1,036 research outputs found

    Overtaking optimal control problem of age-dependent populations with infinite horizon

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    AbstractThe optimal birth control of an age-dependent population model with unbounded time interval is considered. The minimum principle which must be satisfied by the overtaking optimal control is established. Large time behaviour and the turnpike property of the overtaking optimal trajectory are studied. Existence results are also presented

    Application of the Evolution-Variable Manifold Approach to Cavity-Stabilized Ethylene Combustion

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    For combustion in high-speed flows, radical-formation time scales and ignition delay times may be similar to, or dominate, relevant flow time scales. Reliable modeling of induction and autoignition processes is critical to the prediction of combustor performance. The evolution-variable manifold (EVM) approach of Cymbalist and Dimotakis uses a transported scalar to track the evolution of the reaction processes, from induction leading to autoignition and subsequent robust combustion. In the present work, the EVM method is implemented in a computational fluid dynamics code in which wall-modeled large-eddy simulations are performed for two ethylene-air high-speed combustion cases. The detailed thermochemical state of the reacting fluid is tabulated as a function of a reduced number of state variables that include density, energy, mixture fraction, and the reaction-evolution variable. A thermodynamically consistent numerical flux function is developed and the approach for coupling the large-eddy simulation to the EVM framework is discussed. It is found that particular attention must be given to the solution of the energy equation to obtain accurate and computationally stable results. The results show that the LES-EVM approach shows promise for the simulation of turbulent combustion of hydrocarbons in high-speed flows, including those dominated by ignition delay, and encompass regions of thin reaction fronts as well as distributed reaction zones

    On the Semigroup for Age Dependent Population Dynamics with Spatial Diffusion

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    AbstractWe continue a population model with age dependence and spatial diffusion in the semigroup framework, in which the assumptions of our previous paper [Manuscripta Math.66 (1990), 161-180] that birth and death rates are independent of spatial variables are removed. The infinitesimal generator is identified and its spectrum studied, and accordingly, by using a positive semigroup theory, we determine its dominant eigenvalue and hence the asymptotic expression is obtained

    Laser gas-discharge absorption measurements of the ratio of two transition rates in argon

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    The ratio of two line strengths at 922.7 nm and 978.7 nm of argon is measured in an argon pulsed discharge with the use of a single-mode Ti:Sapphire laser. The result 3.29(0.13) is in agreement with our theoretical prediction 3.23 and with a less accurate ratio 2.89(0.43) from the NIST database.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Transport activity and presence of ClC-7/Ostm1 complex account for different cellular functions

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    Loss of the lysosomal ClC-7/Ostm1 2Cl(-)/H(+) exchanger causes lysosomal storage disease and osteopetrosis in humans and additionally changes fur colour in mice. Its conversion into a Cl(-) conductance in Clcn7(unc/unc) mice entails similarly severe lysosomal storage, but less severe osteopetrosis and no change in fur colour. To elucidate the basis for these phenotypical differences, we generated Clcn7(td/td) mice expressing an ion transport-deficient mutant. Their osteopetrosis was as severe as in Clcn7(-/-) mice, suggesting that the electric shunt provided by ClC-7(unc) can partially rescue osteoclast function. The normal coat colour of Clcn7(td/td) mice and their less severe neurodegeneration suggested that the ClC-7 protein, even when lacking measurable ion transport activity, is sufficient for hair pigmentation and that the conductance of ClC-7(unc) is harmful for neurons. Our in vivo structure-function analysis of ClC-7 reveals that both protein-protein interactions and ion transport must be considered in the pathogenesis of ClC-7-related diseases

    Serotonergic treatment normalizes midbrain dopaminergic neuron increase after periaqueductal gray stimulation-induced anticipatory fear in a rat mode

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    Background: Electrical stimulation of the dorsolateral periaqueductal gray (dlPAG) in rats has been shown to elicit panic-like behaviour and can be a useful tool for modelling anticipatory fear and agoraphobia. Methods: In this study, we further analysed our previous data on the effects of escitalopram (a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, SSRI) and buspirone (a 5-HT1A receptor partial agonist) on dlPAG-induced anticipatory fear behaviour in a rat model using freezing as a measure. We then used tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunohistochemistry to probe the effects on dopaminergic neurons. Results: Although acute treatment of escitalopram, but not buspirone, was effective in reducing anticipatory freezing behaviour, chronic administrations of both drugs were comparably effective. We found that the number of dopaminergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) was lowered in both chronic buspirone and escitalopram groups. We showed a strong correlation between the number of dopaminergic neurons and freezing in the VTA. We further showed positive correlations between dopaminergic neurons in the VTA and substantia nigra pars compacta in escitalopram and buspirone groups, respectively. Limitations: Although our data strongly hint to a role of dopaminergic mechanisms in the dlPAG induced fear response, more in-depth studies with larger sample sizes are needed to understand the neuronal mechanisms underlying the interactions between serotonergic drugs and dopaminergic cell number and fear behavior. Conclusion: Chronic treatment with an SSRI and a 5-HT1A agonist decrease the number of dopaminergic neurons in the VTA. These effects seem to be associated with reduced dlPAG-induced anticipatory freezing behaviour

    A decade of progress in deep brain stimulation of the subcallosal cingulate for the treatment of depression

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    Major depression contributes significantly to the global disability burden. Since the first clinical study of deep brain stimulation (DBS), over 446 patients with depression have now undergone this neuromodulation therapy, and 29 animal studies have investigated the efficacy of subgenual cingulate DBS for depression. In this review, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the progress of DBS of the subcallosal cingulate in humans and the medial prefrontal cortex, its rodent homolog. For preclinical animal studies, we discuss the various antidepressant-like behaviors induced by medial prefrontal cortex DBS and examine the possible mechanisms including neuroplasticity-dependent/independent cellular and molecular changes. Interestingly, the response rate of subcallosal cingulate Deep brain stimulation marks a milestone in the treatment of depression. DBS achieved response and remission rates of 64–76% and 37–63%, respectively, from clinical studies monitoring patients from 6–24 months. Although some studies showed its stimulation efficacy was limited, it still holds great promise as a therapy for patients with treatment-resistant depression. Overall, further research is still needed, including more credible clinical research, preclinical mechanistic studies, precise selection of patients, and customized electrical stimulation paradigms

    Optimization of inhomogeneous electron correlation factors in periodic solids

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    A method is presented for the optimization of one-body and inhomogeneous two-body terms in correlated electronic wave functions of Jastrow-Slater type. The most general form of inhomogeneous correlation term which is compatible with crystal symmetry is used and the energy is minimized with respect to all parameters using a rapidly convergent iterative approach, based on Monte Carlo sampling of the energy and fitting energy fluctuations. The energy minimization is performed exactly within statistical sampling error for the energy derivatives and the resulting one- and two-body terms of the wave function are found to be well-determined. The largest calculations performed require the optimization of over 3000 parameters. The inhomogeneous two-electron correlation terms are calculated for diamond and rhombohedral graphite. The optimal terms in diamond are found to be approximately homogeneous and isotropic over all ranges of electron separation, but exhibit some inhomogeneity at short- and intermediate-range, whereas those in graphite are found to be homogeneous at short-range, but inhomogeneous and anisotropic at intermediate- and long-range electron separation.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figures, 1 table, REVTeX4, submitted to PR
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