30 research outputs found

    F-actin mechanics control spindle centring in the mouse zygote

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    International audienceMitotic spindle position relies on interactions between astral microtubules nucleated by centrosomes and a rigid cortex. Some cells, such as mouse oocytes, do not possess centrosomes and astral microtubules. These cells rely only on actin and on a soft cortex to position their spindle off-centre and undergo asymmetric divisions. While the first mouse embryonic division also occurs in the absence of centrosomes, it is symmetric and not much is known on how the spindle is positioned at the exact cell centre. Using interdisciplinary approaches, we demonstrate that zygotic spindle positioning follows a three-step process: (1) coarse centring of pronuclei relying on the dynamics of an F-actin/Myosin-Vb meshwork; (2) fine centring of the metaphase plate depending on a high cortical tension; (3) passive maintenance at the cell centre. Altogether, we show that F-actin-dependent mechanics operate the switch between asymmetric to symmetric division required at the oocyte to embryo transition

    Three-dimensional geometry controls division symmetry in stem cell colonies.

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    Proper control of division orientation and symmetry, largely determined by spindle positioning, is essential to development and homeostasis. Spindle positioning has been extensively studied in cells dividing in two-dimensional (2D) environments and in epithelial tissues, where proteins such as NuMA (also known as NUMA1) orient division along the interphase long axis of the cell. However, little is known about how cells control spindle positioning in three-dimensional (3D) environments, such as early mammalian embryos and a variety of adult tissues. Here, we use mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs), which grow in 3D colonies, as a model to investigate division in 3D. We observe that, at the periphery of 3D colonies, ESCs display high spindle mobility and divide asymmetrically. Our data suggest that enhanced spindle movements are due to unequal distribution of the cell-cell junction protein E-cadherin between future daughter cells. Interestingly, when cells progress towards differentiation, division becomes more symmetric, with more elongated shapes in metaphase and enhanced cortical NuMA recruitment in anaphase. Altogether, this study suggests that in 3D contexts, the geometry of the cell and its contacts with neighbors control division orientation and symmetry. This article has an associated First Person interview with the first author of the paper

    Three-dimensional geometry controls division symmetry in stem cell colonies

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    Proper control of division orientation and symmetry, largely determined by spindle positioning, is essential to development and homeostasis. Spindle positioning has been extensively studied in cells dividing in two-dimensional (2D) environments and in epithelial tissues, where proteins such as NuMA (also known as NUMA1) orient division along the interphase long axis of the cell. However, little is known about how cells control spindle positioning in three-dimensional (3D) environments, such as early mammalian embryos and a variety of adult tissues. Here, we use mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs), which grow in 3D colonies, as a model to investigate division in 3D. We observe that, at the periphery of 3D colonies, ESCs display high spindle mobility and divide asymmetrically. Our data suggest that enhanced spindle movements are due to unequal distribution of the cell–cell junction protein E-cadherin between future daughter cells. Interestingly, when cells progress towards differentiation, division becomes more symmetric, with more elongated shapes in metaphase and enhanced cortical NuMA recruitment in anaphase. Altogether, this study suggests that in 3D contexts, the geometry of the cell and its contacts with neighbors control division orientation and symmetry

    Abscission Couples Cell Division to Embryonic Stem Cell Fate.

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    Cell fate transitions are key to development and homeostasis. It is thus essential to understand the cellular mechanisms controlling fate transitions. Cell division has been implicated in fate decisions in many stem cell types, including neuronal and epithelial progenitors. In other stem cells, such as embryonic stem (ES) cells, the role of division remains unclear. Here, we show that exit from naive pluripotency in mouse ES cells generally occurs after a division. We further show that exit timing is strongly correlated between sister cells, which remain connected by cytoplasmic bridges long after division, and that bridge abscission progressively accelerates as cells exit naive pluripotency. Finally, interfering with abscission impairs naive pluripotency exit, and artificially inducing abscission accelerates it. Altogether, our data indicate that a switch in the division machinery leading to faster abscission regulates pluripotency exit. Our study identifies abscission as a key cellular process coupling cell division to fate transitions

    Abscission couples cell division to embryonic stem cell fate

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    Cell fate transitions are key to development and homeostasis. It is thus essential to understand the cellular mechanisms controlling fate transitions. Cell division has been implicated in fate decisions in many stem cell types, including neuronal and epithelial progenitors. In other stem cells, such as embryonic stem (ES) cells, the role of division remains unclear. Here, we show that exit from naive pluripotency in mouse ES cells generally occurs after a division. We further show that exit timing is strongly correlated between sister cells, which remain connected by cytoplasmic bridges long after division, and that bridge abscission progressively accelerates as cells exit naive pluripotency. Finally, interfering with abscission impairs naive pluripotency exit, and artificially inducing abscission accelerates it. Altogether, our data indicate that a switch in the division machinery leading to faster abscission regulates pluripotency exit. Our study identifies abscission as a key cellular process coupling cell division to fate transitions

    Mutations and Deletions in PCDH19 Account for Various Familial or Isolated Epilepsies in Females

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    Mutations in PCDH19, encoding protocadherin 19 on chromosome X, cause familial epilepsy and mental retardation limited to females or Dravet-like syndrome. Heterozygous females are affected while hemizygous males are spared, this unusual mode of inheritance being probably due to a mechanism called cellular interference. To extend the mutational and clinical spectra associated with PCDH19, we screened 150 unrelated patients (113 females) with febrile and afebrile seizures for mutations or rearrangements in the gene. Fifteen novel point mutations were identified in 15 female patients (6 sporadic and 9 familial cases). In addition, qPCR revealed two whole gene deletions and one partial deletion in 3 sporadic female patients. Clinical features were highly variable but included almost constantly a high sensitivity to fever and clusters of brief seizures. Interestingly, cognitive functions were normal in several family members of 2 families: the familial condition in family 1 was suggestive of Generalized Epilepsy with Febrile Seizures Plus (GEFS+) whereas all three affected females had partial cryptogenic epilepsy. These results show that mutations in PCDH19 are a relatively frequent cause of epilepsy in females and should be considered even in absence of family history and/or mental retardation. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    Tension corticale et positionnement du fuseau dans l’ovocyte de souris

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    Meiotic divisions are highly asymmetric divisions in size, generating a big cell, the oocyte, and two tiny cells, the polar bodies. This asymmetry is ensured by the migration of the first meiotic spindle to the closest cortex. This migration does not depend on microtubules but on Myosin-II and an F-actin meshwork nucleated by cooperation of straight filament nucleators Formin-2 and Spire1/2. Preliminary studies in the lab described a thickening of the F-actin cortex during spindle migration, but paradoxically cortical tension, a physical parameter describing the stiffness of the cell, drops during spindle migration. I have shown that this thickening is required for spindle migration and nucleated by the branched actin nucleator Arp2/3, under the control of the Mos/MAPK pathway. Furthermore, it promotes the decrease in cortical tension by triggering the delocalization of Myosin-II from the oocyte cortex, which is crucial for spindle migration. Finally, I have shown that the drop in cortical tension is an amplificatory mechanism to the initial unbalance of forces (due to a slight off-centered position of the nucleus) triggering the motion of the spindle.Les divisions méiotiques sont très asymétriques en taille et génèrent une très grosse cellule, l'ovocyte, et deux petites cellules, les globules polaires. Cette asymétrie est permise par la migration du fuseau lors de la première division jusqu'au cortex le plus proche. Cette migration ne dépend pas des microbutules mais de la Myosin-II et d'un réseau de filaments d'actine nucléé par la coopération des nucléateurs de filaments droits Formin-2 et Spire1/2. Des observations préliminaires effectuées au laboratoire ont décrit un épaississement du cortex d'actine pendant la migration du fuseau, mais pourtant il avait été montré que la tension corticale, un paramètre décrivant la rigidité de l'ovocyte, diminue pendant la migration du fuseau. J'ai montré que cet épaississement est indispensable à la migration du fuseau et est nucléé par le nucléateur de filaments branchés Arp2/3, sous le contrôle de la voie Mos/MAPK. De plus, il provoque la diminution de la tension corticale en délocalisant la Myosin-II, ce qui est indispensable à la migration du fuseau. Finalement, j'ai montré que le chute de tension est un mécanisme d'amplification du déséquilibre des forces présent initialement (grâce au léger décentrage du noyau) qui déclenche la migration du fuseau

    Tension corticale et positionnement du fuseau dans l’ovocyte de souris

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    Les divisions méiotiques sont très asymétriques en taille et génèrent une très grosse cellule, l'ovocyte, et deux petites cellules, les globules polaires. Cette asymétrie est permise par la migration du fuseau lors de la première division jusqu'au cortex le plus proche. Cette migration ne dépend pas des microbutules mais de la Myosin-II et d'un réseau de filaments d'actine nucléé par la coopération des nucléateurs de filaments droits Formin-2 et Spire1/2. Des observations préliminaires effectuées au laboratoire ont décrit un épaississement du cortex d'actine pendant la migration du fuseau, mais pourtant il avait été montré que la tension corticale, un paramètre décrivant la rigidité de l'ovocyte, diminue pendant la migration du fuseau. J'ai montré que cet épaississement est indispensable à la migration du fuseau et est nucléé par le nucléateur de filaments branchés Arp2/3, sous le contrôle de la voie Mos/MAPK. De plus, il provoque la diminution de la tension corticale en délocalisant la Myosin-II, ce qui est indispensable à la migration du fuseau. Finalement, j'ai montré que le chute de tension est un mécanisme d'amplification du déséquilibre des forces présent initialement (grâce au léger décentrage du noyau) qui déclenche la migration du fuseau.Meiotic divisions are highly asymmetric divisions in size, generating a big cell, the oocyte, and two tiny cells, the polar bodies. This asymmetry is ensured by the migration of the first meiotic spindle to the closest cortex. This migration does not depend on microtubules but on Myosin-II and an F-actin meshwork nucleated by cooperation of straight filament nucleators Formin-2 and Spire1/2. Preliminary studies in the lab described a thickening of the F-actin cortex during spindle migration, but paradoxically cortical tension, a physical parameter describing the stiffness of the cell, drops during spindle migration. I have shown that this thickening is required for spindle migration and nucleated by the branched actin nucleator Arp2/3, under the control of the Mos/MAPK pathway. Furthermore, it promotes the decrease in cortical tension by triggering the delocalization of Myosin-II from the oocyte cortex, which is crucial for spindle migration. Finally, I have shown that the drop in cortical tension is an amplificatory mechanism to the initial unbalance of forces (due to a slight off-centered position of the nucleus) triggering the motion of the spindle

    Incomplete abscission and cytoplasmic bridges in the evolution of eukaryotic multicellularity

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    The textbook view of cell division terminates with the final separation of the two daughter cells in the process called abscission. However, in contrast to this classical view, a variety of cell types in multicellular organisms are connected through cytoplasmic bridges, which most often form by incomplete abscission or — more rarely — by local fusion of plasma membranes. In this review, we survey the distribution, function, and formation of cytoplasmic bridges across the eukaryotic tree of life. We find that cytoplasmic bridges are widespread, and were likely ancestrally present, in almost all lineages of eukaryotes with clonal multicellularity — including the five ‘complex multicellular’ lineages: animals, fungi, land plants, red algae, and brown algae. In animals, cytoplasmic bridges resulting from incomplete abscission are ubiquitous in the germline and common in pluripotent cell types. Although cytoplasmic bridges have been less studied than other structural mediators of multicellularity (such as adhesion proteins and extracellular matrix), we propose that they have played a pivotal role in the repeated evolution of eukaryotic clonal multicellularity — possibly by first performing a structural role and later by allowing exchange of nutrients and/or intercellular communication, which notably buffered cell–cell competition by averaging gene expression. Bridges were eventually lost from many animal tissues in concert with the evolution of spatial cell differentiation, cell motility within the organism, and other mechanisms for intercellular distribution of signals and metabolites. Finally, we discuss the molecular basis for the evolution of incomplete abscission and examine the alternative hypotheses of single or multiple origins

    A quick, cheap, and reliable protocol for immunofluorescence of pluripotent and differentiating mouse embryonic stem cells in 2D and 3D colonies

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    Summary: Immunofluorescent labeling is a widely used method to visualize endogenous proteins. It can be expensive and difficult to stain mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) because they require expensive growth media, prefer specific substrates, grow in 3D, and have loose cell-substrate adhesion. Here we propose a half-a-day, cheap, easy-to-follow, and reproducible protocol for immunofluorescence of mESCs. This protocol has been streamlined to allow a fast visualization of the investigated proteins, and we provide tips specific to stem cell culture.For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Chaigne et al. (2021).1 : Publisher’s note: Undertaking any experimental protocol requires adherence to local institutional guidelines for laboratory safety and ethics