5 research outputs found

    Broadly Sampled Multigene Trees of Eukaryotes

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    Background. Our understanding of the eukaryotic tree of life and the tremendous diversity of microbial eukaryotes is in flux as additional genes and diverse taxa are sampled for molecular analyses. Despite instability in many analyses, there is an increasing trend to classify eukaryotic diversity into six major supergroups: the \u27Amoebozoa\u27, \u27Chromalveolata\u27, \u27Excavata\u27, \u27Opisthokonta\u27, \u27Plantae\u27, and \u27Rhizaria\u27. Previous molecular analyses have often suffered from either a broad taxon sampling using only single-gene data or have used multigene data with a limited sample of taxa. This study has two major aims: (1) to place taxa represented by 72 sequences, 61 of which have not been characterized previously, onto a well-sampled multigene genealogy, and (2) to evaluate the support for the six putative supergroups using two taxon-rich data sets and a variety of phylogenetic approaches. Results. The inferred trees reveal strong support for many clades that also have defining ultrastructural or molecular characters. In contrast, we find limited to no support for most of the putative supergroups as only the \u27Opisthokonta\u27 receive strong support in our analyses. The supergroup \u27Amoebozoa\u27 has only moderate support, whereas the \u27Chromalveolata\u27, \u27Excavata\u27, \u27Plantae\u27, and \u27Rhizaria\u27 receive very limited or no support. Conclusion. Our analytical approach substantiates the power of increased taxon sampling in placing diverse eukaryotic lineages within well-supported clades. At the same time, this study indicates that the six supergroup hypothesis of higher-level eukaryotic classification is likely premature. The use of a taxon-rich data set with 105 lineages, which still includes only a small fraction of the diversity of microbial eukaryotes, fails to resolve deeper phylogenetic relationships and reveals no support for four of the six proposed supergroups. Our analyses provide a point of departure for future taxon- and gene-rich analyses of the eukaryotic tree of life, which will be critical for resolving their phylogenetic interrelationships

    Differential association of programmed death-1 and CD57 with ex vivo survival of CD8+ T cells in HIV infection

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    Recent studies have revealed the critical role of programmed death-1 (PD-1) in exhaustion of HIV- and SIV-specific CD8+ T cells. In this study, we show that high expression of PD-1 correlates with increased ex vivo spontaneous and CD95/Fas-induced apoptosis, particularly in the “effector-memory” CD8+ T cell population from HIV+ donors. High expression of PD-1 was linked to a proapoptotic phenotype characterized by low expression of Bcl-2 and IL7-Rα, high expression of CD95/Fas and high mitochondrial mass. Expression of PD-1 and CD57 was differentially associated with the maturation status of CD8+ T cells in HIV infection. CD57 was linked to higher apoptosis resistance, with cells expressing a PD-1LCD57H phenotype exhibiting lower levels of cell death. The majority of HIV-specific CD8+ T cells were found to express a PD-1HCD57L or PD-1HCD57H phenotype. No correlation was found between PD-1 expression and ex vivo polyfunctionality of either HIV- or CMV-specific CD8+ T cells. Contrary to CD57, high expression of PD-1 was characterized by translocation of PD-1 into the area of CD95/Fas-capping, an early necessary step of CD95/Fas-induced apoptosis. Thus, our data further support the role of PD-1 as a preapoptotic factor for CD8+ T cells in HIV infection