8 research outputs found

    Integración de las TIC y la competencia digitales en tiempo de pandemia Covid-19

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    El enfoque de esta investigación se basa en la búsqueda de resultados mediante test o ítems, su análisis es cuantitativo de corte transversal y secuencial según conveniencia que permite ser acotados y limitados las curvas obtenidas estadísticamente dentro de la investigación, todo esto se logra mediante las preguntas de las formulaciones del problema, hipótesis, y el objetivo de la investigación La siguiente investigación de tesis llamada integración de las TIC y las competencia digitales en tiempo de pandemia covid-19, realizado dicha investigación en la universidad UNTELS con estudiantes de ingenierías de los cursos de estudio generales, cuyo objetivo general fue determinar la relación que existe entre la integración de las TIC y la competencia digitales en tiempo de pandemia covid-19, obteniéndose como resultado de esta investigación en los estudiantes el Rho=0,761 muestran un alto grado de significancia, mostrándose en la investigación la incorporación de las nuevas tecnologías, como herramientas educativas dentro de su formación profesional, con respeto a los resultados obtenidos en la variable competencias digitales se muestra que el 86,9% muestran tener un alto conocimiento de nivel avanzado en las tecnologías producto de estos tiempo de pandemia donde se ve claramente que frente a la nueva forma de enseñar o recibir formación académica se hace mediante un computador o materiales tecnológicos que permiten realizar búsquedas de conocimiento en los estudiantes, como podemos observar también que en la variable de las competencia digitales el 9,5% muestran tener un nivel intermedio y el 3,6% un nivel básico de la cantidad de encuestados en la UNTELS

    Simulación de óptica física y geométrica usando el software del GeoGebra

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    El documento digital no refiere un asesorPublicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autorEl presente proyecto de monografía tiene como finalidad el impulsar, las técnicas de enseñanza del GeoGebra mediante su utilización en la óptica física y geométrica además de otras disciplinas en las que ya realiza su aplicación. La experiencia al manejar el programa resulta asombrosa, ya que permite visualizar desde el inicio de la construcción de los materiales de física y que en esta oportunidad orientado al campo de la óptica física y geométrica, donde se podrá simular las ondas electromagnéticas (O.E.M.), la descomposición de la luz sobre un prisma, la ley de Snell, lentes planos, lentes cóncavos, lentes convexo, lentes convergentes y lentes divergentes; mediante el uso de simulaciones con GeoGebra, las cuales serán de mucha ayuda en el desarrollo de las clases tanto al maestro como al alumno en la aplicación de este software dinámico reforzando un aprendizaje teórico y visual referente al comportamiento de la luz en medios como el aire, o medios con diferentes índices de refracción, donde se observará que la velocidad de la luz cambia según el medio por donde este atravesando.Trabajo de suficiencia profesiona

    Math Gamification and ICT for University Learning: Systematic Review Article

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    The integration of math gamification and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in learning has been a subject of growing interest. This approach seeks to improve student motivation and performance by transforming mathematics teaching into a more interactive and hands-on experience in university education. In this research the PRISMA method was used, 80,000 academic papers were systematically reviewed on ICT-supported math gamification in education whereof 79,994 academic papers corresponding to other fields were excluded, selecting and using at the end 55 articles to conduct this research. Studies were identified that explored the effectiveness of this combination at different educational levels, with a particular emphasis on higher education. The results highlight a significant increase in student engagement and motivation, as well as improvement in knowledge retention as shown in the figures and tables of this research. Instant ICT feedback and the application of digital educational games contributed to have a more active learning adapted to individual needs. Although the results are encouraging, challenges remain, such as the need for personalization and equity in ICT access. Continued research seeks to perfect these strategies maximizing the benefits of gamification and ICT, highlighting the importance of adapting to the diversity of learning styles in mathematics education

    Undamped, Damped and Forced Motion, Physical Simulation with the Geogebra Tool

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    Currently due to the pandemic situation that has affected the world community without distinction of languages, customs and creeds, technology was incorporated massively to achieve the continuity of progress in research, and development of culture and academic education, through this progress. As an introduction we can mention that this research is achieved by the need to do physics using other tools easy to manipulate with basic programming knowledge, likewise in the repositories there are many other studies that applied computationally the development of simulations of different physical phenomena. The method to use is the GeoGebra tools applying the basic syntax that is obtained by entering the equations in the input bar of the GeoGebra software already preset, being these equations calculated many times by students using differential equations, which obtains the solution equation dependent on mass and time, in this way the simulation, undamped, damped and forced motion are achieved, with the aim to show in this research that physics can be done using tools for academic use, due to this software is not exactly a research tool, but it can simulate phenomena that have already been shown in experimental and computational laboratories. The results obtained are very interesting since they present an originality in its simulation in an objective way showing dynamically the oscillation and the appearance of the functions that correspond to it in the development of the movement of the spring mass system

    Artificial Intelligence in Engineering and Computer Science Learning: Systematic Review Article

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    Until the present, the technology has made students and teachers to object in its use, the quick development of it in engineering has been possible by the appearance of the covid-19, the objective of this investigation is to respond to the following question: why engineering and computer science students would have to learn artificial intelligence? It can be said that the students learning of these disciplines study or develop competences like the creation of: A.I. in mechanics, robotics, biological sciences, physical sciences, etc., from where they could develop, such as the advanced neural networks. The method used for this research is the PRISMA which allowed through the keyword of A.I. and Computer Science in the database of Scopus, Wos, World Wide Science, Scielo, Dialnet, from where we then have a large number of research articles that will have to be filtered, having as a result in the first search 321 952 articles, which were then filtered at various times until reaching the number of 320 429 filtered articles leaving us with 37 of them related or linked to research on A.I. and computer science. In conclusion, A.I. applied by engineering schools of all specialties has granted the development for companies and technological contributions to the new digital culture. &nbsp

    Current Intensity Conductivity, Resistance and EMF in Electrical Circuit Systems Using Geogebra

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    The COVID 19 pandemic spread worldwide, having considerable consequences in education, interrupting learning and increasing the great challenge that exists in the educational culture of building learning and teaching experiences that impact the learning results of the students more educated, vulnerable and disadvantaged. To do this, it seeks to link theoretical learning with real life through the use of digital tools that solve problems in science learning. The method used is simulation, it has been chosen to simulate electrical conductivity, the flow of electrical charges from electrical resistance, resistivity and Ohm's law through GeoGebra and the link it has with JavaScript to perform a simulation totally dynamic. As a result, it was possible to build a simple and combined electrical circuit to obtain the passage of the flow of electrical charges through the circuit and the intensity of the electrical current; Combinations of resistivity and resistance connected to a power source that is fed with a potential difference. Demonstrating that the electric charges move generating the intensity of continuous electric current and that they vary due to the variation of the electric potential generated by the battery. Arriving at the discussion in front of other research works by simulation that with GeoGebra it is also possible to obtain good results, which contributes to understanding the difference in electrical potential through simulations that promote quality education, equitable and that produces relevant learning results to improve theoretical and practical knowledge that promotes sustainable development

    Digital Competences and Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: Systematic Review Article

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    It is observed that students and professors of the different existing universities in the world have the technological tools that would allow them to continuously carry out an education strengthened by the appropriate platforms with the necessary information to answer multiple questions and tasks, this research is a work of systematic review article. The method used was PRISMA, a very meticulous and rigorous written method performed in the structure for the construction of the research, the search for information was carried out in the following databases such as Scopus, Redalyc, SproQues, SciELO, obtaining 898,276 articles or academic papers in the entire search, excluding 898,218 and considering only 58 academic papers that were selected for the research; according to the academic works carried out in 10 years, the results shown an increasing way from year 2014 to 2023, showing a big change in 2021 corresponding to the use of the tools being more frequently in students of all educational levels, due to quarantines established by governments, being them the technological tools for a synchronous virtual education; digital skills are increasingly essential in today’s labor market. Owning these skills increases employability and career opportunities. In education, digital competences enable students to access to online learning resources, collaborate on digital projects, and adapt to online education environments. Digital competences facilitate online communication and collaboration, which is crucial in a globalized and connected world

    Self-Regulated Learning of Statistics and Tics Integration in University Students

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    The objective of the research was to determine the level of relationship between self-regulated learning of statistics and tics integration in university students. The methodology was non-experimental, quantitative, correlational, and cross-sectional, at a single point in time. A non-probabilistic, non-random, convenience sampling was used. Then, using the snowball technique, the instrument was applied to a total of 433 students, to whom a questionnaire validated with Cronbach’s alpha was applied as an instrument, with 39 questions on a Likert scale measuring the variables self-regulated learning and integration of information and communication technologies, with the dimensions: planning, self-regulation, self-assessment and proactive incorporation, motivation, and competences, respectively. It is concluded of the total inferential analysis, that there are significant differences in the average values of the analysis since planning is among the moderately high levels while in the other dimensions the values do not reach the total high value determined in the measurement scale, which indicates the need to instruct in this phase to improve the integration of self-regulated learning. Spearman’s correlation coefficient at a significance level of 0.01 shows a value of 0.828. These results allowed concluding that there is a positive and statistically significant relationship for the level of self-regulated learning and integration of information and communication technologies as variables. In addition, when analyzing the percentage levels as a result, it was obtained that in the self-planning dimension there is 82% in the advanced level, in the variable integration of information and communication technologies and its dimension proactive incorporation it was also reached in an advanced level 81.1%, likewise it can be mentioned that in the results it was obtained in the integration of information and communication technologies an advanced level of  81.1% which are the results of the virtual classes taken as a strategy in education and bringing strengths in the new approach to education