX1 large intracellular loop (YFP-NCX1) were expressed in HEK cells. Single amino acid changes around Cys-739 in FL-NCX1 and deletions on the N-terminal side of Cys-739 in YFP-NCX1 did not affect NCX1 palmitoylation, with the exception of the rare human polymorphism S738F, which enhanced FL-NCX1 palmitoylation, and D741A, which modestly reduced it. In contrast, deletion of a 21-amino acid segment enriched in aromatic amino acids on the C-terminal side of Cys-739 abolished YFP-NCX1 palmitoylation. We hypothesized that this segment forms an amphipathic α-helix whose properties facilitate Cys-739 palmitoylation. Introduction of negatively charged amino acids to the hydrophobic face or of helix-breaking prolines impaired palmitoylation of both YFP-NCX1 and FL-NCX1. Alanine mutations on the hydrophilic face of the helix significantly reduced FL-NCX1 palmitoylation. Of note, when the helix-containing segment was introduced adjacent to cysteines that are not normally palmitoylated, they became palmitoylation sites. In conclusion, we have identified an amphipathic α-helix in the NCX1 large intracellular loop that controls NCX1 palmitoylation. NCX1 palmitoylation is governed by a distal secondary structure element rather than by local primary sequence

    Spectroscopic analysis of Turkey red oil samples as a basis for understanding historical dyed textiles

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    Heritage conservation science is a valuable technique for improving understanding and the preservation of historical objects. Material analysis of heritage textiles and related materials provides information about polymer and colorant degradation, and contributes to improved conservation and display practices. The re‐creation of materials following historical processes is useful for testing analytical techniques in a field where ethical constraints often limit sampling, and to also identify potential age‐related changes relative to a fresh product. Despite the broad historical interest and industrial significance of Turkey red from the late eighteenth to the nineteenth century, little about the chemical complex of these unique textiles was understood in scientific terms. This study applied modern analysis with 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to investigate the conclusions reached by nineteenth century chemists, that fatty acids were a key component of the oil treatment, a unique and vital aspect of the Turkey red dyeing process. The results show that Turkey red oil samples are composed of fatty acids which tend to polymerise over time, and that modern commercial Turkey red oil has a similar composition to historical samples and a replica sample made following a nineteenth century method. This information was used to form a hypothesis for the overall Turkey red complex on the fibre, and confirmed that the experimental work of nineteenth century chemists was theoretically accurate despite their lack of precise analytical techniques. This indicates that a re‐creation and analysis approach is effective for studying heritage materials, provided the historical practice for making the original object is taken into consideration
