2,087 research outputs found

    ISOLASI GLUKOMANAN DARI DUA JENIS ARACEAE: TALAS {Colocasia Esculenta (L.) Schott} DAN Iles-iles (Amorphophallus Campanulatus Blumei) [Isolation of Glucomannan From Two Species of Araceae: Talas {Colocasia Esculenta (L.) Schott} and Iles-iles {Amorphophallu

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    Talas {Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott} and Iles-iles (Amorphophalus campanulatus Blumei) have been used as source of carbohydrate especially in tropical regions, mainly in East Indonesia. Talas and iles-iles, that contains carbohydrate and several substances for instance glucomannan would form viscous liquid and were used as emulgator, capsule cosmetics and dietary.The research was conducted to separate glucomannan from starch of talas and iles-iles fresh and dry (powder).The methods base on speed of revolution (centrifuge) in 5000 to 19000 rpm and the duration of rotation was 10 to 40 minutes and the filtrate was precipitated by using several alcohols (methanol, ethanol, propanol, isopropanol and isobutanol). The results showed that speed of rotation 17 x 1000 rpm with 10 minutes rotation resulted in good glucomannan separation from starch.Ethanol and isopropanol were the best solvent to separate glucomanan from dissolved starch in the filtrate with ratio 2 : 3 and for dry material, and the maximal agitation reached after 2 hours. Glucomannan content on fresh material was higher than as in talas (4.08 %) and iles-iles (5.64 %), compared to these in powder (dried) of talas (3.87 %) and iles-iles (5.41 %). The purerity of isolated glucomannan was higher compared to control

    Composition And Structure Of Undergrowth Habitats Of Flora Rafflesia arnoldii R.Br. In The Forests Of Bukik Pinang Mancuang, Kamang Mudiak, Agam

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    Vegetation analysis is a way of studying the composition of species and the structure of the vegetation. The objective research about understorey vegetation analysis in the flora habitat of Rafflesia arnoldii in Bukit Pinang Mancuang Forest, Kamang Mudiak, Agam was to determine the composition and structure in the flora habitat of Rafflesia arnoldii in Bukit Pinang Mancuang Forest, Kamang Mudiak, Agam. Vegetation analysis was carried out by using the quadratic plot method with a size of 2 x 2 m. There were 6 plots have been made and species identification was carried out at the Andalas University Herbarium. According to the observation result, there are 32 species discovered consisting of 601 individuals with 19 families. The dominant families are Rubiaceae (34.61%) and Utricaceae (32.61%). The importance value index of Coffea canephora was obtained (51.28%). The plant diversity index in this area was classified as moderate (H'=2.58). Based on the analysis conveyed, it can be concluded that the Rubiaceae and Urticaceae families are adequate forest and life support for Rafflesia arnoldii habitat. It is recommended that the local government designated the forest as a conservation area in order to preserve the existence of Rafflesia arnoldii and its habitat

    The Estimation of Ground Carbon Stock in The Tourist Forest Area Ngalau Indah Payakumbuh

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    Ngalau Indah tourist area, Payakumbuh City has a forest area and potential carbon stock. The aim of this study was to find out about the total biomass and carbon stock in Ngalau Indah tourist area, Payakumbuh City. The study would be from November until February 2022. Retrieval of data collection for trees and sapling had done with the nun-destruction method and understorey and litter had done with the destruction method. Based on the data, trees have obtained 12 families, and 18 species, and saplings have obtained 13 families and 16 species. The total biomass was 92,440 ton/ha was included 91,313 tons/ha for tress, 1,012 ton/ha for sapling, 0,053 tons/ha for understories, and 0,062 tons/ha for litter. Carbon stock of trees was 42,917 tonC/ha, sapling was 0,476 ton/ha, understories was 0,024 tonC/ha, litter was 0,029 ton/ha and total carbon stock was 43,446 tonC/ha

    Antioxidant Screening Activity Of Several Indonesian Medicinal Plants Using 2,2-difenil 1-1 Picrylhidrazyl(dpph)

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    Antioxidant is a compound useful to prevent oxidative damage generated by free radical in human body, thus protecting body from many diseases. The aim of this research is to investigate antioxidant activity of some Indonesian medicinal plants. A total of 37 methanolic extracts of Indonesian plants have been screened for their antioxidant activity by in vitro method using the free radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). Vitamin C was used as positive control. Of the samples investigated, 29 exhibited radical scavenging properties more than 50% at 1000 ppm. Five extracts exhibited high activities i.e. bark extracts of Sapium baccatum and Leucosyke capitellata, leaves extracts of Ardisia crispa, Glochidion cauliflorum, and Glochidion superbum

    Antioxidant activity of aqueous extract of Sonchus arvensis L. in-vitro

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    Antioxidants are the compounds which have ability to inhibit reactive oxygen species (ROS) and free radicals in human body. Based on this activitiy the antioxidants prevent cell damage and various pathological processess e.q. cardiovascular, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, respiratorydiseases, carcinogenesis, inflammation, cell degenerative. One of the famous Indonesian traditional medicine is tempuyung or S. arvensis L.(Asteraceae). The antioxidant test has been conducted on the dried water extract by measuring the peroxide value (POV) and in-vitro antioxidant activity test was carried out by spectrophotometry applying thiocyanate method at the wave length of 500 nm.The results showed that peroxide value of dried water extract of tempuyung (S. arvensis L. ) by titration iodometric method has a lower value (865.60) compared to positive control -tocoferol (1142.77). In-vitro antioxidant activity test has remarkable results at the various extract concentrations (1, 5 dan 10 %) and had significant differential absorbance(A) with positive control (K+) as well as negative control (K-), and among the extract concentrations (P 0,5). Absorbance value increased along with increasing storage time, in which negative control reached higher value of A (0,987) in the seven days and maximal value after eight days (A 1), while the absorbance value of positive control (K+) was 0.648, and dried water extract of tempuyung 1, 5 & 10 % was 0.576, 0.488 & 0.314 after 14 days, respecticly. The absorbance value of absorbance (A) was inversely compared to extract concentrations. Increasing of extract concentrations resulted in decreasing A value, in other words increasing extract concentration resulted in the increas of antioxidant activity.Key words : Sonchus arvensis L, Asteraceae, POV, antioxidant, thiocyanate method

    Pengaruh Bank Sampah Terhadap Pemberdayaan Ibu Rumah Tangga (Studi Kasus di Bank Sampah Kurabu Kota Padang Panjang)

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    Waste Bank is a waste management based recycling management program that is driven by the active role and participation of members or customers. The community group with the status of Housewives are considered to have more potential resources for activities in the Waste Bank, while customer empowerment is the main indicator of the success of the program. The city of Padang Panjang still has a high final waste disposal ratio despite having a Waste Bank. The research objective is to analyze several variables so that they can influence the empowerment of Housewives. The number of respondents was 74 people taken by purposive sampling from the Kurabu Waste Bank in the city of Padang Panjang. The results of the analysis by the SEM-PLS method showed that there was a significant influence on education about the knowledge of resource utilization and the growth of an attitude of caring for the environment towards empowering customers who were housewives. Bank Sampah merupakan program manajemen pengelolaan persampahan berbasis daur ulang yang digerakkan oleh peran dan partisipasi aktif anggota atau nasabahnya. Kelompok masyarakat berstatus Ibu Rumah Tangga (IRT) dinilai memiliki potensi sumber daya yang lebih untuk berkegiatan di Bank Sampah, sedangkan pemberdayaan nasabah menjadi indikator utama keberhasilan program tersebut. Kota Padang Panjang masih mempunyai rasio beban buangan akhir sampah yang cukup tinggi meskipun telah memiliki Bank Sampah. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis beberapa variabel sehingga dapat mempengaruhi pemberdayaan Ibu Rumah Tangga. Jumlah responden sebanyak 74 orang diambil dengan purposive sampling dari Bank Sampah Kurabu di Kota Padang Panjang. Hasil analisis dengan metode SEM-PLS menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh signifikan dari edukasi tentang pengetahuan pemanfaatan sumber daya dan penumbuhan sikap peduli lingkungan terhadap pemberdayaan nasabah yang berstatus Ibu Rumah Tangga

    Analysis Of Biomass On Reclamation Area Of Ex-Coal Mining Ptba Ombilin, Sawahlunto City, 1991 And 2001 Planting Year

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    PT Bukit Asam Ombilin is one of the coal mines operatingin Indonesia and located in Sawahlunto City, West Sumatra Province. In carrying out its operations, PT BA Ombilin conducts a reclamation program on lands that are no longer disturbed by mining activities. The reclamation program is intended to restore forest conditions similar to the initial conditions and avoid erosion. In addition to this, of course, reclaimed forest also has a function as a store of carbon reserves. Carbon in plants is stored in the form of biomass. This study aims to measure the biomass content contained in the reclamation area of the former coal mine of PTBA Ombilin Sawahlunto City in 1991 and 2001 planting year. root. Measurement of litter and understorey biomass using the destructive sampling method. Making plots for laying samples using the transect method. The measured biomass components were stem diameter and height. The results of this study found that in the reclamation area of the 1991 planting year, there were 13 species in 7 families and 101 individuals with a total biomass of 134,187 tons/ha. Meanwhile, in the reclamation area in 2001, there were 10 species found in 9 families and 80 individuals with a biomass value of 108.11 tons/ha so that the total biomass in the reclamation area was 30 ha with a total area of 242.297 tons/ha. The results of this study found that in the reclamation area of the 1991 planting year, there were 13 species in 7 families and 101 individuals with a total biomass of 134,187 tons/ha. Meanwhile, in the reclamation area in 2001, there were 10 species found in 9 families and 80 individuals with a biomass value of 108.11 tons/ha so that the total biomass in the reclamation area was 30 ha with a total area of 242.297 tons/ha. The results of this study found that in the reclamation area of the 1991 planting year, there were 13 species in 7 families and 101 individuals with a total biomass of 134,187 tons/ha. Meanwhile, in the reclamation area in 2001, there were 10 species found in 9 families and 80 individuals with a biomass value of 108.11 tons/ha so that the total biomass in the reclamation area was 30 ha with a total area of 242.297 tons/ha. Keywords: Coal, Biomass, Mining, Reclamatio

    Analisis Vegetasi Tegakan Pohon Di Kawasan Hutan Kota Bukit Langkisau Painan, Pesisir Selatan

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    Urban forest management must adapt to urban development and aspects of urban life so that the availability and management of key lands in the development of urban forests and the presence of vegetation as the driving element, one of which is trees. This study aims to determine the composition and structure of tree stands in the Bukit Langkisau Painan City Forest, Pesisir Selatan. The method used was purposive sampling with a plot size of 20 m x 60 m with a sub plot of 10 x 10 m for level 12 plots of trees each. It was found that the vegetation composition of tree stands were 10 families, 12 genera, 13 species, and 27 individuals with the dominant family Myrtaceae and the co-dominant families Meliaceae, and sapindaceae. The highest significance value was found in Syzygium racemosum with a value of 43.399 % and the lowest significance index was found in the species Xerospermum noronhianum with 9.298 %. The diversity index (H') is 2,439 which indicates that species diversity classified to moderate. Keyword: bukit langkisau, composition, structure, urban fores