43 research outputs found

    Consumer Preferences for Imported Kona Coffee in South India: A Latent Class Analysis

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    Considering India as a potential export market for 100% Kona coffee, this study explores consumer preferences for imported, specialty, high-end Kona coffee in South India. Conjoint choice experiment with latent class analysis is used and results indicate that India offers an export market potential for Kona coffee, provided it caters to consumer preferences. Results show a significant preference for strong taste. The relative importance of price is lower than taste but majority are also adverse to higher prices. However,15% of the sample population does not care about price but does care about taste, indicating the possibility of a high-end niche market segment. Based on the results, marketing strategies and policy recommendations have been suggested.India, US Coffee Export, Kona Coffee, Conjoint Choice Experiment, Latent Class Analysis, Agribusiness, Q13,

    Farming Fish in a Transitional Economy: A Case for East Timor

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    This case study evaluates the economic potential for a grow-out mariculture enterprise in East Timor while highlighting how such a business venture could help engage a transitional nation in foreign trade, increase employment opportunities and encourage community based projects that promote sustainable resource use.aquaculture, mariculture, grouper, East Timor, transitional economy, Agricultural and Food Policy, Q10, Q22,

    Trade-offs between Shopping Bags Made of Non-degradable Plastics and Other Materials, Using Latent Class Analysis: The Case of Tianjin, China

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    white pollution, plastic bag ban, conjoint choice experiment, willingness to pay, latent class analysis, China, degradable plastics, cloth, paper, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Consumer/Household Economics, Environmental Economics and Policy, Q1,


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    This article studied Hawaii public opinion on agricultural products and processes using GMO technology. We used telephone to interview the people in each island of Hawaii. We found out that the favorability rating toward the attributes of GMO technological application differ based on the nature of GMO benefits. And sociodemographic variables played a significant difference in the preference of using GMO technology on producing agricultural products and process. Most significant associations were gender and island of residence. Age, education and ethnic background significantly also influenced the attitude of respondents toward some of GMO attributes. The fewest significant associations were heard of GMO and income.Consumer/Household Economics, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Analysis of Farm Household Preferences in the Management of Invasive Species: The Case of Miconia in Hawaii

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    A major threat to Hawaii's ecosystem is the spread of invasive plant species. One such species is Miconia calvescens. Given that this plant was originally introduced to Hawaii by the horticulture industry and has negative effects on agricultural productivity, it is logical to find the farm households' preference for the control of Miconia. Using Conjoint Choice Experiment methodology, this study designed a survey to measure farm households' preferences for Miconia calvescens control program attributes. Results of the surveys indicate that the farm households are willing to support Miconia control programs if they prevent severe soil erosion and loss of biodiversity.Miconia, invasive species, Hawaii, farmers, Conjoint Choice Experiment, valuation, Crop Production/Industries,

    Guangzhou Buyers Preference for Premium Hawaiian Grown Product Gift Baskets

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    Guangzhou buyers' preference for premium Hawaiian grown product gift baskets with conjoint analysis was examined. Relative importance of three gift basket attributes: container type, products origin, and price were examined. Expenditure equivalent index to evaluate how much more each of the gift basket attributes is worth to the buyer was estimated. Main conclusions are: products have to be 'made in Hawaii' to receive the premium price; business buyers are generally less willing to pay a high price; and individual buyers are more willing to pay the higher priced Koa gift basket.Chinese survey data, conjoint analysis, buyer preference, Hawaii gift baskets, Demand and Price Analysis,

    Hawai‘i Avocado Industry Analysis, Part 1: Supply Focus

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    This report describes production trends and the current situation in terms of the industry structure, identifies unique features of the Hawai‘i avocado industry in terms of the varieties available and grown, evaluates how growers have been responding to the increasing demand, and presents opportunities and suggestions for expansion for Hawai‘i avocado growers

    Assessing consumer preferences and willingness to pay for organic tomatoes in Albania: a conjoint choice experiment study

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    Albania has potential for developing the organic agriculture sector; however, it is a new industry and constraints abound including lack of consumer preferences information for organic food. Knowledge on consumer preferences and behaviour toward organic (bio) products is crucial for market development benefiting potential entrepreneurs and government policies. They need to know the preference for preferred product attributes and willingness to pay. Tomato, which is the most important vegetable in terms of consumption and production in Albania, is the subject of this study. A conjoint choice experiment with the most important product attributes: production type (bio vs. conventional), production system (open field vs. greenhouse), origin and price were used to design the choice surveys. Four distinct classes have been identified as significant using latent class analysis. The classes are summarized as: bio-ready consumers, price sensitive consumers, variety seeking consumers and quality seeking consumers. Origin played a small influence on preference. Education and income did show some influence on preference for organic tomatoes. Although the organic food market in Albania is in its infancy stage, organic tomatoes are clearly preferred and many consumers are willing to pay a premium price

    Preference for olive oil consumption in the Spanish local market

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    Consumer Preferences for Imported Kona Coffee in South India: A Latent Class Analysis

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    Considering India as a potential export market for 100% Kona coffee, this study explores consumer preferences for imported, specialty, high-end Kona coffee in South India. Conjoint choice experiment with latent class analysis is used and results indicate that India offers an export market potential for Kona coffee, provided it caters to consumer preferences. Results show a significant preference for strong taste. The relative importance of price is lower than taste but majority are also adverse to higher prices. However,15% of the sample population does not care about price but does care about taste, indicating the possibility of a high-end niche market segment. Based on the results, marketing strategies and policy recommendations have been suggested