91 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh rendahnya wawasan dan pengetahuan petani di indonesia terkait pemeliharaan tanaman padi yang selama ini cara yang mereka gunakan dapat berdampak buruk terhadap ekologi serta dalam jangka waktu tertentu akan berdampak negatif terhadap pembangunan berkelanjutan, sehingga dalam menjawab permasalahan tersebut perlu adanya pemberdayaan kepada petani, melalui program SLPPHT yang bertujuan meningkatkan wawasan dan pengetahuan lapang kepada para petani terutama terkait pemeliharaan tanaman yang ramah lingkungan dan tentunya berpedoman pada pembangunan berkelanjutan, namun setelah kurang lebih 1 tahun pasca pelaksanaan program SLPPHT tahun 2021 di Nagari Muaro Bodi, pemberdayaan tidak berjalan efektif, hal ini dikarenakan belum terbentuknya kemandirian dari para petani peserta, dalam melaksanakan pemberdayaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan tipe deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, dokumentasi, dan obervasi. Sementara itu, teknik keabsahan data yang peneliti gunakan adalah triangulasi sumber. Pemilihan informan dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Ambar Teguh Sulistiyani yang menggunakan tiga tahapan dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat, yaitu tahap penyadaran, tahap transformasi kemampuan, dan tahap peningkatan kemampuan intelektual, keterampilan dan terbentuknya inisiatif dan inovatif mencapai kemandirian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa capaian akhir pada tahapan pemberdayaan menurut Ambar Teguh Sulistiyani dapat dikatakan belum berhasil dilakukan, dimana pada tahap akhir dalam pemberdayaan yaitu tahap pembentukan kemandirian, ditemukan adanya permasalahan, hal tersebut berdasar pada hasil yang ditemukan dari analisis pada aspek- aspek dalam pembentukan kemandirian (afektif, koognitif, psikomotorik, konatif) bahwa semua aspek masih berada pada level rendah hingga sangat rendah, artinya kemandirian terhadap petani pada pemberdayaan masih belum terbentuk, sehingga dapat dikatakan pemberdayaan petani melalui program SLPPHT tidak berjalan efektif

    Comprendre et Concevoir les Animations dans le Contexte des Interfaces Graphiques

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    International audienceAnimations are increasingly used in interactive systems in order to enhance the usability and aesthetics of user interfaces. While animations are proven to be useful in many cases, we still find defective animations causing many problems, such as distracting users from their main task or making data exploration slower. The fact that such animations still exist proves that animations are not yet very well understood as a cognitive aid for understanding interfaces, and that we did not definitely decide what makes a well designed animation. This thesis aims at better understanding the different aspects of animations for user interfaces and exploring new methods and guidelines for designing them, with a main focus on the field of information visualization. As a first investigation, we elaborated a taxonomy of the roles of animations in the gra-phical interfaces. In the context of dynamic information visua-lizations, we are currently working on a model of animated transitions. We are also exploring certain aspects of the visual grouping for these transitions. Moreover, we are studying the impact of temporal structuring of animated transitions on the interpretation of data. Our future investigations will aim essentially at the design of a sketch-based tool for prototyping and authoring animated transitions of dynamic data.Les animations sont de plus en plus utilisées dans les systèmes interactifs dans un but d'améliorer l'utilisabilité et l'esthétique de l'interface utilisateur. Si les animations se révèlent très utiles dans de nombreux cas, on trouve également des anima-tions causant de multiples problèmes, tels que la distraction des utilisateurs de leur tâche principale ou encore le ralen-tissement de l'exploration des données. Le fait que de telles animations subsistent encore prouve que les animations ne sont pas encore bien assimilées comme une aide cognitive à la compréhension des interfaces, et que l'on n'a pas décisivement défini ce qui constitue une animation bien conçue. Le but de cette thèse est de mieux comprendre les différents aspects des animations pour les interfaces et d'explorer de nou-velles méthodes pour les concevoir, en focalisant une grande partie de nos travaux autour du domaine de la visualisation d'information. Comme première investigation, nous avons élaboré une taxonomie des rôles des animations dans les interfaces graphiques. Dans le contexte des visualisations dy-namiques d'information, nous travaillons actuellement sur un modèle des transitions animées. Nous explorons également certains aspects du groupement visuel pour ces transitions. En outre, nous étudions l'effet de la structuration temporelle des transitions animées sur l'interprétation des données. Nos futures investigations viseront essentiellement la conception d'un outil de prototypage et de création de transitions animées pour des données dynamiques basé sur le dessin

    Analisis Ultimate Strength Struktur Jacket Platform Berbasis Keandalan dengan Variasi Jenis Tanah

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    Dalam pertimbangan proses reuse jacket platform, salah satu hal yang dipertimbangkan adalah apakah daya dukung tanah di lokasi baru dapat mendukung struktur tersebut. Daya dukung tanah berkaitan erat dengan kondisi tanah atau seabed yang mana kondisinya tidak stabil. Ketidakstabilan kondisi seabed dan lingkungan ini akan mengakibatkan perbedaan kekuatan pada bangunan lepas pantai pada umumnya maupun pada pile pada khususnya pada saat bangunan lepas pantai tersebut beroperasi. Oleh karena itu, pada tugas akhir ini dilakukan analisis keandalan jacket platform dalam kondisi ultimate dengan variasi jenis tanah yang didapatkan dari data tanah beberapa lokasi. Peluang kegagalan member akan digunakan dalam analisa keandalan dengan menggunakan metode Monte Carlo yang menggunakan Random Number Generator(RNG). Sedangkan keandalan sistem diperoleh dengan metode Reliability Block Diagram (RBD). Diperoleh hasil RSR (Reserve Strength Ratio) terkecil pada struktur dengan tanah tipe X sebesar 2.412, diikuti dengan struktur dengan tanah tipe Y dan tipe Z secara berurutan. Struktur dengan tanah tipe X memiliki RSR terkecil dan nilai parameter-parameter tanah (unit end bearing dan unit skin friction) terkecil. Analisis keandalan dilakukan pada 3 tipe tanah, dengan keandalan terkecil terjadi pada struktur dengan tanah tipe X sebesar 0.359. =========================================================================== In consideration of the jacket platform reuse process, one of the things to consider is whether the bearing capacity of the soil can support the structure. Pile is an important component of the bearing capacity of the soil, also one of the most vulnerable components. Pile is related to the soil or seabed condition which is unstable. The instability of the seabed and environmental conditions will result in differences of offshore structures strength as well as on piles when the offshore structures are in operation. Therefore, one way to find out whether the jacket platform structure is still feasible to operate with a particular soil type is to use analysis to find the largest unity check and pushover analysis to calculate the RSR (Reserve Strength Ratio) structure. In this final project, the jacket platform reliability with variation of soil type obtained from soil data of several locations. Probability of member failure will be calculated in reliability analysis using Monte Carlo method with Random Number Generator (RNG). While the reliability of the system obtained by Reliability Block Diagram (RBD). Based on structural strength analysis, the lowest RSR (Reserve Strength Ratio) is in type X soil structure with 2.412, followed by structure with type Y soil and type Z soil. The structure with type X soil has the lowest RSR and the lowest soil parameters (end bearing unit and skin friction unit). Reliability analyzes were performed on 3 soil types, with the lowest reliability occurring in type X soil structure with 0.359

    DataTours: A Data Narratives Framework

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    International audienceVisual storytelling is commonly employed to communicate data analyses results. Alternatively, (semi-)automated [1, 2, 6] data narratives or " tours " have been proposed as a means to prompt exploration of massive multidimensional datasets, substituting the more prevalent static overviews. While these works demonstrate specific instances of data tours, a concrete model to describe the building blocks of such tours is lacking. We present a descriptive hierarchical framework, DataTours, to formalize and guide the design of (semi-) automated tours for data exploration and discuss challenges evoked by the framework in the (semi-)automated authoring of such tours

    Iatrogenic colorectal Kaposi sarcoma complicating a refractory ulcerative colitis in a human immunodeficiency negative-virus patient

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    Kaposi sarcoma is a mesenchymal tumor associated to a human herpes virus-8. It often occurs in human immunodeficiency virus-positive subjects. Colorectal localization is rare. We report the case of a colorectal Kaposi sarcoma complicating a refractory ulcerative colitis treated with surgery after the failure of immunomodulator therapy in a human immunodeficiency virus-negative heterosexual man.Key words: Kaposi’s Sarcoma, ulcerative colitis, Human Herpes Virus-8, Infliximab, immunosuppressio

    Common Fate for Animated Transitions in Visualization

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    International audienceThe Law of Common Fate from Gestalt psychology states that visual objects moving with the same velocity along parallel trajectories will be perceived by a human observer as grouped. However, the concept of common fate is much broader than mere velocity; in this paper we explore how common fate results from coordinated changes in luminance and size. We present results from a crowdsourced graphical perception study where we asked workers to make perceptual judgments on a series of trials involving four graphical objects under the influence of conflicting static and dynamic visual factors (position, size and luminance) used in conjunction. Our results yield the following rankings for visual grouping: motion > (dynamic luminance, size, luminance); dynamic size > (dynamic luminance, position); and dynamic luminance > size. We also conducted a follow-up experiment to evaluate the three dynamic visual factors in a more ecologically valid setting, using both a Gapminder-like animated scatterplot and a thematic map of election data. The results indicate that in practice the relative grouping strengths of these factors may depend on various parameters including the visualization characteristics and the underlying data. We discuss design implications for animated transitions in data visualization

    Biochemical Characterization of Local Onion Genotypes (Allium cepa L.) in the Arid Regions of Tunisia

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    Nineteen Tunisian onion genotypes were characterized based on phytochemical composition, sugar content, and antioxidant activity. The studied onions showed a great diversity on biochemical contents and composition. It seemed that there were differences between genotype categories (local landraces...Publishe