2,100 research outputs found

    Magnetohydrodynamic Slow Mode with Drifting He++^{++}: Implications for Coronal Seismology and the Solar Wind

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    The MHD slow mode wave has application to coronal seismology, MHD turbulence, and the solar wind where it can be produced by parametric instabilities. We consider analytically how a drifting ion species (e.g. He++^{++}) affects the linear slow mode wave in a mainly electron-proton plasma, with potential consequences for the aforementioned applications. Our main conclusions are: 1. For wavevectors highly oblique to the magnetic field, we find solutions that are characterized by very small perturbations of total pressure. Thus, our results may help to distinguish the MHD slow mode from kinetic Alfv\'en waves and non-propagating pressure-balanced structures, which can also have very small total pressure perturbations. 2. For small ion concentrations, there are solutions that are similar to the usual slow mode in an electron-proton plasma, and solutions that are dominated by the drifting ions, but for small drifts the wave modes cannot be simply characterized. 3. Even with zero ion drift, the standard dispersion relation for the highly oblique slow mode cannot be used with the Alfv\'en speed computed using the summed proton and ion densities, and with the sound speed computed from the summed pressures and densities of all species. 4. The ions can drive a non-resonant instability under certain circumstances. For low plasma beta, the threshold drift can be less than that required to destabilize electromagnetic modes, but damping from the Landau resonance can eliminate this instability altogether, unless Te/Tp≫1T_{\mathrm e}/T_{\mathrm p}\gg1.Comment: 35 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophys.

    On a problem of B. Zelinka, II

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    Weak compressible magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in the solar corona

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    This Letter presents a calculation of the power spectra of weakly turbulent Alfven waves and fast magnetosonic waves ("fast waves") in low-beta plasmas. It is shown that three-wave interactions transfer energy to high-frequency fast waves and, to a lesser extent, high-frequency Alfven waves. MHD turbulence is thus a promising mechanism for producing the high-frequency waves needed to explain the anisotropic heating of minor ions in the solar corona.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted, Phys. Rev. Let

    Alfven Wave Reflection and Turbulent Heating in the Solar Wind from 1 Solar Radius to 1 AU: an Analytical Treatment

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    We study the propagation, reflection, and turbulent dissipation of Alfven waves in coronal holes and the solar wind. We start with the Heinemann-Olbert equations, which describe non-compressive magnetohydrodynamic fluctuations in an inhomogeneous medium with a background flow parallel to the background magnetic field. Following the approach of Dmitruk et al, we model the nonlinear terms in these equations using a simple phenomenology for the cascade and dissipation of wave energy, and assume that there is much more energy in waves propagating away from the Sun than waves propagating towards the Sun. We then solve the equations analytically for waves with periods of hours and longer to obtain expressions for the wave amplitudes and turbulent heating rate as a function of heliocentric distance. We also develop a second approximate model that includes waves with periods of roughly one minute to one hour, which undergo less reflection than the longer-period waves, and compare our models to observations. Our models generalize the phenomenological model of Dmitruk et al by accounting for the solar wind velocity, so that the turbulent heating rate can be evaluated from the coronal base out past the Alfven critical point - that is, throughout the region in which most of the heating and acceleration occurs. The simple analytical expressions that we obtain can be used to incorporate Alfven-wave reflection and turbulent heating into fluid models of the solar wind.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Weakly Turbulent MHD Waves in Compressible Low-Beta Plasmas

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    In this Letter, weak turbulence theory is used to investigate interactions among Alfven waves and fast and slow magnetosonic waves in collisionless low-beta plasmas. The wave kinetic equations are derived from the equations of magnetohydrodynamics, and extra terms are then added to model collisionless damping. These equations are used to provide a quantitative description of a variety of nonlinear processes, including "parallel" and "perpendicular" energy cascade, energy transfer between wave types, "phase mixing," and the generation of back-scattered Alfven waves.Comment: Accepted, Physical Review Letter

    Response properties of neighboring neurons in the auditory midbrain

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 171-175).The inferior colliculus, the primary nucleus in the mammalian auditory midbrain, occupies a central position in the ascending auditory pathway. Nearly all ascending neural pathways converge and synapse in the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus (ICC). Further, the anatomical arrangement of axons and neurons in the ICC suggests the existence of functional regions which may play a role in organizing different types of physiological information. To investigate this organization, we characterized the response properties of neighboring neurons in the ICC. To record reliably from neighboring neurons, we adopted a relatively new electrophysiological technique, tetrode recordings. Tetrodes have four closely spaced recording sites (<20[mu]m) which record multi-unit activity from a small number of neighboring neurons. The recorded signals contain action potentials originating from more than one neuron. Based on action potential wave shape differences across the four channels, we can reconstruct the contributions of individual neurons. Applying tetrode recordings to the ICC of anesthetized cats, we successfully reconstructed individual spike trains for 190 neurons at 52 recording sites.(cont.) To quantify the advantage of tetrodes, we compared our multi-channel recording results with waveform sorting from single-channel electrode recordings. At best, only 32% of the single-units from tetrode sorting were correctly identified using single-channel recordings. We used tetrode to characterize pure tone responses of neighboring neurons in the ICC in terms of frequency selectivity, level dependence, temporal discharge patterns, and sensitivity to interaural time differences. We find similarities in best frequency and pure-tone threshold among neighboring neurons; however, we find large disparities in bandwidth, level dependence, temporal discharge patterns, and sensitivity to interaural time differences. These results suggest that neighboring neurons in ICC can greatly differ in membrane properties and/or their patterns of synaptic input from different brainstem nuclei and tonotopic regions. Using tetrode recordings, we investigated how well multi-unit responses represent the response properties of the contributing single-unit responses.(cont.) We find that multi-unit responses represent single-unit best frequency, pure-tone threshold and level dependence well, and they represent single-unit bandwidth and interaural phase sensitivity poorly. These results suggest caution must be used not to infer single-unit responses from multi-unit recordings.by Chandran V. Seshagiri.Ph.D

    Peak effect in YBCO crystals: Statics and dynamics of the vortex lattice

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    Oscillatory dynamics and quasi-static Campbell regime of the vortex lattice (VL) in twinned YBa2Cu3O7 single crystals has been explored at low fields near the peak effect (PE) region by linear and non-linear ac susceptibility measurements. We show evidence that the PE is a dynamic anomaly observed in the non-linear response, and is absent in the Labusch constant derived from the linear Campbell regime. Static properties play a major role however, and we identify two H(T) lines defining the onset and the end of the effect. At H1(T) a sudden increase in the curvature of the pinning potential wells with field coincides with the PE onset. At a higher field, H2(T), a sudden increase in linear ac losses, where dissipative forces overcome pinning forces, marks the end of Campbell regime and, simultaneously, the end of the PE anomaly. Vortex dynamics was probed in frequency dependent measurements, and we find that in the PE region, vortex dynamics goes beyond the description of a power law with a finite creep exponent for the constitutive relation.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure
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