303 research outputs found

    An Analytical Link Loss Model for On-Body Propagation Around the Body Based on Elliptical Approximation of the Torso with Arms' Influence Included

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    An analytical model for estimating the link loss for the on-body wave propagation around the torso is presented. The model is based on the attenuation of the creeping waves over an elliptical approximation of the human torso and includes the influence of the arms. The importance of including the arms' effect for a proper estimation of the link loss is discussed. The model is validated by the full-wave electromagnetic simulations on a numerical phantom

    A Link Loss Model for the On-body Propagation Channel for Binaural Hearing Aids

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    Binaural hearing aids communicate with each other through a wireless link for synchronization. A propagation model is needed to estimate the ear-to-ear link loss for such binaural hearing aids. The link loss is a critical parameter in a link budget to decide the sensitivity of the transceiver. In this paper, we have presented a model for the deterministic component of the ear-to-ear link loss. The model takes into account the dominant paths having most of the power of the creeping wave from the transceiver in one ear to the transceiver in other ear and the effect of the protruding part of the outer ear called pinna. Simulations are done to validate the model using in-the-ear (ITE) placement of antennas at 2.45 GHz on two heterogeneous phantoms of different age-group and body size. The model agrees with the simulations. The ear-to-ear link loss between the antennas for the binaural hearing aids in the homogeneous SAM phantom is compared with a heterogeneous phantom. It is found that the absence of the pinna and the lossless shell in the SAM phantom underestimate the link loss. This is verified by the measurements on a phantom where we have included the pinnas fabricated by 3D-printing

    Miniaturized antennas for link between binaural hearing aids

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    We have investigated the possibility of using the 2.45 GHz ISM band for communication between binaural hearing aids. The small size of a modern hearing aid makes it necessary to miniaturize the antennas to make this feasible. Two different types of hearing aid placements have been investigated: in the outer ear and in the ear canal. Both put strict demands on the size of the antenna, which have been miniaturized by applying disc loads and high permittivity materials. The investigations have been done by FDTD simulation of a modified SAM phantom head, where we have included a simple model of the ear canal. Simulations show that the outer ear placement is better, as it gives a total link loss of 48 dB. The placement in the ear canal gives a total link loss of 92 dB

    An Approach to Analyze the Movements of the Arms while Walking using Wearable Wireless Devices

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    Abstract—Rhythmic movement of the arms while walking is an important feature of human gait. In this paper, we present an approach to analyze the movements of the arms while walking by using three wearable wireless devices placed around the torso. One of the devices is transmitter placed at the back and the other two are symmetrically placed receivers that record the power variation due to movements of the arms while walking. We show that the power received by the receivers will have symmetrical variation if the arms’ swing is symmetrical. An analytical model has been used to calculate the position of the receivers. Full wave simulations on a walking phantom are done to confirm the results

    Context Driven Bipolar Adjustment for Optimized Aspect Level Sentiment Analysis

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    122–127World Wide Web provides numerous opinionated data that can influence users. Reviews on online data highly affect the user’s perception while buying a particular or related product from an online shopping site. The online review provided by a customer helps other customers to make up their decision regarding purchasing that item. Looking at the developer’s and producer’s perspective, the opinions of customers on their manufactured items is helpful in identifying deformities as well as scope for improving its quality. Equipped with all this information, the product can be developed and managed more efficiently. Along with the overall rating of the product, the feature-based rating will have a great impact on the decision-making process of the customer. In this paper, an optimized scheme of aspect level sentiment analysis is presented to analyze the online reviews of a product. Reviews ratings have been used for learning approach. Inherently biased reviews are considered to optimize the Aspect Level Sentiment Analysis. Bi-polar aspect level sentiment analysis model has been trained using multiple kernels of support vector machine to optimize the results. Lexicon based aspect level sentiment analysis is performed first and later on the basis of bipolar words adjustment, and its effect on results, aspect level sentiment analysis for efficient optimization has been performed. A Web Crawler is developed to extract data from Amazon. The results obtained outperformed traditional lexicon based Aspect Level Sentiment Analysis

    Metabolic effects of Olanzapine versus Iloperidone: A 24 weeks randomized, prospective, interventional study

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    Atypical antipsychotics have become the mainstay of therapy for psychosis. Though extrapyramidal side effects have been reduced with atypical antipsychotics, yet there are increased concerns over metabolic effects. The present study is aimed to comparatively evaluate the metabolic profile of olanzapine and iloperidone in cases of psychosis. A prospective, randomized, open label, observational study of 6 months duration was conducted in the Department of Pharmacology and Department of Psychiatry, Rohilkhand Medical College and Hospital, Bareilly. A total of 62 patients of both sexes newly diagnosed with psychosis (ICD-10, F20- F29) were included in the study, 31 each in olanzapine and iloperidone groups. Demographic parameters were recorded, following which the patient’s body weight, BMI, fasting blood sugar and lipid profile were estimated at baseline. Follow-up of the patients was done periodically after one month, three months and six months. Olanzapine treated patients showed markedly significant rise in body weight up to 7 kg at the endpoint (p<0.0001) at each follow-up, with a significant increase in BMI. Rise in fasting blood sugar (FBS), total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels werealso statistically significant. At the same time, significant decrease in HDL levels was also observed. Iloperidone treated patients showed statistically significant less rise in body weight (upto 1kg, p<0.05) and BMI. No significant changes in fasting blood sugar, total cholesterol, LDL and HDL levels were noted, while TG levels were significantly reduced. Iloperidone caused numerically less rise in bodyweight and BMI, and fewer metabolic adverse effects as compared to olanzapine, and hence should be preferred.Keywords: Atypical antipsychotics; Weight gain; Blood sugar level; Dyslipidemi

    A cross-sectional study of visual impairment in elderly population in residential care in the South Indian state of Andhra Pradesh:A cross-sectional study

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence and major causes of visual impairment (VI) in elderly residents of ‘home for the aged’ institutions in the Prakasam district in India. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: ‘Home for the aged’ institutions in the Prakasam district in the South Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. PARTICIPANTS: All 524 residents in the 26 ‘homes for aged’ institutions in the district were enumerated. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: Prevalence and causes of VI; visual acuity (VA) was assessed using a Snellen chart at a distance of 6 m. Pinhole VA was assessed if presenting VA was <6/18. Torchlight examination and direct ophthalmoscopy were performed. VI was defined as presenting VA <6/18 in the better eye. RESULTS: Of the 494 participants examined (response rate 94.3%), 78.1% were women, 72.1% had no formal schooling. The mean age of participants was 70 years (SD ±8.6 years). VI was present in 280/494 individuals (56.9%; 95% CI 52.3 to 61.3). Over 80% of the VI was due to avoidable causes including cataract (57.1%) and uncorrected refractive errors (26.4%). Among 134 individuals who had undergone bilateral cataract surgery, only 78 (58.2%) individuals had presenting VA ≥6/18 and 13/134 (9.7%) participants were blind. CONCLUSIONS: There is high prevalence of VI in the institutionalised elderly population in the Prakasam district in India. A significant proportion of this elderly population with VI can benefit from spectacles and cataract surgery. Strategies are required to provide high-quality services to this population

    Quantitative and Rapid Antibacterial Assay of Micromeria biflora Benth. Leaf Essential Oil Against Dental Caries Causing Bacteria Using Phylogenetic Approach

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    AbstractThe phylogenetic relationship of four dental caries causing bacterial pathogens has been studied using ITS1 sequences of the standard strains were aligned by using the ClustalW computer program. The essential oil obtained from the leaves of Micromeria biflora Benth., obtained by hydrodistillaton. The chemical compositions of the essential oil from Micromeria biflora Benth was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The GC/MS analysis showed eight major active constituents in the leaf essential oil of Micromeria biflora Benth. The antibacterial activity of the oil was evaluated against four dental caries causing bacteria such as Streptococcus mutans (MTCC 890); Lactobacillus acidophilus (MTCC 447); Streptococcus mitis (MTCC 2695) and Streptococcus salivarius (MTCC 1938) using broth microdilution method recommended by Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) formely (NCCLS). It’s showed excellent activity against Streptococcus mutans with their Minimum inhibition concentration (MIC) 0.15 mg/ml and (IC50) 0.10 mg/ml and less effective against Lactobacillus acidophilus. The essential oil of Micromeria biflora Benth from leaf has played a significant role against dental caries causing bacteria. Relationships of the dental caries causing pathogens to the toxicity of the oil vis-à-vis phylogeny using molecular data of pathogens have also been discussed. 1Biological Product Laboratory, Dept. of Botany, University of Allahabad, Allahabad-2110022Dept. of Horticulture, Aromatic & Medicinal Plants, Mizoram University, Aizawl-796009, India 3Dental Surgeon, Saumya Dental Clinic, Taigore Town, Allahabad, India*Corresponding author, Email: [email protected], Tel: +919335108519Please Cite This Article As:  Rohit Kumar Mishra, Awadhesh Kumar, Amritesh Chandra Shukla, Pravin Tiwari and Anupam Dikshit. 2010. Quantitative and Rapid Antibacterial Assay of Micromeria biflora Benth. Leaf Essential Oil Against Dental Caries Causing Bacteria Using Phylogenetic Approach. J. Ecobiotechnol. 2(4):22-26

    Cross-learning for addressing emergent challenges of aquaculture and fisheries in India

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    Fisheries and aquaculture play a pivotal role in India’s economy and contributes significantly to the food and nutrition security of the fish-eating population in the country. The sector has recorded an average annual growth rate of 8-10% over the past two decades. The continued vibrancy observed in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors in the country is largely due to the elaborate network of institutions and governance mechanisms that have been developed over years since independence (1947). Both formal and informal networks adorn the fisheries administrative, governance and management regime in India, with their formats diverse in terms of affiliation, ownerships, organizational framework, activity spheres, mode of operation, and so on. This country status paper summarizes the broad architecture of the above network and demonstrates how cross learning among the SAARC member countries could address the regional and sub-regional challenges therein

    Context Driven Bipolar Adjustment for Optimized Aspect Level Sentiment Analysis

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    World Wide Web provides numerous opinionated data that can influence users. Reviews on online data highly affect the user’s perception while buying a particular or related product from an online shopping site. The online review provided by a customer helps other customers to make up their decision regarding purchasing that item. Looking at the developer’s and producer’s perspective, the opinions of customers on their manufactured items is helpful in identifying deformities as well as scope for improving its quality. Equipped with all this information, the product can be developed and managed more efficiently. Along with the overall rating of the product, the feature-based rating will have a great impact on the decision-making process of the customer. In this paper, an optimized scheme of aspect level sentiment analysis is presented to analyze the online reviews of a product. Reviews ratings have been used for learning approach. Inherently biased reviews are considered to optimize the Aspect Level Sentiment Analysis. Bi-polar aspect level sentiment analysis model has been trained using multiple kernels of support vector machine to optimize the results. Lexicon based aspect level sentiment analysis is performed first and later on the basis of bipolar words adjustment, and its effect on results, aspect level sentiment analysis for efficient optimization has been performed. A Web Crawler is developed to extract data from Amazon. The results obtained outperformed traditional lexicon based Aspect Level Sentiment Analysis