1,724 research outputs found

    Sigma-terms and axial charges for hyperons and charmed baryons

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    We present results for the σ\sigma-terms and axial charges for various hyperons and charmed baryons using Nf=2+1+1N_f=2+1+1 twisted mass fermions. For the computation of the three-point function we use the fixed current method. For one of the Nf=2+1+1N_f=2+1+1 ensembles with pion mass of 373 MeV we compare the results of the fixed current method with those obtained with a stochastic method for computing the all-to-all propagator involved in the evaluation of the three point functions.Comment: Talk presented at 31st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory LATTICE 2013, July 29 - August 3, 2013, Mainz, Germany, PoS(LATTICE 2013)279. 7 pages and6 figure

    Gekeimte Samen als Futtermittel - Analytik

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    Bis August 2005 dürfen im ökologischen Landbau, wenn eine ausschließliche Versorgung mit ökologischen Futtermitteln nicht möglich ist, im begrenzten Umfang konventionelle zugesetzt werden. Für den Zeitraum danach ist zu klären, ob eine ausreichende Nährstoff- und Eiweißversorgung über den Einsatz von Getreidekeimlingen gewährleistet werden kann. Die während des Keimprozesses bei Getreide auftretenden Veränderungen der für die Fütterung relevanten Inhaltsstoffe wurden untersucht. Die Keimung erfolgte sowohl unter optimierten Bedingungen in Feuchtekammern als auch unter praxisrelevanten Bedingungen in Schalen und im Keimautomat. Dabei zeigte sich, dass mit beginnender Keimung sprunghafte Veränderungen im Enzymstatus nachweisbar sind, während stoffliche Veränderungen später einsetzen und langsamer verlaufen. Das stärkeabbauende Enzym a-Amylase konnte als sensibler Indikator für den Keimungsfortschritt verwendet werden. Während der Keimung stiegen die Aktivitäten der stärkeabbauenden Enzyme und der Stärkegehalt wurde reduziert. Erwartungsgemäß stiegen die Zuckergehalte. Bei unverändertem Rohstickstoffgehalt kam es zu einer Abnahme des Proteinstickstoffgehaltes zu Gunsten der freien Aminosäuren. Der Rohfettgehalt stieg und es erhöhte sich der Gehalt an mehrfach ungesättigten Fettsäuren. Von den Aminosäuren erhöhte sich während der Keimung besonders der Gehalt von Lysin. Die deutlichsten Veränderungen durch die Keimung wurden bei den Vitaminen beobachtet. Von den 8 untersuchten Vitaminen A, B1, B2, B6, C, D3, E und K1 stiegen 6 deutlich an. Bemerkenswert war die Verringerung der Viskosität in Roggenkeimlingen, wodurch der Einsatz dieser Getreideart in der Fütterung interessant wird. Erwähnenswert ist, dass die Phytinsäure, die die Verdaulichkeit des Futters beeinträchtigt, während der Keimung stark abnimmt. Aus ernährungsphysiologischer Sicht treten vorteilhafte Veränderungen während der Keimung auf, die zu einer Verbesserung des Futterwertes beitragen


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    Kabupaten Kepulauan Yapen merupakan Kabupaten yang dahulunya di mekarkan dari Kabupaten Kepulauan Yapen Waropen dan saat ini sedang giat-giatnya membenahi dan meningkatkan sarana infrastruktur yang ada terutama di ibukota Serui. Kabupaten Kep. Yapen merupakan daerah yang sangat tergantung pada transportasi udara untuk kegiatan perekonomiannya, khususnya untuk sektor pariwisata. Bandar udara Stevanus Rumbewas merupakan bandara utama di kabupaten ini yang memiliki panjang runway 1200m x 30m, luas terminal 120m2, luas halaman parkir 4800m2 belum cukup memadai untuk memenuhi kebutuhan daerah ini. Untuk menunjang pertumbuhan aktifitas disektor pariwisata, maka Bandar udaranya harus didukung dengan penyediaan fasilitas-fasilitas penunjang transportasi, misalnya pengembangan Bandar udara.Dalam merencanakan pengembangan suatu bandar udara harus memperkirakan arus lalu lintas di masa yang akan datang. Dengan menganalisa data lima tahun jumlah penumpang, bagasi dan cargo menggunakan analisa regresi dapat diramalkan arus lalu lintas dimasa yang akan datang sehingga pengembangan bandar udara diaggap perlu dilakukan. Data-data yang digunakan sebagai acuan perencanaan pengembangan bandara didasarkan pada data-data primer yang diperoleh dari bandara seperti data klimatologi, data karakteristik pesawat, data tanah, keadaan Topografi dan data existing lainnya dibandara.Untuk pengembangan bandar udara Stevanus Rumbewas yang akan direncanakan adalah Runway, Taxiway, Apron, Terminal penumpang, Gudang dan Parkir kendaraan.  Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan yang mengacu pada standar Internasional Civil Aviation organization (ICAO) dengan pesawat rencana ATR 72-600 maka dibutuhkan panjang landasan 1.600 meter lebar 30 meter dan jarak antara sumbu landasan pacu dan sumbu landasan hubung adalah 175 meter lebar total taxiway 25 meter dengan tebal perkerasan lentur 43 Cm, luas apron 121 × 72 = 8712 m2, tebal perkerasan rigid pada apron Metode Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) = 20 Cm sedangkan dengan metode Portland Cemen Asosiation (PCA) = 18 Cm, luas terminal penumpang 2475 m2, luas gudang 375m2 dan luas pelataran parkir 76584 m2.  Kata kunci: Kabupaten Kepulauan Yapen, Pengembangan Bandar Udara, Runway, Taxiway, Apron

    Triton calculations with π\pi and ρ\rho exchange three-nucleon forces

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    The Faddeev equations are solved in momentum space for the trinucleon bound state with the new Tucson-Melbourne π\pi and ρ\rho exchange three-nucleon potentials. The three-nucleon potentials are combined with a variety of realistic two-nucleon potentials. The dependence of the triton binding energy on the πNN\pi NN cut-off parameter in the three-nucleon potentials is studied and found to be reduced compared to the case with pure π\pi exchange. The ρ\rho exchange parts of the three-nucleon potential yield an overall repulsive effect. When the recommended parameters are employed, the calculated triton binding energy turns out to be very close to its experimental value. Expectation values of various components of the three-nucleon potential are given to illustrate their significance for binding.Comment: 17 pages Revtex 3.0, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Del Pezzo surfaces of degree 1 and jacobians

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    We construct absolutely simple jacobians of non-hyperelliptic genus 4 curves, using Del Pezzo surfaces of degree 1. This paper is a natural continuation of author's paper math.AG/0405156.Comment: 24 page

    Modular and predictable assembly of porous organic molecular crystals

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    Nanoporous molecular frameworks are important in applications such as separation, storage and catalysis. Empirical rules exist for their assembly but it is still challenging to place and segregate functionality in three-dimensional porous solids in a predictable way. Indeed, recent studies of mixed crystalline frameworks suggest a preference for the statistical distribution of functionalities throughout the pores rather than, for example, the functional group localization found in the reactive sites of enzymes. This is a potential limitation for 'one-pot' chemical syntheses of porous frameworks from simple starting materials. An alternative strategy is to prepare porous solids from synthetically preorganized molecular pores. In principle, functional organic pore modules could be covalently prefabricated and then assembled to produce materials with specific properties. However, this vision of mix-and-match assembly is far from being realized, not least because of the challenge in reliably predicting three-dimensional structures for molecular crystals, which lack the strong directional bonding found in networks. Here we show that highly porous crystalline solids can be produced by mixing different organic cage modules that self-assemble by means of chiral recognition. The structures of the resulting materials can be predicted computationally, allowing in silico materials design strategies. The constituent pore modules are synthesized in high yields on gram scales in a one-step reaction. Assembly of the porous co-crystals is as simple as combining the modules in solution and removing the solvent. In some cases, the chiral recognition between modules can be exploited to produce porous organic nanoparticles. We show that the method is valid for four different cage modules and can in principle be generalized in a computationally predictable manner based on a lock-and-key assembly between modules

    How To Perform Meaningful Estimates of Genetic Effects

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    Although the genotype-phenotype map plays a central role both in Quantitative and Evolutionary Genetics, the formalization of a completely general and satisfactory model of genetic effects, particularly accounting for epistasis, remains a theoretical challenge. Here, we use a two-locus genetic system in simulated populations with epistasis to show the convenience of using a recently developed model, NOIA, to perform estimates of genetic effects and the decomposition of the genetic variance that are orthogonal even under deviations from the Hardy-Weinberg proportions. We develop the theory for how to use this model in interval mapping of quantitative trait loci using Halley-Knott regressions, and we analyze a real data set to illustrate the advantage of using this approach in practice. In this example, we show that departures from the Hardy-Weinberg proportions that are expected by sampling alone substantially alter the orthogonal estimates of genetic effects when other statistical models, like F2 or G2A, are used instead of NOIA. Finally, for the first time from real data, we provide estimates of functional genetic effects as sets of effects of natural allele substitutions in a particular genotype, which enriches the debate on the interpretation of genetic effects as implemented both in functional and in statistical models. We also discuss further implementations leading to a completely general genotype-phenotype map

    Maternal feeding practices and fussy eating in toddlerhood: A discordant twin analysis

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    Background: Parental feeding practices are thought to play a causal role in shaping a child's fussiness; however, a child-responsive model suggests that feeding practices may develop in response to a child's emerging appetitive characteristics. We used a novel twin study design to test the hypothesis that mothers vary their feeding practices for twin children who differ in their 'food fussiness', in support of a child-responsive model. Methods: Participants were mothers and their 16 month old twin children (n=2026) from Gemini, a British twin birth cohort of children born in 2007. Standardized psychometric measures of maternal 'pressure to eat', 'restriction' and 'instrumental feeding', as well as child 'food fussiness', were completed by mothers. Within-family analyses examined if twin-pair differences in 'food fussiness' were associated with differences in feeding practices using linear regression models. In a subset of twins (n=247 pairs) who were the most discordant (highest quartile) on 'food fussiness' (difference score≥.50), Paired Samples T-test were used to explore the magnitude of differences in feeding practices between twins. Between-family analyses used Complex Samples General Linear Models to examine associations between feeding practices and 'food fussiness'. Results: Within-pair differences in 'food fussiness' were associated with differential 'pressure to eat' and 'instrumental feeding' (ps<.001), but not with 'restriction'. In the subset of twins most discordant on 'food fussiness', mothers used more pressure (p<.001) and food rewards (p<.05) with the fussier twin. Between-family analyses indicated that 'pressure to eat' and 'instrumental feeding' were positively associated with 'food fussiness', while 'restriction' was negatively associated with 'food fussiness' (ps<.001). Conclusions: Mothers appear to subtly adjust their feeding practices according to their perceptions of their toddler's emerging fussy eating behavior. Specifically, the fussier toddler is pressured more than their less fussy co-twin, and is more likely to be offered food rewards. Guiding parents on how to respond to fussy eating may be an important aspect of promoting feeding practices that encourage food acceptance

    Acupuncture for sequelae of Bell's palsy: a randomized controlled trial protocol

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>Incomplete recovery from facial palsy has a long-term impact on the quality of life, and medical options for the sequelae of Bell's palsy are limited. Invasive treatments and physiotherapy have been employed to relieve symptoms, but there is limited clinical evidence for their effectiveness. Acupuncture is widely used on Bell's palsy patients in East Asia, but there is insufficient evidence for its effectiveness on Bell's palsy sequelae. The objective is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of acupuncture in patients with sequelae of Bell's palsy.</p> <p>Method/Design</p> <p>This study consists of a randomized controlled trial with two parallel arms: an acupuncture group and a waitlist group. The acupuncture group will receive acupuncture treatment three times per week for a total of 24 sessions over 8 weeks. Participants in the waitlist group will not receive any acupuncture treatments during this 8 week period, but they will participate in the evaluations of symptoms at the start of the study, at 5 weeks and at 8 weeks after randomization, at which point the same treatment as the acupuncture group will be provided. The primary outcome will be analyzed by the change in the Facial Disability Index (FDI) from baseline to week eight. The secondary outcome measures will include FDI from baseline to week five, House-Brackmann Grade, lip mobility, and stiffness scales.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Current Controlled-Trials <a href="http://www.controlled-trials.com/ISRCTN43104115">ISRCTN43104115</a>; registration date: 06 July 2010; the date of the first patient's randomization: 04 August 2010</p

    Production of Medical Radioisotopes with High Specific Activity in Photonuclear Reactions with γ\gamma Beams of High Intensity and Large Brilliance

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    We study the production of radioisotopes for nuclear medicine in (γ,xn+yp)(\gamma,x{\rm n}+y{\rm p}) photonuclear reactions or (γ,γ\gamma,\gamma') photoexcitation reactions with high flux [(1013101510^{13}-10^{15})γ\gamma/s], small diameter (100μ\sim (100 \, \mum)2)^2 and small band width (ΔE/E103104\Delta E/E \approx 10^{-3}-10^{-4}) γ\gamma beams produced by Compton back-scattering of laser light from relativistic brilliant electron beams. We compare them to (ion,xxn+y + yp) reactions with (ion=p,d,α\alpha) from particle accelerators like cyclotrons and (n,γ\gamma) or (n,f) reactions from nuclear reactors. For photonuclear reactions with a narrow γ\gamma beam the energy deposition in the target can be managed by using a stack of thin target foils or wires, hence avoiding direct stopping of the Compton and pair electrons (positrons). (γ,γ)(\gamma,\gamma') isomer production via specially selected γ\gamma cascades allows to produce high specific activity in multiple excitations, where no back-pumping of the isomer to the ground state occurs. We discuss in detail many specific radioisotopes for diagnostics and therapy applications. Photonuclear reactions with γ\gamma beams allow to produce certain radioisotopes, e.g. 47^{47}Sc, 44^{44}Ti, 67^{67}Cu, 103^{103}Pd, 117m^{117m}Sn, 169^{169}Er, 195m^{195m}Pt or 225^{225}Ac, with higher specific activity and/or more economically than with classical methods. This will open the way for completely new clinical applications of radioisotopes. For example 195m^{195m}Pt could be used to verify the patient's response to chemotherapy with platinum compounds before a complete treatment is performed. Also innovative isotopes like 47^{47}Sc, 67^{67}Cu and 225^{225}Ac could be produced for the first time in sufficient quantities for large-scale application in targeted radionuclide therapy.Comment: submitted to Appl. Phys.