7 research outputs found

    De la communauté à la méta-communauté, décrypter les patrons de diversité

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    Patterns of community diversity refers to the structure of diversity, i.e. its quantification, its distribution and its turnover in space and time. Its study is likely to shed the light on the assembly rules that determined the structure of communities. However, numerous ecological assumptions are often made when studying diversity patterns. What motivated the work was the perspective that by relaxing these assumptions, a number of developments linked to diversity indices and null models are possible and can help to understand the impact of multiple ecological processes on phylogenetic and functional diversity patterns. In a first part we studied the pattern of functional diversity of alpine plant communities as a function of spatial and organizational scales. In the second part, we studied the methodological perspectives brought by the Hill numbers. In a third part, we addressed the main methodological issues of a new type of community data: environmental DNA.Les patrons de diversité caractérisent la structure de la diversité des communautés, c'est-à-dire sa valeur, sa distribution et son changement dans l'espace et le temps. Leur étude peut amener des informations importantes sur les processus écologiques qui en sont à l'origine. Cependant de nombreuses hypothèses de travail sont faites lors de leur analyse. L'idée générale de cette thèse est qu'en remettant en cause ces hypothèses, un certain nombre de développements liés aux indices de diversité et aux modèles nuls deviennent possibles et permettent de mieux comprendre les processus écologiques à l'origine des patrons de diversité fonctionnelle ou phylogénétique. Le premier chapitre est consacré à l'étude des patrons de diversité fonctionnelle des communautés végétales alpines à de multiples échelles spatiales et organisationnelles. Le second chapitre s'intéresse aux perspectives méthodologiques amenés par les nombres de Hill. Dans le dernier chapitre, on s'intéresse aux enjeux méthodologiques d'un nouveau type de données de communautés : l'ADN environnemental

    From communities to meta-communities : decrypting diversity patterns

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    Les patrons de diversité caractérisent la structure de la diversité des communautés, c'est-à-dire sa valeur, sa distribution et son changement dans l'espace et le temps. Leur étude peut amener des informations importantes sur les processus écologiques qui en sont à l'origine. Cependant de nombreuses hypothèses de travail sont faites lors de leur analyse. L'idée générale de cette thèse est qu'en remettant en cause ces hypothèses, un certain nombre de développements liés aux indices de diversité et aux modèles nuls deviennent possibles et permettent de mieux comprendre les processus écologiques à l'origine des patrons de diversité fonctionnelle ou phylogénétique. Le premier chapitre est consacré à l'étude des patrons de diversité fonctionnelle des communautés végétales alpines à de multiples échelles spatiales et organisationnelles. Le second chapitre s'intéresse aux perspectives méthodologiques amenés par les nombres de Hill. Dans le dernier chapitre, on s'intéresse aux enjeux méthodologiques d'un nouveau type de données de communautés : l'ADN environnemental.Patterns of community diversity refers to the structure of diversity, i.e. its quantification, its distribution and its turnover in space and time. Its study is likely to shed the light on the assembly rules that determined the structure of communities. However, numerous ecological assumptions are often made when studying diversity patterns. What motivated the work was the perspective that by relaxing these assumptions, a number of developments linked to diversity indices and null models are possible and can help to understand the impact of multiple ecological processes on phylogenetic and functional diversity patterns. In a first part we studied the pattern of functional diversity of alpine plant communities as a function of spatial and organizational scales. In the second part, we studied the methodological perspectives brought by the Hill numbers. In a third part, we addressed the main methodological issues of a new type of community data: environmental DNA

    Species pool distributions along functional trade-offs shape plant productivity-diversity relationships

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    Grasslands deliver the resources for food production and are among the most biologically diverse ecosystems. These characteristics are often in conflict as increasing yield through fertilization can lead to biodiversity loss. Thus, the challenge in grassland management is to sustain both yield and diversity. Biodiversity-ecosystem functioning experiments typically reveal a positive relationship between manipulated species diversity and productivity. In contrast, observations of the effect of increasing productivity via fertilization suggest a negative association with biodiversity. Using a mathematical model simulating species co-existence along a resource gradient, we show that trade-offs and species pool structure (size and trait distribution) determines the shape of the productivity-diversity relationship. At a constant resource level, over-yielding drives a positive relationship between biodiversity and productivity. In contrast, along a resource gradient, the shape of the productivity-diversity relationship is determined by the distribution of species along trade-off axes and often resulted in a bell-shaped relationship. In accordance to this theoretical result, we then explain the general trend of plant biodiversity loss with fertilisation in the European flora, by showing empirical evidence that trait distribution of plant species pools throughout Europe is biased toward species preferring poorer soils

    Comparing spatial diversification and meta-population models in the Indo-Australian Archipelago

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    Reconstructing the processes that have shaped the emergence of biodiversity gradients is critical to understand the dynamics of diversification of life on Earth. Islands have traditionally been used as model systems to unravel the processes shaping biological diversity. MacArthur and Wilson's island biogeographic model predicts diversity to be based on dynamic interactions between colonization and extinction rates, while treating islands themselves as geologically static entities. The current spatial configuration of islands should influence meta-population dynamics, but long-term geological changes within archipelagos are also expected to have shaped island biodiversity, in part by driving diversification. Here, we compare two mechanistic models providing inferences on species richness at a biogeographic scale: a mechanistic spatial-temporal model of species diversification and a spatial meta-population model. While the meta-population model operates over a static landscape, the diversification model is driven by changes in the size and spatial configuration of islands through time. We compare the inferences of both models to floristic diversity patterns among land patches of the Indo-Australian Archipelago. Simulation results from the diversification model better matched observed diversity than a meta-population model constrained only by the contemporary landscape. The diversification model suggests that the dynamic repositioning of islands promoting land disconnection and reconnection induced an accumulation of particularly high species diversity on Borneo, which is central within the island network. By contrast, the meta-population model predicts a higher diversity on the mainlands, which is less compatible with empirical data. Our analyses highlight that, by comparing models with contrasting assumptions, we can pinpoint the processes that are most compatible with extant biodiversity patterns