1,469 research outputs found

    Vascular Dynamics Aid a Coupled Neurovascular Network Learn Sparse Independent Features: A Computational Model

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    Cerebral vascular dynamics are generally thought to be controlled by neural activity in a unidirectional fashion. However, both computational modeling and experimental evidence point to the feedback effects of vascular dynamics on neural activity. Vascular feedback in the form of glucose and oxygen controls neuronal ATP, either directly or via the agency of astrocytes, which in turn modulates neural firing. Recently, a detailed model of the neuron-astrocyte-vessel system has shown how vasomotion can modulate neural firing. Similarly, arguing from known cerebrovascular physiology, an approach known as “hemoneural hypothesis” postulates functional modulation of neural activity by vascular feedback. To instantiate this perspective, we present a computational model in which a network of “vascular units” supplies energy to a neural network. The complex dynamics of the vascular network, modeled by a network of oscillators, turns neurons ON and OFF randomly. The informational consequence of such dynamics is explored in the context of an auto-encoder network. In the proposed model, each vascular unit supplies energy to a subset of hidden neurons of an autoencoder network, which constitutes its “projective field.” Neurons that receive adequate energy in a given trial have reduced threshold, and thus are prone to fire. Dynamics of the vascular network are governed by changes in the reconstruction error of the auto-encoder network, interpreted as the neuronal demand. Vascular feedback causes random inactivation of a subset of hidden neurons in every trial. We observe that, under conditions of desynchronized vascular dynamics, the output reconstruction error is low and the feature vectors learnt are sparse and independent. Our earlier modeling study highlighted the link between desynchronized vascular dynamics and efficient energy delivery in skeletal muscle. We now show that desynchronized vascular dynamics leads to efficient training in an auto-encoder neural network

    Study of incidence in between benign and malignant tumors of solitary thyroid nodule

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    Background: Accurate imaging characterization of a solitary thyroid nodule has been clearly problematic. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values in the differentiation between malignant and benign solitary thyroid nodules. Objective of the study was to study the clinco-pathological correlation of solitary thyroid nodule and the incidence of malignancy.Methods: The study was conducted in MIMS (Maharagah’s Institute of Medical Sciences). The study population was enrolled after fulfilling the selection criteria from OPD (Out Patient Department) of General Surgery. A total of 50 cases were studied who presented with complaint of thyroid swelling which was clinically confirmed as solitary thyroid nodule. Importance was given to detailed history; duration of swelling, pressure symptoms, and symptoms associated illnesses, previous exposure to neck irradiation, history of anti-thyroid drug use, positive family history. A detailed local examination was done in all cases followed by systemic examination.Results: Out of 50 cases 10 cases were found to have malignant lesions with remaining 40 cases being benign lesions. The malignant nodules were significantly lower than those of benign ones (P = 0.0001). There were no significant differences between the mean ADC values of various malignant thyroid nodules, but there were significant differences between the subtypes of benign thyroid nodules (P = 0.0001).Conclusions: The ADC value is a new promising non-invasive approach used for differentiating malignant from benign solitary thyroid nodules. The incidence of malignancy in solitary thyroid nodule is quite high. This warrants education to people to consult physicians for early diagnosis and adequate treatment without being passive as most of these swellings are asymptomatic for long duration

    The study on post-operative wound infections at Vizianagaram in Andhra Pradesh, India

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    Background: In most of the people post-operative wound infections are responsible for major complications such as cost, morbidity, mortality and duration of hospital stay related to surgeries. Objectives of the study were to demonstrate the incidence of post-operative wound infections at MIMS (Maharagah’s Institute of Medical Sciences, Vizianagaram.Methods: A cross sectional study has been carried out to know the incidence of post-operative wound infection The study was conducted in MIMS (Maharagah’s Institute of Medical Sciences). The study population was enrolled after fulfilling the selection criteria from General Surgery 100 patients (both elective and emergency surgeries) were selected using randomized technique.Results: Out of 100 cases in the study 17 were positive for post-operative wound infection and out of which 10 were mild infections, 9 cases were moderate infections and 3 were severe infections including 1 burst abdomen. Coagulase positive Staph aureus was isolated in 10 out 40. Over all infection rate in the study was 13.58%.Conclusions: The study clearly depicted the changing pattern of wound infection toward mixed infection. A larger study with substantial number of patients will confirm the findings of this study

    Study on Performance of Different Fodder Crops under Low Cost Green House Hydroponic Fodder Production System

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    Hydroponics play most significant role in augmenting fodder shortage and helps for dairy production efficiently. A study was conducted to assess the performance and suitability of different crops under low cost green house hydroponic fodder production unit at SHE&CS Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Yagantipalle. Four varieties of cereals grains and four verities of Pulses were tested. One kilogram grain each of the variety was soaked for 12 hours in water for sprouting in air tight condition for 36 hours. The sprouted seed was spread in trays of size 2.5 ft X 1.5ft and kept in the Hydroponic Unit. Automatic sprinkling of water was managed by cyclic timer. Chemical fertilizer was not used. Data on sprouted seed weight and weight of biomass after 5 days was recorded using electronic weighing balance. The high biomass yield after 5days in cereals was recorded in Bajra followed by sorghum, Barley and Maize. Among pulses Pillipesara yielded highest weight followed by Cowpea, Lucerne and Horse gram. Highest plant height among cereals was recorded in Barley and cowpea in pulses. The difference among all the varieties in respect of biomass yield and plant height was found to be significant. Negative correlation was found between plant height and biomass yield

    Management of Thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood, on Rose under Open-Field and Protected Conditions

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    Investigation on management of thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood on roses under open-field and protected conditions was conducted during 2008-10 at Bengaluru. Clothianidin 50 WDG 20g a.i./ha proved best in terms of efficacy and cost. Vertimac, spinosad and Garlic Barrier agriculture (GB Ag ) were comparable in efficacy. GB Ag was on par with clothianidin besides being eco-friendly. GB Ag was found effective as a new molecule. Neem seed kernel extract (NSKE) proved to be superior to neem oil, pongamia oil and the commercial neem product, Nimbecidine. NSKE was also found to reduce thrips density to the extent of 64% - 88%. In rose fields where pest suppression measures are hardly practised, farmers can apply NSKE, monocrotophos or imidacloprid. Based on the cost of vertimac and spinosad, these can be recommended where cost-effective, as in commercial polyhouses growing roses

    Bio Inspired Approach as a Problem Solving Technique

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    This paper describes the biologically inspired methodology as a computing and problem solving technique. Bio-inspired methods have recently gained importance in computing due to the need for flexible, adaptable ways of solving engineering problems. Bio-inspired algorithms are based on the structure and functioning of complex natural systems and tend to solve problems in an adaptable and distributed fashion. An example of a bio-inspired approach to solving the problem of location search has been taken up and discussed in this paper. The bio-inspired methodology has several merits and demerits, which are also discussed in the paper. Keywords: Bio-inspired approach, Merits and Demerits, Haptotaxis, Competitive and Cooperative Interaction

    Effect of in situ soil moisture conservation practices on maize and its crop residue incorporation on yield and economics of succeeding transplanted rice Var. ADT 46

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    Crop residue incorporation is a key component of sustainable cropping systems. It reduces the adverse effects of residue burning and enhances soil fertility. Effective usage of crop residue in the field and proper management are required. With this background, a field experiment was conducted during 2020 – 21 in the maize-rice cropping sequence at Annamalai University Experimental Farm, Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu to find out the residual effect of different mulching practices adopted in preceding maize crop and maize stubble incorporation on the growth, yield and economics of transplanted rice Var. ADT 46. The field experiment was conducted in Factorial Randomized Block Design with three replications. In factor I, soil moisture conservation in preceding maize crop viz., mulching of sugarcane trash, water hyacinth, hydrogel and control were allotted. In factor II, different levels of maize crop stubble incorporation on rice viz., 0, 33, 66 and 100% were provided. Water hyacinth mulched plot (M3) to the preceding crop registered significantly (þ <0.05) higher yield parameters, yield and economic returns of succeeding rice. The lower values were observed in unmulched (M1) plot. With respect to maize crop stubble incorporation on rice crop, the incorporation of 66% (SI3) of maize stubble registered higher yield parameters, yield and economic returns. In the interaction effects, mulching with water hyacinth to preceding maize + maize crop stubble incorporation at 66% in rice crop (M3SI3) recorded significantly (þ <0.05) higher yield parameters, yield and economic returns than other treatments. The lowest values were recorded with an unmulched + 100% crop residue incorporated (M1SI4) plot. Mulching the preceding maize crop with water hyacinth at a rate of 12 t ha-1 and incorporating 66% maize stubble into the transplanted rice (M3SI3) had a remarkable yield advantage and financial rewards