197 research outputs found

    Comparative study of serum ferritin levels after oral supplementation with ferrous sulphate and carbonyl iron in mild iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy

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    Iron supplementation is almost universally recommended during pregnancy to correct or prevent iron deficiency. Iron status can be assessed prepartum by estimating blood hemoglobin concentration, serum iron, serum total iron binding capacity (TIBC) and serum ferritin. This study attempts to know the therapeutic efficacy of the drugs, ferrous sulphate and carbonyl iron, in improving the iron stores to meet the increased demand during pregnancy. A comparative study was done in two groups of 36 pregnant women each. One group was supplemented with ferrous sulphate and the other group with carbonyl iron. The biochemical parameters assessing iron status, serum ferritin, serum iron and serum TIBC along with hemoglobin concentration were estimated before and after supplementation in both groups. Though not statistically significant, an increase was seen in the mean levels of serum ferritin in pregnant women who were supplemented with carbonyl iron compared to those who were supplemented with ferrous sulphate. Therefore, carbonyl iron can be preferred over ferrous sulphate in treating iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy, with added advantages of lesser side effects and shorter duration of therapy, which has been established in earlier studies. © 2010 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Serum iron, serum TIBC, hemoglobin concentration


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses pemberian izin pengelolaan sumber daya alam pertambangan oleh pemerintah di pertambangan emas kepulauan Sangihe dan proses pencabutan atau pembatalan pembatalan izin kegiatan pertambangan emas di kepulauan Sangihe oleh pemerintah, Pengaturan dalam Undang - Undang 1945 bahwa penyelenggaraan urusan pemerintahan yang merupakan tindakan hukum publik dalam tindakan pemerintahan dilakukan oleh tingkatan pemerintahan, baik di pusat maupun di daerah. Dalam hal ini pengaturan penyelenggaraan urusan pemerintahan di tingkat pusat dan pada tingkatan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan, maka penyelenggaraan urusan pemerintahan tersebut pula dilaksanakan di daerah oleh pemerintahan daerah. Penekanan adanya hubungan antara Pemerintah dengan Pemerintah Daerah dalam penyelenggaraan urusan pemerintahan dapat dilihat dalam rumusan Pasal 18 ayat (5) Undang - Undang 1945 yakni, “Pemerintah daerah menjalankan otonomi seluas- luasnya, kecuali urusan pemerintahan yang oleh undang-undang ditentukan sebagai urusan Pemerintah Pusat”. Rumusan ini tentunya mengisyaratkan bahwa Pemerintah Daerah menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintahan dalam otonomi seluas- luasnya, kecuali urusan pemerintahan yang merupakan urusan Pemerintah Pusat.2 Terkait dengan itu penyelenggaraan urusan pemerintahan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 33 ayat (3) Undang-Undang Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 juga merupakan penyelenggaraan urusan pemerintahan yang dapat dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Daerah. Pemerintah Pusat dan Pemerintah Daerah dalam penyelenggaraan urusan pemerintahan terkait dengan pemenuhan kepentingan hidup bangsa dan negara Republik Indonesia. Menurut Jaringan Advokasi Tambang (Jatam), TMS adalah gabungan dari perusahaan Kanada, Sangihe Gold Corporation yang merupakan pemegang saham mayoritas sebesar 70%, dan tiga perusahaan Indonesia.TMS yang memegang kontrak karya         1 Artikel Skripsi. 2 Mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum Unsrat, NIM 19071101006.   (KK) generasi VI sejak 17 Maret 1997 lalu telah mengantongi persetujuan kelayakan lingkungan dari Provinsi Sulawesi Utara pada 25 September 2020 dan izin operasi produksi dari Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) awal tahun ini. Pengertian izin di dalam kamus istilah hukum izin dijelaskan sebagai suatu perkenaan/izin dari pemerintah berdasarkan undang-undang atau peraturan pemerintah yang disyaratkan untuk perbuatan yang pada umumnya tidaklah dianggap sebagai hal-hal yang sama sekali tidak dikehendaki. Beberapa ahli, “Tempat pembuangan limbah berpotensi bocor dan mencemari lingkungan karena dibangun di atas tanah rawan gempa dan erupsi gunung api,” Ketiga, aktivitas pertambangan akan merusak kawasan hutan lindung Gunung Sahendaruman yang menjadi habitat satwa endemik Pulau Sangihe dan juga sumber mata air bagi masyarakat. Bagaimana hasilnya dan mengapa tertutup?” kini masyarakat lingkar tambang telah menyatukan suara untuk tidak menjual lahannya dan menolak kehadiran TMS. Kampung Bowone, 90% lebih sudah menandatangani pernyataan penolakan Kami mendorong Bapak Presiden untuk mencabut izin lingkungan dari provinsi dan IUP yang diterbitkan Kementerian ESDM. Kehadiran tambang mas akan menggerus lebih dari separuh Pulau sangihe sebagai wilayah operasinya.   Kata kunci: Pertambangan Emas, Pulau, Lingkungan, Perizinan

    Performance and Security Enhancement of AODV Protocol under Black Hole Attack

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    As in the convention of the wireless there are two types of wireless networks namely with base station (cell phone technology) and adhoc networks without base station. As adhoc networks play an important role in military based applications as centralized base station cannot be placed. So, the adhoc networks came into existence. As in the conventional adhoc networks the routing protocols are AODV. The AODV is based on IEEE802.11 the AODV uses destination based routing. As AODV cannot withstand blackhole attack. So the SAODV came into existence. In this paper we will present multihop adhoc networks and then the security for AODV is discussed. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15024

    Tidal waves cause damages to coastal villages in Kerala

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    The article reports on the damages caused by giant tidal waves to coastal villages between Aarattupuzha (Alleppey District) in the south and Nattika (Trichur District) in the north for a distance of about 150 km along the Kerala coast. The giant tidal waves struck hard against the shore and rolled over into the low lying areas filling the sea water in the huts, wells, paddy fields etc. The damages were the minimum where ever the sea walls were present. But such calamities are unpredictable, hence the practical solution to such sudden natural calamities is to protect the coast line by constructing sea wall wherever the same is not present

    Comparative Study of Sink Node Placement Strategies of Wireless Sensor Network

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    One of the fundamental design challenges in designing a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is to be more maximize the network lifetime, as each sensor node of the network is equipped with a limited power battery. Wireless Sensor Networks are rapidly growing area of research and commercial development. Meanwhile it draws attention of many researchers because of the enormous scope of its applications in numerous areas. A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of large number of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to monitor physical environment conditions, such as temperature, sound, humidity, pressure, light etc. and pass their data often called raw data through the network to Base Station which is often called Sink. The sink forms the gateway between the WSN and end-user application. In real time applications sensors collect data and transfer to the sink. Generally Sensors have limited range and less battery life. In this paper our main goal is to increase the network life time of sensors and reduce their energy consumption of the network. In this paper two sink placement strategies are implemented along with an existing strategy geographical sink placement strategy (GSP) by placing sink in an appropriate area to cover maximum number no of sensors in the region of an network. The advantages of these two strategies were analyzed and compare with an existing strategy

    Manifesto for Changes in Corporates on CSR towards SHG

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    ABSTRACT A company"s sense of responsibility towards the community and environment (both ecological and social) in which it operates is corporate social responsibility. Companies express this citizenship (1) through their waste and pollution reduction process, (2) by contributing educational and social programs, and (3) by earning adequate returns on the employed resources. The new companies ac


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    The presence of multiple iris holes is most commonly called pseudopolycoria, because only the central pupil has a sphincter muscle and can constrict. Iris holes without muscle tissue arise as congenital defects or develop from ocular trauma, inflammation, or degeneration and are thus not considered to be true accessory pupils. Multiple pupils, also known as true polycoria, are distinguished by the presence of a sphincter muscle around each iris hole, permitting synchronous constriction and dilation of the 2 pupils. One presumed mechanism for polycoria is a snaring or pinching off from the margin of another pupil. This patient had a small, oval-shaped accessory pupil, which may have separated from the temporal margin of the central pupil, leaving a thin bridge of no sphincter connecting tissue. The outlook for polycoria is generally good. You may not require any treatment if your visual impairment is minimal and doesn’t interfere with your daily life. However, if treatment is needed, pupilloplasty has so far shown positive results. If you have polycoria, it’s important to have regular check-ups with an eye doctor to monitor your vision and any changes your eyes may have. Having your eye checked regularly is also beneficial for your eyesight as a whole


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      Objective: Acenocoumarol is anoral anticoagulant with narrow therapeutic index, and the ideal dose of anticoagulation lies between International normalized ratio (INR) values of 2.0 and 3.5. Lack of monitoring and knowledge on acenocoumarol therapy may compromise patient's safety resulting in under- or over-anticoagulation. A study was conducted to monitor for the safety of anticoagulation therapy, achievement of goal INR levels and to assess the impact of pharmacist led anticoagulation monitoring and patient education on the rational use of acenocoumarol in patients admitted in cardiology wards with thromboembolic disorders.Methods: The study was conducted in 70 patients; data collection was done, prescriptions were analyzed for drug-drug interactions and adverse drug reactions (ADRs). Patients' knowledge on acenocoumarol therapy was assessed using a self-developed questionnaire at the baseline, then were subjected to a detailed patient education and on an average each patient received three sessions of education. They were again made to answer the same questionnaire on the day of discharge. The mean score of the responses before and after education was compared statistically using Wilcoxon signed rank test and McNemar test.Results: There were 60% patients under anticoagulated with the INR range of >2.0. 123 drug interactions were observed in 58 patients, on an average of 2 interactions per prescription, but no ADRs were observed. 59 patients (84.3%) showed significant overall improvement in knowledge on anticoagulation therapy following education.Conclusion: This study implies the role of clinical pharmacists in achieving better clinical outcomes in patients receiving oral anticoagulation therapy with acenocoumarol