4 research outputs found

    Les thĂ©ories du texte de François Rastier au service d’une lecture interprĂ©tative de la mode

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    Cet article s’inspire de la sĂ©miotique interprĂ©tative de F. Rastier pour analyser un dĂ©filĂ© de mode (Collection printemps-Ă©tĂ© 2003, Ungaro). D’un point de vue thĂ©orique ou mĂ©thodologique, l’auteur dĂ©montre comment la sĂ©miotique interprĂ©tative doit complĂ©ter le travail de la sĂ©miotique tensive (Fontanille, Zilberberg) sur un corpus qui n’est pas, Ă  strictement parler, textuel.This essay finds its source in the interpretative semiotics of F. Rastier in order to analyse a fashion show (Ungaro’s Spring-Summer Collection of 2003). From a theoretical or methodological point of view, the author demonstrates how interpretative semiotics must complete the work of tensive semiotics (Fontanille, Zilberberg) on a corpus that isn’t, strictly speaking, textual

    Everyday Practices and Subversions: Semiotic Analysis of the 2009 Greek Elections Through the Headlines of a Daily National Newspaper

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    In this article, we will examine how journalistic discourse interferes with everyday practice and contributes to its subversion. We will show how the special event of national elections, once it becomes everyday itself, can still attract the interest of readers, interrupting the rhythm of habit. More specifically, through selected headlines of the newspaper Eleftherotypia we will examine how the 2009 national elections in Greece, forming a strong political event, tended to become routine through the daily flow of the press and how the enunciative strategies of the newspaper attempted to maintain the intensity of its readers' interest in this particular topic

    Présence de l objet et identité des marques de luxe (approche socio-sémiotique)

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    L objet de ce travail porte sur la prĂ©sence du vĂȘtement dans les collections de haute couture. La question de la prĂ©sence s inscrit dans un cadre de rĂ©intĂ©gration actuelle des questions d origine phĂ©nomĂ©nologique au sein de la sĂ©miotique. La perception, le sensible et l affect sont aujourd hui au centre des prĂ©occupations de la discipline. La signification est considĂ©rĂ©e dans sa genĂšse. Nous incorporons dans cette perspective de sĂ©miotique gĂ©nĂ©rale la construction de l identitĂ© des marques de luxe. La marque sera envisagĂ©e comme un univers micro-univers sĂ©mantique, qui est un flux d Ă©nergies et de tensions. Le rĂŽle du sujet est d ajuster les tensions et les effets de surplus provoquĂ©s par les qualitĂ©s sensibles de l objet (vĂȘtement) inscrites sur la collection (discours). Contrairement Ă  la tendance actuelle qui exclut le sujet du cadre de la sĂ©miotique de l objet, nous postulons qu afin de parler de la prĂ©sence de l objet, il faut aussi parler du sujet et du discours. Le sujet dans sa condition de lecteur rend l objet sensible en objet de sens. A partir des outils mĂ©thodologiques de la sĂ©miotique tensive et la sĂ©mantique interprĂ©tative, nous allons Ă©tudier comment la problĂ©matique de la prĂ©sence se rend au service de la sĂ©miotique appliquĂ©e (socio-sĂ©miotique). En considĂ©rant la prĂ©sence de l objet comme une articulation de la production du sens qui s achĂšve dans sa rĂ©ception, nous allons utiliser les modĂšles tels que le schĂ©ma tensif, afin de dĂ©crire les modulations tensives, et les opĂ©rations interprĂ©tatives qui assurent un Ă©quilibre nĂ©cessaire.The object of this task is about the presence of the cloth in the fashion shows. The question of the presence appears at the same time as the return of phenomenological oriented questions in the field of semiotics. The perception, the affect and the sensibility become the actual preoccupations of the discipline. The signification is examined at its origins. We incorporate the construction of the identity of luxury trademarks. The trademark is considered as micro semantic universe, which is an energy and tensif centre. The role of the subject is to adjust the tensions and the excessive effects due at the quality aspect of the object (cloth) as they are registered at the collection (discourse). Contrary at the actual tendancy which exclues the subject of the theory of semiotics of the object, we postule that in order to talk about the presence of the object, we should also talk about the subject and the discourse. The subject as a reader transforms the objet of sensitivity into an object of sense. Using the methodological tools of semiotics tensivity and interpretative semantics, we are going to study how the problematic of the presence becomes useful for the theory of applied semiotics (socio-semiotics). By considering the presence of the object as an articulation of the sense production which becomes fulfilled on its reception, we are going to use the tensif schema, in order to describe the tensive modulations and the interpretation operations which assure the necessary equilibrium.LYON2/BRON-BU (690292101) / SudocSudocFranceF