7 research outputs found
Gestionnaire parfois destructif, parfois constructif, mythe ou réalité? : étude des amalgames de leadership destructif et constructif et de leurs relations avec l’épanouissement au travail et l’habilitation comportementale
La documentation scientifique s’intéresse généralement aux formes de leadership destructif et constructif et à leurs conséquences de façon isolée. Ainsi, peu d’attention a été portée au positionnement des comportements destructifs par rapport aux comportements constructifs. Or, l’étude de leur amalgame s’avère importante dans le contexte où un gestionnaire étant perçu à la fois comme une source de stress et de soutien pourrait être plus délétère pour ses employés qu’un gestionnaire étant plus clairement perçu comme une source de stress. Ce phénomène nommé exacerbation intra-source soutient qu’un un profil de leadership caractérisé par l’utilisation conjointe de comportements destructifs et constructifs serait plus délétère pour le bien-être et la performance des employés, qu’un profil plus clairement destructif. Ce phénomène serait théoriquement expliqué par la perception d’incertitude des comportements du gestionnaire. Cette thèse propose à travers deux articles d’examiner les amalgames de comportements de leadership destructif et constructif présentés par les gestionnaires et leurs liens avec l’épanouissement au travail et l’habilitation comportementale des employés, des indicateurs de bien-être et de performance. Elle propose aussi de vérifier si ces amalgames sont liés à la perception d’incertitude des comportements du gestionnaire.
Le premier article vérifie les combinaisons de leadership tyrannique et transformationnel perçues par 2104 employés d’une organisation policière. Les résultats montrent que les gestionnaires de cette organisation amalgament ces comportements et qu’un profil caractérisé par des niveaux légèrement sous la moyenne à la fois de de leadership tyrannique et de leadership transformationnel serait plus néfaste pour l’épanouissement et
l’habilitation comportementale des employés, qu’un profil de leadership plus clairement destructif ou un profil plus constructif.
Le second article élargit le champ de recherche en s’intéressant à un ensemble plus large de comportements représentatifs du spectre du leadership destructif-constructif. Les combinaisons de leadership et leur lien avec l’épanouissement, l’habilitation comportementale et l’incertitude des comportements du gestionnaire sont investigués par l’entremise des perceptions de 305 employés d’une organisation du secteur des ressources naturelles. Les résultats obtenus dans cette organisation soutiennent également que les gestionnaires amalgament des comportements destructifs et constructifs. Certains gestionnaires présentent un profil généralement constructif, mais caractérisé par plus de comportements destructifs, comparativement à d’autres ayant un profil plus clairement constructif. Un dernier profil de gestionnaires plus destructifs est observé et serait lié aux niveaux les plus faibles d’épanouissement et d’habilitation comportementale, ainsi que le plus élevé d’incertitude, ne soutenant pas la présence d’exacerbation intra-source. L’exacerbation intra-source est toutefois observée en présence de dyades spécifiques de comportements de leadership.
Cette thèse contribue à améliorer notre compréhension des combinaisons comportementales de leadership typiquement présentées par les gestionnaires. Elle contribue aussi à l’identification des conditions précises dans lesquelles l’exacerbation intra-source est élicitée dans le contexte du leadership. Ce phénomène serait uniquement observé sur l’épanouissement et l’habilitation comportementale en présence de dyades spécifiques de comportements destructifs et constructifs reposant sur le même mécanisme d’influence. Dans cette optique, seule une de ces dyades serait liée à la perception d’incertitude, ouvrant ainsi à la possibilité à l’existence de plus d’un mécanisme explicatif de l’exacerbation intra-source.The scientific literature generally focuses on forms of destructive and constructive leadership and their consequences in isolation. Little attention has been paid to the positioning of destructive behaviors in relation to constructive behaviors. However, the examination of their combinations is an important matter considering that a leader who is perceived as a source of stress and support could be more deleterious for his employees than a leader who is more clearly perceived as a source of stress. This phenomenon, called within-domain exacerbation, suggests that a leadership profile characterized by both destructive and constructive behaviors would be more deleterious for employees’ well-being and performance than one more clearly characterized by destructive behaviors. This phenomenon is theoretically explained by perception of the leader’s behaviors uncertainty. This thesis proposes through two articles to examine how leaders combine destructive and constructive behaviors and how these combinations are related with thriving at work and behavioral empowerment, respectively indicators of well-being and performance. It also proposes to verify if these combinations are related to perceptions of the leader’s behaviors uncertainty.
The first article examines combinations of petty tyranny and transformational leadership perceived by 2104 employees of a police organization. Results show that leaders of this organization do combine these behaviors and that a profile characterized by slightly below average levels of petty tyranny and transformational leadership appears to be more deleterious for employees thriving and behavioral empowerment, compared to a more clearly destructive profile and a more constructive profile.
The second article considers a broader set of behaviors representative of the destructive-constructive leadership spectrum. Combinations of leadership behaviors and their
relations with thriving, behavioral empowerment, and the leader’s behaviors uncertainty were investigated through the perception of 305 employees of an organization working in the natural resource industry. Results also show leaders of this organization do combine destructive and constructive behaviors. Some leaders present a generally constructive profile, but characterized by higher levels of destructive behaviors, compared to others who present a more clearly constructive profile. A destructive leadership profile was also observed and is related to the lowest levels of thriving and behaviors empowerment, and the highest level of uncertainty, not supporting the presence of within-domain exacerbation. However, within-domain exacerbation is observed in the presence of specific dyadic combination of leadership behaviors.
This thesis contributes to improve our understanding of the leadership profiles typically presented by leaders. It also contributes to the identification of the precise conditions under which within-domain exacerbation is elicited when leadership behaviors are considered. This phenomenon is only observed on thriving at work and behavioral empowerment when leaders present a specific dyadic combination of destructive and constructive behaviors which rely on the same influence mechanism. Moreover, only one of these specific combinations is related to perception of uncertainty, suggesting more than one mechanism could underpin within-domain exacerbation
The Role of Passion and Achievement Goals in Optimal Functioning in Sports
This study aimed to test the role of passion in the cognitive goals pursued in sport and the level of Optimal Functioning in Society (OFIS) derived from such sport engagement. A total of 184 competitive water polo and synchronized swimming athletes completed a questionnaire assessing their passion for their sport, achievement goals, and various scales assessing their level of OFIS (e.g., subjective well-being, relationship with their coach, sport performance, and intentions to continue in sport). It was hypothesized that harmonious passion (HP) would be positively associated with mastery goals while obsessive passion (OP) would be positively associated with mastery, performance-approach, and performance-avoidance goals. In turn, mastery goals were expected to positively lead to the four components of OFIS, whereas performance-approach and performance-avoidance goals should display less adaptive relationships with OFIS. The results of a path analysis generally supported the proposed model. As hypothesized, these findings suggest that HP leads to a more adaptive cognitive engagement in sport (than OP) that, in turn, fosters higher levels of optimal functioning
Who is successful in career development? A person-centered approach to the study of career orientation profiles
International audiencePurpose This research examined the presence of career orientation profiles by investigating how young workers combined protean career orientation attitudes, motivation to learn to develop one's career and an optimistic future perspective on their career. It explored how a differentiated endorsement of these attitudes and motivation (i.e. career orientation profiles) were associated with the adoption of multiple career-enhancing behaviors, namely proactive career behaviors (i.e. career planning, networking and skill development) and learning behaviors with technologies. Design/methodology/approach Latent profile analysis was conducted among young individuals starting their career (NÂ =Â 767) and found four distinct profiles. Findings The first profile revealed that 17.2% of workers in this sample were displaying low levels in protean career orientation, motivation to learn and optimistic future time perspective (profile 1). Two differentiated profiles showed either low levels of protean career orientation and high levels of motivation to learn (profile 2) or high levels of protean career attitudes and low levels of motivation to learn (profile 3). These profiles presented an average level of future time perspective and represented 13.8 and 40.6% of the sample. Finally, 28.4% of the sample showed high levels on all these variables (profile 4). Originality/value Only young workers who showed high levels on all these indicators also presented high levels of proactive behaviors and learning with technologies. The other three profiles were associated with suboptimal levels on these outcomes. Taken together, these results offer new insights into the psychological state of mind of workers most adapted to succeed in a modern career
The Combined Effects of Destructive and Constructive Leadership on Thriving at Work and Behavioral Empowerment
International audienceThis study investigates the within-domain exacerbation phenomenon in relation to employees' perception of their supervisors' leadership behaviors. This phenomenon proposes that exposure to supervisors relying on a combination of destructive leadership behaviors (DLB; operationalized as petty tyranny) and constructive leadership behaviors (CLB; operationalized as transformational leadership) should have more negative consequences on followers' levels of thriving and behavioral empowerment than exposure to supervisors relying more exclusively on DLB or CLB. This phenomenon was tested using a person-centered mixture regression approach with a sample of 2104 Canadian employees from a police organization. Three profiles of employees were identified, representing those exposed to Moderately Transformational (mostly CLB), Destructive (mostly DLB) and Inconsistent (CLB and DLB) supervisors. Members of the Inconsistent profile displayed the lowest levels of thriving and behavioral empowerment, followed by members of the Destructive profile, and finally by members of the Moderately Transformational profile. Results also suggest that the inability to determine if a supervisor is more destructive or constructive might explain the within-domain exacerbation phenomenon. Indeed, in the Inconsistent profile, leadership clarification seemed beneficial for employees. Increases in DLB resulted in a matching increase in empowered behaviors centered on the group and organization, while increases in CLB resulted in increases in thriving and empowered behaviors centered on individual performance
Quels sont les facteurs liés à l’émergence du leadership transformationnel ? Résultats d’une étude empirique
Très peu d’études ont porté sur les antécédents potentiels du leadership transformationnel, un type de leadership où le gestionnaire considère, stimule et inspire ses collaborateurs afin de catalyser leurs efforts dans la poursuite d’objectifs organisationnels. Cet article présente les résultats d’une étude qui a été réalisée auprès de 157 gestionnaires d’une organisation de sécurité publique et qui cherchait à explorer les antécédents personnels, contextuels et motivationnels du leadership transformationnel. Des corrélations bivariées et des analyses de régression nous ont permis d’identifier que des antécédents liés à la personnalité telle l’extraversion, des caractéristiques motivationnelles telles la vitalité au travail et des caractéristiques du contexte telles un climat d’innovation, ainsi que l’engagement du gestionnaire envers les collègues seraient liés à l’émergence du leadership transformationnel
On the nature, predictors, and outcomes of work passion profiles: A comparative study across samples of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australian employees
Based on the dualistic model of passion, we conducted person-centered analyses to assess how harmonious and obsessive passion for work combine within distinct profiles of employees and document the associations between these profiles and theoretically relevant predictors and outcomes. We also investigate whether the nature of these profiles, and their associations with predictors and outcomes, differs between samples of Australian Indigenous ( N = 591; 66.0% female, M age = 41.87) and non-Indigenous ( N = 605; 56.0% female, M age = 44.79) employees. Our results uncovered four profiles, which were replicated across both samples of employees: Harmonious Passion Dominant, Obsessive Passion Dominant, Mixed Passion-Obsessive Passion Dominant, and Low Passion. Role ambiguity and job overload were found to be related to employees’ likelihood of profile membership in a way that was similar across both samples. Finally, psychological well-being and resilience at work differed as a function of profile membership in a way that was replicated across samples. In addition to the theoretical implications for research on work passion, these results clearly highlight how work passion has highly similar implications for Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australian employees. JEL Classification: I3 Welfare, Well-Being, and Povert
The baby and the bathwater: On the need for substantive-methodological synergy in organizational research
The baby and the bathwater: on the need for substantive-methodological synergy in organizational researc