40 research outputs found

    Beyond Hot Spots: Biases in Antibody Somatic Hypermutation and Implications for Vaccine Design

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    The evolution of antibodies in an individual during an immune response by somatic hypermutation (SHM) is essential for the ability of the immune system to recognize and remove the diverse spectrum of antigens that may be encountered. These mutations are not produced at random; nucleotide motifs that result in increased or decreased rates of mutation were first reported in 1992. Newer models that estimate the propensity for mutation for every possible 5- or 7-nucleotide motif have emphasized the complexity of SHM targeting and suggested possible new hot spot motifs. Even with these fine-grained approaches, however, non-local context matters, and the mutations observed at a specific nucleotide motif varies between species and even by locus, gene segment, and position along the gene segment within a single species. An alternative method has been provided to further abstract away the molecular mechanisms underpinning SHM, prompted by evidence that certain stereotypical amino acid substitutions are favored at each position of a particular V gene. These “substitution profiles,” whether obtained from a single B cell lineage or an entire repertoire, offer a simplified approach to predict which substitutions will be well-tolerated and which will be disfavored, without the need to consider path-dependent effects from neighboring positions. However, this comes at the cost of merging the effects of two distinct biological processes, the generation of mutations, and the selection acting on those mutations. Since selection is contingent on the particular antigens an individual has been exposed to, this suggests that SHM may have evolved to prefer mutations that are most likely to be useful against pathogens that have co-evolved with us. Alternatively, the ability to select favorable mutations may be strongly limited by the biases of SHM targeting. In either scenario, the sequence space explored by SHM is significantly limited and this consequently has profound implications for the rational design of vaccine strategies

    Gene-Specific Substitution Profiles Describe the Types and Frequencies of Amino Acid Changes during Antibody Somatic Hypermutation

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    Somatic hypermutation (SHM) plays a critical role in the maturation of antibodies, optimizing recognition initiated by recombination of V(D)J genes. Previous studies have shown that the propensity to mutate is modulated by the context of surrounding nucleotides and that SHM machinery generates biased substitutions. To investigate the intrinsic mutation frequency and substitution bias of SHMs at the amino acid level, we analyzed functional human antibody repertoires and developed mGSSP (method for gene-specific substitution profile), a method to construct amino acid substitution profiles from next-generation sequencing-determined B cell transcripts. We demonstrated that these gene-specific substitution profiles (GSSPs) are unique to each V gene and highly consistent between donors. We also showed that the GSSPs constructed from functional antibody repertoires are highly similar to those constructed from antibody sequences amplified from non-productively rearranged passenger alleles, which do not undergo functional selection. This suggests the types and frequencies, or mutational space, of a majority of amino acid changes sampled by the SHM machinery to be well captured by GSSPs. We further observed the rates of mutational exchange between some amino acids to be both asymmetric and context dependent and to correlate weakly with their biochemical properties. GSSPs provide an improved, position-dependent alternative to standard substitution matrices, and can be utilized to developing software for accurately modeling the SHM process. GSSPs can also be used for predicting the amino acid mutational space available for antigen-driven selection and for understanding factors modulating the maturation pathways of antibody lineages in a gene-specific context. The mGSSP method can be used to build, compare, and plot GSSPs1; we report the GSSPs constructed for 69 common human V genes (DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.3511083) and provide high-resolution logo plots for each (DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.3511085)

    Knowledge-Based Potential for Positioning Membrane-Associated Structures and Assessing Residue-Specific Energetic Contributions

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    The complex hydrophobic and hydrophilic milieus of membrane-associated proteins pose experimental and theoretical challenges to their understanding. Here we produce a non-redundant database to compute knowledge-based asymmetric cross-membrane potentials from the per-residue distributions of Cβ, Cγ and functional group atoms. We predict transmembrane and peripherally associated regions from genomic sequence and position peptides and protein structures relative to the bilayer (available at http://www.degradolab.org/ez). The pseudo-energy topological landscapes underscore positional stability and functional mechanisms demonstrated here for antimicrobial peptides, transmembrane proteins, and viral fusion proteins. Moreover, experimental effects of point mutations on the relative ratio changes of dual-topology proteins are quantitatively reproduced. The functional group potential and the membrane-exposed residues display the largest energetic changes enabling to detect native-like structures from decoys. Hence, focusing on the uniqueness of membrane-associated proteins and peptides, we quantitatively parameterize their cross-membrane propensity thus facilitating structural refinement, characterization, prediction and design

    Reproducibility and reuse of adaptive immune receptor repertoire data

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    High-throughput sequencing (HTS) of immunoglobulin (B-cell receptor, antibody) and T-cell receptor repertoires has increased dramatically since the technique was introduced in 2009 (1-3). This experimental approach explores the maturation of the adaptive immune system and its response to antigens, pathogens, and disease conditions in exquisite detail. It holds significant promise for diagnostic and therapy-guiding applications. New technology often spreads rapidly, sometimes more rapidly than the understanding of how to make the products of that technology reliable, reproducible, or usable by others. As complex technologies have developed, scientific communities have come together to adopt common standards, protocols, and policies for generating and sharing data sets, such as the MIAME protocols developed for microarray experiments. The Adaptive Immune Receptor Repertoire (AIRR) Community formed in 2015 to address similar issues for HTS data of immune repertoires. The purpose of this perspective is to provide an overview of the AIRR Community\u27s founding principles and present the progress that the AIRR Community has made in developing standards of practice and data sharing protocols. Finally, and most important, we invite all interested parties to join this effort to facilitate sharing and use of these powerful data sets ([email protected])

    AIRR Community Standardized Representations for Annotated Immune Repertoires

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    Increased interest in the immune system's involvement in pathophysiological phenomena coupled with decreased DNA sequencing costs have led to an explosion of antibody and T cell receptor sequencing data collectively termed “adaptive immune receptor repertoire sequencing” (AIRR-seq or Rep-Seq). The AIRR Community has been actively working to standardize protocols, metadata, formats, APIs, and other guidelines to promote open and reproducible studies of the immune repertoire. In this paper, we describe the work of the AIRR Community's Data Representation Working Group to develop standardized data representations for storing and sharing annotated antibody and T cell receptor data. Our file format emphasizes ease-of-use, accessibility, scalability to large data sets, and a commitment to open and transparent science. It is composed of a tab-delimited format with a specific schema. Several popular repertoire analysis tools and data repositories already utilize this AIRR-seq data format. We hope that others will follow suit in the interest of promoting interoperable standards

    Design of Nanoparticulate Group 2 Influenza Virus Hemagglutinin Stem Antigens That Activate Unmutated Ancestor B Cell Receptors of Broadly Neutralizing Antibody Lineages.

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    Influenza vaccines targeting the highly conserved stem of the hemagglutinin (HA) surface glycoprotein have the potential to protect against pandemic and drifted seasonal influenza viruses not covered by current vaccines. While HA stem-based immunogens derived from group 1 influenza A viruses have been shown to induce intragroup heterosubtypic protection, HA stem-specific antibody lineages originating from group 2 may be more likely to possess broad cross-group reactivity. We report the structure-guided development of mammalian-cell-expressed candidate vaccine immunogens based on influenza A virus group 2 H3 and H7 HA stem trimers displayed on self-assembling ferritin nanoparticles using an iterative, multipronged approach involving helix stabilization, loop optimization, disulfide bond addition, and side-chain repacking. These immunogens were thermostable, formed uniform and symmetric nanoparticles, were recognized by cross-group-reactive broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) with nanomolar affinity, and elicited protective, homosubtypic antibodies in mice. Importantly, several immunogens were able to activate B cells expressing inferred unmutated common ancestor (UCA) versions of cross-group-reactive human bNAbs from two multidonor classes, suggesting they could initiate elicitation of these bNAbs in humans. Current influenza vaccines are primarily strain specific, requiring annual updates, and offer minimal protection against drifted seasonal or pandemic strains. The highly conserved stem region of hemagglutinin (HA) of group 2 influenza A virus subtypes is a promising target for vaccine elicitation of broad cross-group protection against divergent strains. We used structure-guided protein engineering employing multiple protein stabilization methods simultaneously to develop group 2 HA stem-based candidate influenza A virus immunogens displayed as trimers on self-assembling nanoparticles. Characterization of antigenicity, thermostability, and particle formation confirmed structural integrity. Group 2 HA stem antigen designs were identified that, when displayed on ferritin nanoparticles, activated B cells expressing inferred unmutated common ancestor (UCA) versions of human antibody lineages associated with cross-group-reactive, broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs). Immunization of mice led to protection against a lethal homosubtypic influenza virus challenge. These candidate vaccines are now being manufactured for clinical evaluation

    Inferred Allelic Variants of Immunoglobulin Receptor Genes: a system for their evaluation, documentation, and naming

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    Immunoglobulins or antibodies are the main effector molecules of the B-cell lineage and are encoded by hundreds of variable (V), diversity (D), and joining (J) germline genes, which recombine to generate enormous IG diversity. Recently, high-throughput adaptive immune receptor repertoire sequencing (AIRR-seq) of recombined V-(D)-J genes has offered unprecedented insights into the dynamics of IG repertoires in health and disease. Faithful biological interpretation of AIRR-seq studies depends upon the annotation of raw AIRR-seq data, using reference germline gene databases to identify the germline genes within each rearrangement. Existing reference databases are incomplete, as shown by recent AIRR-seq studies that have inferred the existence of many previously unreported polymorphisms. Completing the documentation of genetic variation in germline gene databases is therefore of crucial importance. Lymphocyte receptor genes and alleles are currently assigned by the Immunoglobulins, T cell Receptors and Major Histocompatibility Nomenclature Subcommittee of the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS) and managed in IMGT®, the international ImMunoGeneTics information system® (IMGT). In 2017, the IMGT Group reached agreement with a group of AIRR-seq researchers on the principles of a streamlined process for identifying and naming inferred allelic sequences, for their incorporation into IMGT®. These researchers represented the AIRR Community, a network of over 300 researchers whose objective is to promote all aspects of immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor repertoire studies, including the standardization of experimental and computational aspects of AIRR-seq data generation and analysis. The Inferred Allele Review Committee (IARC) was established by the AIRR Community to devise policies, criteria, and procedures to perform this function. Formalized evaluations of novel inferred sequences have now begun and submissions are invited via a new dedicated portal (https://ogrdb.airr-community.org). Here, we summarize recommendations developed by the IARC—focusing, to begin with, on human IGHV genes—with the goal of facilitating the acceptance of inferred allelic variants of germline IGHV genes. We believe that this initiative will improve the quality of AIRR-seq studies by facilitating the description of human IG germline gene variation, and that in time, it will expand to the documentation of TR and IG genes in many vertebrate species

    Co-evolution of a broadly neutralizing HIV-1 antibody and founder virus

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    Current HIV-1 vaccines elicit strain-specific neutralizing antibodies. However, cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies arise in ~20% of HIV-1-infected individuals, and details of their generation could provide a roadmap for effective vaccination. Here we report the isolation, evolution and structure of a broadly neutralizing antibody from an African donor followed from time of infection. The mature antibody, CH103, neutralized ~55% of HIV-1 isolates, and its co-crystal structure with gp120 revealed a novel loop-based mechanism of CD4-binding site recognition. Virus and antibody gene sequencing revealed concomitant virus evolution and antibody maturation. Notably, the CH103-lineage unmutated common ancestor avidly bound the transmitted/founder HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein, and evolution of antibody neutralization breadth was preceded by extensive viral diversification in and near the CH103 epitope. These data elucidate the viral and antibody evolution leading to induction of a lineage of HIV-1 broadly neutralizing antibodies and provide insights into strategies to elicit similar antibodies via vaccination