135 research outputs found

    Surgical techniques in substitution urethroplasty using buccal mucosa for the treatment of anterior urethral strictures

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    OBJECTIVES: Since the resurgence in the use of buccal mucosa (BM) in substitution urethroplasty in the late 1980s and early 1990s, there has been controversy as to which surgical technique is the most appropriate for its application. METHODS: The authors performed an updated literature review. Several centres have published widely on this topic, and the points considered include the use BM in dorsal onlay grafts, ventral onlay grafts, and tubularised grafts and the role of two-stage procedures. RESULTS: In experienced hands, the outcomes of both dorsal onlay grafts and ventral onlay grafts in bulbar urethroplasty are similar. The dorsal onlay technique is, however, possibly less dependent on surgical expertise and therefore more suitable for surgeons new to the practice of urethroplasty. The complications associated with ventral onlay techniques can be minimised by meticulous surgical technique, but in series with longer follow-up, complications still tend to be more prevalent. In penile urethroplasty, two-stage dorsal onlay of BM (after complete excision of the scarred urethra) still provides the best results, although in certain circumstances a one-stage dorsal onlay procedure is possible. In general, ventral onlay of BM and tube graft procedures in the management of penile strictures are associated with much higher rates of recurrence and should therefore be avoided. CONCLUSIONS: In experienced hands the results of the ventral and dorsal onlay of BM for bulbar urethroplasty are equivalent. Two-stage procedures are preferable in the penile urethra, except under certain circumstances when a one-stage dorsal onlay is feasible

    The aging bladder insights from animal models

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    Alterations in bladder function with aging are very common and are very likely to represent an increasing healthcare problem in the years to come with the general aging of the population. In this review the authors describe the prevalence of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and comment upon potential mechanisms which may be responsible for the increasing prevalence of lower LUTS with increasing age, based on laboratory studies. It is clear that there is a complex interplay between the various components of the neural innervation structure of the bladder in leading to changes with age, which are likely to underpin the LUTS which are seen in the aging bladder

    Delayed repair of pelvic fracture urethral injuries: Preoperative decision-making.

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    Pelvic fracture urethral injuries comprise one of the most challenging reconstructive procedures in urology. The obliterated or stenosed urethra can usually be effectively repaired by an end-to-end anastomosis (bulbomembranous anastomosis). To achieve this, a progression of surgical steps can be used to make a tension-free anastomosis. Before undertaking surgery it is important to comprehensively assess the patient to define their anatomical defects, in particular the site of the stenosis, the length of the distraction injury and the integrity of the bladder neck, and thus guide preoperative decision-making. Contemporary reports suggest that most pelvic fracture urethral distraction defects (PFUDD) can be adequately managed by a perineal approach. Nevertheless it is essential that all surgeons treating these injuries are familiar with the whole spectrum of operative steps that are necessary to repair PFUDD

    Overcoming scarring in the urethra: Challenges for tissue engineering.

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    Urethral stricture disease is increasingly common occurring in about 1% of males over the age of 55. The stricture tissue is rich in myofibroblasts and multi-nucleated giant cells which are thought to be related to stricture formation and collagen synthesis. An increase in collagen is associated with the loss of the normal vasculature of the normal urethra. The actual incidence differs based on worldwide populations, geography, and income. The stricture aetiology, location, length and patient's age and comorbidity are important in deciding the course of treatment. In this review we aim to summarise the existing knowledge of the aetiology of urethral strictures, review current treatment regimens, and present the challenges of using tissue-engineered buccal mucosa (TEBM) to repair scarring of the urethra. In asking this question we are also mindful that recurrent fibrosis occurs in other tissues-how can we learn from these other pathologies

    Landmarks in vaginal mesh development: polypropylene mesh for treatment of SUI and POP

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    Vaginal meshes used in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and pelvic organ prolapse (POP) have produced highly variable outcomes, causing life-changing complications in some patients while providing others with effective, minimally invasive treatments. The risk:benefit ratio when using vaginal meshes is a complex issue in which a combination of several factors, including the inherent incompatibility of the mesh material with some applications in pelvic reconstructive surgeries and the lack of appropriate regulatory approval processes at the time of the premarket clearance of these products, have contributed to the occurrence of complications caused by vaginal mesh. Surgical mesh used in hernia repair has evolved over many years, from metal implants to knitted polymer meshes that were adopted for use in the pelvic floor for treatment of POP and SUI. The evolution of the material and textile properties of the surgical mesh was guided by clinical feedback from hernia repair procedures, which were also being modified to obtain the best outcomes with use of the mesh. Current evidence shows how surgical mesh fails biomechanically when used in the pelvic floor and materials with improved performance can be developed using modern material processing and tissue engineering techniques

    Could Reduced Fluid Intake Cause the Placebo Effect Seen in Overactive Bladder Clinical Trials? Analysis of a Large Solifenacin Integrated Database

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    Objective To assess the hypothesis that patients receiving placebo in overactive bladder (OAB) trials who experience less benefit from “treatment” continue with behavioral modifications such as fluid restriction, whereas those on active treatment adopt more normal drinking patterns. This may manifest itself as a reduction in micturition frequency (MF). Materials and Methods We interrogated a large integrated database containing pooled patient data from 4 randomized, placebo-controlled phase III OAB solifenacin studies. A statistical correction was applied to MF to remove the influence of fluid intake. Results Pooled analysis using patient-level data from 3011 patients and accounting for the studies within the models showed that all patients voided progressively less total urine per 24 hours during treatment than at baseline. However, reduction in total urine volume voided per 24 hours was larger in patients receiving placebo vs those on solifenacin; with a substantial decrease in 24-hour urine output in the placebo group from baseline to week 4, which was not the case in active groups. After correcting MF for volume voided for each patient using the statistical correction and averaging the corrected MF per treatment arm, the placebo effect almost disappeared. Patients on solifenacin voided less often, with a statistically significant increase in volume voided each time they voided, vs placebo. Conclusion Assuming volume voided is a good surrogate measure for fluid intake, this analysis shows that fluid restriction almost completely explains the reduction in MF in the placebo group. In contrast, patients receiving active treatment adopt more normal drinking patterns once they start to perceive improvement in their OAB symptoms

    Complications related to use of mesh implants in surgical treatment of stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse: infection or inflammation?

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    The surgical mesh material used in the surgical treatment of stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and pelvic organ prolapse (POP) in women is associated with significant complications in some women. This has recently become a public health issue with involvement of national parliaments and regulatory bodies. The occurrence of mesh complications is thought to be a result of multifactorial processes involving problems related to the material design, the surgical techniques used and disease, and patient-related factors. However, the infectious complications and mesh-tissue interactions are least studied. The aim of this article is to review any previous clinical and basic scientific evidence about the contribution of infectious and inflammatory processes to the occurrence of mesh-related complications in SUI and POP. A literature search for the relevant publications without any time limits was performed on the Medline database. There is evidence to show that vaginal meshes are associated with an unfavourable host response at the site of implantation. The underlying mechanisms leading to this type of host response is not completely clear. Mesh contamination with vaginal flora during surgical implantation can be a factor modifying the host response if there is a subclinical infection that can trigger a sustained inflammation. More basic science research is required to identify the biological mechanisms causing a sustained inflammation at the mesh-tissue interface that can then lead to contraction, mesh erosion, and pain

    The effect of mirabegron on patient-related outcomes in patients with overactive bladder: the results of post hoc correlation and responder analyses using pooled data from three randomized Phase III trials

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    Purpose To understand how improvements in the symptoms of overactive bladder (OAB) seen with the b3-adrenoceptor agonist mirabegron 50 mg, correlate with patient experience as measured by validated and standard patient-reported outcomes (PROs), and to identify whether there is overall directional consistency in the responsiveness of PROs to treatment effect. Methods In a post hoc analysis of pooled data from three randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 12-week Phase III trials of mirabegron 50 mg once daily, responder rates for incontinence frequency (C50 % reduction in incontinence episodes/24 h from baseline to final visit), micturition frequency (B8 micturitions/24 h at final visit), and PROs [minimally important differences in patient perception of bladder condition (PPBC) and subsets of the overactive bladder questionnaire (OAB-q) measuring total health-related quality of life (HRQoL), and symptom bother] were evaluated individually and in combination. Results Mirabegron 50 mg demonstrated greater improvement from baseline to final visit than placebo for each of the responder analyses, whether for individual objective and subjective outcomes or combinations thereof. These improvements versus placebo were statistically significant for all double and triple responder analyses and for all single responder analyses except PPBC. PRO measurements showed directional consistency and significant correlations, and there were also significant correlations between objective and subjective measures of efficacy. Conclusions The improvements in objective measures seen with mirabegron 50 mg translate into a meaningful clinical benefit as evident by the directional consistency seen in HRQoL measures of benefit