200 research outputs found


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    In developing clean cement factory, installing electrostatic precipator in the smoke stack performed prevention of particle pollution. Dust particles discharged. to the atmosphere could be mitigated with a so called "green or clean" program. Both of the mitigation techniques have been conducted by PT Semen Nusantara in Cilacap, Central Java. Leaf of trees surrounding the factory were seen entrap dust particles. The dust entrapped covered the surface of the leaves. On Termina/ia catapa leaves were found dust cover of 0.4071 mglcm2 compared ~o Filicium decipiens leaves of 0.4042 mglcm2 on a distance of 0.1 km from the factory. A distance of 2 km from the factory the dust cover of Terminalia catapa dan Filicium decipiens leaves decreased into approximately 0.3797 mglcm2and 0.3670 mglcm2respectively. The absorption and adsorption of cement dust are useful for human health and harmless for leaves


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    The goal of this research is to find out some impacts of tourism activities to the environmental mainly to the biotic and non-biotic components. The research also focuses in finding out importance and performance of the products offered-by Gunung Merapi National Park to the tourists. This research is done in four locations, consisted of the undisturbed location for controlling (Plawangan) and the disturbed locations caused by the tourists, which are Kalikuning, Tlogonirmolo and Tlogomuncar. The result shows that the impClcts of tourist activities in some locations show that the number of .microbial in the controlling location-is the highest (54.56 cfu/gram) compared with others location. The impact to the number of actin0mycetes in the controlling location is 32.84 cfu/gram, which is the highest. The infiltration rate with the model Horton in the controlling location is higher (0.983 cm/min) than the infiltration rates of the others. The voice frequency describes crowd level that at the controlling location has the lowest voice frequency (10.15 dB). Some kinds of tree destruction as the impact of tourist activities show that the destructions happen mostly in Tlogomuncar, followed with Kalikuning and Tlogonirmo 10. The most severe destruction of all locations is vandalism, and then scratch, spike prickling, branch breaking, and waste burning. Ihe importance and .performance of the products of the tourism objects offered describe that the attractions and tourism facilities like waterfall, musholla, shelter, dustbin, and observer tower have a considerable perception and good performance. However, some other facilities/attractions such as operational office, security center, gate, health clinique and bridge are not very important and not in a good condition

    Serious Leisure:Menelisik Profesi Travel Influencer

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    Seiring perjalanan pertumbuhan peran media digital, travel influencer menjadi sektor pariwisata yang semakin penting. Mereka merupakan orang yang berpengaruh dalam kegiatan promosi destinasi dan produk-produk wisata. Mengawali karirnya dari hobi pelesir dan membagikan cerita perjalananannya di media sosial Instagram, hobi pelesir dan cerita perjalanan tersebut menarik pengguna Instagram lain untuk menjadi pengikut travel influencer. Hal ini akhirnya menjadi sebuah karir yang cemerlang dengan model kerja yang dilakukan para travel influencer secara profesional sebagai bagian dari pekerjaan utamanya (serious leisure). Pekerjaan sebagai travel influencer penuh-waktu membuka peluang kerjasama bisnis dengan pihak ketiga (endorsement), sehingga mobilitas menjadi padat karena jadwal perjalanan. Peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan netnografi. Selain itu, penelitian ini berfokus pada model kerja dengan konsep serious leisure. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah menjadi seorang travel influencer membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama dan membutuhkan ketekunan dan kesabaran lebih. Selain itu, meningkatkan kemampuan diri menjadi sebuah kewajiban saat menjalani karir sebagai seorang travel influencer. Studi ini mengungkap enam kualitas yang menjadi karakter serious leisure yaitu: (1) ketekunan, (2) karir , (3) usaha serius, (4) etos unik, (5) identitas, (6) keuntungan jangka panjang menjadi komponen yang saling berkaitan di dalam menekuni karir sebagai seorang travel influencer. Hal ini perlu diterapkan agar karir sebagai seorang travel influencer tetap dapat bertahan di karir travel influencer walapun semakin banyak bermunculan travel influencer baru lainnya


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    ABSTRAKKajian pengembangan ekowisata bahari di Kecamatan Padang Cermin Kabupaten Pesawaran Provinsi Lampung telah dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengidentifikasi potensi atraksi wisata bahari yang ada, mengetahui persepsi wisatawan dan partisipasi masyarakat terhadap pengembangan ekowisata dari aspek sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan, serta merumuskan strategi pengembangan ekowisata bahari yang sesuai dengan potensi atraksi wisata bahari dan potensi pasar yang dimilikinya. Sebagai responden dipilih sejumlah 100 orang wisatawan dan 100 orang masyarakat dipilih dari empat objek yaitu Pantai Mutun, Pantai Klara, Pantai Sari Ringgung dan Pulau Pahawang. Data dikumpulkan dengan melakukan wawancara dan observasi. Analisis potensi dan daya tarik wisata alam menggunakan pedoman Analisis Daerah Operasi–Objek dan Daya tarik Wisata Alam (ADO-ODTWA). Analisis SWOT digunakan untuk menentukan strategi pengembangan ekowisata dan AHP untuk menentukan tingkat priorotas strategi pengembangan ekowisata. Hasil penelitian adalah bahwa Kecamatan Padang Cermin Kabupaten Pesawaran memiliki potensi yang sangat sesuai untuk pengembangan ekowisata bahari dan disetujui masyarakat setempat. Persepsi wisatawan terhadap potensi objek ekowisata bahari dari aspek ketersediaan fasilitas dan sarana prasarana penunjang masih rendah. Beberapa prioritas strategi pengembangan ekowisata bahari telah dibahas pada aspek ekologi sosial, dan ekonomi. ABSTRACTStudy of marine ecotourism development in Padang Cermin, Pesawaran District, Lampung Province has been carried out. The research objectives are to identify the potential of existing marine tourism attractions, finding out the perceptions of tourists and public participation in the development of ecotourism from social, economic and environmental aspects, and to formulate a marine ecotourism development strategy that is in accordance with the potential of marine tourism attractions and its market potential. As respondents, 100 tourists were selected and 100 people were selected from four objects, namely Mutun Beach, Klara Beach, Sari Rutut Beach and Pahawang Island. Data collecting was conducted using interview and observation. Data was collected by interview and observation. Analysis potential and attractive ecotourism used the orientation of operation area analysis object and motivation ecotourism. SWOT analysis was used to determine development strategy of ecotourism and AHP is used to determine the priority level of ecotourism development strategy. The result showed that Padang Cermin District, Pesawaran Regency, has a very suitable potential for the development of marine ecotourism and has been approved by the local community. The perception of tourists about the potential objects of marine ecotourism from the aspect of the availability of supporting facilities and infrastructure is still low. Several priority strategies for developing marine ecotourism have been discussed in the aspects of social and economic ecology


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    The tourism region grawth often indicates the decline of the environmental carrying capacity, including the conflict consequence in the carrying capacity and the spatial use. The un-control of the spatial grawth and resources advantages is the effect of the increasing development policy that cause the damage of the environmental function. The spatial and natural resources advantage is neededfor the consideration of the carrying capacity. A research is needed to define the safeguard traffic in connection with that problem. It is also important t9 be analyzed to the region carrying capacity that can define the tolerance border and the flexibility of capacity. The long purpose is too fulfill the tourists satisfactions in this area. The study sample is taken from 4 villages\u27 area in Pakem region (Kaliurang Area) and the Merapi Volcano National Park (TNGM) DIY province. There are 2 variables considered: (1) the region grawth(2) the ecology carrying capacity. The research sample is taken from the villages in the Pakem region (Kaliurang Area) and the Merapi Volcano National Park (TNGM) DIY province. Keywords: the region grawth, the ecology carrying support, tourism region Perkembangan wilayah kepariwisataan seringkali diindikasikan menurunkan daya dukung lingkungan, termasuk terjadinya konflik penggunaan ruang dan daya dukungnya. Perkembangan wilayah dan sumber daya alam yang tidak terkendali merupakan akibat meningkatnya kebijakan pembangunan sehingga dapat menyebabkan kerusakan fungsi lingkungan beserta daya dukung, terutama daya dukung fisik, dan daya dukung ekologis. Perlunya pemanfaatan ruang dan sumber daya alam secara komprehensif dengan mempertimbangkan daya dukung. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan penelitian untukmenentukanrambu-rambu pengaman berkenaan dengan masalah tersebut. Pada sisi yang lain, tingkat kenyamanan para wisatawan juga akan berkurang karena terjadi kepadatan yang tinggi. Untuk itu, perlu dilakukan analisis daya dukung kawasan yang dapat menentukan batas toleransi dankelenturan kapasitas yang masih memungkinkan secara fleksibel. Tujuan jangka panjangnya adalah terpenuhinya kepuasan pengunjung secara berkelanjutan di kawasan tersebut. Untuk memantapkan implementasi tujuan jangka panjang ini, maka ditetapkan fokus tema dengan topik studi daya dukung kepariwisataan di wilayah Yogyakarta bagian Utara. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari empat wilayah desa di Kecamatan Pakem (Kawasan Kaliurang) dan Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Untuk menjawab permasalahan di atas terdapat dua variabel, yaitu (1) perkembangan wilayah, (2) daya dukung ekologis. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari wilayah desa di Kecamatan Pakem (Kawasan Kaliurang) dan Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi (TNGM)DaeraI1Istimewa Yogyakarta Kata kunci: Perkembangan wilayah, daya dukung ekologi, wilayah kepariwisataa


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    Hydroelectric power plants in Indonesia are widely developed. This is because the water supply in Indonesia is quite abundant. Several large reservoirs in Indonesia, in addition to being used for water reservoirs, are used to produce electricity. Wonogiri is a region that is located in Central Java province, where most of the region is arid land that cannot be planted in the dry season. In the rainy season the abundance of water plants to die and the soil is such that in the dry season crops do not grow well. Plans for the construction of Gajah Mungkur started in 1964, and it is designed to be a multipurpose dam project that aim to control floods, supply water for irrigation and hydropower in the Solo River valley. The master development plan was formulated in 1972-1974 with the help of Overseas Technical Cooperation of Japan. The results of this study include the completion of flooding problems along the Solo River, the increase in agricultural output in Winton community with irrigation facilities and good infrastructure, availability of electricity for communities around the dam and improving the local economy as the development of inland fisheries and tourism sectors

    kajian agroekosistem terhadap pengembangan usaha ternak sapi Perah Di Kecamatan Pujon = An Agroecosystem Study on the Development of Dairy Cattle in Pujon Sub-District

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    The objectives of this research were (1) to determine the existence of dependency on forest land biomass among the the dairy wine owners in Pujon sub-district, (2) to study the factors influencing the dependency of the dairy cattle onwners on forest land biomass and the intensity of the influences, and (3) to study the factors that determined the degrees of dependency on the forest land biomass. The research was conducted in two villages, Paruiesari and Pujon Lor, purposively selected among the ten villages within Pujon sub-district Ninety-one dairy cattle owners were selected in accordance to Systematic Random Sampling principles. The data were analysed using the statistical methods of a simple regression, a multiple regression, and analysis of variance. The analysis indicated that (1) the dairy cattle owners at Pujon sub-distirct were being dependent on the forest land biomass, i.e. the forage and the firewood,. (2) the forage dependency was determined by the number of cattle owned, the income from dairy cattle, and the forage from the farm land they possesed, whereas the firewood dependency was determined by the size of farm land, the income from non-dairy cattle and the number of cattle owned, and (3) the cattle owners\u27 positions in the village community, their non-dairy jobs, and educational brirkground, their non-dairy jobs, and educational background, did not detemined the degrees of the dependency on the forest land biomass. Key Words: agroecosystem study -- dairy cattle development -- dairy cattle owners\u27 tradition

    Pencemaran Udara Di Ruang Proses Pembatikan Industri Rumah Tangga Batik: Studi kasus industri rumah tangga batik di kampung Taman Kotamadya Yogyakarta

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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujutuan untuk menginvestigasi konsentrasi karbon monoksida, karbon dioksida, sulfur dioksida, suhu, kelembaban dan ban ruang kerja pembuatan batik sebagai akibat dari proses pembuatan batik dalam lingkungan kerja. Studi kasus dilaktikan di industri rumah tangga (home industry) kampung Taman Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan dari bulan Desember 1999 sampai Januari 2000. Pengukuran parameter dilakukan dalam 2 rurnah industri batik yang masing-masing menggunakan satu dan tiga kompor sebagai pemanas. Metode analisis data adalah Analisis Times Series dan Analisis Gratis. Konsentrasi karbon monokoksida berkisar antara 2,008,66 ppm, karbondioksida berkisar antara 372,498-473,885 ppm. Sulfurdioksida berkisar antara 0,00028-0,00268 ppm. Temperatur berkisar antara 29*C-34°C, sedangkan kelembaban berkisar antara 50,5%-67%, Penelitian mengindikasikan bahwa ruang kerja batik telah terkontaminasi karbon monoksida yang beresiko terhadap kesehatan para pekerja. Ruang kerja pembuatan batik tidak nyaman. Kata kunci: Pollutan, suhu, kelembaban, ruang pembuatan bati


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    well-managed, it will contribute to the improvement of both regional and national economy. However, MahakamRiver gets liquid waste pollution that has significant impact on water quality and results in conflicts betweenthe local societies, especially the shrimp pond farmers and the fishermen and the oil and gas industrial company.This research uses descriptive-comparative analysis with ANOVA test to compare samples (water, soil/sediment,shrimp, and mangrove) of the shrimp fishpond (many mangrove, moderate mangrove, few mangrove, and withoutany mangrove). The pollution load which is analyzed includes: cadmium content (Cd), lead (Pb), oil and grease (O& G), mercury (Hg), and arsenic (As). The significance level is 90% with error of 5% (0.05).The water of Mahakam Delta is still in the normality limit as seen from the maximum pollution load in the Decreeof the Minister of Living Environment No. 51 of 2004 on Ocean Water Standard seen from chemical, physical,and biological parameters. The presence of mangrove contributes positive value to the balance of the quality of thewaters and to the neutralizing of heavy metals contents of Mahakam Delta as shown in the average difference inthe Pb, Cd, O & G, As and Hg of the samples of water, soils/sediment, shrimp and mangrove which are drawnfrom the of shrimp pond with many mangrove, moderate mangrove, few mangrove and without any mangrove,which is significantly different (p < 0.05). Shrimp pond with many mangrove has less average levels of Pb, Cd, M& L, As and Hg compared with the pond with less and without mangrove. The shrimp pond with many mangrovescontributes significantly and positively to the prevention of the pollution of Pb, Cd, O and G, As and Hg at low leve


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    High nature potency, strategic location, and accessible have made TNBTS as one of most visited national parks, thus the potency cause negative impact to the ecosystem. To anticipate, the Management of TNBTS has applied environment management system/EMS based on ISO 14001 : 2004. The study aimed to investigate the EMS applied by the management of TNBTS, implementation process of ISO 14001 : 2004, evaluate the phase and percent of EMS application on natural tourism management. Method used was descriptive explorative with frequent descriptive analysis and SWOT analysis. The result showed that the most inuencing factor in the EMS application in TNBTS was visitor aspect and facilities establishment. Implementation process of ISO 14001 : 2004 in TNBTS was started with EMS training by an external consultant, agreeing the certification scope, conducting early review, and identifying environmental impact aspect also the regulation. Then set the environmental policy, management, conduct inspection and review of the management. To support successfulness of the implementation of ISO 14001 : 2004, requires management and personal commitment. Compliance degree of the EMS implementation based on ISO 14001 : 2004 was 3.86 and 79.95% with the category of close to consistent. Result of SWOT analysis showed that the strategic position of TNBTS in applying EMS to manage their natural tourism was in quadrant/ cell 1 (1.18; 0.65). Therefore, the strategy that can be developed is growth strategy, with the strategy form increasing service to visitors, increasing management work in maintaining the EMS quality
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