138 research outputs found

    The effect of dietary standardisation on exercise performance and physiological responses in male athletes

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    Sport scientists have been using different techniques to control dietary intake in an attempt to minimise the impact of several dietary components on the outcomes of the study. This is achieved by eliminating some components completely from the diet (such as caffeine and alcohol) for few days or controlling the intake by replicating what was consumed before the first trial, prior to every subsequent trial. Researchers help participants replicate their diet by using dietary standardisation tools such as dietary recall and food record or by providing pre-packaged meals (standardised diet). The aims of this PhD were 1) to assess the reproducibility of a diet using different standardisation techniques, 2) examine what effect does 24-hours carbohydrate manipulation within a 15% variation have on endurance capacity and physiological responses, 3) assess the new proposed method to standardise dietary intake, and 4) measure the efficacy of encouraging individuals to stay well-hydrated on next day hydration status. This PhD concluded that standardised diet is the best approach to control dietary intake. Dietary recall and food record techniques should only be used when large effect is expected and the diet has low impact on the intervention. The liquid based standardised diet that we proposed was found to be an effective technique with similar reproducibility to solid based standardised diet (2-3% and 5% variation, respectively, in energy and macronutrient intakes). Furthermore, it was suggested that a 15% difference in 24-hour carbohydrate intake did not significantly affect endurance capacity, nutrient oxidation and blood glucose/lactate levels in trained cyclists. Finally, it was confirmed that encouraging participants to drink water in the pre-trial preparation period is not enough to achieve euhydration before exercise tests. This PhD adds essential information to the area of dietary standardisation and helps improve the quality of future research projects

    Experimental and theoretical studies on the conformational properties of cis- and trans-4,5-methano-L-prolines

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    Il est connu que les 4,5-mĂ©thano-L-prolines ont des conformations et des caractĂ©ristiques diffĂ©rentes que la L-proline. L’aplatissement du cycle pyrrolidine dans la proline joue un rĂŽle important dans sa stabilitĂ© et la conformation spatiale des analogues 4,5-mĂ©thano- de la L-proline. Ainsi, des Ă©tudes approfondies ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es pour analyser les diffĂ©rences de structure et les modĂšles de pliage des cis- et trans-4,5-mĂ©thano-L-prolines et leurs oligomĂšres en corrĂ©lation avec la dĂ©localisation Ă©lectronique n→π∗ entre les carbonyles adjacents. Dans cette thĂšse, la stabilisation n→π∗ entre les groupes carbonyl d’une amide et un ester a Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©e, divulguant des propriĂ©tĂ©s structurelles supplĂ©mentaires des 4,5-mĂ©thano-L-prolines. Les Ă©tudes spectroscopiques en RMN ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© les caractĂ©ristiques spatiales des cis- and trans-4,5-mĂ©thano-L-prolines corrĂ©lant avec l’équilibre d’isomĂ©risation de l’amide trans : cis dans des environnements diffĂ©rents. En outre, le mĂ©canisme de la cyclisation intramolĂ©culaire des dimĂšres cis-cis, trans-trans, et du mĂ©lange trans,cis-4,5-mĂ©thano-L-proline dans la formation des dicĂ©topipĂ©razines a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© l'importance de la stabilisation n→π∗ sur les caractĂ©ristiques conformationnelles et de pliage. Des Ă©tudes de modĂ©lisation DFT ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es afin de complĂ©ter nos rĂ©sultats et de fournir des explications soutenant nos rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentale.It is well known that 4,5-methano-L-prolines have different conformational properties and characteristics than proline. The flattening of the pyrrolidine ring plays a role in the stability and conformation of L-proline methanologs. Thus, extensive studies have been conducted to analyze the structural differences and folding patterns of cis- and trans-4,5-methano-L-prolines and their oligomers in correlation with the n→π∗ electron delocalization between the adjacent carbonyls of amide and ester groups. In this thesis, the n→π∗ stabilization of each derivative is analyzed, disclosing additional structural properties of 4,5-methano-L-prolines. NMR spectroscopic studies revealed the spatial characteristics of cis- and trans-4,5-methano-L-prolines in correlation to the amide trans : cis isomerization equilibrium in different solvents. In addition, the tendency of diketopiperazine formation from the cis-cis, trans-trans, and mixed trans,cis-4,5-methano-L-proline dimers reflected the importance of the n→π∗ stabilization on the conformation and folding characteristics

    The effect of consuming a liquid diet vs a solid diet 24-hr preexperimental trials on adherence in athletes

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    Discrepancies in energy and macronutrient intakes between tests are apparent even when a solid prepackaged diet (Sdiet) is used to standardize dietary intake for preexperimental trials. It is unknown whether a liquid prepackaged diet (Ldiet) leads to improved adherence, resulting in lower variability in energy and macronutrient intakes. This study assesses the ability of athletes to replicate a diet when an Ldiet or Sdiet was used as a dietary standardization technique. In a cross-over design, 30 athletes were randomly assigned to either Sdiet or Ldiet. Each diet was consumed for two nonconsecutive days. Participants were instructed to consume all the meals provided and to return any leftovers. The coefficient of variation (CV) was calculated for each nutrient for the two methods and reported as the average CV. The Bland–Altman plots show that differences between Days 1 and 2 in energy and macronutrient intakes for both diets were close to zero, with the exception of some outliers. The %CV for Sdiet was higher than Ldiet (5% and 3% for energy, 5% and 3% for carbohydrate, 5% and 2% for protein, and 5% and 3% for fat, respectively). There was a strong positive correlation for energy and all macronutrients between Days 1 and 2 for both methods (r > .80; p < .05). Ldiet is an effective technique to standardize diet preexperimental trials and could be used as an alternative to Sdiet. Furthermore, Ldiet may lead to additional improvements in the compliance of participants to the diet and also decrease the cost and time of preparation

    La migration régionale et entrepreneuriale des Libanais de Dakar, Abidjan et Ouagadougou

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    In contrast to the communitarian analysis of the Lebanese presence in West Africa, we suggest an analytical framework that takes into account Lebanese regional mobility based on socio-political conditions and economic opportunities. During our doctoral research in social anthropology, we conducted fieldwork in Dakar, Abidjan and Ouagadougou and we observed the existence of two types of regional migration - one related to individual initiative and another one based on the initiative of companies which recruit their managers according to their national belongings. This perception leads to re-examine the concepts of “diaspora” and “middleman minorities” which are traditionally mobilized in the study of Lebanese people in West Africa but maintain a grey zone, especially about the extraterritoriality of “communities” and their strategic mobilization of African nationalities.A contrario de l’analyse communautariste concernant la prĂ©sence libanaise en Afrique de l’Ouest, nous proposons une grille de lecture qui prend en compte la mobilitĂ© rĂ©gionale des Libanais en fonction des conditions sociopolitiques et des opportunitĂ©s Ă©conomiques. Sur la base d’une recherche doctorale en anthropologie sociale menĂ©e Ă  Dakar, Abidjan et Ouagadougou, nous postulons l’existence de deux types de migrations rĂ©gionales - l’une axĂ©e sur l’initiative personnelle, et l’autre sur l’initiative d’entreprises qui recrutent leurs cadres en fonction de leur appartenance nationale. Cette perception amĂšne Ă  rĂ©interroger les concepts de «&nbsp;diaspora&nbsp;» et de middleman minorities classiquement mobilisĂ©s Ă  propos de la prĂ©sence libanaise en Afrique de l’Ouest mais entretenant des zones d’ombres, notamment autour de l’extraterritorialitĂ© des «&nbsp;communautĂ©s&nbsp;» et de leur mobilisation stratĂ©gique des nationalitĂ©s africaines

    EnquĂȘter en tant que Libanaise et ĂȘtre ethnicisĂ©e comme « autre » dans des milieux migratoires libanais en Afrique de l’Ouest

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    Il n’est pas rare que des chercheurs en sciences sociales Ă©prouvent des difficultĂ©s Ă  se faire accepter parmi leurs enquĂȘtĂ©s, mĂȘme lorsqu’ils maitrisent les principaux repĂšres culturels des milieux sociaux qu’ils Ă©tudient. Cet article relate l’expĂ©rience d’une chercheuse et anthropologue libanaise enquĂȘtant auprĂšs de populations libanaises en Afrique de l’Ouest, avec lesquelles elle entretient des relations familiales. Pensant initialement pouvoir revendiquer un statut de « native » parmi eux, elle dĂ©couvre Ă  son arrivĂ©e Ă  Ouagadougou, Ă  Abidjan et Ă  Dakar, que son assimilation aux groupes libanais locaux ne va pas de soi. Sur la base d’élĂ©ments physiques, comportementaux et sociaux, ses interlocuteurs l’ethnicisent comme « autre » – marocaine, Ă©gyptienne ou française, en particulier – et lui apposent un label « d’outsider ». Les circonstances et contextes de ce terrain d’étude soulĂšvent des questions d’ordre mĂ©thodologique. La proximitĂ© culturelle qui lĂ©gitimait intellectuellement l’approche de la chercheuse se heurte sur le terrain Ă  des mĂ©canismes de distanciation entretenus par les enquĂȘtĂ©s. Ceux-ci prennent la forme de nĂ©gociations et de redĂ©finitions des identitĂ©s ethniques et culturelles, affectant Ă  terme aussi bien la chercheuse que son sujet de recherche.It is common for researchers in social sciences to experience difficulties and obstacles when trying to gain access to their fieldwork and attain acceptance by the participants of their research. This happens even when they have an intimate knowledge of the main cultural dynamics within the social circles they study. This article analyses the experience of a Lebanese anthropologist investigating Lebanese people in West Africa, with whom she has family ties. She thought initially that she could claim "native" status, but discovered upon her arrival in Ouagadougou, Abidjan and Dakar that belonging to these social circles was far from self-evident. Because of physical, behavioral and social differences, her Lebanese respondents ethnicized her as "different" – mainly as a Moroccan or a French woman – labeling her as an "outsider". The circumstances and contexts of this fieldwork raise a methodological issue. Cultural proximity – which intellectually legitimated the anthropologist’s approach – has been challenged by mechanisms of distinction maintained by the participants of the research. This has given rise to negotiations and redefinitions of ethnic and cultural identities, which have ultimately affected the researcher as well as the participants of her research

    Benjamin Rubbers, Faire fortune en Afrique. Anthropologie des derniers colons du Katanga

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    La colonisation, en tant que processus d’expansion territoriale des nations europĂ©ennes en Afrique, combine deux modalitĂ©s. D’une part, elle prend la forme d’un projet politique d’exploitation Ă©conomique qui implique la prĂ©sence d’une structure administrative et militaire. D’autre part, elle prend sens dans le rapport de domination et de subordination sociale entre les diffĂ©rents groupes d’individus qui composent la sociĂ©té : c’est la relation coloniale. Ce dernier aspect — peu abordĂ© par la ..

    The effect of mode of transport on intra-individual variability in glycaemic and insulinaemic response testing

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    The effect of light to moderate intensity exercise, such as that used as a mode of transport, on glycaemic response (GR) testing is unclear. The aim was to investigate the effect of acute exercise (walking and cycling) simulated to act as a mode of transport, prior to GR testing on the intra-individual variability of blood glucose and insulin. Eleven male participants visited the laboratory four times. Initially they undertook a VO2max and two submaximal exercise tests. For the other three visits they either rested (25 min), cycled or walked 5km followed by a two hour GR test after consuming a glucose drink (50g available carbohydrate). The mean CV of each transport group was below the International Organisation for Standardisation cut off of 30%. The highest mean coefficient of variation (CV) of glucose area under the curve (GAUC) was between the rest and walking trials (30%) followed by walking and cycling (26%). For insulin AUC (IAUC) the highest mean CV was between walking and cycling (28%) followed by rest and walking (24%). The lowest GAUC and IAUC were between rest and cycling (25% and 14%, respectively). The current study also did not find differences (p >.05) between the conditions for GAUC (rest: 134.5 ± 104.6; walking: 115.5 ± 71.7; cycling: 142.5 ± 75 mmol·120min·L-1) and IAUC (rest: 19.45 ± 9.12; walking: 16.49 ± 8.42; cycling: 18.55 ± 9.23 ”mol·120min·mL-1). The results indicate no difference between the tests undertaken however further research should ensure the inclusion of two rest conditions

    Artigo : da tékhne grammatiké aos dias de hoje

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. JosĂ© Borges NetoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ParanĂĄ, Setor de CiĂȘncias Humanas, Programa de PĂłs-Graduação em Letras. Defesa: Curitiba, 27/10/2014Inclui bibliografiaÁrea de concentração: Estudos linguĂ­sticosResumo: A dissertação de mestrado "Artigo: da TĂ©khne GrammatikĂ© aos dias de hoje" propĂ”e-se a fazer uma descrição do percurso histĂłrico da classe de palavras "artigo". Nesse sentido, o objetivo da dissertação Ă© identificar a presença desta classe de palavras em gramĂĄticas ao longo da histĂłria, partindo daquela que Ă© considerada, por muitos, a primeira gramĂĄtica publicada – a TĂ©khne GrammatikĂ© escrita por DionĂ­sio TrĂĄcio – que veio a pĂșblico no sĂ©culo I antes de Cristo. SerĂŁo analisados e estudados os recursos e processos utilizados na representação e definição do artigo retratado nesta gramĂĄtica, bem como serĂĄ feito um mapeamento histĂłrico desta definição ao longo do tempo. Seguindo pela GramĂĄtica de la lengua castellana – de Antonio de Nebrija, a primeira a tratar de uma lĂ­ngua romĂąnica, publicada no ano de 1492. Em todas as gramĂĄticas analisadas na dissertação serĂŁo debatidas as estratĂ©gias discursivas dos autores no processo de descrição e definição do artigo. Para tanto, serĂŁo feitas as seguintes leituras: JoĂŁo de Barros (sĂ©c. XVI), Amaro de Roboredo (sĂ©c. XVII), JerĂłnymo Contador de Argote (sĂ©c. XVIII), AntĂłnio dos Reis Lobato (sĂ©c. XVIII), JerĂłnimo Soares Barbosa (sĂ©c. XIX) e Ernesto Carneiro Ribeiro (sĂ©c. XIX - Brasil). TambĂ©m serĂĄ vista a GramĂĄtica de Port Royal que –embora seja da lĂ­ngua francesa – tem importante influĂȘncia em gramĂĄticos portugueses e brasileiros. AlĂ©m disso, serĂŁo discutidas gramĂĄticas do sĂ©culo XX, como a de Eduardo Carlos Pereira de 1907, a gramĂĄtica de Celso Cunha e Lindley Cintra, de 1985, e, finalmente, a GramĂĄtica pedagĂłgica do portuguĂȘs brasileiro de Marcos Bagno, de 2011. Todas estas obras serĂŁo analisadas, tendo como eixo central a representação do artigo dentro de suas lĂ­nguas de referĂȘncia – o portuguĂȘs, o grego e o castelhano, para, finalmente, estabelecer seu percurso histĂłrico e, entĂŁo, uma discussĂŁo acerca de suas definiçÔes contemplando suas semelhanças e diferenças presentes nos vĂĄrios autores selecionados. Palavras-chave: linguĂ­stica-histĂłrica, gramĂĄtica, artigo.Abstract: The master’s dissertation "Artigo: da TĂ©khne GrammatikĂ© aos dias de hoje" it is proposed to make a description of the historical background of the word class " article". In this sense, the dissertation’s objective is to identify the presence of that word class in several grammars throughout history departing from what is regarded by many as the first published grammar – the TĂ©khne GrammatikĂ© writer by DionĂ­sio TrĂĄcio – that went public in the first century BC. Resources and processes will be analyzed and studied used in the representation and definition in Article portrayed in this grammar and will be a historical mapping of this definition over time. Following by GramĂĄtica de la lengua castellana – from Antonio de Nebrija, the first one to work whit a romantic language, published in 1492. In all grammars analyzed in the dissertation will be discussed the discursive strategies of the authors in the process description and definition in Article. The following readings will be made: JoĂŁo de Barros (century. XVI), Amaro de Roboredo (century. XVII), JerĂłnymo Contador de Argote (century. XVIII), AntĂłnio dos Reis Lobato (century. XVIII), JerĂłnimo Soares Barbosa (century. XIX) and Ernesto Carneiro Ribeiro (century. XIX - Brazil). the Port Royal Grammar will also be visited that – although the French language – has an important influence on Portuguese and Brazilian grammarians. In addition, grammars of the twentieth century will be discussed as the grammar of Eduardo Carlos Pereira 1907, the grammar of Celso Cunha and Lindley Cintra, 1985, and finally the pedagogical grammar of Brazilian Portuguese Marcos Bagno, 2011. All these works will be analyzed , with the central axis of representation as the article within their reference languages - Portuguese, Greek and Spanish, to finally establish their evolution and, finaly, a discussion of the definitions contemplating their similarities and differences present in the various selected authors. Key-words: historical-linguistics, gammar, article
