21 research outputs found

    Recipes for Building the Dual of Conic Optimization Problem

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    Building the dual of the primal problem of Conic Optimization (CO) isa very important step to make the ¯nding optimal solution. In many cases a givenproblem does not have the simple structure of CO problem (i.e., minimizing a linearfunction over an intersection between a±ne space and convex cones) but there areseveral conic constraints and sometimes also equality constraints. In this paper wedeal with the question how to form the dual problem in such cases. We discuss theanswer by considering several conic constraints with or without equality constraints.The recipes for building the dual of such cases is formed in standard matrix forms,such that it can be used easily on the numerical experiment. Special attention isgiven to dual development of special classes of CO problems, i.e., conic quadraticand semide¯nite problems. In this paper, we also brie°y present some preliminariestheory on CO as an introduction to the main topic.DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.22342/jims.

    Pengembangan Set Multipleks Penanda DNA Mikrosatelit Untuk Analisis Variasi Genetik Padi Dan Kedelai

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    Detection of multiplex microsatellite markers in asingle capillary array on a laser detection system is traditionallyconducted with specific primers that are labelled withfluorescent dyes. An alternative method using fluorescentlabels that are appended to 5\u27 end of universal primer M13instead of to the specific primers offers flexibility indesignning multiplex panels and a less expensive method.Allele size range of microsatellite loci that can be grouped inmultiplex panels can be accurately estimated by pooling andanalyzing DNA samples from several genotypes simultaneously.This paper describes the procedure in developmentof microsatellite multiplex panels using M13 fluorescentlylabelledand estimation of allele size range based on pooledDNA strategies. Two multiplex panels of PCR amplificationproducts for rice consisting of 15 loci and three panels forsoybean consisting of 10 loci have been designed. Thepanels have been applied to 50 accessions of rice and soybeanwith fairly good results. Further characterization ofallele size range, however, is required prior to the applicationof these panels to diverse genotypes. The proceduredescribed here should be applicable in the development ofmultiplex panels of other species

    Sidik Jari DNA 88 Plasma Nutfah Ubi Jalar Di Indonesia Berdasarkan Delapan Penanda SSR

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    DNA Fingerprinting of Indonesian 88 Sweet PotatoGermplasm Based on Eight SSR Markers. NurulHidayatun, Chaerani, and Dwinita W. Utami. Indonesiapossesses a great number of sweet potato varieties.Understanding the diversity and distribution of this geneticresource is essential for its management and future use. Theobjective of this study was to elaborate the molecularcharacter as DNA finger print of Indonesian sweet potatogermplasm. Eight fluorescent labeled SSR primers wereused to amplify DNA of 88 sweet potato accessionsconsisting of improved varieties and landraces collectedfrom 7 islands in Indonesia. The amplified products weredetected using capillary electrophoresis method in CEQGenetic Analysis System machine. A total of 135 allelesranging from 8 to 36 alleles per locus with an average of 17alleles were generated. Each accession had a uniquemicrosatellite finger print marked by specific combination of11 to 22 alleles in 8 SSR loci. Dendrogram generated byUPGMA based on simple matching coefficients produced 4nonspecific groups at 80% similarity. The groups revealedthe possibilities that the accessions were distributed fromsimilar genetic resources

    Keragaman Genetik 50 Aksesi Plasma Nutfah Kedelai Berdasarkan Sepuluh Penanda Mikrosatelit

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    Genetic Diversity of 50 Soybean Accessions Based on TenMicrosatellite Markers. Chaerani, Nurul Hidayatun, andDwinita W. Utami. Soybean accessions in germplasmcollection have increased in number as a result ofexploration, introduction as well as development or releaseof new commercial varieties. This complicates accurate andreliable evaluation of an accession for purposes of utilizationin breeding program and discrimination of a newcommercial variety for purposes of plant variety protection.The aims of this study were to identify the genetic diversityof soybean germplasm to complement the existingphenotypic database as the basis for efficient managementand accurate discrimination of commercial varieties, and toidentify potential parents for hybridizations. Fifty soybeanaccessions consisting of 12 released varieties, 32 localvarieties, and 6 introductions were analyzed usingmicrosatellite DNA markers based on semi-automatic sizingsystem. A total of 86 alleles were detected with the numberof alleles per locus ranged from 4 to 16. Rare alleles weredetected at a rate of 53% which was shown by 68% of thegenotypes. Informativeness of the microsatellite markers asmeasured by the average gene diversity (D) orpolymorphism information content (PIC) was 0.60 and 0.58,respectively. A heterozygosity level of 0.09 as detected byseven loci was observed among 64% of the genotypes. Theaverage genetic distance among the genotypes was 0.56,which indicated the relatively low polymorphism among theanalyzed soybean germplasm. Four microsatellites thatshowed a high D or PIC value (over 0.75) were able todiscriminate between accession reliably. Each soybeanaccession had different DNA microsatellite fingerprint whichcan be used for accurate discrimination to complement theprevious conventional characterizations. UPGMA clusteringseparated the 50 accessions into 10 major clusters, whichshowed no clear pattern of clustering according to varietalgroup or geographical origin. Genetic similarity dataidentified five clusters and 15 genotypes with highest interclusteror inter-genotype genetic distances which arepotential candidates to be exploited as parents inhybridizations for development of new commercial varieties

    Conic Optimization, with Applications to (Robust) Truss Topology Design

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    After a brief introduction to the field of Conic Optimization we presentsome interesting applications to the (robust) trus topologr design (TTD)problem, where the goal is to design a truss of a given weight best ableto withstand a set of given loads. We present a linear model for thesingle-load case and semidefinite models for the multi-load and the ro'bust TTD problem. All models are illustrated by examples. It is alsoshown that by using duality the size of some of these models can bereduced significantly

    Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Problem Solving Berbasis Eksperimen Pada Konsep Larutan Elektrolit Dan Nonelektrolit

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai kemampuan siswa dalam memecahkan masalah yang tertuang dalam lembar kerja siswa (LKS) selama mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran problem solving berbasis eksperimen pada konsep larutan elektolit dan nonelektrolit. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X di SMA Negeri 89 Jakarta tahun ajaran 2012/2013. Metode penelitian yang diterapkan adalah deskriptif. Perolehan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrumen lembar kerja siswa (LKS) untuk kemampuan memecahkan masalah. Analisis data untuk kemampuan memecahkan masalah yang tertuang dalam lembar kerja siswa (LKS) dengan nilai persentase. Kemampuan siswa dalam memecahkan masalah yang tertuang dalam lembar kerja siswa (LKS) yaitu kemampuan siswa dalam mengemukakan hipotesis, menentukan judul eksperimen, menentukan tujuan eksperimen, membuat prosedur kerja eksperimen, mencatat data pengamatan, membuat kesimpulan, membuat abstraksi, dan menyelesaikan tugas konsolidasi. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan siswa dalam memecahkan masalah dikategorikan sebagai baik dan sangat baik

    Teori dan Aplikasi Optimisasi Dalam Masalah Strategi Vaksinasi

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    Paper ini membahas teori dan aplikasi bidang matematika riset operasi dan optimisasi pada masalah strategi vaksinasi dari kajian literatur hasil penelitian Hethcote dan Waltman (1973), Tanner dkk. (2008), Zaman dkk. (2008) dan beberapa hasil penelitian lainnya. Fokus utama pembahasan paper ini adalah memberikan argumentasi untuk menjamin pentingnya pemodelan optimisasi dalam masalah matematika epidemiologi, dengan topik kajian yang spesifik dalam masalah penentuan strategi vaksinasi yang optimal. Untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang penentuan strategi vaksinasi, pada akhir pembahasan paper ini, disajikan aplikasi teori riset operasi dan optimisasi matematika epidemiologi pada penyakit tuberkulosis dari hasil penelitian Revelle dkk. (1969). Kata kunci: optimisasi, strategi vaksinasi, matematika epidemiologi