38 research outputs found

    Improving the surface brightness-color relation for early-type stars using optical interferometry

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    The aim of this work is to improve the SBC relation for early-type stars in the 1VK0-1 \leq V-K \leq 0 color domain, using optical interferometry. Observations of eight B- and A-type stars were secured with the VEGA/CHARA instrument in the visible. The derived uniform disk angular diameters were converted into limb darkened angular diameters and included in a larger sample of 24 stars, already observed by interferometry, in order to derive a revised empirical relation for O, B, A spectral type stars with a V-K color index ranging from -1 to 0. We also took the opportunity to check the consistency of the SBC relation up to VK4V-K \simeq 4 using 100 additional measurements. We determined the uniform disk angular diameter for the eight following stars: γ\gamma Ori, ζ\zeta Per, 88 Cyg, ι\iota Her, λ\lambda Aql, ζ\zeta Peg, γ\gamma Lyr, and δ\delta Cyg with V-K color ranging from -0.70 to 0.02 and typical precision of about 1.5%1.5\%. Using our total sample of 132 stars with VKV-K colors index ranging from about 1-1 to 44, we provide a revised SBC relation. For late-type stars (0VK40 \leq V-K \leq 4), the results are consistent with previous studies. For early-type stars (1VK0-1 \leq V-K \leq 0), our new VEGA/CHARA measurements combined with a careful selection of the stars (rejecting stars with environment or stars with a strong variability), allows us to reach an unprecedented precision of about 0.16 magnitude or 7%\simeq 7\% in terms of angular diameter.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Spectrally resolved interferometric observations of α Cephei and physical modeling of fast rotating stars

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Context. When a given observational quantity depends on several stellar physical parameters, it is generally very difficult to obtain observational constraints for each of them individually. Therefore, we studied under which conditions constraints for some individual parameters can be achieved for fast rotators, knowing that their geometry is modified by the rapid rotation which causes a non-uniform surface brightness distribution. Aims. We aim to study the sensitivity of interferometric observables on the position angle of the rotation axis (PA) of a rapidly rotating star, and whether other physical parameters can influence the determination of PA, and also the influence of the surface differential rotation on the determination of the β exponent in the gravity darkening law that enters the interpretation of interferometric observations, using α Cep as a test star. Methods. We used differential phases obtained from observations carried out in the Hα absorption line of α Cep with the VEGA/CHARA interferometer at high spectral resolution, R = 30 000 to study the kinematics in the atmosphere of the star. Results. We studied the influence of the gravity darkening effect (GDE) on the determination of the PA of the rotation axis of α Cep and determined its value, PA = −157-10°+17°. We conclude that the GDE has a weak influence on the dispersed phases. We showed that the surface differential rotation can have a rather strong influence on the determination of the gravity darkening exponent. A new method of determining the inclination angle of the stellar rotational axis is suggested. We conclude that differential phases obtained with spectro-interferometry carried out on the Hα line can in principle lead to an estimate of the stellar inclination angle i. However, to determine both i and the differential rotation parameter α, lines free from the Stark effect and that have collision-dominated source functions are to be preferred.VEGA is a collaboration between CHARA and OCA/LAOG/CRAL/LESIA that has been supported by the French programs PNPS and ASHRA, by INSU and by the Région PACA. The project has obviously benefitted from the strong support of the OCA and CHARA technical teams. The CHARA Array is operated with support from the National Science Foundation through grant AST-0908253, the W. M. Keck Foundation, the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute, and from Georgia State University. This work has made use of the BeSS database, operated at GEPI, Observatoire de Meudon, France: http://basebe.obspm.fr, use of the Jean-Marie Mariotti Center SearchCal service1 co-developed by FIZEAU and LAOG, and of CDS Astronomical Databases SIMBAD and VIZIER2. We are grateful to an anonymous referee for her/his valuable suggestions that helped to improve the presentation of our results

    Distance scale calibration based on early-type binaries

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    Our main goal is to establish a firm empirical calibration of the surface brightness vs. (V-K) color relation for early type stars based on high quality spectroscopic and infrared observations of early-type detached eclipsing systems in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). Our calibration of this relation will allow distance determinations accurate to about 2.5% to a single object located well beyond the Magellanic Clouds. This will let us calibrate other distance indicators, including period-luminosity relations for Cepheids. The first step of the project is to determine precise parameters for a sample of B-type systems in the LMC. We have already made a preliminary analysis of light and radial velocity curves for selected objects and measured their masses and radii. Here we present the results for one such system

    Flattening and surface-brightness of the fast-rotating star

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    Context. Rapid rotation is a common feature for massive stars, with important consequences on their physical structure, flux distribution and evolution. Fast-rotating stars are flattened and show gravity darkening (non-uniform surface intensity distribution). Another important and less studied impact of fast-rotation in early-type stars is its influence on the surface brightness colour relation (hereafter SBCR), which could be used to derive the distance of eclipsing binaries. Aims. The purpose of this paper is to determine the flattening of the fast-rotating B-type star δ Per using visible long-baseline interferometry. A second goal is to evaluate the impact of rotation and gravity darkening on the V − K colour and surface brightness of the star. Methods. The B-type star δ Per was observed with the VEGA/CHARA interferometer, which can measure spatial resolutions down to 0.3 mas and spectral resolving power of 5000 in the visible. We first used a toy model to derive the position angle of the rotation axis of the star in the plane of the sky. Then we used a code of stellar rotation, CHARRON, in order to derive the physical parameters of the star. Finally, by considering two cases, a static reference star and our best model of δ Per, we can quantify the impact of fast rotation on the surface brightness colour relation (SBCR). Results. We find a position angle of 23 ± 6 degrees. The polar axis angular diameter of δ Per is θp = 0.544 ± 0.007 mas, and the derived flatness is r = 1.121 ± 0.013. We derive an inclination angle for the star of i = 85+ 5-20 degrees and a projected rotation velocity Vsini = 175+ 8-11 km s-1 (or 57% of the critical velocity). We find also that the rotation and inclination angle of δ Per keeps the V − K colour unchanged while it decreasing its surface-brightness by about 0.05 mag. Conclusions. Correcting the impact of rotation on the SBCR of early-type stars appears feasible using visible interferometry and dedicated models