42 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Demografi Akseptor Kontrasepsi Suntik Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate di Puskesmas Merdeka Palembang Periode Januari – Desember 2012

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    Latar  belakang: Kontrasepsi adalah metode yang bertujuan untuk menghindari atau  mencegah  terjadinya  kehamilan  sebagai  akibat  dari  pertemuan  sel  telur matang  dengan  sel  sperm.a. Kontrasepsi yang  paling  banyak  digunakan oleh pasangan usia subur di Sumatera Selatan adalah kontrasepsi suntik 3 bulan (Depot MedroxyprogesteroneAcetate). Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi seseorang dalam memilih alat kontrasepsi, antara lain faktor sosiodemografi (tempat tinggal, umur, tingkat pendidikan, jumlah anak, pekerjaan,  dan status ekonomi), psikologi, kesehatan, pengetahuan, dan  pengalaman.   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui  karakteristik  akseptor  kontrasepsi  suntik berdasarkan  usia, jumlah anak, tingkat pendidikan, dan pekerjaan subjek.   Metode: Penelitian ini adalah studi potong lintang di Puskesmas Merdeka pada bulan  Januari 2014.  Responden  dalam  penelitian  ini  berjumlah 1351 orang. Sampel yang digunakan adalah seluruh wanita usia subur yang berkunjung ke Puskesmas Merdeka  periode Januari-Desember  2012, yang memenuhi  kriteria inklusi. Data yang digunakan adalah data rekam medis (data sekunder).  Analisis univariat berupa distribusi frekuensi dilakukan untuk menentukan karakteristik akseptor kontrasepsi suntik dengan menggunakan program SPSS 21. Hasil: Persentase  penggunaan kontrasepsi  suntik  sebesar  63,6%. Kontrasepsi suntik merupakan metode yang paling banyak digunakan. Karakteristik pengguna kontrasepsi  suntik terbanyak terdapat pada kelompok usia 35 tahun dan telah memiliki 2 anak

    High-Throughput RNA Sequencing of Pseudomonas-Infected Arabidopsis Reveals Hidden Transcriptome Complexity and Novel Splice Variants

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    We report the results of a genome-wide analysis of transcription in Arabidopsis thaliana after treatment with Pseudomonas syringae pathovar tomato. Our time course RNA-Seq experiment uses over 500 million read pairs to provide a detailed characterization of the response to infection in both susceptible and resistant hosts. The set of observed differentially expressed genes is consistent with previous studies, confirming and extending existing findings about genes likely to play an important role in the defense response to Pseudomonas syringae. The high coverage of the Arabidopsis transcriptome resulted in the discovery of a surprisingly large number of alternative splicing (AS) events – more than 44% of multi-exon genes showed evidence for novel AS in at least one of the probed conditions. This demonstrates that the Arabidopsis transcriptome annotation is still highly incomplete, and that AS events are more abundant than expected. To further refine our predictions, we identified genes with statistically significant changes in the ratios of alternative isoforms between treatments. This set includes several genes previously known to be alternatively spliced or expressed during the defense response, and it may serve as a pool of candidate genes for regulated alternative splicing with possible biological relevance for the defense response against invasive pathogens

    Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity of some nickel, cadmium and mercury complexes of 5-methyl-3yl-N-(2′-methylthiophenyl)-methyleneimine, (MPzOATA) ligand

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    S.M. is thankful to the U.G.C., Govt. of India for providing financial support in the form of fellowship (videUGC Award No.: File No. 17-81/2008 (SA-I) dated: 04.1.2011). The financial support received from the University of Kalyani in the form of Personal Research Grant is thankfully acknowledged.Abstract Herein, we report the syntheses and structures of Ni(II) complexes, [Ni(MPzOATA)2] (Cl) (PF6) ( I ), [Ni(MPzOATA)2](ClO4)2.CH3CN (II) & [Ni(MPzOATA)2](BF4)2.H2O ( III ); Cd(II) complex, [Cd(MPzOATA)Cl2]2 ( IV ) and a Hg(II) complex, [Hg(MPzOATA)Cl2] ( V ), of a pyrazole based ‘NNS’ donor ligand, 5-methylpyrazole-3yl-N-(2′-methylthiophenyl)methyleneimine, (MPzOATA). The complexes are characterized byelemental analyses,electronic, IR, 1H NMR (only for IV & V ) spectral parameters, conductivity and fluorescence measurements. X-ray crystallographic data of the complexes reveal that the Ni(II) complexes have NiN4S2 octahedral coordination, one of them is a mixed-anion complex having Cl− and PF6− as counter anions; the Cd(II) complex is a chloro bridged binuclear complex with octahedral coordinationenvironment aroundeach metal centre, while the Hg(II) complex is a square pyramidal one. Among the reported complex species, the Ni(II) complexes are non-fluorescent, while the Cd(II) and Hg(II) complexes can be used as potential photoactive materials as indicated from their characteristicemission properties. The reported complexes are screened for their antimicrobial activities against some Gram positive and Gram negative microbial strains, and they are found to be potential antimicrobial agents in broad spectrum against both Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activities of Co(III) and Ni(II) complexes with 5-methyl-3-formylpyrazole-N(4)-dihexylthiosemicarbazone (HMPzNHex2) : X-ray crystallography and DFT calculations of [Co(MPzNHex2)2]ClO4·1.5H2O (I) and [Ni(HMPzNHex2)2]Cl2·2H2O (II)

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    Manan Saha is thankful to the U.G.C., Govt. of India for providing financial support in the form of Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship (Number and date of award letter: F1-17.1/2013-14/RGNF-2013-14-SC-WES- 51398/(SA-III/Website); 06/02/2014). N.C. Saha is thankful to the University of Kalyani for financial assistance received in the form of Personal Research Grant.A new pyrazole containing ligand, 5-methyl-3-formylpyrazole-N(4)-dihexylthiosemicarbazone (HMPzNHex2), and a host of its cobalt(III) and nickel(II) complexes, [Co(MPzNHex2)2]X·mH2O and [Ni(HMPzNHex2)2]X2·nH2O (X= Cl, Br, ClO4, BF4 and NO3; m = 0 for Cl, Br, BF4 & NO3 and 1.5 for ClO4; n = 0 for Br, ClO4, BF4 & NO3 and 2 for Cl), respectively, have been synthesized and characterized by elemental analyses, magnetic measurements (polycrystalline state), 1H NMR (for the ligand and its Co(III) complexes), electronic and IR spectral parameters. All the reported Co(III) and Ni(II) complexes are cationic in nature and behaving as 1:1 and 1:2 electrolytes, respectively, in MeOH. Electronic spectral data of the complexes categorize them as havingdistorted octahedral coordination geometry. IR spectral features (4000-/450 cm-1) specify a monodeprotonated / neutral tridentate (NNS) function of the ligand, HMPzNHex2 coordinating to the Co(III) / Ni(II) via the pyrazolyl (tertiary) ring nitrogen, azomethine nitrogen and thiolato / thioketo sulfur atom. 1H NMR spectral data (in CDCl3 at 400 MHz) for the primary ligand and those of its Co(III) complexes are in agreement with the proposition of bonding sites evidenced from IR data. The single crystal x-ray data of I (C2/c (#15); monoclinic) and II (P-1 (#2); triclinic) have confirmed a CoN4S2 and a NiN4S2 octahedral coordination, respectively. The pair of monoprotic / neutral coordinating ligands is more or less orthogonal to each other in the complex species. The data obtained from DFT calculations are reasonably in agreement with the UV-Vis spectral assignment and the structures of the complex species. Although the ligand and the tested metal ion complexes are capable of inhibiting microbial growth, the cobalt complexes can be promoted as better antimicrobial agents.PostprintPeer reviewe

    The last sea nomads of the Indonesian archipelago: genomic origins and dispersal

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    The Bajo, the world's largest remaining sea nomad group, are scattered across hundreds of recently settled communities in Island Southeast Asia, along the coasts of Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. With a significant role in historical trading, the Bajo lived until recently as nomads, spending their entire lives on houseboats while moving long distances to fish and trade. Along the routes they traveled, the Bajo settled and intermarried with local land-based groups, leading to 'maritime creolization', a process whereby Bajo communities retained their culture, but assimilated - and frequently married into - local groups. The origins of the Bajo have remained unclear despite several hypotheses from oral tradition, culture and language, all currently without supporting genetic evidence. Here, we report genome-wide SNP analyses on 73 Bajo individuals from three communities across Indonesia - the Derawan of Northeast Borneo, the Kotabaru of Southeast Borneo and the Kendari of Southeast Sulawesi, with 87 new samples from three populations surrounding the area where these Bajo peoples live. The Bajo likely share a common connection with Southern Sulawesi, but crucially, each Bajo community also exhibits unique genetic contributions from neighboring populations

    Synthesis and characterization of two Cu(II) complexes with a new pyrazole-based Schiff base ligand: crystallography, DNA interaction and antimicrobial activity of Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes

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    <p>Reaction of Cu(II) nitrate with a new pyrazole-based Schiff base ligand, 5-methyl-3-formylpyrazole-N-(2′-methylphenoxy)methyleneimine (MPzOA), afforded two types of Cu(II) complexes at different reaction temperatures, [Cu(MP<sub>z</sub>OA)(NO<sub>3</sub>)]<sub>2</sub> (<b>1</b>) and [Cu(3,7,11,15-tetramethylporphyrin)(H<sub>2</sub>O)](NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub> (<b>2</b>), reported together with a Ni(II) complex, [Ni(MPzOA)<sub>2</sub>(H<sub>2</sub>O)<sub>2</sub>]Br<sub>2</sub> (<b>3</b>). The compounds are characterized by single crystal X-ray structure analyses along with several physico-chemical and spectral parameters. Complex <b>1</b> is authenticated as a bis(μ-pyrazolato)dicopper(II), while <b>2</b> is a porphyrinogen and <b>3</b> is a distorted octahedral complex. Structural analyses of the complexes reveal that <b>1</b> crystallized in monoclinic <i>P2</i><sub><i>1</i></sub><i>/n</i> space group while <b>2</b> and <b>3</b> crystallized in monoclinic <i>C2/c</i> space group. DNA-binding studies of the complexes have shown that the complexes interact with CT-DNA. DNA-cleavage studies with plasmid DNA have shown that <b>1</b> and <b>2</b> induce extensive DNA cleavage in the presence of H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> as an additive, whereas there is no change in degradation of super-coiled DNA by <b>3</b> in the presence of additive. The antimicrobial studies of the complexes against <i>Escherichia coli</i> DH5α bacteria strain indicated that all the complexes were capable of killing <i>E. coli</i> with different LD50 values.</p

    Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activities of Co(III) and Ni(II) complexes with 5-methyl-3-formylpyrazole-N(4)-dihexylthiosemicarbazone (HMP<sub>z</sub>NHex<sub>2</sub>):X-ray crystallography and DFT calculations of [Co(MP<sub>z</sub>NHex<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>]ClO<sub>4</sub>·1.5H<sub>2</sub>O (I) and [Ni(HMP<sub>z</sub>NHex<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>]Cl<sub>2</sub>·2H<sub>2</sub>O (II)

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    A new pyrazole containing ligand, 5-methyl-3-formylpyrazole-N(4)-dihexylthiosemicarbazone (HMPzNHex2), and a host of its cobalt(III) and nickel(II) complexes, [Co(MPzNHex2)2]X·mH2O and [Ni(HMPzNHex2)2]X2·nH2O (X= Cl, Br, ClO4, BF4 and NO3; m = 0 for Cl, Br, BF4 &amp; NO3 and 1.5 for ClO4; n = 0 for Br, ClO4, BF4 &amp; NO3 and 2 for Cl), respectively, have been synthesized and characterized by elemental analyses, magnetic measurements (polycrystalline state), 1H NMR (for the ligand and its Co(III) complexes), electronic and IR spectral parameters. All the reported Co(III) and Ni(II) complexes are cationic in nature and behaving as 1:1 and 1:2 electrolytes, respectively, in MeOH. Electronic spectral data of the complexes categorize them as havingdistorted octahedral coordination geometry. IR spectral features (4000-/450 cm-1) specify a monodeprotonated / neutral tridentate (NNS) function of the ligand, HMPzNHex2 coordinating to the Co(III) / Ni(II) via the pyrazolyl (tertiary) ring nitrogen, azomethine nitrogen and thiolato / thioketo sulfur atom. 1H NMR spectral data (in CDCl3 at 400 MHz) for the primary ligand and those of its Co(III) complexes are in agreement with the proposition of bonding sites evidenced from IR data. The single crystal x-ray data of I (C2/c (#15); monoclinic) and II (P-1 (#2); triclinic) have confirmed a CoN4S2 and a NiN4S2 octahedral coordination, respectively. The pair of monoprotic / neutral coordinating ligands is more or less orthogonal to each other in the complex species. The data obtained from DFT calculations are reasonably in agreement with the UV-Vis spectral assignment and the structures of the complex species. Although the ligand and the tested metal ion complexes are capable of inhibiting microbial growth, the cobalt complexes can be promoted as better antimicrobial agents