107 research outputs found

    Experimental constrains on shear-induced crystal breakage in magmas

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    International audienceCrystal breakage occurs along margins of conduit walls and basal zones of lava flows. It is usually interpreted as flow-related textures developed at large finite strains and strains rates. We have investigated the grain size and shape distributions in an experimentally deformed crystal-melt suspension in order to constrain the temperature T, the strain Îł and the strain rate Îłr ranges of the crystal breakage process. The starting crystal-melt suspension is composed of a haplogranitic melt with 54 vol% alumina crystals. Torsion experiments were performed in a gas medium Paterson apparatus at 300 MPa confining pressure and subsolidus temperatures. Crystal size distribution and aspect ratio of alumina grains were measured on polished sections normal to the shear direction, i.e. from the centre to the rim of the deformed cylinders. A first minor occurrence of crystal breakage is evidenced in all experiments and low strains. It is related to intense stress localisation at some grain contacts in the initially connected solid framework. A second intense and penetrative crystal breakage process is observed for T≀ 550°C and Îłr > 6.2x10-4 s- 1. The evolution of the size distribution as a function of finite strain and the reduced aspect ratios of preserved largest crystals in intensely strained zones support that breakage occurs by abrasion of the larger crystals. This abrasion can be attributed to the partial stress propagation over both the melt and partially isolated crystals under visco-elastic conditions. Mechanical data show a transition from slight shear softening at low strain rates and highest temperatures to strain hardening for experiments that produced penetrative crystal breakage. The crystal-melt suspension exhibits a shear thinning behaviour with a stress exponent larger than 2.06 over the explored strain rate and temperature domain for the experiments without intensive crystal breakage. Our results are applicable to the interpretation of the crystal breakage often observed at the base of lava flows, in domes, and near conduit walls. This experimental reproduction of a process observed in nature is important because the controls of stress-induced breakage we quantified are also key parameters governing magma transport

    Experimental simulation of magma mixing at high pressure

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    International audienceMagma mixing features are observed in many plutonic and volcanic environments. They result from the juxtaposition of two chemically contrasted magmas, usually during the replenishment of a magmatic reservoir, but also syn-eruptively within the conduit. Despite its ubiquity, only a few experimental studies have explored mixing between magmas. Existing data have been mostly acquired at atmospheric pressure and high shear rates (> 10- 1 s- 1), which differ from those accompanying magma mixing in reservoirs. To fill this gap, we performed high pressure mixing experiments at strain rates ranging from 4.10- 4 to 1.10- 3 s- 1. Layers of a synthetic crystal-free haplotonalite and a natural partially-molten basalt were juxtaposed in a Paterson apparatus at 300 MPa, and deformed between 900 and 1200 °C. The experiments shed light on the first stages of magma mixing and illustrate the role and behavior of crystals, either pre-existing or newly grown. Experiments evidence a rheological threshold for mafic material disruption, which sets in abruptly as its melt fraction exceeds 50%, which in the experiments occurs in the narrow temperature interval 1160-1170 °C. Below this threshold, plagioclase crystals in the mafic magma form a rigid touching network and all the deformation is accommodated by the less viscous felsic layer. Above it the crystal network collapses, allowing typical mingling/mixing features to appear altogether, such as enclaves, melt filaments or single xenocrysts isolated into the felsic end-member, coexisting with newly grown phases (plagioclase and pyroxene) whose compositions spread out over considerable ranges. The pre-existing fabric of the mafic magma is only slightly affected by deformation, altogether providing few clues on either the regime or geometry of applied deformation during the magmatic stage

    Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of dioctahedral smectites: A montmorillonites series

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    International audienceThe aim of this study is to synthesize and finely characterize montmorillonite samples, dioctahedral smectites without tetrahedral charges (structural formulae Nax(Al(2 − x)Mgx)Si4O10(OH)2), to allow their use as reference samples in clay science. The montmorillonites synthesis under hydrothermal conditions at different pressures and with various layer charge deficit has been attempted. The temperature was fixed at 320 °C, the pressure parameter values were 20 MPa, 80 MPa, 120 MPa and 200 MPa. The Mg content varied from 0.25 to 0.60 per half unit cell. The reaction products have been characterized with multi-technique analyses (ICP-AES, EMP, CEC, XRD, FTIR, NMR and TGA). Montmorillonite phase was only produced at 120 and 200 MPa. At 20 and 80 MPa, the results suggest that a 0.33 and 0.16-tetrahedral charge deficit exist in the formed samples. Moreover, the octahedral occupancies are higher than two (2.15 and 2.07 at 20 and 80 MPa respectively). In these experimental conditions, the synthetic smectites are mixtures between montmorillonite, beidellite and saponite. At 120 MPa and for a Mg content of 0.25 or higher than 0.33, the synthetic products were also mixtures of smectites. Tetrahedral charge deficits of 0.11, 0.11 and 0.15 were found for Mg contents of 0.25, 0.50 and 0.60 respectively. The octahedral occupancy was also higher than 2.00. A montmorillonite phase with only octahedral charges and an octahedral occupancy near 2.00 was synthesized for a Mg content of 0.33 and at pressures equal to or higher than 120 MPa. This low charge reference smectite shows a very low amount of accessory minerals and an octahedral charge deficit only created by the presence of magnesium in the structure. This montmorillonite can be compared structurally to the most studied natural one: the montmorillonite SWy-2 from Wyoming

    Porosity redistribution enhanced by strain localization in crystal-rich magmas

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    International audienceMagma degassing, characterized by changes in permeability and porosity distribution, has a crucial control on the style of eruption. During ascent, magma might develop large porosities and crystallise while it is subjected to shear. Shear, in turn, enhances complex fabrics that result from the reorganization of the different phases (crystals, gas, melt). Such fabrics have not yet been evaluated experimentally on a 3-phase system. We performed torsion experiments on a synthetic crystal-rich hydrous magma at subsolidus conditions with 11 vol.% porosity to establish a link between strain partitioning and porosity redistribution. Crystals induce non-Newtonian deformation, resulting in localization of the shear strain. 3-D microtomography and 2-D Scanning Electron Microprobe (SEM) imaging show gas accumulation in local microstructures caused by shear-induced crystal fabric. Our data show that strain localization is a mechanism that could enable magma degassing at very low vesicularity

    Rheology and microstructure of experimentally deformed plagioclase suspensions

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    International audienceWe present the result of the first deformation experiments at high-temperatures and high-pressures on synthetic magmatic suspensions of strongly anisometric particles. The results highlight the interplay between the rheological response and the development of microstructures and they demonstrate the critical importance of the shape of crystals on the mechanical behaviour of magmas. Plagioclase suspensions with two crystal fractions (0.38 and 0.52) were deformed both in compression and in torsion in a Paterson apparatus. With increasing crystal fraction, the rheological behaviour of the magmatic suspension evolves from nearly steady-state flow to shear weakening, this change being correlated with a microstructural evolution from a pervasive strain to a strain partitioning fabric. Magmatic suspensions of plagioclase have viscosities approximately five orders of magnitude higher than suspensions of equivalent crystallinities made of isometric particles such as quartz

    Chemical transfer during redox exchanges between H-2 and Fe-bearing silicate melts.

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    Kinetics and reaction paths of Fe3+ reduction by H2 in high-Fe and low-H2O silicate melts have been investigated at 800 ∞C. Time-series experiments were performed in cold-seal pressure vessels at 50 bars of pure H2 using rapid-heating and rapid-quench strategies. Within the first minutes of the experiments, a fast partitioning of Na occurred between the gas and the melt due to the reducing conditions. Kinetically decoupled from the Na partitioning, the progression of a front of Fe3+ reduction within the quenched melt was observed and was identified as a diffusion-limited process. The growth of the reduced layer is accompanied by an increase in concentration of OH-groups suggesting that reduction operates through proton incorporation within the melt. As this growth rate is slightly faster than predicted from the diffusion of molecular H2O, a different and mobile waterderived species seems likely. One possible mechanism is the reduction of Fe3+ by the transport of molecular H2. As this process is limited by the flux of H2, it will depend on both diffusivity and solubility of H2 in the melt. Alternatively, migration of protons (H+) and electronic species within the melt could control the velocity of the reduction front. The increase in concentration of the reactionderived OH groups produces a water over saturation followed by partial dehydration of the melt. This dehydration leads to a change in the redox conditions within the gas that influences the Na partitioning between gas and melt

    Impact of gneissic layering and localized incipient melting upon melt flow during experimental deformation of migmatites

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    International audienceIn this study, we test experimentally the role of compositional layering as a key parameter for controlling melt flow in a natural migmatite during coaxial deformation. We performed in – situ pure-shear experiments on two natural gneisses. The first gneiss is weakly foliated with minerals homogenously distributed. The second gneiss shows a pronounced compositional layering of alternating quartz – feldspar – rich and biotite – muscovite – rich layers. Experimental conditions were selected to obtain homogeneous melt distribution in the homogeneous gneiss and heterogeneous melt distribution in the layered gneiss. Initial melt distribution is not modified by deformation in experiments on the homogeneous gneiss, implying that melting products did not migrate from their initiation sites. In contrast, melt flowed in shear zones or in inter-boudin positions during experimental deformation of the heterogeneous gneiss. These experiments attest to the strong influence of initial gneissic layering on melting pattern, melt segregation and flow during deformation of partially molten rocks

    Trachyte phase relations and implication for magma storage conditions in the ChaĂźne des Puys (French Massif Central).

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    International audiencePetrological data have been acquired on the natural trachytes from the Chaßne des Puys, French Massif Central, and on experimental products from phase equilibria in order to (i) constrain the storage conditions of the trachytic magmas that lead to explosive eruptions (dome destructions as block-and-ash flows or pumice-and-ash flows) and (ii) provide phase relationships and chemical compositions for differentiated alkaline liquids in intraplate continental context. Phase assemblages, proportions, and compositions have been determined on six trachytes with SiO2 contents varying from 62 to 69 wt % and alkali contents of 10.5-12.0 wt %. The samples contain up to 30 % of phenocrysts, mainly consisting of feldspar (15-17 %; plagioclase and/or alkali-feldspar), biotite (2-6 %; except in the SiO2-poorest sample), Fe-Ti oxides (1-3 %) ± amphibole (< 5 %), ± clinopyroxene (~1 %). All samples have apatite and zircon as minor phases and titanite has been found in one sample. Pristine glasses (melt inclusions or residual glasses) in pumice from explosive events are trachytic to rhyolitic (65-73 wt % SiO2 and 10.5-13.0 wt % alkali). H2O dissolved in melt inclusions and the biotite+alkali feldspar+magnetite hygrobarometer both suggest pre-eruptive H2O contents up to 8 wt %. These are so far the highest H2O contents ever reported for alkaline liquids in an intraplate continental context. Melt inclusions also contain ~3400 ppm chlorine, ~700 ppm fluorine, and ~300 ppm sulphur. Crystallisation experiments of the six trachytes have been performed between 200 and 400 MPa, 700 and 900°C, H2O saturation, and oxygen fugacity of NNO +1. The comparison between the natural and experimental phase assemblage, proportion, and composition suggests magma storage conditions at a pressure of 300-350 MPa (~10-12 km deep), melt H2O content ~8 wt % (close to saturation), an oxygen fugacity close to NNO~0.5, and temperatures increasing from 700 to 825°C with decreasing bulk SiO2 of the trachyte. The high H2O contents of the trachytes show that wet conditions may prevail during the differentiation of continental alkaline series. Regardless of the size of the magma reservoir assumed to have fed the trachyte eruptions, calculation of the thermal relaxation timescales indicates that the tapped reservoir(s) are likely to be still partially molten nowadays. The four northernmost edifices may correspond to a single large reservoir with a lateral extension of up to 10 km, which could be possibly reactivated in weeks to months if intercepted by new rising basalt batches

    Integration of iron in natural and synthetic Al-pyrophyllites: an infrared spectroscopic study

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    Numerous studies focus on the relationships between chemical composition and OHband positions in the infrared (IR) spectra of micaceous minerals. These studies are based on the coexistence, in dioctahedral micas or smectites, of several cationic pairs around the hydroxyl group which each produce a characteristic band in the IR spectrum. The aim of this work is to obtain the wavenumber values of the IR OH vibration bands of the (Al-Fe3+)-OH and (Fe3+-Fe3+)-OH local cationic environments of 'pyrophyllite type' in order to prove, disprove or modify a model of dioctahedral phyllosilicate OH-stretching band decomposition. Natural samples are characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopies and electron microprobe; the hydrothermal synthesis products are also analysed by powder XRD and FTIR after inductively coupled plasma measurements to obtain the chemical compositions of nascent gel phases. Natural samples contain some impurities which were eliminated after acid treatment; nevertheless, a small Fe content is found in the pyrophyllite structure. The amount of Fe which is incorporated within the pyrophyllite structure is much more important for the synthetic samples than for the natural ones. The IR OH bands were clearly observed in both natural and synthetic pyrophyllites and assigned to hydroxides bonded to (Al-Al), (Al-Fe) and (Fe-Fe) cationic pairs. During this study, three samples were analysed by DTG to check the cis- or trans-vacant character of the layers and to determine the influence of this structural character on the OH-stretching band position in IR spectroscopy
