193 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging for groundwater

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    International audienceThe surface nuclear magnetic resonance method (SNMR) is an established geophysical tool routinely used for investigating one-dimensional (1D) and sometimes 2D subsurface water-saturated formations. We have expanded the tool by developing a 3D application. 3D-SNMR is a large-scale method that allows magnetic resonance imaging of groundwater down to about 80 m. Similar to most surface geophysical methods, 3D-SNMR has limited resolution, but it is effective for investigating water-saturated geological formations larger than several tens of meters. Because the performance of the method depends on variable survey conditions, we cannot estimate it in general. For demonstration purposes, we present an example of numerical modeling under fixed conditions. Results show that under certain conditions it is possible to detect a water volume as small as 500 m(3) and the detection threshold depends on the ambient electromagnetic noise magnitude and on the location of the target volume relative to the SNMR loops. The 3D-SNMR method was used to investigate accumulated water within the Tete Rousse glacier (French Alps). Inversion of the field measurements made it possible to locate the principal reservoir in the central part of the glacier and estimate the volume of accumulated water. These results were verified by 20 boreholes installed after the 3D-SNMR results were obtained and by pumping water out of the glacier. Very good correspondence between the 3D-SNMR and borehole results was observed

    Monitoring of groundwater redistribution in a karst aquifer using a superconducting gravimeter

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    Geodetic tools monitor the earth’s deformation and gravity field. They are presently sensitive enough to record subtle changes triggered by hydrological processes, thus providing complementary data to standard hydrological measurements. Among these tools, superconducting gravimeter (SG) have proven useful to unravel groundwater redistribution, which significantly alter the gravity field. In the frame of the EquipEx MIGA (Matter wave-laser based Interferometer Gravitation Antenna) project, one SG (iOSG-24) was set up in July 2015 in the Low-noise Underground Laboratory (LSBB) at Rustrel, France, in a gallery located 500 m beneath the surface. In this work, we analyse the underground iOSG-24 gravity time series together with hydro-meteorological data and basic gravity modelling. We find that the gravimeter recorded the redistribution of water in the ground and that most of this redistribution occurs in the unsaturated zone located above the gravimeter. Nevertheless, residuals between our model and the gravity data suggest the occurrence of large lateral fluxes and rapid runoff not considered in our model. We discuss how the setting of a second SG, planned in July 2018, at the surface of the LSBB could help unravelling such hydrological processes

    A study of karst hydrosystem recharge at the parcel scale, using modeling and correlation analysis - Low noise underground laboratory of Rustrel site

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    La caractĂ©risation des flux d’eaux qui rechargent rĂ©ellement les hydrosystĂšmes souterrains reste un frein Ă  la comprĂ©hension du fonctionnement hydrogĂ©ologique des milieux souterrains. Lors d’évĂ©nements pluvieux, quelle part de l’eau est Ă©vapo-transpirĂ©e ? Quelle part est temporairement stockĂ©e dans le sol ? Ces incertitudes sont particuliĂšrement fortes dans le cas de la recharge des milieux hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes tel que le karst. En gĂ©nĂ©ral, les calculs de recharge des hydrosystĂšmes karstiques se basent sur une reprĂ©sentation simplifiĂ©e de l’évapotranspiration qui considĂšre seulement le climat et pas le fonctionnement de la vĂ©gĂ©tation. Dans cette Ă©tude, un modĂšle de vĂ©gĂ©tation permettant de simuler les transferts d’eaux entre le sol et l’atmosphĂšre en contexte forestier (le modĂšle CASTANEA), a Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ© Ă  une parcelle de ChĂȘne vert. L’infiltration efficace (un indicateur de la recharge) estimĂ© avec CASTANEA a Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©e Ă  celle estimĂ©e par des approches classiques ainsi qu’à des sĂ©ries long terme de flux d’eaux souterraines (9 annĂ©es). Les rĂ©sultats de cette analyse rĂ©vĂšlent que l’infiltration efficace modĂ©lisĂ©e Ă  partir d’un modĂšle de vĂ©gĂ©tation comme CASTANEA est plus satisfaisante que les approches classiques ne tenant pas compte du fonctionnement de la vĂ©gĂ©tation. Ce travail ouvre des perspectives intĂ©ressantes pour mieux tenir compte du fonctionnement de la vĂ©gĂ©tation et de l’usage du sol sur la recharge des hydrosystĂšmes karstiques.Assessing the recharge of underground hydrosystems remains an obstacle to understand their hydrologeological functioning. During a rain event, which part of the rain is evapotranspired ? And how much is temporarily stored within the soil ? These questions are particularly relevant in heterogeneous media such as karst hydrosystems. Currently, the models used to compute recharge of karst hydrosystems, rely on simplistic formulations of evapotranspiration that do not account for vegetation functioning. In this study, we used the vegetation process based model CASTANEA, which is designed to compute water transfer between soil, plant and atmosphere. We computed effective infiltration (an index of recharge) with CASTANEA and with other classical approach (based on precipitation minus ETP), and for a welldocumented holm oak site in Provence. Our results provide evidences that effective infiltration computed with CASTANEA yield more satisfactory correlation with measured outflow than simulations based on the classical approach. Our results provide a promising way to improve the simulation of karst hydrosystem recharge

    Short- and Long-Term Occasional Teaching Work Arrangement Differences

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    This general qualitative study examined the differentiated nature of short- and long-term occasional teaching. Five occasional teachers experienced in transitioning between short- and long-term occasional teaching work arrangements each completed a semi-structured interview. Findings demonstrated that the work arrangements were differentiated in three key areas: (1) General teacher expectations; (2) School interactions; and (3) Professional presence. More favourably perceived long-term occasional teaching experiences in all three areas contributed to the formation of an internal teacher workforce values hierarchy that subordinated the short-term occasional teaching work arrangement. In addition, the short- to long-term occasional teaching transition was experienced as a progressive hierarchical shift, whereas a regressive hierarchical shift marked the long- to short-term occasional teaching transition. Hierarchical differentiation among the separate short- and long-term occasional teaching workgroups was found based on the amount of accumulated work. Policy and practice implications include approaching short- and long-term occasional teaching as heterogeneous work arrangements

    Ce n'est pas so(u)rcier. Contribution Ă  l'hydrogĂ©ophysique; de la mesure gĂ©ophysique Ă  l'exploration, Ă  l'exploitation et Ă  la gestion durable des ressources en eau souterraine – Approches intĂ©grĂ©es

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    Les travaux prĂ©sentĂ©s dans ce document d’HDR s’inscrivent dans la problĂ©matique gĂ©nĂ©rale de la caractĂ©risation des ressources en eau souterraine en vue de leur gestion durable. Ce manuscrit synthĂ©tise les travaux de recherche et d'enseignement que j'ai menĂ©s depuis l'obtention de ma thĂšse de doctorat en 2006. Ils sont le rĂ©sultat d'un travail collectif en interaction avec les doctorants,les post-doctorants, les enseignants-chercheurs et les chercheurs,principalement de l'UMR EMMAH mais aussi avec l'UMR IGE (anciennement LTHE) etl'UMR METIS(anciennement Sisyphe). Pour y arriver j'ai pu Ă©galement bĂ©nĂ©ficier des Ă©troites et fructueuses collaborations au travers de partenariats nationaux et internationaux avec un grand nombre de collĂšgues français et Ă©trangers. Le manuscrit est organisĂ© de la façon suivante: Pour mieux cerner mon profil je propose de prĂ©senter dans une premiĂšre partie mon parcours scientifique avec un Curriculum Vitae dĂ©taillĂ© (formation et parcours professionnel, collaborations et projets nationaux et internationaux, encadrement d'Ă©tudiants et publications,rayonnement et animation de la recherche,tĂąches administratives et d’enseignement). Dans la deuxiĂšme partie j’introduirai d’abord au travers d'une brĂšve revue bibliographique l’histoire, l’évolution, et les enjeux de l'hydrogĂ©ophysique. Je prĂ©senterai ensuite ma vision sur les Ă©volutions qui ont permis l’émergence de l’hydrogĂ©ophysique ainsi que la prise en considĂ©ration de cette sous-discipline transversale. La troisiĂšme partie est consacrĂ©e Ă  mes activitĂ©s de recherche qui s’inscrivent aux interfaces des deux grands champs disciplinaires: de l’hydrogĂ©ologie et de la gĂ©ophysique. Je ferai une synthĂšse (non exhaustive) de ma contribution Ă  la problĂ©matique gĂ©nĂ©rale autour de deux thĂšmes qui structurent aujourd’hui mon activitĂ© de recherche: 1.Apport de la mesure gĂ©ophysique aux connaissances hydrogĂ©ologiques; diffĂ©rentes Ă©chelles temporelles et spatiales Ă  des milieux gĂ©ologiques divers. 2.Approches mĂ©thodologiques intĂ©grĂ©es pour la gestion durable de la ressource en eau en milieux complexes. Les aquifĂšres karstiques sont les hydrosystĂšmes privilĂ©giĂ©s de mes travaux de recherche. Le manuscrit se conclut avec les perspectives de recherche qui s’ouvrent Ă  court et moyen termes au travers des projets de recherche, d’innovation et de transmission du savoir

    Application de méthodes géophysiques pour la reconnaissance et la protection de ressources en eau dans les milieux karstiques

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    The investigation methods currently suggested concerning the recognition and the protection of the karstic aquifers call only seldom upon geophysical measurements. The goal of these research tasks is to show that the combination of various geophysical methods (TDEM, FDEM, RMP) makes it possible to draw from the sub surface, the necessary information to characterize, partly and on various space scales, the geometry of the tanks and the distribution of the zones of high permeability in the karstic mediums. Three experimental sites, characteristic of karstic areas observed around the Mediterranean basin, were selected: the site of Loussoi (north-eastern of the Peloponnese - Greece), the site of Poumeyssen (Lot - France) and the site of Paralia Andreas Agios (eastern Peloponnese - Greece). Geophysical techniques adapted to the geological context and the hydrogeological questions were selected and used. New results were obtained in three fields: (1) the geological knowledge of the studied sites, (2) the specific developments of the geophysical techniques and (3) the definition of a methodological approach using geophysics to the study of the karsts.Les mĂ©thodes d'investigation actuellement proposĂ©es concernant la reconnaissance et la protection des aquifĂšres en milieu karstique ne font que rarement appel aux mesures gĂ©ophysiques. Le but des prĂ©sents travaux de recherche est de dĂ©montrer que la combinaison de diverses mĂ©thodes gĂ©ophysiques (TDEM, FDEM, RMP) permet de tirer du sous-sol l'information nĂ©cessaire Ă  caractĂ©riser, en partie et Ă  diffĂ©rentes Ă©chelles spatiales, la gĂ©omĂ©trie des rĂ©servoirs et la distribution des zones de haute permĂ©abilitĂ© dans les milieux karstiques.Trois sites expĂ©rimentaux, caractĂ©ristiques de rĂ©gions karstiques observĂ©es autour du bassin MĂ©diterranĂ©en, ont Ă©tĂ© choisis. Le site de Loussoi (nord-est du PĂ©loponnĂšse – GrĂšce), le site de Poumeyssen (Lot - France) et le site de Paralia Agios Andreas (est du PĂ©loponnĂšse – GrĂšce). Des techniques gĂ©ophysiques adaptĂ©es au contexte gĂ©ologique et aux questions hydrogĂ©ologiques ont Ă©tĂ© sĂ©lectionnĂ©es et utilisĂ©es.Des rĂ©sultats nouveaux ont Ă©tĂ© obtenus dans trois domaines : (1) la connaissance gĂ©ologique des sites Ă©tudiĂ©s, (2) des dĂ©veloppements spĂ©cifiques des techniques gĂ©ophysiques et (3) la dĂ©finition d'une approche mĂ©thodologique d'application des mĂ©thodes gĂ©ophysiques Ă  l'Ă©tude des karsts

    Application de méthodes géophysiques pour la reconnaissance et la protection de ressources en eau dans les milieux karstiques

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    The investigation methods currently suggested concerning the recognition and the protection of the karstic aquifers call only seldom upon geophysical measurements. The goal of these research tasks is to show that the combination of various geophysical methods (TDEM, FDEM, RMP) makes it possible to draw from the sub surface, the necessary information to characterize, partly and on various space scales, the geometry of the tanks and the distribution of the zones of high permeability in the karstic mediums. Three experimental sites, characteristic of karstic areas observed around the Mediterranean basin, were selected: the site of Loussoi (north-eastern of the Peloponnese - Greece), the site of Poumeyssen (Lot - France) and the site of Paralia Andreas Agios (eastern Peloponnese - Greece). Geophysical techniques adapted to the geological context and the hydrogeological questions were selected and used. New results were obtained in three fields: (1) the geological knowledge of the studied sites, (2) the specific developments of the geophysical techniques and (3) the definition of a methodological approach using geophysics to the study of the karsts.Les mĂ©thodes d'investigation actuellement proposĂ©es concernant la reconnaissance et la protection des aquifĂšres en milieu karstique ne font que rarement appel aux mesures gĂ©ophysiques. Le but des prĂ©sents travaux de recherche est de dĂ©montrer que la combinaison de diverses mĂ©thodes gĂ©ophysiques (TDEM, FDEM, RMP) permet de tirer du sous-sol l'information nĂ©cessaire Ă  caractĂ©riser, en partie et Ă  diffĂ©rentes Ă©chelles spatiales, la gĂ©omĂ©trie des rĂ©servoirs et la distribution des zones de haute permĂ©abilitĂ© dans les milieux karstiques.Trois sites expĂ©rimentaux, caractĂ©ristiques de rĂ©gions karstiques observĂ©es autour du bassin MĂ©diterranĂ©en, ont Ă©tĂ© choisis. Le site de Loussoi (nord-est du PĂ©loponnĂšse – GrĂšce), le site de Poumeyssen (Lot - France) et le site de Paralia Agios Andreas (est du PĂ©loponnĂšse – GrĂšce). Des techniques gĂ©ophysiques adaptĂ©es au contexte gĂ©ologique et aux questions hydrogĂ©ologiques ont Ă©tĂ© sĂ©lectionnĂ©es et utilisĂ©es.Des rĂ©sultats nouveaux ont Ă©tĂ© obtenus dans trois domaines : (1) la connaissance gĂ©ologique des sites Ă©tudiĂ©s, (2) des dĂ©veloppements spĂ©cifiques des techniques gĂ©ophysiques et (3) la dĂ©finition d'une approche mĂ©thodologique d'application des mĂ©thodes gĂ©ophysiques Ă  l'Ă©tude des karsts

    Hydrogeophysical monitoring of intense rainfall infiltration in the karst critical zone: A unique electrical resistivity tomography data set

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    International audienceThe common hydrogeological concepts assume that water mostly enters and flows in fractured and karstified media through preferential pathways related to discontinuities. But it is difficult to locate discontinuities and even more to relate those to possible or effective water routes, particularly when soil or scree covers near surface features. When and where does water flow underground? How fast? Are we able to monitor the infiltration processes? A unique large scale Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) surface based time-lapse experiment was carried out in fractured and karstified carbonate rock during a typical Mediterranean autumn rainy episode (230mm of rain over 17 days). 120 ERT time-lapse sections were measured over the same profile during and after this event (30 days). The gradient array was chosen for his robustness and rapidity. The site is covered by typical Mediterranean forest and is a good example of the surface conditions found in Mediterranean karst. There is no major karstification features (i.e. cave, sinkhole) or major tectonic accident (i.e. fault). In a previous paper, several commercial and research inversion software were tested on this dataset. This processing highlighted some limitations in inversion process. At the actual stage, apparent resistivity data provides insight about recharge/discharge processes that are almost valuable as the inverted resistivity results. Due to his quality, the availability of this unique dataset acquired under natural conditions will allow to the scientific and engineer community exploring advances and limits of ERT approach and to test new software or new data processing strategy
