104 research outputs found

    Tolerance and accumulation of lithium in Apocynum pictum Schrenk

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    Primarily, lithium (Li) resource development and wider application of Li-ion batteries result in Li pollution and concomitantly poses increasing and inevitable problems to environmental health and safety. However, information is rare about the scope of the remediation of Li contaminated soil. Apocynum venetum is already proved to be a Li-accumulator with high Li tolerance and accumulation (Jiang et al., 2014). However, it is not clear whether Apocynum pictum, another species of the same genus with the same uses as A. venetum, is also a Li-accumulator. We investigated germination, growth and physiological responses of A. pictum to different levels of LiCl. Germination was not significantly affected by low Li concentration (0–100 mmol L−1). As LiCl increased from 100 to 400 mmol L−1, both germination percentage and index decreased gradually. For germination of A. pictum seeds, the critical value (when germination percentage is 50%) in LiCl solution was 235 mmol L−1, and the limit value (when germination percentage is 0%) was 406 mmol L−1. A. pictum could accumulate >1,800 mg kg−1 Li in leaves, and still survived under 400 mg kg-1 Li supply. The high Li tolerance of A. pictum during germination and growth stage was also reflected by activity of α-amylase and contents of soluble sugar, proline and photosynthetic pigments under different Li treatments. The bioconcentration factors (BCF) (except control) and translocation factors (TF) were higher than 1.0. High tolerance and accumulation of Li indicated that A. pictum is Li-accumulator. Therefore, this species could be useful for revegetation and phytoremediation of Li contaminated soil

    Effects of vertebral number variations on carcass traits and genotyping of Vertnin candidate gene in Kazakh sheep

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    Objective The vertebral number is associated with body length and carcass traits, which represents an economically important trait in farm animals. The variation of vertebral number has been observed in a few mammalian species. However, the variation of vertebral number and quantitative trait loci in sheep breeds have not been well addressed. Methods In our investigation, the information including gender, age, carcass weight, carcass length and the number of thoracic and lumbar vertebrae from 624 China Kazakh sheep was collected. The effect of vertebral number variation on carcass weight and carcass length was estimated by general linear model. Further, the polymorphic sites of Vertnin (VRTN) gene were identified by sequencing, and the association of the genotype and vertebral number variation was analyzed by the one-way analysis of variance model. Results The variation of thoracolumbar vertebrae number in Kazakh sheep (18 to 20) was smaller than that in Texel sheep (17 to 21). The individuals with 19 thoracolumbar vertebrae (T13L6) were dominant in Kazakh sheep (79.2%). The association study showed that the numbers of thoracolumbar vertebrae were positively correlated with the carcass length and carcass weight, statistically significant with carcass length. To investigate the association of thoracolumbar vertebrae number with VRTN gene, we genotyped the VRTN gene. A total of 9 polymorphic sites were detected and only a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (rs426367238) was suggested to associate with thoracic vertebral number statistically. Conclusion The variation of thoracolumbar vertebrae number positively associated with the carcass length and carcass weight, especially with the carcass length. VRTN gene polymorphism of the SNP (rs426367238) with significant effect on thoracic vertebral number could be as a candidate marker to further evaluate its role in influence of thoracolumbar vertebral number

    A multiyear assessment of air quality beneïŹts from China’s emerging shale gas revolution: Urumqi as a case study

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    China is seeking to unlock its shale gas in order to curb its notorious urban air pollution, but robust assessment of the impact on PM2.5 pollution of replacing coal with natural gas for winter heating is lacking. Here, using a whole-city heating energy shift opportunity offered by substantial reductions in coal combustion during the heating periods in Urumqi, northwest China, we conducted a four-year study to reveal the impact of replacing coal with natural gas on the mass concentrations and chemical components of PM2.5. We found a significant decline in PM2.5, major soluble ions and metal elements in PM2.5 in January of 2013 and 2014 compared with the same periods in 2012 and 2011, reflecting the positive effects on air quality of using natural gas as a heating fuel throughout the city. This occurred following complete replacement with natural gas for heating energy in October 2012. The weather conditions during winter did not show any significant variation over the four years of the study. Our results indicate that China and other developing nations will benefit greatly from a change in energy source, that is, increasing the contribution of either natural gas or shale gas to total energy consumption with a concomitant reduction in coal consumption

    Theoretical analysis of the limiting rate of phreatic evaporation for aeolian sandy soil in Taklimakan Desert

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    Phreatic evaporation is a great lose for shallow groundwater in the Taklimakan Desert. Given soil type and groundwater table, the limiting rate of phreatic evaporation is defined as the maximum of water transferred from groundwater to soil surface per unit time, which is a key parameter and control condition for phreatic evaporation model developing. The soil water characteristic curve for the aeolian sandy soil in the Taklimakan Desert was fitted with the least square method based on the formula of soil moisture characteristics curve proposed by Van Genuchten, using observed soil moisture and soil water suction data. The unsaturated hydraulic conductivity was determined by the instantaneous profile method in situ and the calculation formula for unsaturated hydraulic conductivity was established. According to the steady flow theory, the quasi-analytical solution of limiting rate of phreatic evaporation was derived on the basis of generalization of the formula of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. The results show that the soil moisture characteristics in the Taklimakan Desert can be well described by Van Genuchten's formula, and the limiting rate of phreatic evaporation declines by power function with the descending of groundwater table

    Root Morphology and Rhizosphere Characteristics Are Related to Salt Tolerance of Suaeda salsa and Beta vulgaris L.

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    Halophytes are capable of resisting salinity, and their root system is the part in direct contact with the saline soil environment. The aim of this study was to compare the responses of root morphology and rhizosphere characteristics to salinity between a halophyte, Suaeda salsa (suaeda), and a glycophyte, Beta vulgaris L. (sugar beet). The soil salt content was set to four levels (0.7, 1.2, 1.7, and 2.7%) by NaCl-treated plants. We investigated the soil pH, EC, nutrients and soil, plant ion (Na+, Cl−, K+, and Mg2+) concentration to evaluate the rhizospheric processes, and salt tolerance of suaeda by the root mat method. The highest biomass was in the 1.2% salt level for suaeda and in the 0.7% salt level for sugar beet. The root length and root surface area of suaeda showed similar trends to biomass, but the root diameter decreased by 11.5–17.9% with higher salinity. The Na+, Cl−, and K+ accumulations in the shoot of suaeda displayed higher than that in sugar beet, while the Mg2+ accumulation was lower in suaeda than that in sugar beet. High salinity resulted in increased pH and EC values in the rhizosphere for suaeda, but lower values of these parameters for sugar beet. Under high salinity, the Olsen phosphorus content was 0.50 g·kg−1 and 0.99 g·kg−1 higher in the rhizosphere than in the non-rhizosphere for suaeda and sugar beet. We concluded that the two species [halophyte, Suaeda salsa (suaeda), and a glycophyte, B. vulgaris L. (sugar beet)] showed diverse approaches for nutrient absorption under salinity stress. Suaeda altered its root morphology (smaller root diameter and longer roots) under salt stress to increase the root surface area, while sugar beet activated rhizospheric processes to take up more nutrients

    Effects of NO (3) (-) -N on the growth and salinity tolerance of Tamarix laxa Willd

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    The influence of NO (3) (-) -N on growth and osmotic adjustment was studied in Tamarix laxa Willd., a halophyte with salt glands on its twigs. Seedlings of T. laxa Willd. were exposed to 1 mM (control) or 300 mM NaCl, with 0.05, 1 or 10 mM NO (3) (-) -N for 24 days. The relative growth rate of seedlings at 300 mM NaCl was lower than that of control plants at all NO (3) (-) -N levels, but the concentrations of organic N and total N in the twigs did not differ between the two NaCl treatments. Increasing NO (3) (-) supply under 300 mM NaCl improved the growth of T. laxa, indicating that NO (3) (-) played positive roles in improving salt resistance of the plant. The twigs of T. laxa Willd. accumulated mainly inorganic ions, especially Na+ and Cl-, to lower osmotic potential (Is): the contributions of Na+ and Cl- to Is were estimated at 31% and 27% respectively, at the highest levels of supply of both NaCl and NO (3) (-) -N. The estimated contribution of NO (3) (-) -N to Is was as high as 20% in the twigs in these conditions, indicating that NO (3) (-) was also involved in osmotic adjustment in the twigs. Furthermore, increases in tissue NO (3) (-) were accompanied by decreases in tissue Cl- and proline under 300 mM NaCl. The estimated contribution of proline to Is declined as with NO (3) (-) -N supply increased from 1 to 10 mM, while the contributions of nitrate to Is were enhanced under 300 mM NaCl. This suggested that higher accumulation of nitrate in the vacuole alleviated the effects of salinity stress on the plant by balancing the osmotic potential. In conclusion, NO (3) (-) -N played both nutritional and osmotic roles in T. laxa Willd. in saline conditions

    Exogenous Sodium and Calcium Alleviate Drought Stress by Promoting the Succulence of <i>Suaeda salsa</i>

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    Succulence is a key trait involved in the response of Suaeda salsa to salt stress. However, few studies have investigated the effects of the interaction between salt and drought stress on S. salsa growth and succulence. In this study, the morphology and physiology of S. salsa were examined under different salt ions (Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl−, and SO42−) and simulated drought conditions using different polyethylene glycol concentrations (PEG; 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15%). The results demonstrate that Na+ and Ca2+ significantly increased leaf succulence by increasing leaf water content and enlarging epidermal cell size compared to Mg2+, Cl−, and SO42−. Under drought (PEG) stress, with an increase in drought stress, the biomass, degree of leaf succulence, and water content of S. salsa decreased significantly in the non-salt treatment. However, with salt treatment, the results indicated that Na+ and Ca2+ could reduce water stress due to drought by stimulating the succulence of S. salsa. In addition, Na+ and Ca2+ promoted the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and peroxidase (POD), which could reduce oxidative stress. In conclusion, Na+ and Ca2+ are the main factors promoting succulence and can effectively alleviate drought stress in S. salsa

    Nitrogen Promotes the Salt-Gathering Capacity of Suaeda salsa and Alleviates Nutrient Competition in the Intercropping of Suaeda salsa/Zea mays L.

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    Nitrogen accelerates salt accumulation in the root zone of an euhalophyte, which might be beneficial for inhibiting the salt damage and interspecific competition for nutrients of non-halophytes in intercropping. However, the variations in the effect of euhalophyte/non-halophyte intercropping with nitrogen supply are poorly understood. Here, we selected the euhalophyte Suaeda salsa (suaeda) and non-halophyte Zea mays L. (maize) as the research objects, setting up three cropping patterns in order to explore the influence of nitrogen application on the intercropping effect in the suaeda/maize intercropping. The results showed that the biomass of maize in the intercropping was significantly lower than that in the monoculture, while for suaeda, it was higher in the intercropping than that in the monoculture. The biomass of maize under NO3&minus;-N treatment performed significantly higher than that under no nitrogen treatment. Moreover, under suitable NO3&minus;-N treatment, more salt ions (Na+, K+) gathered around the roots of suaeda, which weakened the salt damage on maize growth. In the intercropping, the effect of NO3&minus;-N on the maize growth was enhanced when compared with the non-significant effect of NH4+-N, but a positive effect of NH4+-N on suaeda growth was found. Therefore, the disadvantage of maize growth in the intercropping suaeda/maize might be caused by interspecific competition to a certain extent, providing an effective means for the improvement of saline&ndash;alkali land by phytoremediation
