259 research outputs found

    Evaporation Prescription for Time-Dependent Density Functional Calculations

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    Collisions between 248^{248}Cm and 48^{48}Ca are systematically calculated by time-dependent density functional calculations with evaporation prescription. Depending on the incident energy and impact parameter, fusion, fusion-fission, and quasi-fission events are expected to appear. In this paper, the evaporation prescription is introduced, which is expected to be rather important to heavy-ion reactions producing superheavy nuclei, where the heavier total mass can be related to the higher total excitation energy.Comment: To appear in the NN2012 Proceedings in Journal of Physics: Conference Series; revised based on the referee's comment (ver. 2, 09/2012

    Quantum Monte Carlo study of inhomogeneous neutron matter

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    We present an ab-initio study of neutron drops. We use Quantum Monte Carlo techniques to calculate the energy up to 54 neutrons in different external potentials, and we compare the results with Skyrme forces. We also calculate the rms radii and radial densities, and we find that a re-adjustment of the gradient term in Skyrme is needed in order to reproduce the properties of these systems given by the ab-initio calculation. By using the ab-initio results for neutron drops for close- and open-shell configurations, we suggest how to improve Skyrme forces when dealing with systems with large isospin-asymmetries like neutron-rich nuclei.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, talk given at Horizons on Innovative Theories, Experiments, and Supercomputing in Nuclear Physics 2012, (HITES2012), New Orleans, Louisiana, June 4-7, 2012; to appear in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS

    Mechanical and chemical spinodal instabilities in finite quantum systems

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    Self consistent quantum approaches are used to study the instabilities of finite nuclear systems. The frequencies of multipole density fluctuations are determined as a function of dilution and temperature, for several isotopes. The spinodal region of the phase diagrams is determined and it appears that instabilities are reduced by finite size effects. The role of surface and volume instabilities is discussed. It is indicated that the important chemical effects associated with mechanical disruption may lead to isospin fractionation.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Skyrme Hartree-Fock Calculations for the Alpha Decay Q Values of Super-Heavy Nuclei

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    Hartree-Fock calculations with the SKX Skyrme interaction are carried out to obtain alpha-decay Q values for deformed nuclei above 208^{208}Pb assuming axial symmetry. The results for even-even nuclei are compared with experiment and with previous calculations. Predictions are made for alpha-decay Q values and half-lives of even-even super-heavy nuclei. The results are also compared for the recently discovered odd-even chain starting at Z=112 and N=165.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    New vertex reconstruction algorithms for CMS

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    The reconstruction of interaction vertices can be decomposed into a pattern recognition problem (``vertex finding'') and a statistical problem (``vertex fitting''). We briefly review classical methods. We introduce novel approaches and motivate them in the framework of high-luminosity experiments like at the LHC. We then show comparisons with the classical methods in relevant physics channelsComment: Talk from the 2003 Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP03), La Jolla, Ca, USA, March 2003, 5 pages, LaTeX, 3 eps figures. PSN TULT01

    Nuclear energy density functional from chiral pion-nucleon dynamics: Isovector spin-orbit terms

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    We extend a recent calculation of the nuclear energy density functional in the systematic framework of chiral perturbation theory by computing the isovector spin-orbit terms: (ρpρn)(JpJn)Gso(kf)+(JpJn)2GJ(kf)(\vec \nabla \rho_p- \vec \nabla \rho_n)\cdot(\vec J_p-\vec J_n) G_{so}(k_f)+ (\vec J_p-\vec J_n)^2 G_J(k_f). The calculation includes the one-pion exchange Fock diagram and the iterated one-pion exchange Hartree and Fock diagrams. From these few leading order contributions in the small momentum expansion one obtains already a good equation of state of isospin-symmetric nuclear matter. We find that the parameterfree results for the (density-dependent) strength functions Gso(kf)G_{so}(k_f) and GJ(kf)G_J(k_f) agree fairly well with that of phenomenological Skyrme forces for densities ρ>ρ0/10\rho > \rho_0/10. At very low densities a strong variation of the strength functions Gso(kf)G_{so}(k_f) and GJ(kf)G_J(k_f) with density sets in. This has to do with chiral singularities mπ1m_\pi^{-1} and the presence of two competing small mass scales kfk_f and mπm_\pi. The novel density dependencies of Gso(kf)G_{so}(k_f) and GJ(kf)G_J(k_f) as predicted by our parameterfree (leading order) calculation should be examined in nuclear structure calculations.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure, published in: Physical Review C68, 014323 (2003

    Low-Lying 2+ states in neutron-rich oxygen isotopes in quasiparticle random phase approximation

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    The properties of the low-lying, collective 2+ states in neutron-rich oxygen isotopes are investigated in the framework of self-consistent microscopic models with effective Skyrme interactions. In RPA the excitation energies E2+ can be well described but the transition probabilities are much too small as compared to experiment. Pairing correlations are then accounted for by performing quasiparticle RPA calculations. This improves considerably the predictions of B(E2) values and it enables one to calculate more reliably the ratios Mn/Mp of neutron-to-proton transition amplitudes. A satisfactory agreement with the existing experimental values of Mn/Mp is obtained.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Lipkin translational-symmetry restoration in the mean-field and energy-density-functional methods

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    Based on the 1960 idea of Lipkin, the minimization of energy of a symmetry-restored mean-field state is equivalent to the minimization of a corrected energy of a symmetry-broken state with the Peierls-Yoccoz mass. It is interesting to note that the "unphysical" Peierls-Yoccoz mass, and not the true mass, appears in the Lipkin projected energy. The Peierls-Yoccoz mass can be easily calculated from the energy and overlap kernels, which allows for a systematic, albeit approximate, restoration of translational symmetry within the energy-density formalism. Analogous methods can also be implemented for all other broken symmetries.Comment: 15 LaTeX pages, 8 eps figures, submitted to Journal of Physics

    Instabilities of infinite matter with effective Skyrme-type interactions

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    The stability of the equation of state predicted by Skyrme-type interactions is examined. We consider simultaneously symmetric nuclear matter and pure neutron matter. The stability is defined by the inequalities that the Landau parameters must satisfy simultaneously. A systematic study is carried out to define interaction parameter domains where the inequalities are fulfilled. It is found that there is always a critical density ρcr\rho_{cr} beyond which the system becomes unstable. The results indicate in which parameter regions one can find effective forces to describe correctly finite nuclei and give at the same time a stable equation of state up to densities of 3-4 times the saturation density of symmetric nuclear matter.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Axially symmetric Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Calculations for Nuclei Near the Drip-Lines

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    Nuclei far from stability are studied by solving the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) equations, which describe the self-consistent mean field theory with pairing interaction. Calculations for even-even nuclei are carried out on two-dimensional axially symmetric lattice, in coordinate space. The quasiparticle continuum wavefunctions are considered for energies up to 60 MeV. Nuclei near the drip lines have a strong coupling between weakly bound states and the particle continuum. This method gives a proper description of the ground state properties of such nuclei. High accuracy is achieved by representing the operators and wavefunctions using the technique of basis-splines. The detailed representation of the HFB equations in cylindrical coordinates is discussed. Calculations of observables for nuclei near the neutron drip line are presented to demonstrate the reliability of the method.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Physical Review C on 05/08/02. Revised on Dec/0