334 research outputs found

    Vizualizace provozních hodnot elektromobilu

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    The car's dashboard has become an important part of every car over the last century. In the contemporary world, political, environmental, energetic and social conditions electric vehicles will play an immportant role in the future of transportation. The latest information technology enables the use of mobile technology to communicate with the electric car. Communication bus connection and in-vehicle wireless communication play an important role. The user and driver of the electric vehicle need to have an overview of the vehicle's operating parameters but also the traction system parameters at the time of charging and parking. The diploma thesis deals with the display of operational and other parameters in the electric car, the possibility of using mobile devices. It proposes solutions for communication links in an electric car. It informs about experimental design for displaying operating variables using CAN bus and BT wireless connection. Solutions are summarized and the vision of a small electric car solution for suburban traffic is outlined.Přístrojová deska automobilu se v rpůběhu minulého století stala důležitou součástí každého doravního prostředku. V současných světových politických, environmentálních, energetických a sociálních podmínkách budou hrát elektrická vozidla významnou roli. Nejnovější informační technologie umožňují využití mobilních technologií pro komunikaci s elektromobilem. Významné je napojení komunikačních sběrnice a bezdrátová komunikace ve vozidle. Uživatel a řidič elektrického vozidla musí mít přehled o provozních parametrech vozidla, ale také o parametrech jeho trakčního systému v době nabíjení a parkování. Diplomová práce se zabývá zobrazením provozních a dalších parametrů v elektromobilu, možností využití mobilních zařízení. Navrhuje řešení komunikačních propojení v elektromobilu. Informuje o experimentálních zapojeních pro zobrazení provozních veličin pomocí sběrnice CAN a bezdrátového spojení BT. Jsou shrnuta řešení a nastíněna vize řešení pro malé elektromobily pro příměstský provoz.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvídobř

    Analytic continuation

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    In this thesis, we study the following topics in complex analysis:- (1) Montel’s theorem. (2) Riemann Mapping theorem. (3) Analytic continuation. We also study the celebrated Schwarz Reflection Principle and the Monodromy theorem

    An apt perspective of analysis

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    The discourse presented here is aimed at examining the justification of applications of current analysis to real world problems

    Tolerance of three marine microalgae to cryoprotectants dimethyl sulfoxide, methanol and glycerol

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    Mangroves are one of the most productive natural ecosystems and form an important part of the coastal and estuarine ecosystem and are nursery ground for many organisms'. Phenols are one of the major groups of secondary metabolites in plants. Phenolic acids in soil are naturally formed during humic acid breakdown. Oilier sources in sediment are flavanoids leached from plant debris, those formed during lignin decomposition and those synthesized by soil microorganism

    Water-saving Rice Production Technologies in Krishna Western Delta Command of Andhra Pradesh – An Economic Analysis

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    The economic analysis of water-saving rice production technologies, viz. system of rice intensification (SRI), semi-dry and rotational irrigation vis-à-vis farmers’ practice has been carried out based on the study executed in Modukuru pilot area of Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh. Among the three water-saving rice production technologies analyzed, the total cost of cultivation has been recorded highest in SRI (Rs 58645/ha), followed by rotational (Rs 47140/ha) and semi-dry (Rs 39321/ha). But, the per hectare yield has been found highest in SRI (6.85 t), followed by semi-dry (6.66 t) and rotational (6.2 t), inferring that all the three technologies have recorded higher yields over farmers’ practice of 5.5 t/ha. However, the net returns and B-C ratio are maximum in semi-dry (Rs 43,484/ha; 1.11), followed by rotational (Rs 30,085; 0.64) and SRI (Rs 26,466/ha; 0.45) methods. Similarly, the water-use efficiency has been found highest in SRI (8.53 kg/ ha-mm), followed by semi-dry (8.02 kg/ha-mm) and rotational (7.33 kg/ ha-mm) methods, while the water-use efficiency benefit (Rs/ha-mm) has been recorded maximum in semi-dry (52.39), followed by SRI (42.08) and rotational (35.56) methods. With the initiation of Andhra Pradesh Water Management Project, Bapatla, the area under semi-dry rice cultivation has been found increasing over a period of four years, from 0.6 ha in 2004-2005 to 22 ha in 2007 -2008.Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Forecasting currency exchange rate time series with fireworks-algorithm-based higher order neural network with special attention to training data enrichment

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    Exchange rates are highly fluctuating by nature, thus difficult to forecast. Artificial neural networks (ANN) have proved to be better than statistical methods. Inadequate training data may lead the model to reach suboptimal solution resulting, poor accuracy as ANN-based forecasts are data driven. To enhance forecasting accuracy, we suggests a method of enriching training dataset through exploring and incorporating of virtual data points (VDPs) by an evolutionary method called as fireworks algorithm trained functional link artificial neural network (FWA-FLN). The model maintains the correlation between the current and past data, especially at the oscillation point on the time series. The exploring of a VDP and forecast of the succeeding term go consecutively by the FWA-FLN. Real exchange rate time series are used to train and validate the proposed model. The efficiency of the proposed technique is related to other models trained similarly and produces far better prediction accuracy

    Management of Constipation through Yogasanas

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    Introduction: The word asana is originated by 'as' dhatu, which has two main meanings, a place to sit and a physical position. The place to sit refers to the place on which one sits such as Dari, Aasni, yoga mat etc. According to the Yoga Sutras, the name of a state of happiness with stability is asana. This is the most popular part of yoga. Ordinary people only consider this as yoga. Constipation is considered the mother of all diseases in Ayurveda. When the smooth form of faces of the body is not expelled after digestion, then this condition is called constipation. Purpose: To discuss the management of constipation through Yogasanas by clarifying it’s the identification and causes. Research Methodology: Data were collected by conducting an in-depth survey and study of Yogic traditional texts such as Yogasutra, Hathapradipika, Gheranda Samhita, Charaksamhita, Sushruta Samhita etc. and research papers related to the subject. Results: Although many groups of yoga asanas are helpful in the management of constipation, but the combined practice of the first three asanas, Tadasana, Tiryaka Tadasana and Katichkrasana, out of the five asanas performed in Shankhprakshalan, has been found to be quite beneficial in the management of constipation. By the practice of the above mentioned yogasanas, the peristalsis of the intestines becomes active, as a result of which, on the one hand, there is management of constipation and on the other hand, there is no possibility of constipation disease developing by the practice of the above mentioned yogasanas. Conclusion: For the management of constipation, the practice of Tadasana, Tiryak Tadasana and Katichkrasana along with its removal after studying the causes of the disease with precision is very useful