151 research outputs found

    Assessment of worm gearing for helicopter transmissions

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    A high-efficiency hydrostatic worm gear drive for helicopter transmissions is assessed. The example given is for a large cargo helicopter with three 4000-kW engines and transmission reduction ratio of 110. Also contained are: an efficiency calculation, a description of the test stand for evaluating the feasibility of worm gear hydrostatic mesh, a weight calculation, and a comparison with conventional helicopter transmissions of the same power and transmission reduction ratio

    Review of the transmissions of the Soviet helicopters

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    A review of the following aspects of Soviet helicopter transmissions is presented: transmitted power, weight, reduction ratio, RPM, design configuration, comparison of different type of manufacturing methods, and a description of the materials and technologies applied to critical transmission components. Included are mechanical diagrams of the gearboxes of the Soviet helicopters and test stands for testing gearbox and main shaft. The quality of Soviet helicopter transmissions and their Western counterparts are assessed and compared

    Transfer of radiocaesium (137Cs) to lynx (Lynx lynx) and brown bear (Ursus arctos) in Chernobyl affected areas in Sweden

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    In this study, 137Cs activity concentration was measured in 266 lynxes hunted in early spring during the years 2006-2011 in central and northern Sweden and in 161 bears hunted in the end of August until October during the years 2010 and 2011. Highest activity concentrations of 137Cs were observed in lynx and bear coming from counties with highest radiocaesium fallout after the Chernobyl accident. However, activity concentration of 137Cs was higher in the animals of Norrbotten than in Värmland or Dalarna, where average deposition of the Chernobyl was at least threefold higher than that in Norrbotten. Short-term study revealed no temporal trend of 137Cs activity in the studied animals. Compilation of data obtained during this study with original data of 14 years study (1997-2003) conducted by Åhman et al. (2004) shown gradual decline of radiocaesium in lynx. However, the slope of decline varied substantially among the counties. Furthermore, the slope of decline tends to level off in the recent years for all counties. No significant difference was observed in 137Cs activity concentration between males and females of lynx and bear. Age class of lynx found to be a significant factor showing that adults tend to have higher activity concentration of 137Cs than sub-adults. For age class of bear, the results were adverse; sub-adults had higher concentrations than adults did, although the difference was statistically insignificant. Aggregated transfer factor (Tag) was significantly lower in bear compared to lynx, while for both bear and lynx; Tag values were significantly higher in Norrbotten than in rest of the counties. For lynx, Tag values were also significantly higher in Västerbotten than in Dalarna, Gävleborg, Jämtland, Värmland or Västernorrland. Meantime for bear, Dalarna county have shown significantly higher Tag than in Gävleborg, Jämtland, Västerbotten or Västernorrland

    Ontologie-unterstützte Klassifikation von Software-Anforderungen

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    Die Analyse der Lastenhefte für die Planung der Software bringt einen erheblichen manuellen Aufwand mit sich. Bei Robert Bosch GmbH werden die Anforderungen aus den Lastenheften der Kunden auf eine V-Prozessmodell-Datenbank abgebildet. Diese Datenbank besteht aus den sogenannten internen Anforderungen, die Richtlinien für Hardware- und Softwareentwicklung enthalten. Jede Kundenanforderung muss von den Mitarbeitern manuell auf eine oder mehrere Anforderungen abgebildet werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein automatisiertes Verfahren entwickelt, welches den Mitarbeiter bei dem Abbildungsprozess unterstützen kann. Dafür wurde aus den Textdaten der Kundenanforderungen eine Ontologie automatisch generiert, die Fachbegriffe und ihre Beziehungen enthält. Aus dieser Ontologie wurden Merkmale erzeugt, welche mit einem unüberwachten Verfahren des maschinellen Lernens, nämlich hierarchisches Clustering gruppiert wurden. Dadurch war es möglich eine neue Kundenanforderung in ein bestehendes Cluster einzuordnen und, basierend auf die Kundenanforderungen in dem Cluster, Vorschläge für die zutreffenden internen Anforderungen zu erhalten. Um die entstandene Ontologie zu evaluieren, wurde diese auf falsch extrahierte Konzepte und Beziehungen überprüft. 16 % der Konzepte und 24% der Relationen erwiesen sich als falsch. Die Voraussage der Vorschläge erreichte ein F-Maß von 58 %, bei den Evaluations Metriken Präzision@5 und Ausbeute@5


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    Purpose. This article is devoted to the consideration of the linguistic essence of internal rhyme, as well as the analysis of rhyme terms depending on their number and location within one or different verse segments and their functioning in the poetic texts of German Romantics. Scientific originality of the research lies in the common interest of modern linguistics in the study of the means of sound organization and expression of poetic speech, as well as the lack of study on this subject. Method or methodology of the work. The basis of the research is formed by the continuous sampling method in the selection of practical material as well as the method of descriptive linguo-stylistic analysis. Results. In the course of the study, it was found that the main variety of intra-rhyme consonances are two-membered rhyme pairs of one-verse – mixed continuous and discontinuous) and different-verse (symmetrical). Internal rhyme is a characteristic feature of poetic texts. It serves to increase the rhyme coefficient, expands the sonority of the verse and is a means of sound influence, giving the verse emotionality and musicality. Practical implications. The results of the research can be used in the classes “Stylistics of the German language”, “Stylistic analysis of a literary text”, in seminars on the study of sound features of the language of German poetry


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    Статья посвящена анализу эллиптических конструкций, традиционно причисляемых к эмоционально-экспрессивным. Предметом анализа выступают современные немецкие публицистические тексты интервью. Принято считать, что эллипсис, с одной стороны, присущ разговорной речи, с другой стороны, он широко используется в ораторской речи и художественной литературе. Выбор текста жанра интервью в качестве материала исследования позволяет по-новому проанализировать эту стилистическую фигуру. Автор ставит целью определить эмоциональный и экспрессивный потенциал эллиптических конструкций среди различных средств синтаксической экспрессии. Изучение фактического материала осуществлялось описательным методом лингвостилистического анализа.Проведенный анализ показал, что наблюдается частотное употребление разных типов эллиптических предложений. Эллиптическая компрессия в заголовках и предзаголовках интригуют читателя, заставляя его продолжить чтение, а также придает выразительность всей публикации. Эллипсис распространен и в самом тексте интервью, способствует созданию живого диалога с читателем, придает лаконичность и особое ритмическое оформление высказыванию. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы в теоретических курсах по стилистике немецкого языка, а также в спецкурсах по дискурсу современной немецкой прессы.The article is devoted to the elliptical constructions traditionally considered to be emotionally expressive. The subject of analysis is the modern German publicistic texts – interviews. It is generally believed that ellipsis, on the one hand, is inherent in colloquial speech, on the other hand, it is widely used in oratorical speech and fiction. The choice of the text of the interview genre as a research material allows us to analyze this stylistic figure in a new way. The author aims to determine the emotional and expressive potential of elliptic structures among various means of syntactic expression. The study of factual material was carried out by a descriptive method of linguistic analysis.The analysis showed frequent use of different types of elliptic sentence. Elliptical compression in headlines and pre-headlines intrigues the reader, getting them to continue reading. It also gives expressiveness to the entire publication. Ellipsis is also common in interviews, as it helps to create a lively dialogue with the reader, laconism and a special rhythmic formulation of the statement. The results of the study can be used in theoretical courses on the stylistics of the German language, as well as in special courses on the discourse of the modern German press


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    Purpose. The given article is devoted to the determination of features of word order and the analysis of stylistic functions of various types of rearrangements in a sentence in German poetry. The subject of analysis is poetic texts of German romantic poets of the 19th century. The choice of texts of the Romantic period is not accidental, since it is in poetry that stylistic possibilities of the word order are manifested most vividly, and their effectiveness is enhanced by lexical and poetic means.Method or methodology of the work. The basis of the research is formed by the method of continuous selection in the choice of practical material, as well as the descriptive method of linguistic and stylistic analysis.Results. The results of the study showed that along with the usual grammatical function of rearrangements in the German language, the metric and stylistic functions, namely, the function of syntactic and stylistic emphasis of members in a simple sentence, acquire a primary role in poetry. Stylistic possibilities are most effectively and originally used in German poetry, closely interacting with emphasis as a poetic means. The author attracts the reader’s or listener’s special attention by putting the predicate in the unusual first or third place and the subject in the last place in the sentence. Moving beyond the verb frame is another possibility for stylistic emphasis of members in a sentence. Such variations are accompanied by a specific distribution of the communicative load of sentence members. The composition of the new is distributed both inside the sentence and at its end.Application area. The results of the research can be used at the lessons of Stylistics of the German Language, Text Interpretation, in seminars on the study of features of the language of German poetry, the syntactic organization of poetic works, and also in special courses on the syntax of poetic text.Цель. Данная статья посвящена установлению особенностей порядка слов и анализу стилистических функций различных типов перестановок в предложении в немецком языке на материале поэзии. Предметом анализа выступают поэтические тексты немецких поэтов-романтиков 19 в. Выбор текстов эпохи романтизма не случаен, так как именно в поэзии стилистические возможности порядка слов получают свое наиболее яркое проявление, а их эффективность усиливается лексическими и стихотворными средствами.Метод или методология проведения работы. Основу исследования образуют метод сплошной выборки при подборе практического материала, а также описательный метод лингвостилистического анализа.Результаты. Результаты исследования показали, что наряду с обычной грамматической функцией перестановок в немецком языке первостепенную роль в поэзии приобретают их метрическая и стилистическая функции, а именно функция синтактико-стилистического выделения членов в простом предложении. Стилистические возможности в немецкой поэзии используются наиболее эффективно и оригинально, тесно взаимодействуя со стихотворными средствами выделения. Путем постановки членов предложения на необычное первое, третье для сказуемого и последнее для подлежащего место в предложении к ним привлекается особое внимание читающего или слушающего. Перемещение за глагольную рамку еще одна возможность стилистического выделения членов в предложении. Такие вариации сопровождаются специфическим распределением коммуникативной нагрузки членов предложения. Состав нового распределяется одновременно внутри и в конце предложения.Область применения. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы в курсах «Стилистика немецкого языка», «Интерпретация текста» в семинарах по изучению особенностей языка немецкой поэзии, синтаксической организации стихотворных произведений, а также при чтении спецкурсов по синтаксису поэтического текста


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    Purpose. This article is devoted to the consideration of amplification as an expressive means of stylistic syntax in the texts of the German Romantics of the 19th century. The author aims to describe various types of enumeration as the main means of amplification, taking into account the nature of the rhythmic expressiveness of a simple sentence and to reveal the entire stylistic potential of enumerative series. Methods or methodology of the work. The basis of the research is formed by the continuous sampling method in the selection of practical material as well as the method of descriptive linguo-stylistic analysis. Results. The analysis showed that amplification is a significant means of enhancing the emotional effectiveness of the language of romantic poets. By nominative and verbal enumeration, the effect of monotony, despondency, pressure, elevation, joy and hope is achieved. A special rhythmization of the sentence is created due to the enumerative intonation and rhythm. Along with a certain syntactic uniformity and consistency, there is a dismemberment of a homogeneous enumerative series, which creates a special kind of rhythmic expressiveness. Practical implications. The results of the research can be used at the lessons of Stylistics of the German Language, Text Interpretation, in seminars on the study of features of the language of German poetry


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    Purpose. This article is devoted to the consideration of the linguistic essence of syntactic metaphor as one of stylistic techniques of linguistic imagery and expressiveness, as well as the analysis of the main metaphorical structures – metaphorical phrases and metaphor sentences in the texts of German romantic poets of the 19th century. Scientific originality of the research lies in the common interest of modern linguistics in the study of stylistic expressiveness techniques as well as the lack of study on this subject. Method or methodology of the work. The research is based on structural-descriptive, linguistic-ethical and linguistic-stylistic methods of text analysis. Results. In the course of the study, it was found that the main type of syntactic metaphor is formed by the definitional metaphorization of adjectival and geпitive phrases, in which the expanded metaphorical translations are based on synesthesia, objectification and denaturalization. A feature of metaphorical sentences is personification and objectification. According to the results of the analysis, it is concluded that the syntactic metaphor in poetic texts expresses the subjective attitude of the poet, gives the meaning a sensual appearance, creates the effect of persuasion, emotional reaction and aesthetic expressiveness. Practical implications. The results of the research can be used at the classes of stylistics of the German language, text interpretation, in seminars on the study of features of the language of German poetry