4,340 research outputs found

    Phases of the infinite U Hubbard model

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    We apply the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) to study the phase diagram of the infinite U Hubbard model on 2-, 4-, and 6-leg ladders. Where the results are largely insensitive to the ladder width, we consider the results representative of the 2D square lattice model. We find a fully polarized ferromagnetic Fermi liquid phase when n, the density of electrons per site, is in the range 1>n>n_F ~ 4/5. For n=3/4 we find an unexpected commensurate insulating "checkerboard" phase with coexisting bond density order with 4 sites per unit cell and block spin antiferromagnetic order with 8 sites per unit cell. For 3/4 > n, the wider ladders have unpolarized groundstates, which is suggestive that the same is true in 2D

    Tyrosine phosphorylation is required for Fc receptor-mediated phagocytosis in mouse macrophages

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    Although Fc receptor-mediated phagocytosis is accompanied by a variety of transmembrane signaling events, not all signaling events are required for particle ingestion. For example, Fc receptor-mediated phagocytosis in mouse inflammatory macrophages (Di Virgilio, F., B. C. Meyer, S. Greenberg, and S. C. Silverstein. 1988. J. Cell Biol. 106:657; Greenberg, S., J. El Khoury, F. Di Virgilio, and S. C. Silverstein. 1991. J. Cell Biol. 113:757) and neutrophils (Della Bianca, V., M. Grzeskowiak, and F. Rossi. 1990. J. Immunol. 144:1411) occurs in the absence of cytosolic calcium transients. We sought to identify transmembrane signaling events that are essential for phagocytosis. Here we show that tyrosine phosphorylation is an early event after Fc receptor ligation in mouse inflammatory macrophages, and that the formation of tyrosine phosphoproteins coincides temporally with the appearance of F-actin beneath phagocytic cups. The distribution of tyrosine phosphoproteins that accumulated beneath phagocytic cups was punctate and corresponded to areas of high ligand density on the surface of the antibody-coated red blood cells, which provided the phagocytic stimulus. A tyrosine kinase inhibitor, genistein, but not several inhibitors of protein kinase C, blocked the appearance of tyrosine phosphoproteins as assessed by immunofluorescence, the focal accumulation of F-actin beneath immunoglobulin G-opsonized particles, and the ingestion of these particles as well. We suggest that tyrosine phosphorylation is a critical signaling event that underlies Fc receptor-mediated phagocytosis in mouse macrophages, and is necessary for the engulfment per se

    Oral composition

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    Oral care composition comprising a polymer obtainable by copolymerising a mixture of comonomers, from 5 to 95 mol % of the mixture of comonomers is constituted by a como no mer having the formula (I): (I) in which R is hydrogen or a methyl group, L is a divalent organic linking group incorporating a benzylor a carboxyl functionality, n is an integer of from 1 to 4 and Y is an amine, quaternized amine or quaternary ammonium group; and in which the balance of the mixture of co monomers is constituted by neutral and/or anionic comonomers; said composition being in the form of anyone of a toothpaste, gel, foam, chewing gum, deformable strip or mouthwash and being suitable for use in the oral cavity

    Identifying Essential Competency Areas for Occupational Therapy Education: A Scoping Review

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    This scoping review aims to explore the essential areas of competency in occupational therapy as the ability to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and values for the profession is not easily quantifiable. The objectives of this study were two-fold: (1) identify the key competency areas of occupational therapy and (2) identify assessments that measure the competency areas. The review was conducted by a team of a librarian and two independent reviewers to systematically search the peer-reviewed literature. The search yielded 296 articles and 52 articles that met the inclusion criteria. These articles were categorized under four overarching themes: (1) professional attitudes that include cultural competence and the ability to uphold ethical and legal responsibilities; (2) professional communication such as engaging in active participation with the client; (3) ability to work in collaboration with inter- and intra- professionals; and (4) provide quality service with a focus on evidence-based practices. Additional research is warranted to further build the evidence base of occupational therapy competence to improve outcomes for patients. The results of this study contribute to the ongoing collective work of researchers and practitioners who wish to continually improve a client-centered holistic approach through the recognition of these key themes. Identifying the relevant measures that assess these themes establishes the foundation needed to support the continuous effort to educate and support entry-level occupational therapists by paving the way for further development and refinement of measurement tools

    Noncommutative Field Theory from twisted Fock space

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    We construct a quantum field theory in noncommutative spacetime by twisting the algebra of quantum operators (especially, creation and annihilation operators) of the corresponding quantum field theory in commutative spacetime. The twisted Fock space and S-matrix consistent with this algebra have been constructed. The resultant S-matrix is consistent with that of Filk\cite{Filk}. We find from this formulation that the spin-statistics relation is not violated in the canonical noncommutative field theories.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, minor changes, add reference

    Self-pairings on Hyperelliptic Curves

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    A self-pairing is a pairing computation where both inputs are the same group element. Self-pairings are used in some cryptographic schemes and protocols. In this paper, we show how to compute the Tate-Lichtenbaum pairing (D,\phi(D)) on a curve more efficiently than the general case. The speedup is obtained by requiring a simpler final exponentiation. We also discuss how to use this pairing in cryptographic applications

    Soil Buffering Capacity Can Be Used To Optimize Biostimulation of Psychrotrophic Hydrocarbon Remediation

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    Effective bioremediation of hydrocarbons requires innovative approaches to minimize phosphate precipitation in soils of different buffering capacities. Understanding the mechanisms underlying sustained stimulation of bacterial activity remains a key challenge for optimizing bioremediation—particularly in northern regions. Positron emission tomography (PET) can trace microbial activity within the naturally occurring soil structure of intact soils. Here, we use PET to test two hypotheses: (1) optimizing phosphate bioavailability in soil will outperform a generic biostimulatory solution in promoting hydrocarbon remediation and (2) oligotrophic biostimulation will be more effective than eutrophic approaches. In so doing, we highlight the key bacterial taxa that underlie aerobic and anaerobic hydrocarbon degradation in subarctic soils. In particular, we showed that (i) optimized phosphate bioavailability outperformed generic biostimulatory solutions in promoting hydrocarbon degradation, (ii) oligotrophic biostimulation is more effective than eutrophic approaches, and (iii) optimized biostimulatory solutions stimulated specific soil regions and bacterial consortia. The knowledge gleaned from this study will be crucial in developing field-scale biodegradation treatments for sustained stimulation of bacterial activity in northern regions

    The Impact of SST-Forced and Unforced Teleconnections on 2015/16 El Nino Winter Precipitation over the Western United States

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    The factors impacting western U.S. winter precipitation during the 2015/16 El Nio are investigated using the Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications version 2 (MERRA-2) data, and simulations with the Goddard Earth Observing System version 5 (GEOS-5) atmospheric general circulation model forced with specified sea surface temperatures (SSTs). Results reveal that the simulated response to the tropical Pacific SST associated with the 2015/16 El Nio was to produce wetter than normal conditions over much of the west coast including California - a result at odds with the negative precipitation anomalies observed over much of the Southwestern U.S. It is shown that two factors acted to partly counter the canonical ENSO response in that region. First, a potentially predictable but modest response to the unusually strong and persistent warm SST in the northeastern Pacific decreased precipitation in the Southwestern U.S. by increasing sea level pressure, driving anticyclonic circulation and atmospheric descent, and reducing moisture transport into that region. Second, large-scale unforced (by SST) components of atmospheric variability (consisting of the leading modes of unpredictable intra-ensemble variability) resembling the positive phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation and Arctic Oscillation are found to be an important contributor to the drying over the western U.S. While a statistical reconstruction of the precipitation from our simulations that account for internal atmospheric variability does much to close the gap between the ensemble mean and observed precipitation in the Southwestern U.S., some differences remain, indicating that model error is also playing a role

    Derivative relation for thermopower in the quantum Hall regime

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    Recently, Tieke et al (to be published in PRL) have observed the relation S_{yx} = alpha B dS_{xx}/dB for the components of the thermopower tensor in the quantum Hall regime, where alpha is a constant and B is the magnetic field. Simon and Halperin (PRL 73, 3278 (1994)) have suggested that an analogous relation observed for the resistivity tensor R_{xx} = \alpha B dR_{xy}/dB can be explained with a model of classical transport in an inhomogeneous medium where the local Hall resistivity is a function of position and the local dissipative resistivity is a small constant. In the present paper, we show that this new thermopower relation can be explained with a similar model.Comment: This paper supercedes cond-mat/9705001 which was withdrawn. 4 pages, Revte
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