55,367 research outputs found

    On The Panel Unit Root Tests Using Nonlinear Instrumental Variables

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    This paper re-examines the panel unit root tests proposed by Chang (2002). She establishes asymptotic independence of the t-statistics when integrable functions of lagged dependent variable are used as instruments even if the original series are cross sectionally dependent. She claims that her non-linear instrumental variable (NIV) panel unit root test is valid under general error cross correlations for any N (the cross section dimension) as T (the time dimension of the panel) tends to infinity. These results are largely due to her particular choice of the error correlation matrix which results in weak cross section dependence. Also, the asymptotic independence property of the t- statistics disappears when Chang's modified instruments are used. Using a common factor model with a sizeable degree of cross section correlations, we show that Chang's NIV panel unit root test suffers from gross size distortions, even when N is small relative to T

    Chiral Restoration in the Early Universe: Pion Halo in the Sky

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    vanishing above TcT_c indicates chiral symmetry restoration at high TT. But is it the old T=0T=0 chiral symmetry that is `restored'? In this talk, I report on the spacetime quantization of the BPFTW effective action for quarks in a hot environ. The fermion propagator is known to give a pseudo-Lorentz invariant particle pole as well as new spacelike cuts. Our quantization shows that the spacelike cuts directly lead to a thermal vacuum that is a generalized NJL state, with a curious 90o90^{o} phase. This 90o90^{o} is responsible for vanishing at high TT. The thermal vacuum is invariant under a new chiral charge, but continues to break the old zero temperature chirality. Our quantization suggests a new class of order parameters that probe the physics of these spacelike cuts. In usual scenario, the pion dissociates in the early alphabet soup. With this new understanding of the thermal vacuum, the pion remains a Nambu-Goldstone particle at high TT, and will not dissociate. It propagates at the speed of light but with a halo.Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX, CCNY-HEP-94-9 To appear in Proceedings of "Trends in Astroparticle Physics Workshop", Stockholm, Sweden, 22-25 September, 1994, Nuclear Physics B, Proceedings Supplement, edited by L. Bergstrom, P. Carlson, P.O. Hulth, and H. Snellman. (Only revision is in the header citation

    An idea for a new modeling approach of climatic changes. A correlation study for Cyprus

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    Mathematical Modeling in climatic changes prediction has been based on more or less simple energy balances considering the Earth along with its atmosphere, with the so-called solar "constant" taken as an invariant. However evidence has been supplied in previous WSEAS Conferences that this constant, S, does not remain a constant but it does fluctuate, following the cycles of the solar activity. Furthermore the transmission parameters concerning the input and the output energy, τ V and τ IR from/to the system Earth-Atmosphere also vary and this reflects the human activity leading to increased greenhouse gas quantities, being blamed for a dramatic climatic change the last decades. Thus, considering those fluctuating properties, the following equation for Earth's mean temperature, T, has been developed (A being albedo equal to 0.3 and σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant) (Equation presented) with the following multivariate treatment: (Equation presented) We need to obtain the derivatives: (Equation presented) because all S, τ IR, τ V chang