280 research outputs found

    Conformación de mancomunidades : alternativa para la implementación y sostenibilidad de la gestión integral de los residuos sólidos urbanos en República Dominicana

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    Maribel Chalas Guerrero, Ingeniera Química, de la Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD); Postgrado en Tecnología de Alimentos-Industrialización de Frutas y Hortalizas, en el Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Valencia, España; Postgrado en Gestión del Medio Ambiente, de la Universidad Libre de Bruselas, Bélgica; Diplomado en Administración de Proyectos, CEI-RD/Infotep; y Diplomado en Derecho y Gestión Ambiental, en la Universidad INCE-Insaproma. Ha realizado numerosos cursos, entrenamientos, visitas y seminarios. Ganadora del “Premio Juan Pablo Duarte”, otorgado por el Codia al mejor estudiante de la Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura de la UASD, 1983. “Auditor Líder ISO 9001 – 2008”, certificado No. 11/4343 de “International Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA), febrero 2013. Más de veinte años en el mundo de la industria agroalimenticia, en empresas internacionales reconocidas. Actualmente se desempeña como coordinadora técnica de Proyectos de Residuos Sólidos en la Dirección de Gestión Ambiental Municipal del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales de República Dominicana

    Influence of added lactose on probiotic properties of yogurt culture bacteria and yogurt characteristics

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    Lactose sugar is a source of energy for Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) in dairy fermented products. Enrichment of yogurt with lactose addition may increase growth and viability of the yogurt starter culture (Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus) and enhance yogurt physico-chemical and sensory attributes. The objectives of this study were: to determine the influence of added lactose on (1) acid and bile tolerance of yogurt starter culture Streptococcus thermophilus ST-M5 and Lactobacillus bulgaricus LB-12, (2) the final lactose content of yogurt during its shelf life, (3) the physico-chemical characteristics of yogurt during shelf life, (4) the growth of the yogurt starter culture during yogurt´s shelf life and (5) the sensory attributes of yogurt. Acid tolerance test was conducted on pure culture at 30 minutes intervals for 2 hours of incubation period and bile tolerance at 1 hour intervals during 12 hours. Fat free plain set-type yogurt was manufactured using 0, 1, 3 and 5% w/w added lactose to accomplish objectives 2, 3 and 4. For objective 5, a blueberry yogurt was manufactured using the same lactose levels. Analyses for plain set-type yogurt were done at 7 days intervals during 35 days of storage period. Sensory evaluation was conducted on yogurt 3 days after its manufacture. Data were analyzed using Proc Mixed model of SAS® 9.3 program and by analysis of variance (ANOVA) using Proc GLM. Significant differences between means were analyzed at α = 0.05 using Tukey´s adjustment. Lactose had a positive effect on acid tolerance and bile tolerance of both yogurt starter cultures, growth of S. thermophilus and sensory attributes of flavored yogurt. Mean overall liking scores were higher for samples containing added lactose compared to control as tested by 100 panelists. Lactose supplementation in yogurt might be a good approach to increase its health benefits, acceptability and purchase intent among consumers

    School outreach and museum-architect partnerships : an initiative at the Canadian Centre for Architecture

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    This thesis focuses on an educational partnership between the Canadian Centre for Architecture and Architects in Action, which explores the potential of utilizing professional arts practitioners in an outreach capacity to extend museum programming. It seeks to answer the following questions: How did the architects' experiences compare to their expectations, and what are the benefits and challenges to using architects as facilitators of post-visit museum activities within the classroom setting? A series of architect interviews, teacher surveys, and classroom observations were conducted and analyzed in order to gain insight into the strengths and weaknesses of the educational partnership and to ascertain how such partnerships can be improved. The findings generated by this study were used as a basis for the development of a series of recommendations intended to contribute to the improvement of practice within similar educational projects

    Profesionalni zdravstveni rizici u suvremenoj stomatologiji

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    Occupational diseases are diseases or health disorders that are caused by the work or working conditions. There are also work related diseases which usually have multifactorial origin. Occupational health hazard can be defined as a risk to a person usually arising out of employment in sense of the nature or working conditions of a particular job. Occupational hazards in dental medicine can be grouped as biological, biomechanical, chemical, physical and psychological. The aim of this paper is to provide a brief overview of the most important occupational health hazards in contemporary dentistry and to present the prevention activities at the School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb regarding occupational diseases among dental students and dental practitioners.Profesionalne bolesti su bolesti ili zdravstveni poremećaji uzrokovani radom ili radnim uvjetima. Osim toga, postoje i bolesti vezane uz rad koje imaju višeuzročno podrijetlo. Profesionalni zdravstveni rizici se mogu definirati kao rizici koji se javljaju kod određenog zanimanja s obzirom na radne uvjete pojedinog radnog mjesta. Profesionalne opasnosti u stomatologiji se mogu podijeliti na biološke, biomehaničke, kemijske, fizikalne i psihološke. Svrha ovog rada je pružiti pregled najvažnijih profesionalnih zdravstvenih opasnosti u suvremenoj stomatologiji i predstaviti aktivnosti na Stomatološkom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu s obzirom na prevenciju profesionalnih bolesti među studentima stomatologije i stomatolozima

    Implementing a digital calendar in a portfolio management context using temporal expressions

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    Different systems implement digital calendars according to their context-specific needs. In the case of a portfolio management system for the financial industry, a digital calendar needs to keep track of financial events that can be both recurring and nonrecurring as well as provide business analysts with a method of querying calendars about those events. The patterns to define those events need to be flexible enough to create complex and simple recurrences, such as “every second Tuesday of the month” or “every Christmas”. With a system requirement that exposes the construction of patterns that are then given to define specific events - such as to define business days or fiscal periods - the interface also needs to be simple enough to seem familiar to accountants who are used to filling out spreadsheets and programming them with short scripts or equations. Martin Fowler’s Schedule design pattern provides a model for a flexible calendar design that, with some tweaking, can meet all these requirements. Though calendars are common and prevalent, the context and, by extension, its specific use cases heavily inform the design. This thesis provides a look into the process of implementing a calendar in a financial context in its full process, from considering requirements to implementation to benchmarked analysis of performance

    Hierarchically nested networks optimize the analysis of audiovisual speech

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    In conversational settings, seeing the speaker’s face elicits internal predictions about the upcoming acoustic utterance. Understanding how the listener’s cortical dynamics tune to the temporal statistics of audiovisual (AV) speech is thus essential. Using magnetoencephalography, we explored how large-scale frequency-specific dynamics of human brain activity adapt to AV speech delays. First, we show that the amplitude of phase-locked responses parametrically decreases with natural AV speech synchrony, a pattern that is consistent with predictive coding. Second, we show that the temporal statistics of AV speech affect large-scale oscillatory networks at multiple spatial and temporal resolutions. We demonstrate a spatial nestedness of oscillatory networks during the processing of AV speech: these oscillatory hierarchies are such that high-frequency activity (beta, gamma) is contingent on the phase response of low-frequency (delta, theta) networks. Our findings suggest that the endogenous temporal multiplexing of speech processing confers adaptability within the temporal regimes that are essential for speech comprehension

    L'évolution des rapports ville nature dans la pensée et la pratique aménagistes (la consultation internationale du Grand Paris)

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    Le concours international pour l'agglomération parisienne qui a eu lieu fin 2008, début 2009 a rassemblé une part importante du champ de l'architecture et de l'urbanisme sur la question de la ville territoire durable. Ce moment spécifique nous offre la possibilité d'étudier les cadres de la pensée aménagiste sur la question des rapports ville-nature et de les mettre en perspective avec les formes urbaines passées ainsi qu'avec les grands courants de pensée en aménagement. Nous commençons par le descriptif de ces rapports tels qu'ils se sont incarnés dans les formes historiques de la ville européenne ainsi que dans les textes théoriques ayant accordé une place spécifique à l'une des déclinaisons possibles de la nature . Nous comparons ensuite ces rapports et les représentations de la nature qui les ont motivés avec les utilisations des éléments naturels qui ont été faites dans les projets du Grand Paris. Grâce à un commentaire herméneutique des dossiers de rendu du concours, analysant non seulement les usages des éléments naturels mais aussi les valeurs associées à ceux-ci, comme la matérialité du discours sur la nature, nous identifions les échos et écarts en termes de représentations.This work is trying to describe the current evolution of sustainable planning throughout the study of the Grand Paris international competition for a post Kyoto metropolis that took place in 2009. The answers that have been proposed by all teams for the competition, composed by a large and representative panel of international experts, architects, research center and universities are showing a real change in terms of representation concerning nature and the city. The thesis describes the poetic, therapeutic and structuring use of natural elements that has been done by the different teams in their proposal for the metropolis of tomorrow, making nature a real tool for sustainable planning.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    La territorialisation de l'habiter, ou l'affirmation progressive des intérêts et pouvoirs habitants dans la géographie et la gouvernance urbaines (espace et démocratie aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique, au Brésil et en Afrique du Sud (XIXe - XXIe siècles))

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    Cette thèse met en évidence, à travers l'analyse historique de contextes états-uniens, brésiliens et sud-africains, l'ampleur considérable prise par la dimension habitante dans l'architecture territoriale contemporaine. Depuis le dix-neuvième siècle, nombre de riverains et propriétaires, parfois aidés d'acteurs du secteur immobilier, ont étendu de manière mutualisée leur contrôle et leurs pouvoirs au-delà du domicile et de la simple parcelle individuelle, l'objectif étant notamment d'assurer une qualité de vie, un prestige et la valeur des biens au sein de l'environnement résidentiel. Agissant ainsi, ils ont de fait constitué de véritables territoires habitants, qui ont marqué le fonctionnement des agglomérations tout aussi bien dans le champ spatial, étant donné l'établissement de domaine résidentiels, que sur le plan institutionnel, avec la multiplication d'organes de gestion et de gouvernance. La propagation relativement récente d'ensembles résidentiels fermés, généralement administrés par des associations de propriétaires ou de riverains, illustre de manière particulièrement explicite cette double dynamique. La thèse relate ainsi comment l'habiter s'est peu à peu territorialisé depuis le dix-neuvième siècle. En outre, il fut entrepris l'étude de ce phénomène parallèlement à un processus de démocratisation des sociétés. Dans les trois pays sélectionnés pour cette recherche, l'affirmation de l'échelon habitant s'est initiée dans un contexte post-abolitionniste. L'environnement résidentiel fut alors pensé, notamment chez les strates sociales supérieures, comme un cadre protecteur face aux profondes mutations et problèmes de l'urbain de l'époque, mais également comme le moyen de réintroduire au moyen de pratiques ségrégatives une hiérarchie sociale et raciale, alors que l'ancien ordre esclavagiste venait d'être démantelé. Cette recherche doctorale cherche à démontrer que cette racine historique, d'un habiter contemporain se territorialisant face à la ville et parfois même à un fonctionnement relativement plus démocratique de la société, continue à influencer les tendances résidentielles par certains aspects.This thesis highlights the very important influence of dwelling in the contemporary territorial framework, through the historical analysis of American, Brazilian and South African contexts. Since the nineteenth century, a lot of residents and property owners, sometimes backed by the real estate industry, extended their control and powers in a shared way beyond the spatial limits of houses and individual plots. They secured thereby the quality of life, the prestige and the property values inside the residential area. By doing so, they created true dwelling territories that impacted the functioning of metropolitan areas as well in the spatial field, with the establishment of residential communities, as in the institutional domain, through the proliferation of management and governance bodies. The relatively recent spread of gated communities, which are generally administered by homeowners or neighbourhood associations, explicitly illustrates this double dynamic. The thesis thus relates how the dwelling has been progressively territorialized since the nineteenth century. Furthermore, this phenomenon has been studied in parallel to a process of democratization of societies. In the three countries selected for this research, the empowerment at the neighbourhood level began in a post-abolition era. Then, the residential environments have been thought, more particularly in the upper middle and wealthy classes, as protective surroundings against the deep changes and problems experienced by urban areas at this time, but also as a way to reintroduce a racial and social hierarchy by means of segregation practices, when the previous slave order had just been set aside. This doctoral research aims to demonstrate that this historical root of the contemporary dwelling, largely designed in opposition to the city and sometimes even to a relatively more democratic functioning of the society, continues to influence the residential trends in some aspects.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF