1,309 research outputs found

    Student-Centered Learning: Impact Academy of Arts and Technology

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    This case study is one of four written by SCOPE about student-centered practices in schools. The case studies address the following questions:1. What are the effects of student-centered learning approaches on student engagement, achievement of knowledge and skills, and attainment (high school graduation, college admission, and college continuation and success), in particular for underserved students?2. What specific practices, approaches, and contextual factors result in these outcomes?The cases focus on the structures, practices, and conditions in the four schools that enable students to experience positive outcomes and consider the ways in which these factors are interrelated and work to reinforce each other


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    ABSTRACT The land is Allah’s most precious blessing for mankind. He adorned it with his countless blessings and appointed man as His vicegerent. Unfortunately, it is the man who polluted it for his own interest and now man himself is suffering from its dangerous consequences. Respiratory infections, lung cancer, cholera, hepatitis, typhoid and cardiovascular problem are but only a few of the long list diseases man has been suffering for a long time. Overcrowding in cities, increase in household and industrial waste, poisonous agricultural activities, excessive use of plastic and escalation of deforestation are the concrete reasons behind the exacerbating land pollution. That is why, land pollution has been the major concern for the whole world. Islam is a complete code of life. It is not just a set of instructions, but it is a complete guide with respect to every matter of life. Islam hates pollution and suggests strict punishment for those who are involved in such malpractices. There are many injunctions of Islam regarding land pollution and its preventions. It encourages man to plant trees, make land, water and air clean, and prohibits him to go against the nature of its environment. This is the only religion which shares its half faith in cleanliness. Therefore, man’s duty can never be the desolation and destruction of the earth. The responsibility of Allah’s vicegerent is of course to settle the earth and not to dispose of it in a way that is contrary to the purpose of creation

    Introducing an effect of climate change into globals models of rain fade on telecommunications links

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    Rain attenuation limits the performance of microwave telecommunication links functioning above approximately 5 GHz. Recent studies have revealed that over the last twenty years the occurrence of rain, at intensities that cause outage on terrestrial links, has experienced a strongly increasing trend in the UK. Globally, the height of rain events has also been observed to increase, which may compound increasing trends in rain fade experienced by Earth-Space communication systems. These climatic changes are almost certainly having significant effect on the performance of existing radio systems, and need to be taken into consideration when planning future systems. The International Telecommunication Union – Radio Section (ITU-R), maintains a set of internationally accepted models for the engineering and regulation of radio systems globally. Although under constant revision, these models assume that atmospheric fading is stationary. This assumption is inherent in the way models are tested.In this project, a method is developed to estimate global trends in one of the most fundamental parameters to the ITU-R models: the one-minute rain rate exceeded for 0.01% of an average year. This method introduces climate change into the ITU-R model of this parameter: Rec. ITU-R P.837. The new model is tested using a method that does not make a stationary climate assumption. Salonen-Poiares Baptista distribution, which is the fundamental method for developing ITU-R Rec. P.837 has been tested using UK Environment Agency data, but no correlations was found between measured annual accumulations and distribution parameters. Nonetheless a link was found between mean annual total precipitations (MT) and rain exceeded at larger time percentages such as; 0.1% and 1%

    Psychological Trauma and the Developing Brain

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    Exploring sequences of challenges and regulation in collaborative learning with process mining methodology

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    Abstract. The present study investigated the sequential interplay between cognitive and emotional/motivational challenges and regulation in collaborative learning groups of two profiles, high and low performing groups. The 77 participants were students of higher education institution, who collaboratively worked on a computer-based simulation in groups of three. The video data of approximately 34 hours was coded on a fine-grained level. Sequential analysis was applied by means of process mining methodology. The results show that in both groups cognitive regulation (i.e., planning, monitoring, and controlling) has a strong sequential relationship with emotional/motivational regulation than cognitive challenges. Unlike low performing groups (LPGs), high performing groups (HPGs) triggered a strong sequential relationship between cognitive regulation and emotional/motivational regulation to tackle cognitive challenges. Moreover, the results reveal that both groups initiated a regulatory process of monitoring. However, for LPGs monitoring manifested more sequences of emotional/motivational challenges which deterred them to run a regulatory process of controlling. Whereas HPGs were active enough to not only monitor but also control their learning by applying different strategies to progress in the task. Regarding statistical analysis, no difference was observed between HPGs and LPGs in terms of duration and frequency of each coding category. In addition, the process models of both groups also demonstrate that one regulatory process (i.e., cognitive) could have more and stronger sequential relationship with other regulatory processes (i.e., emotion/motivation) than cognitive and emotional/motivational challenges. The current study establishes theoretical grounding to advance understanding about the sequential relationship between challenges and regulation in low and high performing collaborative groups. On the practical implication’s front, it also provides empirical insights to develop pedagogical methodologies and designed tailored support to help collaborative groups deal with challenges by initiating regulatory processes to proceed in learning task

    Suggestions for a plan of civic education in the secondary schools of India.

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston Universit

    Voice Driven Email Client

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    With the advancements of technology, today the needs and expectations of humans keep growing seeking for more convenience. People prefer to communicate with technology using natural interactive approaches rather than with a key-board or mouse. Voice recognition is one such mostly preferred natural interactive approach. Though voice recognition was originally introduced in applications for differently abled individuals, today we see with the complexity in work environments, a majority of people prefer to use more natural interactive approaches such as voice commands due to its’ convenience. The main objective of this project is to develop an Email client which allows users to perform tasks within the application by eliminating the use of the key-board or mouse. The system allows users to perform all the tasks within the application using voice commands. At present widely used web email service providers such as Gmail, yahoo etc do not support voice commands, the Voice Driven Email Client makes it possible to connect to a web based email client and carry out tasks using special voice commands. It will allow the users to dictate as well as navigate purely on voice commands. This voice enabled email client introduces a better approach to accessing web-based email clients instead of remaining at the traditional text-based, typing and clicking approach. Further it will reach a wider target audience including differently abled individuals such as people without hands, people with difficulties in hand movements, dyslexic people who find it difficult to write and spell etc. This document outlines the motivation, background, problem description, scope, research and analysis, design, implementation and testing carried out to develop the Voice Driven Email Client
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