188 research outputs found

    Purification and characterization of mammalian integrins expressed by a rat neuronal cell line (PC12): evidence that they function as alpha/beta heterodimeric receptors for laminin and type IV collagen.

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    Cells of the rat neuronal line, PC12, adhere well to substrates coated with laminin and type IV collagen, but attach poorly to fibronectin. Adhesion and neurite extension in response to these extracellular matrix proteins are inhibited by Fab fragments of an antiserum (anti-ECMR) that recognizes PC12 cell surface integrin subunits of Mr 120,000, 140,000, and 180,000 (Tomaselli, K. J., C. H. Damsky, and L. F. Reichardt. 1987. J. Cell Biol. 105:2347-2358). Here we extend our study of integrin structure and function in PC12 cells using integrin subunit-specific antibodies prepared against synthetic peptides corresponding to the cytoplasmic domains of the human integrin beta 1 and the fibronectin receptor alpha (alpha FN) subunits. Anti-integrin beta 1 immunoprecipitated a 120-kD beta 1 subunit and two noncovalently associated integrin alpha subunits of 140 and 180 kD from detergent extracts of surface-labeled PC12 cells. Immunodepletion studies using anti-integrin beta 1 demonstrated that these two putative alpha/beta heterodimers are identical to those recognized by the adhesion-perturbing ECMR antiserum. Anti-alpha FN immunoprecipitated fibronectin receptor heterodimers in human and rat fibroblastic cells, but not in PC12 cells. Thus, low levels of expression of the integrin alpha FN subunit can explain the poor attachment of PC12 cells to FN. The PC12 cell integrins were purified using a combination of lectin and ECMR antibody affinity chromatography. The purified integrins: (a) completely neutralize the ability of the anti-ECMR serum to inhibit PC12 cell adhesion to laminin and collagen IV; (b) have hydrodynamic properties that are very similar to those of previously characterized integrin alpha/beta heterodimeric receptors for ECM proteins; and (c) can be incorporated into phosphatidylcholine vesicles that then bind specifically to substrates coated with laminin or collagen IV but not fibronectin. Thus, the ligand-binding specificity of the liposomes containing the purified PC12 integrins closely parallels the substrate-binding preference of intact PC12 cells. These results demonstrate that mammalian integrins purified from a neuronal cell line can, when incorporated into lipid vesicles, function as receptors for laminin and type IV collagen

    The alpha 1/beta 1 and alpha 6/beta 1 integrin heterodimers mediate cell attachment to distinct sites on laminin.

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    This study was undertaken to determine the roles of individual alpha/beta 1 integrin heterodimers in promoting cellular interactions with the different attachment-promoting domains of laminin (LN). To do this, antibodies to the integrin beta 1 subunit or to specific integrin alpha subunits were tested for effects on cell attachment to LN, to elastase fragments E1-4 and E1, derived from the short arms and core of LN's cruciform structure, and to fragment E8 derived from the long arm of this structure. The human JAR choriocarcinoma cells used in this study attached to LN and to fragments E1 and E8. Attachment to E1-4 required a much higher substrate coating concentration, suggesting that it is a poor substrate for JAR cell attachment. The ability of cells to attach to different LN domains suggested the presence of more than one LN receptor. These multiple LN receptors were shown to be beta 1 integrin heterodimers because antibodies to the integrin beta 1 subunit inhibited attachment of JAR cells to LN and its three fragments. To identify the individual integrin alpha/beta 1 heterodimers that mediate interactions with these LN domains, mAbs specific for individual beta 1 heterodimers in human cells were used to study JAR cell interactions with LN and its fragments. An anti-alpha 6/beta 1-specific mAb, GoH3, virtually eliminated cell attachment to E8 and partially inhibited attachment to E1 and intact LN. Thus the major alpha 6/beta 1 attachment domain is present in fragment E8. An alpha 1/beta 1-specific mAb (S2G3) strongly inhibited cell attachment to collagen IV and partially inhibited JAR attachment to LN fragment E1. Thus, the alpha 1/beta 1 heterodimer is a dual receptor for collagen IV and LN, interacting with LN at a site in fragment E1. In combination, the anti-alpha 1- and anti-alpha 6-specific antibodies completely inhibited JAR cell attachment to LN and fragment E1. Thus, the alpha 1/beta 1 and alpha 6/beta 1 integrin heterodimers each function as LN receptors and act together to mediate the interactions of human JAR choriocarcinoma cells with LN

    Phonon-Metamorphosis in Ferromagnetic Manganite Films: Probing the Evolution of an Inhomogeneous State

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    The analysis of phonon anomalies provides valuable information about the cooperative dynamics of lattice, spin and charge degrees of freedom. Significant is the anomalous temperature dependence of the external modes observed in La2/3_{2/3}Sr1/3_{1/3}MnO3_{3} (LSMO) films. The two external modes merge close to the ferromagnetic to paramagnetic transition at TCT_C and, moreover, two new modes evolve in this temperature range with strong resonances at slightly higher frequencies. We propose that this observed phonon metamorphosis probes the inhomogeneous Jahn-Teller distortion, manifest on the temperature scale TCT_C. The analysis is based on the first observation of all eight phonon modes in the metallic phase of LSMO and on susceptibility measurements which identify a Griffiths-like phase.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Polaronic excitations in CMR manganite films

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    In the colossal magnetoresistance manganites polarons have been proposed as the charge carrier state which localizes across the metal-insulator transition. The character of the polarons is still under debate. We present an assessment of measurements which identify polarons in the metallic state of La{2/3}Sr{1/3}MnO{3} (LSMO) and La{2/3}Ca{1/3}MnO{3} (LCMO) thin films. We focus on optical spectroscopy in these films which displays a pronounced resonance in the mid-infrared. The temperature dependent resonance has been previously assigned to polaron excitations. These polaronic resonances are qualitatively distinct in LSMO and LCMO and we discuss large and small polaron scenarios which have been proposed so far. There is evidence for a large polaron excitation in LSMO and small polarons in LCMO. These scenarios are examined with respect to further experimental probes, specifically charge carrier mobility (Hall-effect measurements) and high-temperature dc-resistivity.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Spectroscopic investigation of the deeply buried Cu In,Ga S,Se 2 Mo interface in thin film solar cells

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    The Cu In,Ga S,Se 2 Mo interface in thin film solar cells has been investigated by surface sensitive photoelectron spectroscopy, bulk sensitive X ray emission spectroscopy, and atomic force microscopy. It is possible to access this deeply buried interface by using a suitable lift off technique, which allows to investigate the back side of the absorber layer as well as the front side of the Mo back contact. We find a layer of Mo S,Se 2 on the surface of the Mo back contact and a copper poor stoichiometry at the back side of the Cu In,Ga S,Se 2 absorber. Furthermore, we observe that the Na content at the Cu In,Ga S,Se 2 Mo interface as well as at the inner grain boundaries in the back contact region is significantly lower than at the absorber front surfac

    QUBIC: The QU Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology

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    One of the major challenges of modern cosmology is the detection of B-mode polarization anisotropies in the CMB. These originate from tensor fluctuations of the metric produced during the inflationary phase. Their detection would therefore constitute a major step towards understanding the primordial Universe. The expected level of these anisotropies is however so small that it requires a new generation of instruments with high sensitivity and extremely good control of systematic effects. We propose the QUBIC instrument based on the novel concept of bolometric interferometry, bringing together the sensitivity advantages of bolometric detectors with the systematics effects advantages of interferometry. Methods: The instrument will directly observe the sky through an array of entry horns whose signals will be combined together using an optical combiner. The whole set-up is located inside a cryostat. Polarization modulation will be achieved using a rotating half-wave plate and interference fringes will be imaged on two focal planes (separated by a polarizing grid) tiled with bolometers. We show that QUBIC can be considered as a synthetic imager, exactly similar to a usual imager but with a synthesized beam formed by the array of entry horns. Scanning the sky provides an additional modulation of the signal and improve the sky coverage shape. The usual techniques of map-making and power spectrum estimation can then be applied. We show that the sensitivity of such an instrument is comparable with that of an imager with the same number of horns. We anticipate a low level of beam-related systematics thanks to the fact that the synthesized beam is determined by the location of the primary horns. Other systematics should be under good control thanks to an autocalibration technique, specific to our concept, that will permit the accurate determination of most of the systematics parameters.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Radio emission from Supernova Remnants

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    The explosion of a supernova releases almost instantaneously about 10^51 ergs of mechanic energy, changing irreversibly the physical and chemical properties of large regions in the galaxies. The stellar ejecta, the nebula resulting from the powerful shock waves, and sometimes a compact stellar remnant, constitute a supernova remnant (SNR). They can radiate their energy across the whole electromagnetic spectrum, but the great majority are radio sources. Almost 70 years after the first detection of radio emission coming from a SNR, great progress has been achieved in the comprehension of their physical characteristics and evolution. We review the present knowledge of different aspects of radio remnants, focusing on sources of the Milky Way and the Magellanic Clouds, where the SNRs can be spatially resolved. We present a brief overview of theoretical background, analyze morphology and polarization properties, and review and critical discuss different methods applied to determine the radio spectrum and distances. The consequences of the interaction between the SNR shocks and the surrounding medium are examined, including the question of whether SNRs can trigger the formation of new stars. Cases of multispectral comparison are presented. A section is devoted to reviewing recent results of radio SNRs in the Magellanic Clouds, with particular emphasis on the radio properties of SN 1987A, an ideal laboratory to investigate dynamical evolution of an SNR in near real time. The review concludes with a summary of issues on radio SNRs that deserve further study, and analyzing the prospects for future research with the latest generation radio telescopes.Comment: Revised version. 48 pages, 15 figure

    Vinflunine: a new active drug for second-line treatment of advanced breast cancer. Results of a phase II and pharmacokinetic study in patients progressing after first-line anthracycline/taxane-based chemotherapy

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    To evaluate the single agent activity, pharmacokinetics and tolerability of the novel tubulin targeted agent vinflunine (VFL) (320 mg m−2 q 21 days) as second-line chemotherapy in patients with metastatic breast carcinoma (MBC). All patients had disease progression after anthracycline/taxane (A/T) therapy. They could have received a nonanthracycline adjuvant treatment and subsequently received a first-line A/T combination for advanced/metastatic disease; or relapsed >6 months after completion of adjuvant A/T therapy and were subsequently treated with the alternative agent; or relapsed within 6 months from an adjuvant A/T combination. Objective response was documented in 18 of 60 patients enrolled (RR: 30% (95% confidence interval (CI): 18.9–43.2%)). Among the responders, seven patients had relapsed during a period of <3 months from taxane-based regimen yielding a RR of 33.3%. The median duration of response was 4.8 months (95% CI: 4.2–7.2), median progression-free survival was 3.7 months (95% CI: 2.8–4.2) and median overall survival was 14.3 months (95% CI: 9.2–19.6). The most frequent adverse event was neutropenia (grade 3 in 28.3% and grade 4 in 36.7% of patients). No febrile neutropenia was observed. Fatigue (grade 3 in 16.7% of patients) and constipation (grade 3 in 11.7% of patients) were also common; these were non-cumulative and manageable permitting achievement of a good relative dose intensity of 93.5%. Vinflunine is an active agent with acceptable tolerance in the management of MBC patients previously treated with (A/T)-based regimens. These encouraging phase II results warrant further investigation of this novel agent in combination with other active agents in this setting or in earlier stages of disease