53,154 research outputs found

    New Angle on the Strong CP and Chiral Symmetry Problems from a Rotating Mass Matrix

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    It is shown that when the mass matrix changes in orientation (rotates) in generation space for changing energy scale, then the masses of the lower generations are not given just by its eigenvalues. In particular, these masses need not be zero even when the eigenvalues are zero. In that case, the strong CP problem can be avoided by removing the unwanted θ\theta term by a chiral transformation in no contradiction with the nonvanishing quark masses experimentally observed. Similarly, a rotating mass matrix may shed new light on the problem of chiral symmetry breaking. That the fermion mass matrix may so rotate with scale has been suggested before as a possible explanation for up-down fermion mixing and fermion mass hierarchy, giving results in good agreement with experiment.Comment: 14 page

    Fermion Generations and Mixing from Dualized Standard Model

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    We review a possible solution to the fermion generation puzzle based on a nonabelian generalization of electric--magnetic duality derived some years ago. This nonabelian duality implies the existence of another SU(3) symmetry dual to colour, which is necessarily broken when colour is confined and so can play the role of the ``horizontal'' symmetry for fermion generations. When thus identified, dual colour then predicts 3 and only 3 fermion generations, besides suggesting a special Higgs mechanism for breaking the generation symmetry. A phenomenological model with a Higgs potential and a Yukawa coupling constructed on these premises is shown to explain immediately all the salient qualitative features of the fermion mass hierarchy and mixing pattern, excepting for the moment CP-violation. Calculations already carried out to 1-loop order is shown to give with only 3 adjustable parameters the following quantities all to within present experimental error: all 9 CKM matrix elements ∣Vrs∣|V_{rs}| for quarks, the neutrino oscillation angles or the MNS lepton mixing matrix elements ∣Uμ3∣,∣Ue3∣|U_{\mu 3}|, |U_{e 3}|, and the mass ratios mc/mt,ms/mb,mμ/mτm_c/m_t, m_s/m_b, m_\mu/m_\tau. The special feature of this model crucial for deriving the above results is a fermion mass matrix which changes its orientation (rotates) in generation space with changing energy scale, a feature which is shown to have direct empirical support.Comment: updated version of course of lectures given at the 42nd Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, 2002, Polan

    Incubators vs Zombies: Fault-Tolerant, Short, Thin and Lanky Spanners for Doubling Metrics

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    Recently Elkin and Solomon gave a construction of spanners for doubling metrics that has constant maximum degree, hop-diameter O(log n) and lightness O(log n) (i.e., weight O(log n)w(MST). This resolves a long standing conjecture proposed by Arya et al. in a seminal STOC 1995 paper. However, Elkin and Solomon's spanner construction is extremely complicated; we offer a simple alternative construction that is very intuitive and is based on the standard technique of net tree with cross edges. Indeed, our approach can be readily applied to our previous construction of k-fault tolerant spanners (ICALP 2012) to achieve k-fault tolerance, maximum degree O(k^2), hop-diameter O(log n) and lightness O(k^3 log n)

    Statistics Of The Burst Model At Super-critical Phase

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    We investigate the statistics of a model of type-I X-ray burst [Phys. Rev. E, {\bf 51}, 3045 (1995)] in its super-critical phase. The time evolution of the burnable clusters, places where fire can pass through, is studied using simple statistical arguments. We offer a simple picture for the time evolution of the percentage of space covered by burnable clusters. A relation between the time-average and the peak percentage of space covered by burnable clusters is also derived.Comment: 11 Pages in Revtex 3.0. Two figures available by sending request to [email protected]
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