17 research outputs found

    Entanglement via Barut-Girardello coherent state for suq(1,1)su_{q}(1, 1) quantum algebra: bipartite composite system

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    Using noncocommutative coproduct properties of the quantum algebras, we introduce and obtain, in a bipartite composite system, the Barut-Girardello coherent state for the q-deformed suq(1,1)su_{q}(1,1) algebra. The quantum coproduct structure ensures this normalizable coherent state to be entangled. The entanglement disappears in the classical q→1q \to 1 limit, giving rise to a factorizable state.Comment: 12 page

    Applications of the Quon Algebra: 3-D Harmonic Oscillator and the Rotor Model

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    In this work we present a method to build in a systematic way a many-body quon basis state. In particular, we show a closed expression for a given number N of quons, restricted to the permutational symmetric subspace, which belongs to the whole quonic space. The method is applied to two simple problems: the three-dimensional harmonic oscillator and the rotor model and compared to previous quantum algebra results. The differences obtained and possible future applications are also discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Noncommutative Quantum Mechanics and rotating frames

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    We study the effect of noncommutativity of space on the physics of a quantum interferometer located in a rotating disk in a gauge field background. To this end, we develop a path-integral approach which allows defining an effective action from which relevant physical quantities can be computed as in the usual commutative case. For the specific case of a constant magnetic field, we are able to compute, exactly, the noncommutative Lagrangian and the associated shift on the interference pattern for any value of θ\theta.Comment: 17 pages, presentation improved, references added. To appear in Physical Review

    Quons as su(2) Irreducible Tensor Operators

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    We prove that, for the quon algebra, which interpolates between the Bose and Fermi statistics and depends on a free parameter q,it is possible to build an su(2) irreducible representation. One of the consequences of this fact is that the quons couple via the same angular momentum coupling rules obeyed by ordinary bosons and fermions.Comment: 8 pages,Late

    Quons Restricted to the Antisymmetric Subspace: Formalism and Applications

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    In this work we develop a formalism to treat quons restricted to the antisymmetric part of their many-body space. A model in which a system of identical quons interact through a pairing force is then solved within this restriction and the differences between our solution and the usual fermionic model solution are then presented and discussed in detail. Possible connections to physical systems are also considered.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Nonlocal Equation of State in Anisotropic Static Fluid Spheres in General Relativity

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    We show that it is possible to obtain credible static anisotropic spherically symmetric matter configurations starting from known density profiles and satisfying a nonlocal equation of state. These particular types of equation of state describe, at a given point, the components of the corresponding energy-momentum tensor not only as a function at that point, but as a functional throughout the enclosed configuration. To establish the physical plausibility of the proposed family of solutions satisfying nonlocal equation of state, we study the constraints imposed by the junction and energy conditions on these bounded matter distributions. We also show that it is possible to obtain physically plausible static anisotropic spherically symmetric matter configurations, having nonlocal equations of state\textit{,}concerning the particular cases where the radial pressure vanishes and, other where the tangential pressures vanishes. The later very particular type of relativistic sphere with vanishing tangential stresses is inspired by some of the models proposed to describe extremely magnetized neutron stars (magnetars) during the transverse quantum collapse.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure, minor changes in the text, references added, two new solutions studie

    Localization of gravity in brane world with arbitrary extra dimensions

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    We study the induced 4-dimensional linearized Einstein field equations in an m-dimensional bulk space by means of a confining potential. It is shown that in this approach the mass of graviton is quantized. The cosmological constant problem is also addressed within the context of this approach. We show that the difference between the values of the cosmological constant in particle physics and cosmology stems from our measurements in two different scales, small and large.Comment: 8 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:gr-qc/0408004, arXiv:gr-qc/0607067, arXiv:0704.1035, arXiv:0707.3558, arXiv:0710.266

    The Effective Lagrangian in the Randall-Sundrum Model and Electroweak Physics

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    We consider the two-brane Randall-Sundrum (RS) model with bulk gauge fields. We carefully match the bulk theory to a 4D low-energy effective Lagrangian. In addition to the four-fermion operators induced by KK exchange we find that large negative S and T parameters are induced in the effective theory. This is a tree-level effect and is a consequence of the shapes of the W and Z wave functions in the bulk. Such effects are generic in extra dimensional theories where the standard model (SM) gauge bosons have non-uniform wave functions along the extra dimension. The corrections to precision electroweak observables in the RS model are mostly dominated by S. We fit the parameters of the RS model to the experimental data and find somewhat stronger bounds than previously obtained; however, the standard model bound on the Higgs mass from precision measurements can only be slightly relaxed in this theory.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, 1 figure included, uses JHEP.cls, extended introduction, added reference

    Heisenberg-type structures of one-dimensional quantum Hamiltonians

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    We construct a Heisenberg-like algebra for the one dimensional infinite square-well potential in quantum mechanics. The ladder operators are realized in terms of physical operators of the system as in the harmonic oscillator algebra. These physical operators are obtained with the help of variables used in a recently developed non commutative differential calculus. This \textquotedblleft square-well algebra\textquotedblright is an example of an algebra in a large class of generalized Heisenberg algebras recently constructed. This class of algebras also contains qq-oscillators as a particular case. We also discuss the physical content of this large class of algebras.Comment: 11 pages. The title and abstract were modified and minor corrections were made in the paper's core. Final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Hybrid Stars in a Strong Magnetic Field

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    We study the effects of high magnetic fields on the particle population and equation of state of hybrid stars using an extended hadronic and quark SU(3) non-linear realization of the sigma model. In this model the degrees of freedom change naturally from hadrons to quarks as the density and/or temperature increases. The effects of high magnetic fields and anomalous magnetic moment are visible in the macroscopic properties of the star, such as mass, adiabatic index, moment of inertia, and cooling curves. Moreover, at the same time that the magnetic fields become high enough to modify those properties, they make the star anisotropic.Comment: Revised version with updated reference