10 research outputs found

    The Impact of Educational level on Language Differences

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    This study aims to investigate the impact of educational level on the Langauge difference within the Saudi community In this study all Saudi citizens who live in Jeddah city represented the population of the study The study based on a quantitative research design Sixty persons from various educational levels were the participants of the study A questionnaire used as a data collection instrument the mean scores evaluated according to the Lickert 5-point scale A pilot study conducted by selecting a sample of size 20 individuals from the population of the study to test the questionnaire reliability and validity The descriptive analysis was employed to analyze the quantitative data collected via the questionnaire using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SPSS Based on data analysis conducted in this study the researcher concluded with the following findings There is a strong relationship between education levels and language differences 2 Education levels effect the language differences within the Saudi community- Jeddah city Finally the researcher recommended the following recommendations The decision and policymakers in the educational field should consider the results of this study in their annual curriculums review 2 The researcher should conduct further investigation in the future to generalize the results of the survey in all- over the Kingdom of Saudi Arabi

    Derivational resources in P’urhepecha: Morphological complexity and verb formation

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    This article explores the derivational morphology of P’urhepecha, especially with regard to verbal forms. P’urhepecha, or Tarascan, is an isolated Mesoamerican Ianguage of Central-Western Mexico, with about 200,000 speakers. An agglutinative type of language where suffixes are attached to the stem in a fairly regular fashion, P’urhepecha also has an extensive inflectional morphology with a system of cases, including genitive, locative, and residential. The present work presents an overall picture of the linguistic complexity of this intriguing language and its rich morphological resources through a review of some of the most common and productive types of derivational morphemes that occur as part of the verbal complex in P’urhepecha, including body-part suffixes, causatives, deictic suffixes, and other adverbial suffixes

    Politeness strategies in a Mesoamerican language isolate: The case of P'urhepecha

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    Aunque la cortesía lingüística ha sido un tema de investigación desde hace varios años, todavía existen muchos idiomas que han sido escasamente considerados en esos estudios; uno de ellos es el purépecha, lengua mesoamericana aislada que aún se habla en México por más de 124,000 personas. Dado que los hablantes de diferentes idiomas poseen distintos medios para expresar la cortesía, es crucial investigar las estrategias específicas de cortesía de los hablantes de distintas lenguas y así acrecentar nuestro conocimiento de las funciones sociales del lenguaje. Así, este trabajo representa un estudio de las principales estrategias de cortesía en purépecha, comparándolas con estrategias similares del español; por ejemplo, el uso de pronombres de respeto, de enclíticos pronominales, y de tiempos verbales como el futuro y el condicional. Además, la comparación de estos dos idiomas tan distantes tipológicamente puede contribuir a esclarecer la posible universalidad de teorías relacionadas a la cortesía lingüística

    Multilingualism and structural borrowing in Arbanasi Albanian

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    In this paper we present a brief overview of the history of linguistic contacts of Arbanasi Albanian, a Gheg Albanian dialect spoken in Croatia, with Croatian and Italian. Then we discuss a number of contact-induced changes in that language. We show that Arbanasi Albanian was subject to strong influences from Croatian (and, to a lesser extent, from Italian) on all levels of linguistic structure. Using the data from our own fieldwork, we were able to show that there were also influences on the level of syntax, including the borrowing of certain constructions, such as analytic causative and imperative constructions, as well as the extension of the use of infinitive in subordinate clauses.National Foreign Language Resource Cente

    Bibliography of Ethiopian Semitic, Cushitic and Omotic Linguistics XX: 2016

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    Bibliography of Ethiopian Semitic, Cushitic and Omotic Linguistics XX: 201

    Neologisms of English Origin in Present-Day Slovak

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    The aim of the paper is to analyse post-1989 Anglicisms in present-day Slovak. Central concepts of the study are neologisms (new items in the lexicon of a language), present-day Slovak (the Slovak language from 1989 onwards), borrowing (one of several ways of lexical enrichment) and adaptation (the process of adapting loans into Slovak as a recipient language). The most extensive part consists of sections devoted to particular adaptation processes on the levels of phonology, orthography, morphology, word-formation, semantics and pragmatics. Finally, the paper addresses the issues of the variability and synonymy of English borrowings in Slovak.

    Dinámica sintáctica en purépecha

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    La dynamique linguistique a été initialement développée par André Martinet (1975), suivi dans les années 80, en particulier par Anne-Marie Houdebine (1985), qui plaide en faveur �d�une linguistique synchronique dynamique� qui permet d�étudier la réorganisation constante de la structure d�une langue. L�étude de la dynamique linguistique constitue un défi, puisque la complexité d�une langue ne se laisse ni appréhender facilement, ni ne se laisse comprendre à première vue. L�objectif de cet article est de décrire un exemple de dynamique linguistique au niveau de la syntaxe, c�est-à-dire, de dynamique syntaxique. Je décris les variations de l�ordre des constituants dans la proposition nominale contenant l�article indéfini ma en purépecha, langue génétiquement isolée, parlée dans l�ouest du Mexique (connue aussi comme tarasque). Sont étudiés les différents ordres possibles ainsi que les facteurs qui peuvent expliquer l�existence de ce processus.La dinámica lingüística fue inicialmente desarrollada por André Martinet (1975) seguido en los años 80, en particular por Anne-Marie Houdebine (1985), quien aboga a favor de �una lingüística sincrónica dinámica� que permite estudiar la constante reorganización de la estructura de una lengua. El estudio de la dinámica lingüística representa un reto, ya que la complejidad de una lengua no se deja aprehender fácilmente, ni se deja entender a primera vista. El objetivo de este artículo es el de describir un ejemplo de dinámica lingüística a nivel de la sintaxis, esto es, de dinámica sintáctica. Se describe la variación del orden de los constituyentes en la frase nominal con el artículo indefinido ma en purépecha, lengua genéticamente aislada hablada en el occidente de México (también conocida como tarasco). Se estudian tanto los órdenes posibles como diversos factores que pueden explicar la existencia de este proceso