862 research outputs found

    Bankruptcy Debtors are Ineligible for PPP Loans

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    (Excerpt) During the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress enacted the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”), which established the Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”). Under the PPP, the United States Small Business Administration (“SBA”) declared small businesses—including nonprofits, veterans’ organizations, and tribal enterprises that employ 500 people or less—as potential eligible borrowers. A borrower can use a PPP loan for a variety of purposes, such as general business costs like payroll and rent, or payments toward preexisting debts. However, there has been some debate as to whether a debtor in a case under title 11 of the United States Code (the “Bankruptcy Code”) is eligible for PPP loans. Until the SBA declares that bankruptcy status is not an automatic disqualification for a PPP loan, it appears that a debtor under the Bankruptcy Code is not eligible. Part I of this memorandum explores a recent amendment to the CARES Act, which addresses debtor eligibility for PPP loans. Part II is divided into two sections describing the case law on PPP loan eligibility. First, Part II explains the analysis known as the Chevron doctrine, on which some courts have relied when assessing the SBA’s determination of PPP loan eligibility. Next, it examines the conflicting case law where courts have come to different conclusions about debtor eligibility

    Feed the Soil, Not the Plant: Case Studies in the Sustainability of Ontario's Regional Orchestras

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    Although Western Art Music (WAM) may not (yet!) be classified as a music-culture “at risk,” many of Ontario’s professional regional orchestras operate under increasingly unstable and difficult conditions. Using the theories of Jeff Todd Titon — whose evolving scholarship on the sustainability of musical cultures explores sustainability through a relational epistemology with the science of ecology — I examine the institutional health of two organizations within the WAM landscape of Ontario: The Niagara Symphony Orchestra and the ensemble previously known as Orchestra London.Bien que la musique classique occidentale ne puisse pas (encore!) être qualifiée de culture musicale « en danger », de nombreux orchestres professionnels régionaux de l’Ontario connaissent de grandes difficultés et une instabilité grandissante. À partir des théories de Jeff Todd Titon — dont les recherches en constante évolution sur la viabilité des cultures musicales explorent cette durabilité sous l’angle d’une relation épistémologique avec la science de l’écologie — j’examine la santé institutionnelle de deux organisations du paysage de la musique classique en Ontario : le Niagara Symphony Orchestra et l’ensemble connu auparavant sous le nom d’Orchestra London

    Development of a novel equine influenza virus live-attenuated vaccine

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    H3N8 equine influenza virus (EIV) is an important and significant respiratory pathogen of horses. EIV is enzootic in Europe and North America, mainly due to the suboptimal efficacy of current vaccines. We describe, for the first time, the generation of a temperature sensitive (ts) H3N8 EIV live-attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) using reverse-genetics approaches. Our EIV LAIV was attenuated (att) in vivo and able to induce, upon a single intranasal administration, protection against H3N8 EIV wild-type (WT) challenge in both a mouse model and the natural host, the horse. Notably, since our EIV LAIV was generated using reverse genetics, the vaccine can be easily updated against drifting or emerging strains of EIV using the safety backbone of our EIV LAIV as master donor virus (MDV). These results demonstrate the feasibility of implementing a novel EIV LAIV approach for the prevention and control of currently circulating H3N8 EIVs in horse populations

    "Sä lätkämailaa voit myös käyttää": The British, the Finnish, and the universal in the Finnish translation of the stage musical Matilda

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    Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastelen brittiläisen Matilda -musikaalin suomennoksen kulttuurimiljöötä. Musikaali perustuu Roald Dahlin lastenkirjaan ja on ollut hyvin suosittu niin Lontoossa, Tampereella, kuin maailmallakin. Alkuperäinen musikaali sijoittuu brittiläiseen kulttuurimiljööseen, joskin ajoittain hyvinkin epäsuorasti, ja olen pyrkinyt selvittämään, miten suomennos on vaikuttanut tähän kulttuurimiljööseen. Vaikka näyttämöteokset sisältävät useita ei-kielellisiä tekijöitä, kuten esiintymisasut, lavasteet ja muut audiovisuaaliset elementit, jotka vaikuttavat osaltaan kulttuurimiljöön luomiseen, olen keskittynyt tutkielmassani kulttuurin luomisen kielellisiin aspekteihin. Toisaalta musiikkiteatterin kääntämiseen vaikuttaa moni ilmiö, joka ei liity kulttuuriin, kuten esitettävyys, laulettavuus, sekä ymmärrettävyys. Olen ottanut nämä huomioon suomennosta analysoidessani, mutta tutkielmani keskiössä ovat kielelliset keinot. Teatterikääntämisen lisäksi tutkielmani teoreettinen lähtökohta sisältää näkökulmia lastenkirjallisuuden kääntämiseen. Kulttuurin kääntämisen kannalta sopivaksi viitekehykseksi valitsin vieraannuttamisen ja kotouttamisen. Aineistopohjainen tutkimus on auttanut minua hahmottamaan kulttuurin kääntämisen prosesseja vierauden ja tuttuuden kontrastin kautta, ja käännösstrategiat osana jatkumoa aina vieraannutetun ulkomaisuuden kokemuksesta kotoutettuun kotimaisuuteen asti. Analyysini koostuu kulttuurimiljöötä rakentavasta kielellisestä materiaalista, jota keräsin englannin- ja suomenkielisistä Matilda -käsikirjoituksista. Jaoin keräämäni materiaalin kuuteen kategoriaan: Henkilönnimet ja paikat, kirjallisuusviittaukset, arkielämä, oikeinkirjoitus ja ääntäminen, vieraat kielet sekä koulujärjestelmä. Kukin näistä kielen kategorioista oli suomennettu käyttäen erilaisia käännöstrategioista, joista syntyi vieraannuttavaa brittiläisyyttä, kotouttavaa suomalaisuutta, universalisoivaa kulttuuria, sekä rekonstruoitua brittiläisyyttä. Näistä viimeisin onkin tutkielman keskeisimpiä löydöksiä kulttuurin kääntämisen kannalta – korostettu vieraannuttaminen voi hyvinkin olla käännöksen päämääränä, ja se saavutetaan toisintamalla kohdeyleisön käsityksiä vieraasta kulttuurista

    Ecology of Phragmites australis and responses to tidal restoration

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    Tidal Marsh Restoration provides the scientific foundation and practical guidance necessary for coastal zone stewards to initiate salt marsh tidal restoration programs. The book compiles, synthesizes, and interprets the current state of knowledge on the science and practice of salt marsh restoration, bringing together leaders across a range of disciplines in the sciences (hydrology, soils, vegetation, zoology), engineering (hydraulics, modeling), and public policy, with coastal managers who offer an abundance of practical insight and guidance on the development of programs. The book is an essential work for managers, planners, regulators, environmental and engineering consultants, and others engaged in planning, designing, and implementing projects or programs aimed at restoring tidal flow to tide-restricted or diked salt marshes.https://scholarworks.wm.edu/asbookchapters/1065/thumbnail.jp

    The value of a Rhodes University degree and securing employment

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    In South Africa, reform policies and frameworks introduced since the 1994 democratic election have sought to bring about change to a highly ineffective and unfair system. In spite of all the changes which have occurred, however, there is evidence to suggest that the system is still not functioning as effectively as it might, given that a relatively large number of graduates remain unemployed in a country with a high skills shortage. This thesis aims to explore the experiences of graduates from one university, Rhodes University in the Eastern Cape, as they enter the job market. It does this through the administration of a first job destination survey administered at the 2009 Graduation Ceremonies held in Grahamstown. Analysis of the survey takes into account the idea that it is not a degree per se, or even a degree from a prestigious university which brings employment, but also the social, cultural and human capital that graduates can bring to their job search

    The reproducibility debate is an opportunity, not a crisis

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    There are many factors that contribute to the reproducibility and replicability of scientific research. There is a need to understand the research ecosystem, and improvements will require combined efforts across all parts of this ecosystem. National structures can play an important role in coordinating these efforts, working collaboratively with researchers, institutions, funders, publishers, learned societies and other sectoral organisations, and providing a monitoring and reporting function. Whilst many new ways of working and emerging innovations hold a great deal of promise, it will be important to invest in meta-research activity to ensure that these approaches are evidence based, work as intended, and do not have unintended consequences. Addressing reproducibility will require working collaboratively across the research ecosystem to share best practice and to make the most effective use of resources. The UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN) brings together Local Networks of researchers, Institutions, and External Stakeholders (funders, publishers, learned societies and other sectoral organisations), to coordinate action on reproducibility and work to ensure the UK retains its place as a centre for world-leading research. This activity is coordinated by the UKRN Steering Group. We consider this structure as valuable, bringing together a range of voices at a range of levels to support the combined efforts required to enact change