418 research outputs found

    An analytic thomism?

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    For 50 years the philosophers of the Anglo-Saxon analytic tradition (E. Anscombre, P. Geach, A. Kenny, P. Foot) have tried to follow the Thomas Aquinas School which they use as a source to surpass the Cartesian Epistemology and to develop the virtue ethics. Recently, J. Haldane has inaugurated a program of “analytical thomism” which main result until the present has been his “theory of identity mind/world”. Nevertheless, none of Thomás’ admirers has still found the means of assimilating his metaphysics of being

    Valoración agraria : estudio de caso de una finca cafetera

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    Este trabajo surge a raíz de un cuestionamiento que se ha planteado acerca de la valoración agraria, y es el hecho de poder diferenciar el valor probable de mercado del valor esperado de venta por parte del propietario a la hora de valorar una empresa del sector agropecuario, que por sus características propias, presenta especificidades diferentes a sectores económicos como el sector real o manufacturero; En este caso concreto, una finca cafetera. A medida que se desarrolle este trabajo se buscará entender y profundizar sobre este tema, que hoy en día, no está tan desarrollado como la valoración de empresas del sector industrial o del sector financiero.53 p.Contenido parcial: Café -- Variedades de café e importancia en el mercado -- La caficultura colombiana en el comercio mundial del café -- Precio internacional del café -- Valoración de empresas -- Teoría del valor -- Enfoque teórico sobre la renta de la tierra

    La imaginación y la naturaleza como base sustancial en la poesía del movimiento romántico: La función de tales atributos en la conformación del héroe romántico

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    In the present work we will demonstrate, in the first instance, the way in which the romantic poetics had as significant support the imagination; At the same time, we will give clear samples of the way in which the romantic poets used nature to capture their effectively creative power. We will carry out this interpretation, and we will describe the constitutive elements of the romantic hero, based on the theoretical foundation that Maurice Bowra displays in 'The romantic imagination'. Finally, we will make a limited approach to the work 'Philosophy of love', by Percy Bysshe Shelley; to the poem 'The Tiger', by William Blake; and the poetry 'Verses written at the beginning of spring', by William Wordsworth, to mark in them some of the coordinates of English romanticism mentioned in this work.En el presente trabajo evidenciaremos, en primera instancia, el modo en que la poética romántica tuvo como sustento significativo a la imaginación; al mismo tiempo, daremos muestras claras de la forma en que los poetas románticos se valieron de la naturaleza para plasmar su facultad efectivamente creadora. Realizaremos esta interpretación, y describiremos los elementos constitutivos del héroe romántico, a partir del fundamento teórico que despliega Maurice Bowra en ‘La imaginación romántica’. Para finalizar, realizaremos un acotado acercamiento a la obra ‘Filosofía del amor’, de Percy Bysshe Shelley; al poema ‘El tigre’, de William Blake; y a la poesía ‘Versos escritos a principios de primavera’, de William Wordsworth, para marcar en ellas algunas de las coordenadas del romanticismo inglés mencionadas en este trabajo

    Effect of Boron Content and Cooling Rate on the Microstructure and Boride Formation of β-Solidifying γ-TiAl TNM Alloy

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    Boron is a unique and popular grain refiner element in cast titanium aluminide (TiAl) alloys, as it helps to improve mechanical properties if properly alloyed. However, the formation mechanism of different types of borides in cast TiAl alloys is not yet clearly understood. This study seeks to correlate the chemical composition and cooling rate during solidification of cast TiAl alloys, with the type of boride precipitated and the resulting microstructure. Several β-solidifying γ-TiAl alloys of the TNM family were cast, alloying boron to a starting Ti-44.5Al-4Nb-1Mo-0.1B (at.%) alloy. The alloys were manufactured with an induction skull melting furnace and poured into a stepped 2, 4, 8 and 16 mm thickness mold to achieve different cooling rates. On one hand, the results reveal that boron contents below 0.5 at.% and cooling rates during solidification above 10 K/s promote the formation of detrimental ribbon borides. On the other hand, boron contents above 0.5 at.% and cooling rates during solidification below 10 K/s promote the formation of a refined microstructure with blocky borides. Finally, the formation mechanisms of both ribbon and blocky borides are proposed

    Use of Hypermedia Tools for End-User Development

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    Software development tools aimed at end-users tend to employ various forms of visual programming because these users find textual programming very difficult to learn. However, visual programming has known scalability issues. As an alternative, we propose hypertextual programming; a technique that represents the program as hypertext and allows the user to both browse it and manipulate it mainly by using navigation. This technique leverages the users' ability to navigate in hyperspace, a widely available skill, to edit the program under development. In order to reap the benefits of this technique, adequate hypertextual editors must be built. Many of the lessons learned in the web engineering area can be used to deal with this problem. This paper discusses the state of the current research efforts behind this novel programming technique.Publicado en Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, vol. 6385).Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    Use of Hypermedia Tools for End-User Development

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    Software development tools aimed at end-users tend to employ various forms of visual programming because these users find textual programming very difficult to learn. However, visual programming has known scalability issues. As an alternative, we propose hypertextual programming; a technique that represents the program as hypertext and allows the user to both browse it and manipulate it mainly by using navigation. This technique leverages the users' ability to navigate in hyperspace, a widely available skill, to edit the program under development. In order to reap the benefits of this technique, adequate hypertextual editors must be built. Many of the lessons learned in the web engineering area can be used to deal with this problem. This paper discusses the state of the current research efforts behind this novel programming technique.Publicado en Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, vol. 6385).Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    Calidad percibida de la atención en salud en una red pública del municipio de Pasto, Colombia

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    Introduction: Perceptions of users from the health services are indispensable indicators for quality on the processes of health care. Objective: To know the perceptions of the users of a public network of the municipality of Pasto, Colombia versus the quality of health services at the first level of attention. Materials and methods: A qualitative research with a hermeneutic historical approach was conducted with 28 participants, who were users of rural and urban centers of care. The techniques developed for collecting the information were semi-structured interviews and a focal group. The research process addressed five dimensions: trust, reliability, responsibility, responsiveness and tangibility. Results: In the dimensions mentioned before, the difficulties of access by administrative and geographical aspects, problems in the opportunity in the specialized attention, faults in the reference and counter-reference and the necessity of infrastructure improvements in the IPS were identified as limitations in the quality. Moreover, it was recognized that the good treatment of the healthcare personnel is an aspect that affects in a positive way in the perception of the quality. Conclusions: Improving the quality of health services, requires recognizing users as the center of attention, with a view to the integrality, continuity, efficiency, efficiency and fairness of services, under the fundamental principle of guarantee and protection of the right to health and life worthy of patients

    Assessing the value of the information provision for enhancing the autonomy of mobility impaired users. Madrid pilot Site Study.

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    A City is the space where every person acquires the citizen condition, which demands access to multiple services and facilities, and develops social relations in a free and equal condition of options. A lack of accessibility limits independency and autonomy. Thus, the relationship between “sustainable development” and “accessibility for all” becomes clearer, and both goals reinforce each other. In this sense, information plays a key role in order to overcome existing barriers, specially for people who rarely use public transport, have impaired mobility, or make a particular journey for the first time. The impact and benefits is linked with public transport as a “facilitator” of mobility, and, in particular, for the aim of intermodality. The usefulness of information that should be provided (both the information itself and how is offered) to mobility impaired users (MI users) is discussed on this paper based on following of the ASK-IT project that has being carry out on Madrid. The work was done in close cooperation with representatives of all different types of MI user groups

    SCR exhaust aftertreatment system for D13C engines

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    This article provides information about the operation of the SCR exhaust after-treatment system in D13C engines. Nowadays, atmospheric pollution is one of the main problems of our society, even though most of this pollution occurs in cities with heavy congestion, in which most vehicles emit polluting gases such as CO2 and NOx, the latter is formed by nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Therefore, this type of gas is very harmful to the person, which is why technology was developed to mitigate this pollution problem. The SCR technology, also called Selective Catalytic Reduction, uses the AdBlue solution, which is an additive combined with an infusion of urea to treat nitrogen oxide to comply with the exhaust emission standards applied to Euro 5 trucks. The AdBlue solution is injected into the exhaust gases before they pass through the catalytic converter. Thus, the additive converts NOx into nitrogen gas and steam. To meet Euro 5 requirements, about 5-6% dilution of the reagent is required in correlation to the volume of fuel available