17 research outputs found

    Hidroxicloroquina e pressão arterial em modelo de apneia do sono

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    Hipótese: Hipóxia intermitente crônica (HIC), simulando apneia do sono, causa hipertensão por mecanismos provavelmente inflamatórios; hidroxicloroquina (HCQ) inibiria a pressão arterial (PA) elevada por alterar a estrutura arteriolar. Métodos: Monitorou-se a PA e frequência cardíaca (FC) por telemetria em ratos Wistar durante 14 dias de protocolo de HIC com injeção de HCQ (grupo HIC+HCQ) ou veículo salino (grupo HIC); ou hipóxia simulada (grupo Sham). Expressão de calponina foi mensurada por imunoistoquímica na artéria aorta. Resultados: PA e FC apresentaram aumento no grupo HIC, diminuição no grupo Sham e permaneceram estáveis no grupo HIC+HCQ. A expressão de calponina na aorta foi maior no grupo HIC+HCQ. Conclusão: O modelo de HIC aumenta a PA, confirmando o papel da HIC na patogênese da hipertensão arterial. HCQ controlou o aumento da PA. A maior expressão de calponina na aorta pode representar potencial fator no controle da hipertensão.Hypothesis: Chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH), simulating sleep apnea, causes hypertension probably by inflammatory mechanisms; hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) would inhibit high BP (BP) by altering the arteriolar structure. Methods: BP and heart rate (HR) were monitored by telemetry in Wistar rats during 14 days of CIH protocol with HCQ injection (CIH+HCQ group) or saline vehicle (CIH group); or simulated hypoxia (Sham group). Calponin expression was measured by immunohistochemistry in the aorta artery. Results: BP and HR variables showed an increase in the CIH group, a decrease in the Sham group and remained stable in the CIH+HCQ group. Calponin expression in the aorta was higher in the CIH+HCQ group. Conclusion: The CIH model increases BP, confirming the role of CIH in the arterial hypertension pathogenesis. HCQ controlled the increase in BP. The greater expression of calponin in the aorta may represent a potential factor in hypertension control

    The effect of caffeine supplementation on exercise performance evaluated by a novel animal model

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    Introduction: Caffeinated drinks are used for improve performance. Animal models represent investigational strategy that circumvents most of the drawbacks of research in humans, including motivational factors and the placebo effect. No animal model that could test whether different forms of administering caffeine affect exercise propensity was found in the literature. Methods: An animal model of grouped voluntary exercise was tested. Two-month-old male C57/bl mice were housed in a cage fitted with one running wheel and a monitoring system. Six animals per cage were introduced individually. To assess the sensitivity of the model, the effect of different caffeinated drinks was observed in mice exercising ad libitum. During 2 days, the mice received: 1) pure anhydrous caffeine 0.125 mg/mL (PC), 2) cola drink (CC), and 3) caffeine-taurine-glucuronolactone drink (CTG), intercalating wash-out periods of 2 days, receiving pure water. Results: The distance run during the periods of water ingestion was significantly lower than during the periods of stimulant drinks ingestion: PC (5.6 ± 1.3 km; p = 0.02), of CC ingestion (7.6 ± 0.6 km; p = 0.001), and of CTG ingestion (8.3 ± 1.6 km; p = 0.009). The performances when ingesting the three caffeinated drinks do not follow a dose-response curve. Conclusions: The model described here was able to measure the effect of caffeine intake on voluntary exercise of mice. The sensitivity of the model to the effect of caffeine needs to be further validated. The action of each component of the drinks on exercise performance needs to be clarified in future research. The present model is adequate for such investigation

    The effect of caffeine supplementation on exercise performance evaluated by a novel animal model

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    Introduction: Caffeinated drinks are used for improve performance. Animal models represent investigational strategy that circumvents most of the drawbacks of research in humans, including motivational factors and the placebo effect. No animal model that could test whether different forms of administering caffeine affect exercise propensity was found in the literature. Methods: An animal model of grouped voluntary exercise was tested. Two-month-old male C57/bl mice were housed in a cage fitted with one running wheel and a monitoring system. Six animals per cage were introduced individually. To assess the sensitivity of the model, the effect of different caffeinated drinks was observed in mice exercising ad libitum. During 2 days, the mice received: 1) pure anhydrous caffeine 0.125 mg/mL (PC), 2) cola drink (CC), and 3) caffeine-taurine-glucuronolactone drink (CTG), intercalating wash-out periods of 2 days, receiving pure water. Results: The distance run during the periods of water ingestion was significantly lower than during the periods of stimulant drinks ingestion: PC (5.6±1.3 km; p = 0.02), of CC ingestion (7.6±0.6 km; p = 0.001), and of CTG ingestion (8.3±1.6 km; p = 0.009). The performances when ingesting the three caffeinated drinks do not follow a dose-response curve. Conclusions: The model described here was able to measure the effect of caffeine intake on voluntary exercise of mice. The sensitivity of the model to the effect of caffeine needs to be further validated. The action of each component of the drinks on exercise performance needs to be clarified in future research. The present model is adequate for such investigation. Key words: Exercise; caffeine; energy drinks; runnin

    Hidroxicloroquina e pressão arterial em modelo de apneia do sono

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    Hipótese: Hipóxia intermitente crônica (HIC), simulando apneia do sono, causa hipertensão por mecanismos provavelmente inflamatórios; hidroxicloroquina (HCQ) inibiria a pressão arterial (PA) elevada por alterar a estrutura arteriolar. Métodos: Monitorou-se a PA e frequência cardíaca (FC) por telemetria em ratos Wistar durante 14 dias de protocolo de HIC com injeção de HCQ (grupo HIC+HCQ) ou veículo salino (grupo HIC); ou hipóxia simulada (grupo Sham). Expressão de calponina foi mensurada por imunoistoquímica na artéria aorta. Resultados: PA e FC apresentaram aumento no grupo HIC, diminuição no grupo Sham e permaneceram estáveis no grupo HIC+HCQ. A expressão de calponina na aorta foi maior no grupo HIC+HCQ. Conclusão: O modelo de HIC aumenta a PA, confirmando o papel da HIC na patogênese da hipertensão arterial. HCQ controlou o aumento da PA. A maior expressão de calponina na aorta pode representar potencial fator no controle da hipertensão.Hypothesis: Chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH), simulating sleep apnea, causes hypertension probably by inflammatory mechanisms; hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) would inhibit high BP (BP) by altering the arteriolar structure. Methods: BP and heart rate (HR) were monitored by telemetry in Wistar rats during 14 days of CIH protocol with HCQ injection (CIH+HCQ group) or saline vehicle (CIH group); or simulated hypoxia (Sham group). Calponin expression was measured by immunohistochemistry in the aorta artery. Results: BP and HR variables showed an increase in the CIH group, a decrease in the Sham group and remained stable in the CIH+HCQ group. Calponin expression in the aorta was higher in the CIH+HCQ group. Conclusion: The CIH model increases BP, confirming the role of CIH in the arterial hypertension pathogenesis. HCQ controlled the increase in BP. The greater expression of calponin in the aorta may represent a potential factor in hypertension control

    Craniocervical Posture in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea

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    Introduction Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is characterized by repeated episodes of upper airway obstruction during sleep. Objective The objective of this study is to verify the craniofacial characteristics and craniocervical posture of OSA and healthy subjects, determining possible relationships with the apnea/hypopnea index (AHI). Methods This case-control study evaluated 21 subjects with OSA, who comprised the OSA group (OSAG), and 21 healthy subjects, who constituted the control group (CG). Cephalometry analyzed head posture measurements, craniofacial measurements, and air space. Head posture was also assessed by means of photogrammetry. Results The groups were homogeneous regarding gender (12 men and 9 women in each group), age (OSAG = 41.86 ± 11.26 years; GC = 41.19 ± 11.20 years), and body mass index (OSAG = 25.65 ± 2.46 kg/m2; CG = 24.72 ± 3.01 kg/m2). We found significant differences between the groups, with lower average pharyngeal space and greater distance between the hyoid bone and the mandibular plane in OSAG, when compared with CG. A positive correlation was found between higher head hyperextension and head anteriorization, with greater severity of OSA as assessed by AHI. Conclusion OSAG subjects showed changes in craniofacial morphology, with lower average pharyngeal space and greater distance from the hyoid bone to the mandibular plane, as compared with healthy subjects. Moreover, in OSA subjects, the greater the severity of OSA, the greater the head hyperextension and anteriorization

    Disfunção temporomandibular e dor craniocervical em profissionais da área da enfermagem sob estresse no trabalho

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    RESUMO Objetivo: verificar a presença e severidade de Disfunção Temporomandibular, presença de cefaleia e cervicalgia e o limiar de dor muscular de músculos cervicais em profissionais de enfermagem sob estresse no trabalho. Métodos: 43 mulheres foram avaliadas quanto à presença e severidade de Disfunção Temporomandibular pelo instrumento Critérios de Diagnóstico para Pesquisa de Desordem Temporomandibular e pelo Índice Temporomandibular, respectivamente. Além disso, foram avaliadas quanto ao limiar de dor à pressão nos músculos cervicais por algometria e quanto à presença de cefaleia e cervicalgia. Resultados: disfunção Temporomandibular foi encontrada em 30,23% da amostra, com valor médio de escore de gravidade de 0,52. Entre as participantes com Disfunção Temporomandibular, 69,23% apresentavam depressão, 61,64% graduação I de dor crônica e Sintomas Físicos não Específicos incluindo e excluindo itens de dor em 46,15% e 61,64%, respectivamente. Cefaleia foi referida por 55,81% e cervicalgia por 60,47%. Não houve associação entre Disfunção Temporomandibular, cefaleia e cervicalgia. Os limiares de dor dos músculos cervicais apresentaram-se baixos tanto nos indivíduos com diagnóstico de Disfunção Temporomandibular quanto nos sem este diagnóstico, sem diferença significativa. O músculo esternocleidomastóideo apresentou-se com os menores limiares de dor à pressão. Conclusão: alta incidência de Disfunção Temporomandibular, cefaleia e cervicalgia foram detectadas nesta amostra. Disfunção Temporomandibular não influenciou a presença de cefaleia e/ou cervicalgia. A alta frequência de dor cervical e os baixos limiares de dor no músculo esternocleidomastóideo em todas as participantes demonstram o comprometimento dos músculos cervicais, resultante de possíveis posturas inadequadas e tensão muscular relacionadas ao estresse

    Relationship among perceived stress, anxiety, depression and craniocervical pain in nursing professionals under stress at work

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    Introduction: The appearance and evolution of some clinical pain conditions may be influenced by stress and other psychosocial factors. Face, head and cervical muscles may increase their activity and tension in the presence of stress, leading to craniocervicomandibular pain in individuals exposed to stress. Objective: To assess the relationship among perceived stress, anxiety, depression and craniocervicomandibular pain in nursing professionals under stress at work. Materials and Methods: Forty-three women under stress at work, according to the Job Stress Scale (JSS), were assessed by the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), pressure pain threshold, measured by algometry, and muscle sensitivity to hand palpation of the masticatory and cervical muscles. Results: A low moderate level of perceived stress was found in 62.79% of the sample, anxiety in 11.63% and depression in 9.30%. The psychosocial scales correlated with each other. No correlation was found between pressure pain threshold and perceived stress, anxiety and depression. The level of pain to hand palpation correlated with the perceived stress scores. Conclusion: Pressure pain threshold was not influenced by the psychosocial factors assessed. Pain intensity to hand palpation, however, was higher as the perception of stress increased

    Aspectos clínicos e psicossociais avaliados por critérios de diagnóstico para disfunção temporomandibular

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    RESUMO Objetivo: analisar a associação entre a classificação de diagnósticos clínicos (dor miofascial, desordem discal e articular) e a graduação de dor crônica, depressão e sintomas físicos não específicos em sujeitos com disfunção temporomandibular. Métodos: foram incluídos 32 pacientes, com média de idade de 28,71±4,66 anos. Como instrumento de avaliação, foi utilizado o Critério de Diagnóstico para Pesquisa das Desordens Temporomandibulares - Eixo I e II. Quanto ao grupo diagnóstico, 88,13% dos indivíduos apresentaram diagnóstico misto, sendo 43,75% dos grupos I e III (distúrbios musculares e articulares) e 34,38% dos grupos I, II e III (distúrbios musculares, articulares e deslocamento de disco). Resultados: de acordo com o eixo II, 96,88% dos participantes foram classificados com dor crônica grau I e II (baixa incapacidade e baixa intensidade; baixa incapacidade e alta intensidade). Graus moderado e grave de depressão foram observados em 84,38% dos participantes. Na avaliação de sintomas físicos não específicos incluindo e excluindo dor, respectivamente, 59,38% apresentaram sintomas severos e 71,88% apresentaram sintomas moderados e severos. Verificou-se relação significante dos diagnósticos clínicos de disfunção temporomandibular com o grau de sintomas físicos não específicos incluindo dor. Conclusão: alguns aspectos clínicos e psicossociais estão associados em pacientes com disfunção temporomandibular, observando uma multiplicidade de diagnósticos clínicos com a presença de uma relação significante entre os diagnósticos clínicos encontrados e a presença de sintomas físicos inespecíficos com dor. Queixa de maior gravidade de sintomas físicos foi encontrada em pacientes com diagnóstico clínico múltiplo