3,365 research outputs found

    Simultaneous deletion of floxed genes mediated by CaMKIIa-Cre in the brain and in male germ cells: application to conditional and conventional disruption of Go-alfa

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    The Cre/LoxP system is a well-established approach to spatially and temporally control genetic inactivation. The calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II alpha subunit (CaMKIIα) promoter limits expression to specific regions of the forebrain and thus has been utilized for the brain-specific inactivation of the genes. Here, we show that CaMKIIα-Cre can be utilized for simultaneous inactivation of genes in the adult brain and in male germ cells. Double transgenic Rosa26+/stop-lacZ::CaMKIIα-Cre+/Cre mice generated by crossing CaMKIIα-Cre+/Cre mice with floxed ROSA26 lacZ reporter (Rosa26+/stop-lacZ) mice exhibited lacZ expression in the brain and testis. When these mice were mated to wild-type females, about 27% of the offspring were whole body blue by X-gal staining without inheriting the Cre transgene. These results indicate that recombination can occur in the germ cells of male Rosa26+/stop-lacZ::CaMKIIα-Cre+/Cre mice. Similarly, when double transgenic Gnao+/f::CaMKIIα-Cre+/Cre mice carrying a floxed Go-alpha gene (Gnaof/f) were backcrossed to wild-type females, approximately 22% of the offspring carried the disrupted allele (GnaoΔ) without inheriting the Cre transgene. The GnaoΔ/Δ mice closely resembled conventional Go-alpha knockout mice (Gnao−/−) with respect to impairment of their behavior. Thus, we conclude that CaMKIIα-Cre mice afford recombination for both tissue- and time-controlled inactivation of floxed target genes in the brain and for their permanent disruption. This work also emphasizes that extra caution should be exercised in utilizing CaMKIIα-Cre mice as breeding pairs.Fil: Choi, Chan-Il. Ajou University. School of Medicine; Corea del SurFil: Yoon, Sang-Phil. Ajou University. School of Medicine; Corea del SurFil: Choi, Jung-Mi. Ajou University. School of Medicine; Corea del SurFil: Kim, Sung-Soo. Ajou University. School of Medicine; Corea del SurFil: Lee, Young-Don. Ajou University. School of Medicine; Corea del SurFil: Birnbaumer, Lutz. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences; Estados Unidos. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina "Santa María de los Buenos Aires". Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas; ArgentinaFil: Suh-Kim. Haeyoung. Ajou University. School of Medicine; Corea del Su

    Intra-abdominal angiosarcoma developing in a capsule of a foreign body: report of a case with associated hemorrhagic diathesis

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    BACKGROUNDS: Angiosarcoma occurs very rarely in the gastrointestinal tract and can present great diagnostic difficulty, especially when it is associated with intraabdominal abscess or granulation tissue. CASE PRESENTATION: We report a case where the angiosarcoma was diagnosed after the occurrence of disseminated angiosarcoma and concurrent hemoperitoneum. The tumor developed in the fibrous capsule of a foreign body, which was possibly related to the previous appendectomy twenty years ago, and became a widely disseminated malignant neoplasm in the abdomen. After the operation, the patient's course was dominated by a fatal consumptive coagulapathy. Pathologic examination of the multiple intra-abdominal lesions showed the histological and immunohistological characteristics of the angiosarcoma. CONCLUSION: Even though angiosarcoma in the gastrointestinal tract is extremely rare, when dealing with intraabdominal abscess or the gastrointestinal bleeding in patients who have undergone surgery or radiation therapy in the past, the possibility of angiosarcoma should be considered. To make the definite diagnosis of angiosarcoma and to avoid the misdiagnosis of foreign body granuloma, thorough histological examination and immunohistochemical staining may be prerequisite

    Hepatorenal syndrome: Current concepts and future perspectives

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    Hepatorenal syndrome (HRS), a progressive but potentially reversible deterioration of kidney function, remains a major complication in patients with advanced cirrhosis, often leading to death before liver transplantation (LT). Recent updates in the pathophysiology, definition, and classification of HRS have led to a complete revision of the nomenclature and diagnostic criteria for HRS type 1, which was renamed HRS-acute kidney injury (AKI). HRS is characterized by severe impairment of kidney function due to increased splanchnic blood flow, activation of several vasoconstriction factors, severe vasoconstriction of the renal arteries in the absence of kidney histologic abnormalities, nitric oxide dysfunction, and systemic inflammation. Diagnosis of HRS remains a challenge because of the lack of specific diagnostic biomarkers that accurately distinguishes structural from functional AKI, and mainly involves the differential diagnosis from other forms of AKI, particularly acute tubular necrosis. The optimal treatment of HRS is LT. While awaiting LT, treatment options include vasoconstrictor drugs to counteract splanchnic arterial vasodilation and plasma volume expansion by intravenous albumin infusion. In patients with HRS unresponsive to pharmacological treatment and with conventional indications for kidney replacement therapy (KRT), such as volume overload, uremia, or electrolyte imbalances, KRT may be applied as a bridging therapy to transplantation. Other interventions, such as transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt, and artificial liver support systems have a very limited role in improving outcomes in HRS. Although recently developed novel therapies have potential to improve outcomes of patients with HRS, further studies are warranted to validate the efficacy of these novel agents

    A Case of Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia Associated with an Ovarian Teratoma

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    Autoimmune hemolytic anemia associated with an ovarian teratoma is a very rare disease. However, treating teratoma is the only method to cure the hemolytic anemia, so it is necessary to include ovarian teratoma in the differential diagnosis of autoimmune hemolytic anemia. We report herein on a case of a young adult patient who had severe autoimmune hemolytic anemia that was induced by an ovarian teratoma. A 25-yr-old woman complained of general weakness and dizziness for 1 week. The hemoglobin level was 4.2 g/dL, and the direct and indirect antiglobulin tests were all positive. The abdominal computed tomography scan revealed a huge left ovarian mass, and this indicated a teratoma. She was refractory to corticosteroid therapy; however, after surgical resection of the ovarian mass, the hemoglobin level and the reticulocyte count were gradually normalized. The mass was well encapsulated and contained hair and teeth. She was diagnosed as having autoimmune hemolytic anemia associated with an ovarian teratoma. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first such a case to be reported in Korea

    Thiol-linked peroxidase activity of human ceruloplasmin

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    AbstractHuman ceruloplasmin exhibited different antioxidant effects according to the electron donors in a metal-catalyzed oxidation system. Purified ceruloplasmin did not play a significant role in the protection of DNA strand breaks in the ascorbate/Fe3+/O2 system. However, when ascorbates were replaced with a thiol-reducing equivalent such as dithiothreitol, DNA strand breaks were significantly prevented by the same amount of ceruloplasmin. Ceruloplasmin did not catalyze the decomposition of H2O2 in the absence of reduced glutathione. On the contrary, ceruloplasmin showed a potent peroxidase ability to destroy H2O2 in the presence of reduced glutathione. In conclusion, the removal of H2O2 by human ceruloplasmin is not simply stoichiometric but thiol-dependent

    The Acute and Chronic Effect of Korea Ginseng Supplement on Exercise Performance, Cognitive Function, and Fatigue Recovery

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the acute and chronic effects of Korean ginseng supplements on exercise performance, cognitive function, and fatigue recovery. The study used double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover design. Twelve healthy adult males (age = 31 ± 6.86 yrs) were randomly assigned to either KGD or placebo trials. All subjects conducted the exercise consisted with 30 minutes cycling at 70-75% of VO2 max followed by 16 km time trial with 30 minutes resting periods. All subjects were tested for muscular power, strength, endurance, cognitive function, and fatigue. The subjects took KGD (280 ml containing 5.88 mg of ginsenosides) or placebo 90 mins before exercise trials and following 7 days. The blood sample was drawn for IL-6, myoglobin, and total antioxidant capacity immediately after time trial, as well as 2, 24, 48, and 72 hours. After 2 weeks of wash-out period, the subjects were crossed over into the opposite trial and performed the same test. Repeated measures ANOVAs were used to examine the effect of acute and chronic intake of ginseng on exercise performance and blood variables. An alpha of .05 was used, and the Greenhouse-Geisser (G-G) adjusted F and degrees of freedom were reported. In a placebo trial, peak power and mean power levels were significantly decreased across time, F (1.47, 13.24) = 4.63, G-G p = .039, h2p = .340 and F (1.46, 13.13) = 5.31, G-G p = .028, h2p = .371 while no differences were found in a ginseng trial. In a placebo trial, average reaction time (ART) was significantly increased across time, F (1.29, 11.63) = 10.81, G-G p = .005, h2p = .546, but in a ginseng trial, no difference in ART was found across time, F (1.54, 13.86) = 4.02, G-G p = .051, h2p = .309. There was a significant increase in TAC across time in a ginseng trial, F (1.42, 11.37) = 5.07, G-G p = .035, h2p = .388 while no difference was found in a placebo trial. No significant differences were found in other variables from placebo and ginseng trails. The 7 days of KRG supplementation significantly reduced the serum myoglobin concentration across time in the KGD trial, F (1.88, 13.17) = 5.18, G-G p = .023, while no difference was found in the placebo trial, F (2.21, 17.66) = .88, G-G p = .443. No significant differences were observed in serum total antioxidant activity and IL-6 between KGD and placebo trials. The study shows that Korean ginseng supplement before stating the exercise improve anaerobic capacity, cognitive function in particular psychomotor vigilance task, and fatigue recovery during cycling exercise. And 7 days of Korean ginseng supplement reduces muscle damage and fatigue after cycling exercise

    Intraocular Involvement of a Nasal Natural Killer T-Cell Lymphoma: A Case Report

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    Herein, we report a case of nasal natural killer T-cell lymphoma (NKTL) with intraocular involvement. A 57-year-old woman was referred due to a three-day history of photophobia and diplopia in the left eye. One-month previously, she was diagnosed with nasal NKTL of the right nasal cavity. Ophthalmic examination revealed conjunctival injection and ptosis. The left pupil was fully dilated and non-reactive to light. Ocular motion was restricted on left-upper gaze. Five days later, anterior uveitis developed and persisted despite topical steroid treatment. An orbital magnetic resonance imaging was without specific findings, however, ophthalmoplegia, vitreous opacity, and an iris mass were observed. A diagnostic anterior chamber aspiration was performed. Aqueous humor aspiration revealed 35% morphologically atypical lymphocytes. After an intravitreal triamcinolone injection, radiotherapy and chemotherapy were administered; this resolved the uveitis and iris mass. When refractory uveitis or orbital pseudotumor occurs in patients with nasal NKTL, ocular and orbital involvement of the NKTL should be considered

    Laparoscopic resection of a appendiceal mucocele

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    Laparoscopic resection of appendiceal mucoceles has recently been described, but the safety and efficacy are controversial. We present two cases of laparoscopic mucocelectomies involving 14 and 15 cm cystic masses originating from the appendix. The laparoscopic mucocelectomies were performed using four ports. From the beginning of the procedure, a laparoscopic bag was used to safely contain the mucocele, prevent rupture of the mucocele, and retract the mucocele. An endoscopic stapling device was used to transect the base of the cecum. Minimal handling was achieved by gravity and with the use of laparoscopic instruments. Laparoscopic appendectomies are widely performed for acute appendicitis, but laparoscopic resection is not routinely performed for an appendiceal mucocele because of the risk of perforation and subsequent pseudomyxoma peritonei. We report two cases of laparoscopic appendiceal mucocelectomies, which were performed safely with laparoscopic instruments and minimal manipulation